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Water pressure tank, submersible pump (C) InspectApedia Diagnose Water Tank Problem FAQs

Q&A on how to diagnose & fix a water tank

Water pressure tank or water storage tank diagnosis & repair questions & answers:

This article series describes how and why to diagnose problems right at the water tank in order to help distinguish among intermittent water pressure loss, total water pressure loss, and poor water pressure or flow in a building.

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FAQs on How to Diagnose & Fix Water Pressure Tank Problems

Replacement Ball Valve to fix leak at water pressure tank (C) Inspectapedia.comThe questions & answers about water tank diagnosis & repair were posted originally

at WATER TANK DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR - topic home. Please be sure to see the diganosis and repair advice given there.

On 2017-04-08 by (mod) - system pumps up to 50psi and then bleeds down to 45psi in half an hour.


Does the pressure drop STOP once the gauge says 45 psi? Could the gauge be debris clogged?

Air or pressure gauges used on water pressure tanks are standard and easily replaced. Any plumbing supplier has them.

Air valves - used for adding air to a tank, use a standard internal valve stem or core, but the valve itself may be customized to fit the tank depending on the tank type and model.

A steel bladderless pressure tank may use a conventional air valve (Schrader valve) that's available at any plumbing supplier.

A water pressure tank using an internal bladder may use a special rubber-based air valve that is supplied by the tank manufacturer and that might be replaceable.

On 2017-04-08 by Dave

My system pumps up to 50psi and then bleeds down to 45psi in a matter of half an hour. I looked for leaks and only found that the air valve on the storage tank show a small leak using soapy water.

Any clues? Where can I find a new air valve for my tank?

The storage tank should be empty when checking the charge. The charge should be 28psi.

On 2017-04-07 by (mod) - signs of a pump motor problem

Sounds to me like a pump motor problem, perhaps lack of water and overheating motor.

On 2017-04-07 02:47:37.455834 by Adam

It started around the same time it started raining?

On 2017-04-07 02:45:16.604060 by Adam

My holding tank is only running around 20lbs of pressure...If I turn the 30amp breaker off for a while and then back on it will rise to around 50 and slowly drop back down to 20. What is the problem?

On 2017-03-26 19:22:11.287125 by (mod)

How fast is "rapid cycling" or pump short cycling? good question.

IT depends on tank size, and more, on the water outflow or usage rate, and also the pump's pumping rate capacity in gpm for the whole system including total vertical lift, piping restrictions & distances.

If a pump, tank, piping, well are in perfect condition and the pump is cycling on and off for a moderate water flow usage rate such as someone running a bathroom sink faucet, then if the pump is turning on and off more often than every 30 seconds I'd want a larger pressure tank.

The pump manufacturers, are, however the final authority on this so you'll want to check with the company who makes your tank.

Certainly if a pump under any circumstances is turning on and off every few seconds or less, something's seriously wrong and the pump or its controls are likely to be damaged or to have a short life.

For pressure boosting pumps that do not use any pressure tank (the control that turns the pump on and off is built into the pump), the pump turns on as soon as a plumbing fixture is opened to run water and runs all the time water is being run.

Watch out: with tankless booster pumps: any small leak such as a running toilet or pinhole leak in a pipe may cause the pressure booster pump to cycle on and off more frequently than the manufacturer intends - risking damage to the pump.

On 2017-03-26 by Anonymous

I have a small pressure tank and expect that the pump will have to turn on and off, but when is it cycling too fast? How many seconds should it run before kicking off and then restarting?

On 2017-03-20 by (mod) - signs of a waterlogged pressure tank

The tank is probably waterlogged, or it's at zero pressure.

You might want to use the search box just above to search InspectApedia for WATER TANK AIR PRESSURE SETTING to find a helpful diagnose and repair sequence

On 2017-03-20 by John

I checked my air pressure of my pressure tank and no air came out , what is the problem.

On 2017-02-18 by (mod) - sudden loss of water pressure

Search InspectApedia for NO WATER PRESSURE to see some helpful diagnostic and repair steps, Jan

On 2017-02-17 by Jan

suddenly have no water. have a inground concrete tank with pressure tank in it . have a control box on the wall of this tank. intermittent beeping sound can be heard. any ideas where to start?

On 2017-02-02 by Darl Mills

I just had my well pump, pressure switch and tank replaced, but even with good water pressure and flow at the faucets, the tank has no water in it. What's wrong and what can I do to fix it?

On 2016-12-28 by (mod) hammering sound when pump cycles off


Please search for WATER HAMMER to read about the causes and cures for this problem. Let me know if after that you need more help.

On 2016-12-28 by Kim

We have well water that sometimes when the pump cycles it hammers at shut off.

Plus i did shake the pressure tank like some articles say to do it caused brown water to all the fixtures in the house which I had to clean out to get any flow. So why dose it hammer?

On 2016-12-05 by WellWell pump short cyclingAnonymous

Well pump short cycoling

On 2016-12-28 by (mod) water tank keeps getting over-pressurized


Look for an air volume control system that's not working properly. For example the Snifter valve system on older bladderless pressure tanks and used with submersible well

pumps uses an in-well air admittance valve and an aboveground excess air bleeder valve - either of which could be present and malfunctioning or even not needed if a new bladder type pressure tank was installed.

Use the search box on this page to find our article on SNIFTER VALVES to read details.

A leak in the internal bladder of a pressure tank that uses bladders can also result in increasing pressure in the system.

On 2016-11-29 by mike

well tank keeps getting over pressurized with air

On 2016-11-16 by dhayaB

Why is my hyundaibakkie)h100 water tank boils and bubbles an it also loses wateri

On 2016-11-14 by Frausto

Had a well water pump installed about 8 years ago. I have no water coming into the home and want to know what is standard warranty on a newly installed water pump

On 2016-10-20 by (mod) - unstable pressure make our electric pump start stop in short period

Please search for WELL PUMP SHORT CYCLING to read a detailed description of the problem you described, Mahendra, There you'll find diagnostic and repair suggestions.

On 2016-10-20 by mahendra

We have a problem with pressure tank, unstable pressure make our electric pump start stop in short period
What is the problem ? how can we solve the problem ?

On 2016-10-17 by Anonymous

How to solve when water from outlet connection the water enters bank in tank

On 2016-09-19 by (mod) "pulsating" water pressure.

Bill, please search (use the search box just above or at page top) for WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING to read the probable cause(s) and repair for pulsating water pressure. Keep me posted on how that goes.


On 2016-09-19 by Bill

Lately we've noticed "pulsating" water pressure. What could be the cause?

On 2016-09-03 by mod - dirt into our home from the drilled well


Yes there are dirt filters of various types and capacity that you can install to filter out dirt ahead of the pressure tank. The filter selection needed depends in part on the type of soil. For example fine clay will require a small particle filter and probably a large capacity so you're not changing the filter every few days.

See if a local well or plumber expert has a camera that allows inspection of the well bore: check for casing cracks, holes, damage that might be sending extra soil into the well.

Search InspectApedia for WATER FILTERS to read more about that solution.

On 2016-08-30 by Mike

I'm getting dirt into our home from the drilled well. The well is 75' deep, the well pump was raise 10' a few years ago because the dirt was coming into the home. When they drilled the well there was only a ten foot plastic casing pipe pushed down into the well hole. Is there anything that can be installed to filter out the dirt out before the pressure tank?

Can the well be re drilled and push down more casing into the well. Problem is I have aerator tank that's installed before the pressure tank, and the head is getting dirt in it. I also can tell dirts coming because I have a whole house water filter that has little dirt that's left after the filter system backwash's every four days.

On 2016-08-27 by (mod) changing a pressure tank will not increase the water pressure in a home.


Unfortunately changing a pressure tank will not increase the water pressure in a home.

At most it might give a longer draw-down before the pump has to turn-on. It's the pump's capacity that, along with the pressure switch setting, delivers water pressure. That's why the new switch gave you better in-house water pressure.

Now to the air: either the pump is exceeding the flow rate of the well OR there is a leak somewhere in the piping OR the well uses an old snifter valve (search InspectApedia for that term) that should have been removed.

On 2016-08-25 by ron

I recently replacde an old pressure tank with a pressurized new one. All was well but we wanted more pressure in the house. I had a 30/50 pressure switch so I replaced it with a 40/60. We got a nice increase in pressure, however, now we get a major amount of air in the lines that is not getting better.
any suggestions

On 2016-08-12 by (mod) rapid cut-out of Davey water pump

Rapid cut-in-cut-out is a problem for which we have lots of diagnostic and repair information. See the ARTICLE INDEX found near the end of this page or search for WELL PUPMP SHORT CYCLING to see details.

On 2016-08-12 by Mick love

I have a Davey set up it has for last 6 months or more started to get real noisey and I counted over ten times it cut in and out for misses to shower

On 2016-07-30 by (mod) - why adding air to the pressure tank may be needed

Anon it depends on how long it takes for the tank to lose its air charge, and how much water is being used in that interval.

If your system has a tank that uses an internal bladder you should never need to add air - so that'd be a bad tank;

If your water tank does not use an internal bladder it may need a replacement Air Volume Control or AVC device.

On 2016-07-30 by Anonymous

I add air to the pressure tank but it looses the air after a while is the tank bad

On 2016-07-28 by (mod)

Thanks SO much for the feed-back Johnny. Taking the time to follow-up will certainly help other readers.

On 2016-07-28 by johnny - bad check valve by the water pump was causing loss of water pressure

Thanks. Turns out it was the check valve right by the water pump. It was torn to shreds inside. Water was being flown back into the well because of this and that's why I was losing pressure. The tank is bladerless.

On 2012-10-23 by charity

We lose water pressure when we bath. I can wash clothes or dishes we can even shower. but as soon as we bath we lose pressure. The tank lost its air b ut we put back in 22 lbs. Cant figure it out any helpm appreciated. It is not a submersible pump and we see no air leaks.

On 2012-09-28 by (mod) -

Let's not confuse pressure with flow rate. Typical home water system pressure control switches (presuming this is a private wellmsystem) cut in at 20 or 30 psi and cut off at 40 or 50 psi. If flow is inadequate there may be a clogging problem.

On 2012-09-21 by Heidi

what is recommended water pressure for 5 bedroom 3 bath? We are having problems with water pressure tank 40 gallon set at 40 psi

On 2012-09-20 by carlos

my well work fine for 15 min then its shuts off then it comes back on the pressure falls to zero then come back on after a few seconds it hesitates

On 2012-09-06 by (mod) -

Glenda, the answers to your question are at WATER TANK AIR HOW MUCH TO ADD - see the article links at the end of this article.

On 2012-09-05 by Glenda

I was wandering how much air is suppose to be in the pressure tank. Mine cuts off and on and I know that my psi is low but do not know how much it should read and exactly how to correct it.

On 2012-07-03 by rick

replaced well pump. held supply and return pipes up for a day while i got parts and they stayed at the same level holding water. i put a gauge on air tank and got no reading. if the bladder is shot would it be hard to reach a cut off point 50 psi? also around 30 psi i hear a rumbling sound and then will loose prime. any info would be helpful.

On 2012-07-02 by michael

we have low pressure at times and now no pressuer at the faucets. The gauge down at the well tank says 30-50psi ussually and we have water on both incoming and outgoing gate valves. The well tank can be saken and not seem full ( it is a 29 gal tank ). 2 Months ago we did have a well ging dry and a sediment issue. I was wondering if this is now causing little to no pressure?

On 2012-06-30 by (mod) -

Scott, you can start diagnostic procedures using the link WATER PRESSURE LOSS DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR found near the end of this article. I agree that the suddenness of a change in system pressure delivery is a helpful clue - could be a damaged pump impeller?

On 2012-06-30 by Scott

Our water pressure drops significantly if the water sprinklers and any other source of water is running. This has never happened before. In the past we could run the dishwasher, washing machine and still take a shower with good water pressure. Now if more than two things are running, there is not enough pressure to run the shower or anything else, just drops come out. The change seems to have happened rather quickly and not gradually over time. I'm assuming something is wrong with our water pump. We have a well and the pump is about 12 years old. Any idea what the problem could be?

On 2011-11-10 by (mod) -

Terry, I'd check to see if the pressure control switch sensor port is dirt clogged and not sensing perssure accurately. Short cycling - sounds like a leak.

Check out our advice on tracking down the causes of short pump cycling - see SHORT CYCLING WATER PUMP under WATER PUMP REPAIR GUIDE (links at page left)

On 2011-11-10 by Terry

My well pump has been short cycling . When I turn it off and drain the pressure tank to check the psi, there is always about 5 psi more than I reduced it to the day before. What causes that to happen?

On 2011-10-13 by (mod) -

John, if you search InspectAPedia for "electric water heaters" you'll see articles on diagnosis and repair of those units.

I suspect from your note that your water heater may be debris clogged - the same mineral crud that burns out electric water heating elements can break free and clog outlet piping - because you describe a rather sudden pressure drop, that may be the problem in your case.

On 2011-10-10 by John

I have a 6yr old elec water heater, I have replaced both elements & the upper thermstat my water pressure was fine for a short time then dropped off to a very low flow

On 2011-09-06 by (mod) -


Your setup is using a lot of water (for baackwash in addition to normal use); if your water pressure tank is an older steel bladderless type, it's possible that all that activity has lost the air charge in the tank.

Take a look at the well pump short cycling and water tank air addition procedures in articles listed under
WATER TANK REPAIRS (article link at page left)

On 2011-09-04 by Matt

I am on a well and also have a water filtration system that back washes every 3 days. In general, the water pressure is good. but recently, when using the water, it seems like the water flow is intermittent, where the water from the sink or shower flows very good then slows, then flows good again in about every 5 second cycles. The area where I live has not seen rain for quite a while and I am not sure if this may have something to do with this behavior. Any thoughts here as to the possible problem/solution - thanks?

On 2011-08-17 by Erik R.


On 2011-08-16 by (mod) -

I'm not sure what screw you are removing, and if your system is actually losing all functional pressure you might still see pressure on a gauge if it's sticking, and water squirting out of a pressure tank by gravity or even by very low pressure in the tank that is just not enough to push water up to higher levels in a building, say from a basement to an upper floor.

I'd go back to WATER PRESSURE PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS TABLE and start diagnosing the low water pressure problem: is it the well, the pump, or the controls. ?

On 2011-08-16 by Erik R.

We have a shallow well pump that, at the pump, still has a little pressure. (hovering around 10PSI). Even when the pump is off, if I take the little screw out, water comes shooting out the top. It will not come out of any of the faucets, however, and I'm confused.

Even with the low pressure at the pump, how can it shoot out there and not even produce a drop at a faucet? How do I get the pressure back up?


On 2011-08-08 by (mod) -

Bob I'm not sure what's going on either - a squealing water pressure tank sounds like air or more likely water passing through a restricted valve or pipe clog. I have heard a high pitched shriek or whine during fill-ups of water tanks whose water level is controlled by a float. In that case the noise seems to come from a combination of stick float mechanism that may not fully open the fill valve and thus a partial restriction in the water line.

You might also want to see our comments under plumbing noises - click on ENVIRONMENT (page top links) then NOISE / SOUND DIAGNOSIS & CURE (page left link to major article)

On 2011-08-08 by Bob P

Water pressure tank makes extreme squeeling noise as th epressure builds up to the shut off pressure of 50 PSI

Key Water Tank Diagnostic Articles

If you have no water pressure at all, see NO WATER PRESSURE

If your water pressure is intermittent, starts and stops, or varies in pressure, see WATER PRESSURE INTERMITTENT LOSS

Is there some water pressure but the pressure and/or flow are poor?

  1. Water supply piping problem? 



    The following articles pertain if you have a private well, pump, and tank system for your building
  2. Water Tank Problems? 

  3. Water pump problems? 
  4. Bad water pressure regulator? 

    See WATER PRESSURE REDUCER / REGULATOR (not usually installed on private well and pump systems, often present on municipal water supply systems that use an in-building local water pump and pressure tank to boost pressure)


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