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Oil Tank Test Methods

How Oil Tanks are Tested for Evidence Leaks, of Current or Previous Oil Spills

Guide to types of oil storage tank leak tests available:

This article discusses the types of oil storage tank tests that may be performed on buried oil tanks and above ground oil storage tanks to check for leaks or imminent leaks. Not all storage tank tests are equal in accuracy nor cost, and some are more appropriate than others, depending on other factors.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Guide to Oil Storage Tank Testing: Oil Tank Inspection and Oil Leak Testing Choices

LARGER IMAGEOil tank leak testing guide: this document describes the common methods used to test oil storage tanks for evidence of leakage, either by soil testing, pressure testing of the tank, or by other tank screening measurements.

[Click to enlarge any image]

We discuss the following topics here:

What are the pros and cons of alterative methods of testing for oil tank leaks? Oil tank testing method choices: pressure testing, oil tank sonogram testing, oil tank leak soil tests.

Soil testing for oil tank leaks & Oil tank pressure testing for oil tank leaks, Oil tank fill pressures - to what pressure is an oil tank subjected during an oil delivery?

Simple tests for water in oil tanks, & Electronic oil tank leak scanning & ground scanning radar for hidden oil tank location.

Article Contents

Other steps to locate and test heating oil storage tanks at properties, both buried tanks and above ground tanks are discussed at other documents at this website.

Leaking oil tanks are not only a concern as contaminants of the water supply, but have become an increasing general environmental concern addressed by the DEC. Leaking commercial oil storage equipment and even simply-suspect oil storage equipment have been extremely costly to address.

Oil storage tank leak on tank bottom (C) Daniel FriedmanSuch burdens were never anticipated when the equipment was installed. While similar regulations pertaining to residential installations are scarce, this topic is of growing concern to home owners and home buyers.

Look for yourself: Before deciding to hire a tank testing company for professional inspection and testing, some basic information such as the age (property and tank), tank location, and type of oil tank, and for above-ground tanks, a simple visual inspection of the tank and its piping, can give you and idea of the risks involved.

Look for obvious leaks such as oil stains on the ground or floor under or around the tank and around the oil fired equipment. Remember to look under the oil tank at its bottom, as most leaks occur in the lower portion of the tank.

The leaky oil storage tank shown at left is discussed

at OIL TANK LEAK or FAILURE MECHANISMS where we explain the various causes of leaks in oil tanks.

Hire an expert: Specialty companies and some oil companies have equipment to test buried tanks for leaks. Soil testing, simple low-psi pressure-testing and sophisticated electronic testing are commonly used.

IOil tank leak (C) Daniel Friedmanadvise home buyers to have a soil test performed rather than a pressure test of an existing oil tank, since even if the tank is not currently leaking we would prefer an assurance that it didn't leak before, say from a plumbing connection that was repaired.



we include a listing of oil and fuel storage tank testing companies and services, and invite (no-fee) listings from other companies providing that service.

Many storage tank testing companies also offer storage tank removal and site cleanup services as well.

From a previous use, a buried oil tank may be present or may have been present at a property now served by an indoor, above ground oil tank or even by LP or natural gas.

So don't assume that because you don't see a tank that none was ever used or present at a property.

How Oil Tanks are Tested for Evidence of Leakage

Testing for water in an oil tank (above ground or buried) is simple and can be done by any service person. Tank testing methods for oil leaks or for the risk of oil leakage vary in risk to the tank, cost, invasiveness, length of time to complete, and more.

Oil tank sonogram (C) Daniel FriedmanIn addition to oil tank inspection, oil piping inspection, and oil tank testing to "pass" or "fail" an oil storage tank, more sophisticated tests are available to assess the chances that an existing heating oil storage tank has leaked or is likely to have a serious leak soon.

These include a oil tank corrosion analysis which adds to the basic tank inspection and tests an assessment of the level of corrosion of the tank walls and thus the chances of its leaking or failure, and soil corrosion or soil corrosivity evaluation which includes an evaluation of soil samples collected from around the tank in order to assess the degree to which the soil in which the oil tank has been buried will contribute to the process of corrosion of the (presumably steel) buried oil tank.

Specialists and some oil companies have equipment to test buried tanks for leaks. Both simple pressure-testing and sophisticated electronic testing are used, mostly on commercial equipment, and more recently on residential tanks.

Testing for water in the tank is simple and can be done by any service person using a simple chemical paste on a probe. A lot of water in the tank is a reason
to be pessimistic about its condition.

There are a number of tank testing methods currently in use, varying in risk to the tank, cost, invasiveness, length of time to complete, and some, requiring shutting down of the heating system during test period. See "How do you choose the right tank testing method?" Cynthia Johnson, Fuel Oil & Oil Heat Magazine, November 1995.

Mesa 2-D Digital Non Volumetric Oil Tank Tightness Test for Oil Tank Leak Risk

This test for oil tank tightness developed by Mesa Engineering, uses a digital probe and using ultrasound, examines frequency changes to detect a leak in the oil tank or its piping.

The Mesa 2-D Digital test includes a "U-L" frequency leak test that detects leaks in the oil tank or its piping. The Mesa 2-D test also detects vapor bubbling ("P-L" frequency leak) indicating that the oil storage tank or its piping contains a leak in the oil piping or oil filler piping portion of the system.

This is a low "negative pressure" or vacuum test using a vacuum of 60 inches of water or –2.16 psig. The manufacturer requires that test operators be certified at least every two years.

According to the developer, Mesa Engineering, a U-L frequency leak typically occurs in the oil vent pipe or fill pipe, and can often be repaired, while a P-L frequency leak usually indicates a critical system failure that means the tank will probably be taken out of service and abandoned.

Watch out:  In reader correspondence we have a report of an owner's concern about an apparent "coincidence" that within two weeks following a Mesa 2-D oil tank test a catastrophic oil tank leak was found and a costly cleanup followed. Not only is the Mesa 2-D oil tank test considered "safe" (it does not expose the oil tank to high pressure or high vacuum), but a review of the Mesa 2-D tank test report for this case disclosed that the test itself detected a tank failure.

Our OPINION was that provided the test was conducted properly, the most likely explanation of the apparent coincidence was that the test had correctly detected an oil tank leak that was not previously recognized, and that had existed for a considerable time.

Mesa 2-D Oil Tank Test Report Example #1 - see this example of a Mesa 2-D oil tank leak test that found significant evidence of an oil tank leak. The owners reported that within two weeks a major oil leak was confirmed and a cost underground oil tank replacement and oil spill cleanup was required.

The company who conducted this test, ATS Environmental Services Co., includes in their Mesa 2-D test description

MESA 2-D test results are 100% digital & computer analyzed which eliminates the chances of human error affecting test results. Many other tank test systems are analog and not computer controlled. These inferior test methods rely heavily on the testing technician listening for leaks or bubbles in the tank bottom.

The MESA 2-D uses computer and digital acoustic profiling technology to evaluate the integrity of underground tank systems. The MESA 2-D test system will not damage the tank or heating system. This is not an air pressure test! MESA 2-D test system can test tanks with any level of fuel including tank that are empty.

Mesa Oil Tank Test Report Example #2 - this example of a MESA oil tank test also found that the tank was leaking. As we pointed out to the reader who contributed this oil tank test report, the test found a tank leak, called for appropriate repair action, and did not (indeed could not) indicate the extent of soil contamination that may be present.

Interpreting a MESA 2-D oil tank test report

In the example MESA 2-D oil tank leak test Mesa Oil Tank Test Report Example #2 the test company recommended that possibly leaking oil piping be inspected and repaired if found faulty (though it appears that the technician didn't think that was the problem. The company continues to indicate that if piping repairs do not stop the leak, the tank will need to be abandoned according to proper procedures.

OPINION-DF: even if the oil piping is repaired and the repairperson believes that a leak was fixed, there is a potential for significant increases in the later cost to abandon the oil tank if in fact it continues to leak, and because there can be multiple leak defects in any tank and piping system (so that fixing one may not fix them all). For that reason, a follow-up test might be appropriate.

Mesa 2-D Method with ACT v1 Water Level Sensor - test description and specifications from Mesa Engineering - web search 6/22/2010. Mesa Engineering, 5801 Dierker, Houston TX 77041 713-895-7000, [company website link in this literature is not functional]

Oil Tank Pressure Testing Advice: using pressure to test an oil tank for leaks

Oil tank pressure test limits (C) Daniel FriedmanUsing this tank testing method the oil tank is sealed and pressurized to a low psi level, then carefully monitored for a pressure drop, perhaps for 24 hours. This method is comparatively quick to execute but I don't care for it.

Notice (in our photo at left) that some oil tank manufacturers do not want their oil tanks pressure-tested after the tank has been installed.

Details are at OIL TANK PRESSURE.

Some home owners balk at this test, fearing that the pressure of the test procedure will "burst" an oil tank that is about to fail. I am doubtful that this is a legitimate concern. The pressure at which the tank is being tested is almost certainly a much lower psi than the pressure to which the tank is subjected while it is being filled by the oil delivery truck and driver.

Soil Tests for Oil Tank Leaks: Soil tests for evidence of tank leakage

We prefer this method for testing for evidence of leaks at buried oil tanks if there is a question of whether or not an oil tank has already leaked. The cost for soil testing is about the same as the first method where buried tanks are installed.

Multiple soil borings are collected around the tank, at a depth just past the level of the tank bottom. The soil samples are tested for petroleum product contamination.

This is considered the definitive test for oil tank leakage, and if the tank has not leaked, it provides more reliable documentation of that fact. More time is needed to complete the test as there is a delay for the lab work.

Consider that if you opted for the tank pressure test described earlier, and if the test showed that the tank has leaked oil into its surrounding soil, some additional testing is going to be needed to confirm the extent of soil contamination. It seems to me it's better to test the soil in the first place, thus also covering not only current but past conditions.

Finally, if we are told that an oil tank has been "remove" or "abandoned" at a property, we expect to be given the documentation that outlines who did what when, and importantly, what steps were taken to assure that there was no oil leak that was simply left for the next owner to discover and clean-up.

If adequate documentation is not provided, a soil test is certainly appropriate. One of my clients took this advice and discovered, and avoided having to pay for, a $60,000. site cleanup at the property he was buying.

Water Test for Oil Tank Leak Risk - Test oil tanks for presence of water

Oil tank taking water (C) Daniel FriedmanSee OIL TANK WATER CONTAMINATION for detailed advice on how to remove water from oil storage tanks. Excerpts are below.

Buried tanks, such as heating oil tanks, should be tested for amount of water present in tank bottom, and water should be pumped out. Even above-ground tanks can take on large amounts of water from roof spillage, condensation, or a bad oil delivery. (Photo at left).

In fact, water can accumulate in indoor or outdoor above ground oil storage tanks too, either from exposure to varying temperatures (in-tank condensation) or from the occasional delivery of bad oil which contains excessive water content.

A neat way to look for a history of water in the heating oil storage tank is to check the oil filter canister itself. Many oil burners are protected by a heating oil filter installed either at the tank or at the oil burner. (Every heating boiler burning oil should have one of these filters installed to protect the equipment.)

If the oil tank has a high level of water, especially if the oil lines run to the oil burner from the bottom of the oil tank, some of that water will have been making its way to the oil burner where, en route, it is (usually) trapped in the oil filter. If you open an oil filter container and see that its metal parts are rusted, or that there is a lot of rusty sludge in the bottom of the filter holding canister, the oil tank needs to be checked further for water

The oil service technician can check the level of water in an oil tank by putting some "oil finder paste" on the bottom of a stick or probe which is inserted into the tank and to its bottom. The paste changes color in the presence of water, showing, by the length of color change on the probe, the depth of water in the bottom of the tank. Obviously this trick is much easier if the tank is outside than indoors where a basement ceiling can make probing the oil tank difficult.

Ask your oil service company to perform this test.

Alternatively, if an underground oil storage tank also needs an oil tank tightness test or oil tank leak test,

the Mesa 2-D TEST for OIL TANK LEAKS can also detect water leakage into the tank.

While we've found them lasting longer, a common life expectancy of buried oil tanks is 10-15 years. We do not have the same data for gas tanks. Life may be similar.

If the tank is to remain in use, ask your fuel supplier about using an additive or other methods to help remove water. Warning: on some older oil tanks which had a lot of sludge in the tank, as the de-watering additive (such as "4-in-1-HOT (TM)") was added to the tank we found an increase in the debris making its way to the heating oil filter.

You should inspect the filter cartridge for water and debris and have it changed more frequently until this question is closed. It's more trouble but the end result is a more reliable oil storage tank and heating system.

See OIL TANK WATER CONTAMINATION for detailed advice on how to remove water from oil storage tanks.

Ultrasound Oil Tank Tests of above ground tanks for leak risk

Oil tank sonogram (C) Daniel FriedmanOil tank ultrasound screening program (photo above) is offered by some oil companies who scan the bottom section of above ground oil tanks to measure the thickness of the tank steel. Tanks that pass an ultrasound screening test may be insured against future leakage.

The oil company technician uses an ultrasound scanner to make twelve thickness measurements on the lower portion of the oil tank and records the thickness at each location.

How does Ultrasonic Testing (UT) work on metal tanks or pipes?

The test instrument includes an unltrasonic wave generator and a test sensor or probe. The sensor probe is touched to the metal surface of the oil tank or metal pipe. The wave generator sends a UHF (Ultra High Frequency) sound wave into the exterior of the metal surface.

A reflecting sound wave echoes back from the interior surface of the metal. The UT instrument measures the time between the impulse and the echo, divides that time by the known speed of sound through that type of metal surface (e.g. oil tank steel), and with that calculation can produce a measurement of the thickness of the metal that is said to be as accurate as a dial-gauge caliper.

For readers who might be concerned, it should be noted that ultra-sound testing is entirely safe: there are no emission hazards, no radiation, nor other worries with this method. However to obtain accurate results when measuring oil tank or pipe wall thickness using UT, the task must be performed using a proper test instrument employed by a technician who is herself/himself trained in both use of the instrument and in the metal systems and components being tested.

For example, testing an oil tank metal thickness at the top of the oil tank would have little to do with assessing the risk that the oil tank is corroded or at risk of leaking because that corrosion normally occurs on the bottom or near the bottom of the tank (at the oil-water interface line) - as explained in this article series.

Oil Tank Thickness Readings using UT

Typical oil tank thickness readings on an older above-ground indoor oil tank may range from 0.105 to 0.185 inches in thickness.

If all 12 sample point thicknesses exceed 0.100" the oil tank "passes" and the dealer offers $1000. insurance for a year as part of the fee. Our photo (above) shows an oil tank sonogram in process for the author, conducted by Nash Brothers Oil Company, Hyde Park, NY

Watch out: observing some above ground oil tank tests using the ultrasound screening program makes us nervous.

It is inconvenient for the technician to both observe the instrument readings and then climb out of the position shown in our photo (above) to write down the data.

Oil tank bottom thickness measured by sonogram (C) Daniel FriedmanAs a result we have seen tank test technicians "memorize" ten or 20 readings and then write them down by recollection of the "ballpark" figures.

This is reasonable in that the technician is really just looking for any readings that cross the threshold of unacceptable tank steel thickness.

But it remains inaccurate and risks oil tank test data errors or skewing by operator error.

Further, if the test finds steel thickness readings close to the threshold of acceptability, we recommend that additional "spot checks" be taken of the tank's thickness in that area, rather than simply screening the tank bottom at larger spatial intervals.

See OIL TANK TREATMENTS, ADDITIVES for an oil treatment manufacturer's cautions about spot tests of oil tank thickness.

See WATER in OIL TANKS for added suggestions for finding and removing water from oil storage tanks.


What is the Most Reliable Approach to Evaluating an Oil Storage Tank for Risk of Near Term Leaks & Spills?

Watch out: critics argue that spot testing the oil tank bottom and lower sides for thin metal will not detect find all possible oil tank problems and may itself miss an existing pinhole oil leak. While I agree with that caveat there is more to be said.

Leaky oil tank coated with an epoxy sealant to extent life & stop leakage (C) InspectApediaOur tank photo at left shows an oil storage tank whose bottom area has been coated with an epoxy sealant in an attempt to cope with leaks. We already know the condition of this tank, without testing. It leaks.

Oil Tank Testing Standards

U.S. & Canadian Standards groups and authorities pertaining to oil or other fuel storage tanks and tank testing include

Home buyers should be sure to also review

Home owners who have old oil tanks above ground or any age oil tank below ground should also be sure to review

Oil Tank Leak Research

Vehicle tank or tank truck tank leak testing methodologies & research

Reader Question: Sirs: [Regarding your description of ultrasonic testing of oil storage tanks found at OIL TANK LEAK TEST METHODS]

We are an ISO/IEC 17020:2012 accredited inspection body and among our accredited activities is the inspection of tanks used for the transportation of dangerous goods, in accordance with the Unece ADR Agreement.

In order to conclude about the acceptability of the tank concerning its thickness, we must have a sampling plan including the places of measurements on the whole surface of the tank as well as the total number of measurements to be performed.

In your text above, you perform 12 measurements in the bottom of the oil tank and you give also the corresponding acceptability criteria.

So, I would strongly appreciate if you could inform me about an analogous statistical sampling plan as well as its reference, in order to perform my thickness measurements.


Thanks for your interesting note and question. I am not an expert on testing tanks of transport vehicles.

Our article discusses only stationary above ground heating oil storage tanks for which I do have some experience and for which I've done some research. What we've learned there might be of some help to you, but in my opinion the tanks on transport vehicles are subject to very different stresses and conditions so are likely to need a different sampling procedure than what we describe for home heating oil tanks.

The sampling plan used by the oil tank test technician was most likely never derived from statistical analysis but rather is based on decades of opinion and field observation about where leaks occur on heating oil storage tanks - particularly along the bottom (water resides there in an oil tank thus rusts the steel) and also at the typical line along the tank side that would represent the average oil-water interface line (bacteria operating at that oil-water interface can increase corrosive action in the tank).

I think the leak testing approach for oil storage tanks would also be informed by the usual size of detectable leaks or leak-risk corroded spots on the tank (observed on cutting open of abandoned tanks or perhaps by other means) and thus would define the minimum spacing of the test points.

In other words, the number of samples must consider the total area that is at particular risk - something that will of course be different on larger tanks, tanks carrying different types of liquids and gases, tanks of different structures.

In my opinion, for transport vehicle type tanks, where mechanical stresses are involved, and where the tanks might be custom-assembled on or for particular vehicles, you must surely also want to check the condition of welds, joints, plumbing connections, and mounting points all subject to vibrational or other stresses, even vehicular collisions or other accidents.

Therefore also in my opinion, reliance only on a statistical sampling approach to choosing the type of vehicle tank test to be performed and the locus of the test sites, if it simply came up with a number of tank thickness tests, uninformed by tank type, uses, construction and mounting details, would be dangerous.

One might also want to look at some of the highest-risk applications of tank-like structures, such as underwater exploratory vehicles and submarines or space vehicles. Rakheja has published some interesting research that may particularly interest you.
Here are a few interesting research citations:

Vehicle Tank or Transport Tank Truck Leak Testing & Standards Research

For other readers we identify the ISO/IEC standard to which you refer.

ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection

This International Standard has been drawn up with the objective of promoting confidence in bodies performing inspection.

Inspection bodies carry out assessments on behalf of private clients, their parent organizations, or authorities, with the objective of providing information about the conformity of inspected items with regulations, standards, specifications, inspection schemes or contracts. Inspection parameters include matters of quantity, quality, safety, fitness for purpose, and continued safety compliance of installations or systems in operation.

The general requirements with which these bodies are required to comply in order that their services are accepted by clients and by supervisory authorities are harmonized in this International Standard.

This International Standard covers the activities of inspection bodies whose work can include the examination of materials, products, installations, plants, processes, work procedures or services, and the determination of their conformity with requirements and the subsequent reporting of results of these activities to clients and, when required, to authorities.

Inspection can concern all stages during the lifetime of these items, including the design stage. Such work normally requires the exercise of professional judgement in performing inspection, in particular when assessing conformity with general requirements.

This International Standard can be used as a requirements document for accreditation or peer assessment or other assessments.

This set of requirements can be interpreted when applied to particular sectors.

Inspection activities can overlap with testing and certification activities where these activities have common characteristics. However, an important difference is that many types of inspection involve professional judgement to determine acceptability against general requirements, for which reason the inspection body needs the necessary competence to perform the task.

Inspection can be an activity embedded in a larger process. For example, inspection can be used as a surveillance activity in a product certification scheme. Inspection can be an activity that precedes maintenance or simply provides information about the inspected item with no determination of conformity with requirements. In such cases, further interpretation might be needed.

The categorization of inspection bodies as type A, B or C is essentially a measure of their independence. Demonstrable independence of an inspection body can strengthen the confidence of the inspection body's clients with respect to the body's ability to carry out inspection work with impartiality.

ISO/IEC 17020:2012 specifies requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.

It applies to inspection bodies of type A, B or C, as defined in ISO/IEC 17020:2012, and it applies to any stage of inspection. - retrieved 8/29/2014, original source:



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2020-01-30 by Jeremiah Tyler said:

Jeremiah Tyler said:

Great and informative article! is not just about how big or sturdy a tank is, but it also gives you so much more standards that benefit people and make the tank so much more efficient. Thanks for the in-depth guide and keep up the good work!

On 2019-02-04 by danjoefriedman (mod) - We are fabricating the oil tank and we used co2 welding.

I'm not sure what a positive response would be but what's needed is a careful on-site inspection to identify the location of the leak. Since this is a newly fabricated oil tank it's more likely that the failure was either a plumbing connection or welded seam or joint than in the general field of the steel fabricated oil tank body.

On 2019-02-03 by Pravin Sable

We are fabricating the oil tank and we used co2 welding. After fabrication we tested the tank for 24 hours for leakage. After dispatching the tank and our customers assembled the tank with engine and after 10 hours of tank used. The oil leakage is observed.

Please suggest the possible reasons for oil leakage.

I am waiting for your positive response

On 2017-01-16 by Tank Storage

Petroleum Products Storage Tanks ( tank farm) And Vessel available for lease and rent in Rotterdam. Interested persons can contact for further details and arrangements, Email:

On 2016-12-03 y Sunil Gadade

We are Manufacturing of oil tank for tippers ab
And we are tested this oil tank closing all opening and pour inside 0.3bar air then dip this tank inside water
If any airbubble come from welding joint then tank rejected
If no airbubble come in 5minuate then we can pass this tank

But one another nonconformity observed at customer end two oil tank seepage obsevered near welding joint
We take back this material and retest by same process but no leakage obseverd
So need your support please guide how we can arrest this situation at our end
Thanks for your support
Sunil Gadade
Contact no 9920152405

On 2016-03-21 - by (mod) -

Thanks Erroll. at the page top link for EXPERTS DIRECTORIES you may find a suitable oil tank testing company.

On 2016-03-20 by Erroll pearson

your articles are great I need an oil tank testing Philadelphia area

On 2015-09-06 - by (mod) -

A pressure test, properly conducted, is a useful test of the oil tank and, depending on how and where it's conducted, it may include oil piping, Brian. But no "test" is a substitute for an expert visual inspection, site history taking etc.

For an older home you need a thorough inspection of the home to identify all of the (at least visibly-apparent) costly and dangerous conditions and repairs needed; such an inspection may find evidence of a history of oil tanks - sometimes more than one - or of spills, leaks, or other hazards.

A pressure tank can tell you that the tank being tested is not leaking but it won't tell you if there are other buried tanks or above ground tanks or if there were such nor if such leaked previously.

On 2015-09-05 by Brian

We are interested in purchasing a home that has an underground oil tank beside the garage. This tank has not been used in many years. The home is in very rough shape and would be purchased as is, but we don't want to get into a mess where there would be extensive clean up if there is a leak. Is a pressure test sufficient?


(Oct 22, 2014) Anonymous said:
we are dealing with an underground aband. yrs ago mom switched to gas .I suspect the resident oil tank is less than 1100 more like less than 1000gallons . I do not know if I have to anything other than fill it toprevent collapse.

it is very old at least 25 yrs to 40yrs old

my father passed away 3 yrs ago and this project has fallen in my lap.

do we have to do anything if it is less than 11oo gallons

he dec is listed for queens ny do u know anyone to talk to there. thxs


Tom Bradshaw said:
Testing has come quite a ways over the past few years. Great resource with a clear outline of the testing processes... nice work. This should be a must read for homeowners with oil tanks.


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