Guide to 2-line jet pumps on water wells:
This article describes the components of a two-line jet pump water system, what the components look like, and what they do.
We discuss how two-line jet pumps are selected, installed, jet pump troubleshooting, & repair procedures. We also describe the components of a two line jet pump water supply system.
What types of wells use a two-line jet pump for water delivery. From what depth can a two line jet pump deliver water? Types of wells and water supply systems and what to watch out for with each. Well pump & water tank diagnosis & repair procedures. Electric pump motor troubleshooting guide - table of problems & solutions.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
In the photo at page top you see an older installation of a two line jet pump that draws water from the well.
[Click to enlarge any image]
These questions about installing, troubleshooting, repairing two line jet pumps were posted originally
at WATER PUMP, TWO LINE JET - please be sure to review that article where you will find diagnostic steps.
For help priming your jet pump see WATER PUMP PRIMING PROCEDURE
On 2015-12-29 by (mod) - possible to use a 2-line jet pump with only the suction line by plugging the pressure line.
Yes but ... it depends on the pump brand and model. Some 2-line jet pumps can be modified with a factory kit to convert to one-line.
You cannot (usually) just plug the pressure line as there are internal changes needed too. It's a bolt-on parts modification.
by Anonymous
I have a two line jet pump, not the original. I believe the original one had an air tank attached to it. The one installed now does not have an air tank.
Problem...the pressure will not get above 30 pounds, pressure switch was adjusted to come on at 18 and go off at 30... Mother in law has been living with this for ten years...would like to fix this. CanI convert the 2 line to a one line jet pump with the venturi at the pump not in the well?
On 2015-12-29 by Rick - Is it possible to use a 2-line jet pump with only the suction line by plugging the pressure line.
Is it possible to use a 2-line jet pump with only the suction line by plugging the pressure line.
On 2015-12-10 by (mod) - pump seems to run out of water
I would check the well static head and flow rate. You can find those procedures at
On 2015-12-09 by woody
I have a shallow well with a two line set up after i prime the pump it will build up to max pressure setting and shut off as it is set to .
then turning on the faucet letting the water run with decent water pressure until low pressure setting kicks in the pump .
the water keeps flow but gradually gets lower then stops after a about four,five min.
I can stop the pump reprime and repeat with same results every time. Wjat cpuld ne causing this
On 2015-11-14 by Anonymous
Lee, your pressure tank is probable bad and water logged, meaning the blatter inside is filled with water in stead of air
On 2015-11-14 by (mod) -
A keak in well piping or a bad check valve or foot valve.
On 2015-11-12 by Lee
I have no leaks in my house but my pump keeps kicking on and off. What would cause this?
On 2015-10-06 by Benjamin
I can't prime my deep well pump is it the foot value. the water just won't come up iwased lots of water
On 2015-10-06 by gary h
How do i get the sediment to go away? Like in the toilet bowel afer the water sits for a min. Or two the bowel turns brown. What could be wrong and how do i fix it
I have replaced my burnt up 2 line jet pump with a convertable 2 line. Now my water has a brown sediment . How dow i fix that. Have a water softener. But never had the brown sediment befor. Is my water down in the well being stired up by the new pump having too much pressure?
On 2015-09-19 by Mal
Hello, i have a 2 pipe well and a shimitzu pump/ the water doesnt want to come out properly: once it doesnt go to th etank at all, once it only comes at till the first rooms of the house and further it doesnt/ Ive seen many workers and none seems to find the proper solution/
I dont know NOTHING about pumps, plumbery ect...
Help if any idea will be really really appreciated!
On 2015-09-04 by
I have a well that is 1200' and currently have no water. The pipe is at 950' could I possibly use this pump in my existing well??
On 2015-08-18 by (mod) - pump type and capacity need to match the needs & well
Dennis, you can use any pump brand with your well: it is the pump type and capacity that you need to match: 1 line or 2 line jet pump, horsepower. However take a look at the piping connections for your old and for your replacement pump; you may be able to select a model that requires very little rearranging of piping.
On 2015-08-18 by (mod) -
...Dennis said:
My jet pump ... [failed] ... a while ago and I replaced it with a flotec from home depot, the flotec did not work,so I replaced it with a wayne like the original, and it worked
.Now that wayne is not working and I have to replace it again. Any ideas why that flotec did not pump? I was told it was not compatible with my well. I want to use a red lion this time, but don't know if it is compatible with my well.
On 2015-08-09 by al looking for a 2 line jet assembly to fit into a 3" well
looking for a 2 line jet assembly to fit into a 3" well
On 2015-07-10 by Dan Green
thank you for your response. I'll check out the conversion kit.
On 2015-07-10 by (mod) - Can I plug one of the jet pump lines off
No, Dan, that won't work and the pump won't work.
But you can, for many pump models, buy a conversion kit that will convert between 2-line and 1-line set-up
On 2015-07-10 by Dan Green
I have a 2 line jet pump and want to use it for a shallow well application. Can I plug one of the lines off?
On 2015-06-21 Tom S
Do these systems have a vent pipe? We have a two line system. There is another pipe sticking out of the ground, not connected to anything I was told was a vent.
Recently the system is having a difficult time filling the pressure tank. It seems to wait until the tank pressure is quite low before kicking on and then take a long time to build up enough pressure in the tank to shut off. The pressure at the pump is around 50 psi.
I was wondering if the vent hose may have gotten clogged preventing the system from working properly or perhaps the flow rate isn't high enough to service the system, although this is the first time this has happened in the 11 years we've been here.
Any thoughts on what might be the cause? I'm hoping to not have to put in a new well.
On 2015-06-02 by (mod) - anybody ever lost their two pipes down the bore hole?
So many people have dropped so much stuff into wells that there is an industry of special retrieval tools and procedures.
On 2015-06-02 by eagleeyem
Ahh well, has anybody ever lost their two pipes down the bore hole? WE had our pump fixed and in attempted to reconnect, dropped the pipes and they went whoosh, down the casing and perhaps to the centre of the earth. INteresting
On 2015-05-28 by (mod) - Are two line jet pumps still used today.
Yes, Ray, very widely.
On 2015-05-28 by Ray
Are two line jet pumps still used today.
On 2015-05-19 by (mod) - it has to be either the pump, or the foot valve/jet assembly
RE: I know it has to be either the pump, or the foot valve/jet assembly in the well.
I read that to mean that you are confident that we don't have a problem with the well running low on water - a poor flow rate.
I don't think that a bad foot valve or clogged strainer is likely to limit the maximum pressure that a pump can reach. Usually that pressure limit is from a damaged pump impeller, low voltage, failing motor / bearings, or sometimes water running or leaks in the piping system.
I suspect an impeller problem. Before buying a new pump I'd pull apart the old one and inspect the pumping assembly.
On 2015-05-19 by Tom
I have a gould 1hp vertical jet pump. well is 53' deep. the pump keeps running and only makes about 40psi pressure, not enough to turn the pump off. If i cut the power and try a couple days later it still holds the prime and will pump water but it wont go above about 40psi.
I checked my pressure tank, pressure is fine. I have plenty of water since i am able to run the water at low pressure. I know it has to be either the pump, or the foot valve/jet assembly in the well. that assembly costs about $250. a new gould 1hp pump 500-900 depending where i get it.
Any one's thoughts or which it most likely is? Im thinking the jet might be clogged? or something is worn out on the jet assembly, even thou i dont loose prime
On 2015-05-09 by (mod) - details of priming a 2 line jet pump
Stan that approach will not be likely to work. On a 2 line jet pump the smaller diameter pipe sends water from the pump down the well and through a venturi. The force of water being *pumped* with force through the venturi forces a greater volume of water back up the larger return line. You'd never achieve that by pouring water into the down pipe.
Search InspectApedia for or see WATER PUMP PRIMING PROCEDURE to see several alternatives that can work for you.
On 2015-05-08 by Stan Wuori
I was told to start priming the pump to disconnect the lines and fill the small one until water comes out of the big one, the small one fills up but water doesn't come out of the big one is that a check valve problem
On 2015-05-06 by Mark Bellinghausen
Thanks! I believe there exists an adaptor to convert it to a shallow well pump, but hoped to avoid the cost if plugging would work.
On 2015-05-05 by (mod) - Is there any problem if I plug the pressure outlet in the pump and use it as a 1-line pump?
Yes. At least for the pumps I've seen that doesn't work. Some pumps are convertible between 1 line and 2 line jet pumping systems but in that case the pump face and connecting mounts are replaced as a kit.
On 2015-05-04 by Mark Bellinghausen
I have access to a new 2-line jet pump to replace an old 1-line pump. Is there any problem if I plug the pressure outlet in the pump and use it as a 1-line pump?
On 2015-04-28 by Alex
Thanks again for your help
This site is a great resource.
On 2015-04-27 by (mod) - photo of black ABS well piping connected to a jet pump
Here is a photo of black ABS well piping connected to a jet pump
On 2015-04-27 by (mod) - locate the pipes coming out of the well
Thanks so much Alex - that clarifies it.
Yes you could rotate the cap but first I'd try removing, re-pipe-doping, then reinstalling the elbow so that you can route that line around the vertical one.
About the pump company's technical service rep not knowing what a union is, that's not only disappointing, it shakes your confidence in whatever advice she or he may offer about any plumbing or pump topic. If that happens to me I ask if there is someone else there with whom I can speak and who actually knows something. It's smart to remain polite and patient but sometimes a reply is just too much baloney.
The rep's reference to heating pipe almost certainly refers to black ABS well piping. The fitting is screwed to the pump mount opening, the pipe is heated with a propane torch, and pushed onto the pipe fitting female end. It's further secured (when cool) with one or two stainless hose clamps. That connection indeed needs less lateral clearance than steel or brass fittings.
Alex: please see our discussion in the article above.
On 2015-04-27 by Alex
Absolutely, feel free to post the photo...the more eyes on this the merrier.
Do you think I'll be able to rotate the pipes actually coming out of the well, versus changing the location of the pump? In my previous comment, I was actually referring to twisting/rotating the cap of the well (not the volute of the pump) so that the discharge line is closer to the pump and the suction line is farther away.
If I'm able to do this, I can keep the pump in it's current location. But I do like your suggestion of just moving the pump. In reality I do have the option of moving the pump to where the pressure tank currently is.
Another thing I find odd is that the holes on the new pump are so close together. It looks like there wouldn't be space for hard plumbing it with true unions (like the current pump has). The manual does not reference unions in their "typical installation" diagrams and does not reference the type of pipe to use.
I called their customer service (888-956-0000) and asked about this and the rep didn't even know what a union was. I asked if it was acceptable to use Polyethylene pipe with barbed fittings and she said people typically just heat PVC pipe and attach it to barbed fittings and use hose clamps.
This does not sound right to me. I've never heard of using hose clamps on PVC. Even flex PVC is intended to be used (glued) with standard PVC fittings, not hose clamps. However, I'm thinking about using Polyethylene pipe with barbed fittings and making a cover to protect the pipe from UV rays. Any thoughts on going this route?
(Oct 10, 2011) Joe said:
How do I add Clorox to purify my well water with a two-line jet pump? This pump has been running since 1964.I have bateria in the water and I have to kill it.
(Aug 25, 2012) clint said:
how do i shock my jet well? i have very little water and it takes a long time for my well to catch up
(Sept 4, 2012) Don G said:
How can I shock my 2 line well when I have no access to the well head? It is under a parking lot. I can not find a vent tube or pipe.
Joe, you could try inserting bleach into the pump priming chamber, but it would be a repeated process, tedious, and messy. The best approach is to open the well casing top, measure the size of the static head of the well (how much water is in the well when it is at rest) and then put the proper concentration of bleach directly into the well.
By following that procedure you'll also have an opportunity to wash down the well casing interior - a step that may make a big difference in clearing up your bacteria problem.
Search InspectAPedia for "Well shocking procedure" for details on how to do this or see
Clint, shocking a well won't fix a low yield problem. For complete instructions on how to shock a well, search InspectAPedia for "Well Chlorination Procedure: when and how to shock a drinking water well " using the "Ask a Question or Search InspectAPedia" box found just above.
A plumber may be able to rig up a bleach feed onto the down-line into your 2-line jet pump well, but without access to thte well head you may have no idea of how much static head of water is in the well so the bleach quantity will be either a wild guess, or you'll send bleach down until you smell bleach coming out of a nearby faucet. Don't buy odorless bleach or that aid won't work.
A plumber with pipe locating equipment might be able to find the well head for you - which would be worth locating and then making a car/truck safe access cover to it.
wondering if i can put a jet in a 2 inch pipe my water is 40 feet under ground and in a 2 inch pipe need to figure out if i can purchase a jet that will fit in a 2 inch pipe to get my water out
(Sept 11, 2012) Hello, In trying to determine wh said:
Hello, In trying to determine why we have air in our pipes , I disconnected the water Pump from the pressuer tanks and thus the rest of the internal sysytem - when I turn the Jey Pump -( deep well - two lines ) the water is intermittent - for about 10 seconds strong flow and then just air , the n dribble then lots of flow- this leads me to think that the Pump itself is not drawing properly ,
as I think if it were aproblem with the foot Value in the well i would get little to no water. the Pump is quite old - Is it possible that the pump is correoded inside and cna be fix, or is it a case of replace pump - ? any suggestions would be appreciated - thank you
(Feb 1, 2013) Steven said:
While watching the pressure gauge as the pump is running, which procedure is used to get the best pumping rate from a two pipe convertible deep well jet system?
(Feb 22, 2014) mike said:
i have a 3/4 hp jet pump the pressure will only go up to 30 if i set the pressure switch highter the pump will run all the time.
Mike said: my well pump won't stop running
to see diagnosis for the problem you describe
(Mar 24, 2014) Ted said:
how do i know if my foot valve is bad on a two line system. and how do i find the well opening.
How to Find a Water Well:
If your system keeps losing prime that's a good clue that there may be a bad foot valve (or a leak in well piping).
I can't know where your well is located, but there are some common approaches starting by noticing where well piping exits the building, inspecting the site for places we would NOT put a well (like near a septic field), contacting well drillers to ask who drilled the well (often they have records of its location), inspecting the site for obvious clues (depressions, well casing visible above ground), and ultimately, using equipment to follow well piping.
At CHOOSE WELL LOCATION & DIGGING METHOD we discuss where you want to locate a water well
At we discuss how to find the septic tank - but similar methods might be used to locate a well whose casing or top is buried and not immediately obvious.
If inspecting the property itself does not disclose an above-ground, visible well casing and cap then you may have an older well whose casing top was left buried.
I'd start by looking in the building for a sketch of well location - often left in a basement or crawl area over or close to the pressure tank and pump/controls, or sometimes even sketched on a ceiling joist or wall where the well pipe exits the building.
If that doesn't come up with a sketch of well location, continue by calling all of the well drillers in your area to ask if one of them installed the well.
Well piping can often be traced using pipe locating equipment.
A last resort is a series of small test excavations to follow the well line.
Re-publishing without link:
How to access the foot valve in this pump said:
The pictures are here. s91 photobucket com user Kurt_Cob slideshow Pump
The pump can't maintain prime. I am guessing it's a bad foot valve.
#1 how do I access the foot valve? The bolts for the well cap are jammed up and are not turning even with wd-40.
#2 In the second picture (of the pipes going into the well), is that a check valve?
- Ed. [Our Comments software does not allow readers to post links - for malware/security reasons. But I took a look at your images and saved a copy in case we need to reprint them here to allow further comment - Daniel
this is indeed a bear.
To access the foot valve you will have to remove the well pump and piping from the well cap at the top of the casing, then either get those bolts out or cut or break them in the process.
Which should not be the end of the world in that you can replace the well casing top seal and will want to anyway. you're probably looking at a compression-type well casing top seal: two metal plates squash together squeezing a rubber center that expands to seal around pipes and well casing.
Relieving the tension unsquashes and lets you pry out the remaining parts.
Beware to avoid dropping stuff down into the well. Perhaps if just one bolt is loosened you will be able to loosen the cap seal.
No I don't see a check valve. I see ABS plastic well piping.
Watch out: A well driller would use one or more special grabbing tools to be darn sure not to drop the whole shebang down into the well in the course of trying to get the cap off.
If you insist on doing it yourself, after you've dropped the pipe into the well, you can read about well pipe & tool retrieval tools here at InspectApedia, taking comfort in the fact that many dopes were way ahead of you in dropping stuff down the well. (Including me).
(Apr 9, 2014) Anonymous said:
Those bolts wouldn't move a millimeter. I have tried wd-40 and a big wrench. Would it be possible to remove the clamps on the black ABS pipes and try to pull the pipes up? Do these ABS pipes extend all the way to the bottom?
You can try but I'm doubtful, unless you can use a hoist connected to the well casing top to force-pull the whole top out of the well.
Typically the ABS well piping extends to the foot valve that is the water pick-up point, itself some feet off the very bottom of the well. But the well piping may be interrupted and joined by couplings or unions where it passes through the well casing top.
(May 10, 2014) said:
We have a 2 line system, just replaced the foot valve and now we cannot get the system to prime, the pump just keeps running. the pump worked before we replaced the F/V
You want to see the 2 line jet pump article discussion at
I suspect you need to use one of our pump priming recommended methods, such as at
(May 28, 2014) Tracey said:
In the course of business, we run across these 2-pipe injector systems quite often. They are usually in water wells with 4" casings and the injector (being nearly as large as the casing) becomes corroded to the point that it becomes almost impossible to pull the lines out to get to the foot valve.
Are there any products that you know of that will eat away at the corrosion so the injector can be free'd in order to pull it up? I have heard of people using sulfuric acid, but I wasn't sure about that idea.
Indeed you've hit on a common and tough problem for which there is an industry of extraction tools to pull stuff out of wells.
for those details.
I would never dump toxic chemicals or acids into a well out of fear that I'd not flush the system adequately, would poison someone, or damage other equipment.
(June 20, 2014) suraj kumar said:
I have 175 ft borewell. Up to 80ft it has 3" casing and after that it has 1.5"casing.Since these days water level went down below 90 ft, so I can not draw water because I can not install the ejector of the two line jet pump in 1.5" casing I.e. below 80ft due to unavailibility of space in 1.5" casing.
So my question is that can I draw water from 90ft depth by adding tail pipe of size 1" which can be easily accommodate in 1.5" casing below the ejector after 80ft.Does it works?
This is an interesting question, since the pickup of water in your well didn't extend into the small 1.5" casing - I'm unclear what benefit it ever offered to you.
A problem I see is that the lift capacity of a tailpiece/venturi is limited - so only if you can fit the tailpiece and piping down in that smaler diameter will it work. That is, just extending a single line feeding water up to a higher-up tailpiece is unlikely to work.
(June 23, 2014) Anonymous said:
I have a dug well it is very shallow. 4 sections of well tile. the water depth is no more than 6 ft. it is a 2 line system. the pump is in my camp which is about 60 ft higher than the well. I prime the lines once at the beginning of the year. the system is 4 years old.
this year the pump will not shut off the expansion tank usually fills at 60 lbs of pressure but now it only reads to 50 lbs of pressure and just continues to run. I power it from my generator which is 220. can anyone help with this I am not really good at this but have managed to have it running up till now. it is a seasonal; pump not used in the wintwer. thank you. ed foley
Our diagnostic article for "a pump that won't stop running" probably will help you out.
and let me know what you find.
(June 25, 2014) Anonymous said:
Thank you Daniel. we will be going back up to the camp- next Tuesday. we will go ovwer your uggeastion and read the article and report back to you. this is agreat tool to have available. thank you. Ed
(June 30, 2014) dennis weaver said:
the power went off today and and can not get it to prime
We'll be glad to help.
There are two approaches we recommend for priming the pump - through the pump body or using a garden hose connected to a water source at a nearby building.
Start the procedure for pump priming by reading these instructions
(July 14, 2014) Anonymous said:
Can I use jet pump to pump water from the depth of 175 feet from a bore well of diameter 4.5". If I can, please let me know the motor capacity for 175 feet (suction ) and 20 feet delivery. and At present I amusing a 1HP motor which pumps water from 100Feet.
If I have to
Possibly yes but you may need a larger motor. I'm assuming we're discussing a 2-line jet pump.
See details you need at this article on well pump sizing requirements
Rick said:
My jet pump keeps cycling - water is running somewhere slowly
Look for a toilet that is running.
12/8/2014 Dinesh said:
i had installed a jet pump in a 200 ft bore-well initially for 3-4 year it worked fine but now from last 2-3 month its pressure gauge in pump showing pressure between 50-60 (initially it used to stay between 20-40) and also it is drawing more power it is a 1hp motor but witdrawing power as if it is 2-3 hp motor.. what may be the cause kindly reply my mail id is .. thank you..
creeping up pressure might be a sticking gauge or there may be a pinhole leak in the bladder of a pressure tank that uses an internal bladder to keep water and air separate.
I suppose a pressure control malfunction might also be responsible but in my experience if no one was messing with the control a more likely control problem would be due to debris clogging of the control's sensor port - preventing it from properly sensing and responding to water pressure.
Let us know what you find Dinesh as that will help other readers.
(Dec 22, 2014) Dianne said:
Why would our bore just stop pumping water pump still works, plenty of water, just wont pump?
Check starting with the basics:
- power to the pump
- pressure switch turns on the pump
- pump is properly primed - see WELL PUMP PRIMING PROCEDURE if you need to re-prime your jet pump.
- no leaks in well piping
- pump impeller is not broken, clogged, damaged
- foot valve or water pick-up in well is not clogged
and see
(Mar 29, 2015) AL LAWSON said:
I have a problem, water flow is great then flows to a trickle then back to full flow, when in trickle we get a whistling sound.
We had the hose to pump fittings replaced, (leaking), Then a new pressure tank installed, a new foot valve, all by a plumber, I am thinking we need a new pump? any thoughts
I don't think so, Al.
If the pump is able to sometimes deliver good pressure then the problem is more likely in a pump control or in a low-flow-rate well.
Where is the whistling coming from?
(Apr 11, 2015) Anonymous said:
What is wrong if I can't prime the pump?
If you are having trouble priming the pump check out the three articles beginning in More Reading at
(Apr 11, 2015) Lou said:
I had to change the foot valve on my 2 line jet pump. I decided to change the injector and all the pipes at the same time.
I have a 3/4 hp but the store sold me an injector kit for a 1/2 hp pump. I installed it before I realized but can't seem to get it to keep the prime...also realized I didn't put nozzle in the venturi. Will the 1/2 hp kit work or do I need to find one for a 3/4 hp pump - my store doesn't have it in stock.
The size of the injector is essentially matched to the flow rate produced by the jet pump. Naturally one should use the injector kit suggested by the pump manfacturer.
But having a pump that is more powerful than needed should not result in lost prime. It is more likely that you have a leak in the piping somewhere between the pump and the bottom of the well or a defective foot valve.
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Or see WATER PUMP TWO LINE JET PUMP FAQs-2 - more questions and answers about fixing 2-line jet pumps.
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WATER PUMP TWO LINE JET PUMP FAQs at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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