Questions and answers about what to do if you have no water pressure at all:
Complete loss of water supply at a building.
These lost water pressure questions & answers help sort out the causes of water pressure problems and help determine if the problem appears to be at the water pump, pump controls, pump wiring, or the actual water source such as a private well or water storage tank.
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These questions and answers about total loss of water pressure were posted originally
at NO WATER PRESSURE - diagnosis and repair advice. Be sure to see that article.
[Click to enlarge any image] Photo: the main water shutoff valve at a water pressure tank (white arrow).
On 2018-10-14 by (mod) - cant get pump to turn off
Glenn see the suggestions at
On 2018-10-14 by Glenn
My pressure pump will not shut off. There is pressure on the lines and there is lots of water.
Also there is no pressure showing on the pressure gauge.
Any suggestions?
On 2018-09-27 by (mod) - how to prime the pump
I'm assuming yours is a 2 line jet pump, thus above ground.
IF there are no air leaks at the pump, then i suspect th he pump has lost prime.
On 2018-09-27 by Erick Reyes
Hi!... I have a DEEP WELL, and my pump has no pressure and no water coming out. the story is, I serviced my pump because it was VERY NOISY, they said that I need to change BEARINGS,
so I did... but when we installed it back... there was some leaking on sides of the pump...
and they said that we need to change the CHAP SEAL... and we did... but now when we installed it there is no water and pressure comping out?... Does that mean there is also leaks from the pipes below?...
On 2018-09-15 by (mod) -
It sounds as if your pump has lost Prime. You may be able to recover temporarily by priming the pump, but you need to find and fix a bad check valve or foot valve.
On 2018-09-13 by Monica
We had to shut off our pump to fix leaky valve on hot water tank turn pump back on no water so go put air in it and still no water did this like ten times and still no water what should I do
On 2018-07-29 by (mod) -
that sounds like a closed or blocked shut off valve
On 2018-07-28 by Dawn
We have good pressure at well pump and if my husband bypasses the house and runs the house through washer pipes. However, when the line is hooked up properly, our pressure drops to zero.
On 2018-06-25 by (mod) -
It sounds as if you ran out the well, then gave it some time to recover. Partly.
Also if a pump runs dry for a long time you can damage the pump itself - making it have trouble reaching the cutout pressure.
Please try the diagnostic steps at
and let us know what questions remain
On 2018-06-25 by leslie
hello. I awoke to no water this morning. At first i was wondering if the well had gone dry after it seemed like the water softening system ran a log time last night. I went downstairs and the pressure in the tank read 10 psi. i flipped off the breaker to the pump for 30 min. when i turned it back on we had water, and the pressure in the tank read 55 psi.
I ran the water for about 5 min and the pressure went instantly down to 10 again and no water. Turned it off again, waited 30 min turned back on and right up to 55 again. Had water for 10 min and then right back to 10. Now the pressure doesnt drop slowly when this happens, it goes instantly from 55 to 10 and then no water.
We left for the day and came home at night and we have had water, but i am hesitant to use much, as im afraid the well could be low. We are supposedly in a high water volume area. Do you suspect our well is going dry, or another problem? this has happened to us a few times in 5 years, but then returns to normal.thanks
On 2018-05-11 by Confused
Me & my wife work 3rd shift lately we come to just a stream of water that goes down to nothing we wait 10 min or so it comes back no other problems the rest of the day we are on a well. Any ideas
On 2018-05-01 by (mod) -
The tank pre-charge pressure of 28 is right for a 30 psi cut-in.
When pressure at the tank falls to 10 when you're running water that's entirely possible if the water source and pump can't keep up with the demand - as I suggested before.
If you have good pressure and flow in some areas but not others I'd look for a blockage.
If pressure and flow are weak everywhere I"d look for low water in the well or a worn, damaged pump or a leaky well line.
Don't get killed. We have lots of diagnostic procedures here
start at WATER PRESSURE LOSS DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR - home and look at the "LOW water pressure" articles rather than the "NO water pressure" article above on this page.
On 2018-05-01 by Ryan
Thanks for the reply! Used the pump all winter to fill my backyard ice rink, pressure was never an issue but went through quite a lot of water. Pressure at the gauge says 10psi when I have the hose running. Turn off the hose and goes back up to 50psi. Checked the tank pressure and it’s set at 28psi as the cut in is set for 30psi.
Just can’t figure out why the pressure is just not being delivered. If your thinking a blockage in a valve, any suggestions where to start looking? Does it sound like it’s a blockage, could it be the pipe? Thanks so much again!! This is killing me lol
On 2018-04-30 by (mod) -
If your water usage rate at the garden hose exceeds the well and pump's delivery capacity then sure, the water pressure will be quite low during the time the hose is on.
If you mean only low pressure is being delivered to the hose (actually restricted flow) I'd look for a blocked valve or pipe or hose.
Check the pressure gauge at the pump.
On 2018-04-30 by Ryan
So my jet’s holding the prime just fine and turns off, but when i turn the hose on and the jet pump kicks on again it’s only getting like 10psi, then when i turn the hose off it gets back to 50psi and the pump kicks off and holds the you think my well is going dry or is something clogged in the pipe?
don’t think it’s a problem with the pump but again not sure...any initial thoughts would be much appreciated. -Ryan
On 2018-04-05 16:02:42.729745 by (mod) -
FIRST STEPS for anyone in this situation is to do pretty much what you did:
If your pump is burning hot to the touch it's almost certainly overheating; that can be due to lack of water and the pump running dry, low voltage to the pump, or a failing pump bearing or impeller that's jamming, OR a failed pressure control switch that is not turning off the pump at the proper cutoff pressure.
Watch out: if your system pressure is really at 124 PSI there is risk of a burst water tank or burst piping that can cause serious injury as well as of course a flood in your home. Turn off the pump and relieve pressure by running some water at the faucets and leave the pump OFF.
TURN OFF THE PUMP in any case to avoid further damage or even a possible electrical fire.
Then your plumber will both check out the pump itself and should check that your well has not run dry and then perhaps replace the pressure controller.
If the pump is overheating because of a bad bearing then yes it most-likely needs replacement.
But your system pressure (IF the gauge is accurate) should not be so high - that is unsafe, and it points to a completely different problem: a clogged or defective pressure control switch. If I were the plumber I'd check out that problem first as the repair is significantly less expensive.
On 2018-04-05 by Elizabeth Bacon-Smith
I was running bath water and the flow dwindled and stopped. I went to breaker box to see if anything has flipped and it hadn't. Returned to bath and turned on water. Ran a minute and same thing.
Went outside to pump and it was burning hot to the touch. Pressure was at about 124 psi.
Turned off the On/Off switch that's connected to pump with a white cable. Went back inside and turned off pump at breaker box. Went outside and turned off gas to house, then inside turned off water heater.
Called a pro. He had me turn breaker back on, and he ran water out of faucet/spigot that comes off the holding tank.
Plenty of water at strong force. He turned it off and pump started getting hot again.
He ran faucet/spigot again, with same water and force results. He turned it off. With tools, checked several things total (3?), and said I need a new pump. At $850 total for pump and install, want to feel confident I'm not getting taken.
He said until I get money, I can have water in small amounts by turning on breakers and will have a couple minutes to flush toilet, bottle some water, or whatever.
Then must turn off and wait an hour or so before do same thing again.
Just so I won't be totally without water. Sounds like a legit analysis to you on replacing pump?
Thanks so much!!
On 2018-02-25 by (mod) -
In the ARTICLE INDEX found at the end of this article one of these articles will have diagnostic steps that should guide you
let me know how that works for you and what questions remain
On 2018-02-25 by Jon
Woke up had no water pressure in the house or barn, replaced the pressure switch and gage also replaced the pump, all I get is air coming threw the lines and no water up to the house, one of my frost free taps I dug up and air came out and then I shut it off and water driped out of the bottom where it’s supposed to. Now have no idea what to do next
On 2018-02-11 by (mod) -
I'd replace the pressure gauge, Devon
On 2018-02-1 by Devon
My pressure on the tank is reading zero but my well is running fine please help
On 2018-02-07 by (mod) -
Sometime the gauge is stuck and not telling the truth about water pressure.
A good place to start diagnosis and repair for you is at WATER PRESSURE PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS TABLE
On 2018-02-06 by Teresa
My brother recently replaced a pipe under my house the water ran fine over night but the next morning I had no water. The gauge is showing sixty pounds of pressure but we have no water .please help
On 2018-01-16 by (mod) -
Also check that the tank air precharge pressure is 2 psi below the CUT IN pressure on the switch
On 2018-01-16 by Anonymous
Stsrt diagnosis at
On 2018-01-15 by Ray
I thought the water was froze up but it wasn't the switch was firing but the pump wasn't coming on so I replace the switch with an automatic 3250 I kick the breaker back on it's still setting on zero the pump still didn't kick on any suggestions Ray
On 2018-01-15 by Anonymous
I put 200 gallons of water in my well. Beand new pump and bladder. I changed my switch to an automatic 30 to 50. I turn on the breaker and nothing happen. Question do I need to set the switch
On 2018-01-06 23:45:50.321101 by (mod) -
Burned-through wire can occur when the pump draws excessive current - such as if a pump motor is burned up or seized or wires are shorted - so I'd have thought the same as you.
Now with all new controls, wiring, and pump, we need to see if the pump is getting power and running. Check the current draw.
Search for ELECTRIC MOTOR DIAGNOSIS for some typical values that you'll compare with the pump's data tag. Too much current: seized motor; too little current - broken impeller or pump running dry.
Oh and don't forget a continuity check (with power off) of your wiring
Watch out: if you're not trained and equipped to do these tests you could be shocked or killed - get help.
On 2018-01-06 by John
this past week we lost water. Assumed it was a frozen well line due to recent cold temps (although never happened before). back washed/flushed the line from house to the wellhead with warm water to confirm no frozen line. Noticed burned through wire by wire nuts just under well cap, reconnected and still no water. circuit tester shows current to all three well pump wires (3 wire, 1/2 hp submersible).
so assumed burned up pump. I replaced pump, well wires, control switch box, pressure tank & switch 4 years ago, so reluctantly pulled pump (0 degree wind chill of course)and replaced pump, wired same as before and still no water. Well has water, lines are not frozen. power to well wiring. Getting ready to pull pump again to see if it actually comes on (can't feel or hear it kick on in the casing (150' down hole). any suggestions?
On 2017-08-31 by (mod) -
That suggests to me that either you are using a system that doesn't employ a water pressure tank, such as we describe at WATER PUMP PRESSURE SENSITIVE
Your system has a failed check valve or foot valve, so when you lose power and water drains back into the well through the open check valve, the pump never comes on to maintain water pressure in your system
your water pressure tank is not working at all - it could be totally waterlogged or its bladder could be stuck so that it never accepts any water.
On 2017-08-31 by Don
The issue is that I have no water pressure in a power outage even BEFORE I have used any water
Where did the pressure go?
On 2017-08-26 by (mod) -
I'd want a technician who could check the operation of the pump motor, check for overheating (and tripping off on thermal overload), voltage levels, and for the presence of and operation of any pump protection controls.
I agree with your hesitation and agree that before replacing an expensive motor I'd want a more reliable diagnosis.
Be sure that the tank air pre-charge when all pressure is drained is at 2 psi below the cut in.
Inspect the switch for arcing burns, loose wires, bad contacts.
Take note if the pump is having trouble reaching the cut-off pressure.
BEWARE of fatal electric shock - live voltage in the switch.
On 2017-08-23 by Brian W.
The repairman did clean sediment out of the nipple which the switch sits atop. I have called the well company a number of times and they have "no idea" why I can turn the breaker off and on and the pump will start. The repairman returned and couldn't figure out what is wrong though he gave me some half-assed guess that the pump maybe has too much head pressure and that is keeping the pump from turning on. Of course he thinks I should just replace the pump and check valve at $2500.
When it turns on the pump seems to be working correctly so I do not think there is anything wrong with the pump. I am not aware of any other protection features for the pump.
Should I make any more adjustments to the air pressure of the tank or just try re-wiring the switch?
See PRIME the PUMP using a GARDEN HOSE as a place to start.
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