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Lennox pulse furnace logo for identificationLennox Pulse Furnace Safety FAQs

Q&A on Lennox Heat Exchanger Inspection & Warranty Program

Lennox pulse furnace safety notices:

This document describes carbon monoxide gas (CO) leak safety hazards on certain models of Lennox hot air heating furnaces and announces a Lennox pulse furnace safety inspection and recall/repair program for these systems.

Lennox Industries Inc., the maker of Lennox Pulse furnaces, announced it has set up a free program to inspect Lennox furnaces installed from 1982 to 1989 to check for carbon monoxide leaks or as the company stated: "because of "increased instances of corrosion in some Pulse furnace heat exchangers in units installed before 1990."

Page top photograph courtesy Arlene Puentes.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Lennox Furnace Inspection Program and Heat Exchanger Warranty Program

Lennox furnace data tag - safety recall safety inspection noticeThese questions & answers about Lennox pulse furnace safety were posted originally

at Lennox PULSE FURNACE SAFETY WARNING - be sure to review that furnace life-safety infordmation.

Watch out: Lennox, dealers reported increased instances of corrosion in some Pulse furnace heat exchangers in units installed before 1990. A corroded heat exchanger that leaks can be unsafe, even fatal.

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On 2018-08-17 by (mod) - sells no products nor services

Regarding your query

"Do you have a 13GEP model line?" - does not sell any product nor service nor anything else. is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided free to the public - we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website. We do not sell products nor services.

We have read field reports of heat exchanger cracking and carbon monoxide hazards involving the Lennox 13GEPnnnnn series heating furnaces. I have not found details and am still researching the question.

Lennox 13GEP does not appear in Lennox's current product recalls list

I would be grateful to see what note you were sent. Use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to find our email, and perhaps then I can comment further.

The Lennox warranty for the 13GEP series furnaces was for a 5-year period.
I can provide that document if needed.

The links you provided suggest that the 13GEP model line suffers heat exchanger failures and thus would be unsafe.

On 2018-08-16 by

Here's a website on the 13GEP's:

And another:

For starters. Bad stuff. And not limited to 13GEP probably.

On 2018-05-25 11:24:45.008956 by

Have you dealt with Builders Mutual ! Rimkus Consulting (out of Houston) came and did not even pull service bulletins, repair records, nor even open the unit.

Said nothing was wrong with the house. Took us many thousands and years to figure out they were simply wrong. I believe this is called fraud

On 2018-05-25 by - we were very sick from it.

we were very sick from it. Do you have a 13GEP model line? Lennox already sent a note on this in Feb 2015.

Contact me for more information... I am trying to document all this stuff. Basically, 100% of the homes we visited in our neighborhood with 13GEP model line had cracked heat exchangers.

The baffle/Nox unit/screen/turbulator warp and create a flame impingement. I am told Lennox stopped using these aluminum heat exchangers now. We found out from the technicians they had been repairing units without telling the homeowners. And much more.

On 2018-03-05 by

I have a lennox puls model g14q3-40-14 serial 5887e10912 furnace man said I should contact yaw said not to use till I did used in my shop going to use in my house year made 1982

On 2017-12-27 by (mod) -

By Manufacturer, model, date, and serial number you can identify machines involved in specific recalls.

On 2017-12-27 by Anonymous

How do I know if my furnace is involve on the class action lawsuit? The HVAC technician discovered that there is a crack on the heat exchanger.

On 2017-10-23 by Skot

Never buy Lennox, they're junk.
Never get insurance from Allstate, they lie.
Never deal with companies based in Texas, they'll rip you off.

On 2017-10-04 by Rodney

I have a Lennox furnace your site say there is a recall
I would like someone to call me for some type of service

On 2017-01-14 by (mod) -


I'm stymied. Compensation? Do you mean condensation - moisture forming on the surface of a pipe? If so, see - CONDENSATION or SWEATING PIPES, TANKS at

Compensation means payment - how much someone is being paid, or earns, or making an allowance for something.

Condensation means moisture coming out of the air and onto a surface, typically warm air carries more moisture than cool air and when that moist warm air touches a cool surface moisture condenses out onto the surface.

On 2017-01-14 by

Or can you explain to me what compensation is

On 2017-01-14 by

Should there be compensation coming out pvc pipe when the heater comes on

On 2016-11-21 by (mod) - This furnace almost just killed my entire family.


Thank you for taking time to warn other readers about the real safety hazards of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Readers: be SURE that you have working smoke and CO detectors properly located and installed in your home.

Even now, years after this specific gas heater safety hazard was recognized there are still some unsafe units in operation.


I'm not sure which pipes you're cleaning with a shop vac but like you, I would be very cautious about the safety of a gas fired furnace that has actually held onto water and muck in the heat exchanger or any other metal parts. Such condensate is highly corrosive. It's no surprise that a corroded heat exchanger can leak potentially fatal carbon monoxide poisoning.

You're welcome to contact me using the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send specifics about cases or other expert sources to which we should refer our readers.



On 2016-11-15 by Michelle Miller - The Carbon monoxide level in our home was over 500 as measured by the local fire dept after my 2 daughters collapsed in our home.

This furnace almost just killed my entire family. We purchased our house not knowing anything.

We just left the hospital having Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy due to the exhaust pipe that exploded in our attic that we were unaware of.

The Carbon monoxide level in our home was over 500 as measured by the local fire dept after my 2 daughters collapsed in our home.

Every one of us have been complaining of severe headaches disorientation and vision issues as well as the inability to be able to breathe. The c02 levels in our blood were high. My 12 year old was the highest and she was air lifted immediately to Baltimore for this oxygen treatment. I am in shock that we almost died.

On 2016-11-05 by Anonymous

Furnace stopped. Recycled everything. Runs for 30 seconds then quits. Any suggestions. Thanks 1990 model.

On 2016-10-11 by Chloe

We moved into our home about two months ago. We have a Lennox Pulse furnace. It was installed somewhere around 1986-1988. We have installed carbon monoxide detectors and just turned it on a few days ago. It seems to be working really well (little loud, but I hear this what you get with this

I am having our heating guy come out and check the safety of the furnace- particularly the heat exchanger. The people who owned this home did keep up on all their maintenance, so I would assume they kept their furnace in good order and had it checked for safety periodically, but who knows? As long as the heat exchanger is good and we keep up on our carbon monoxide detectors, we should be good?

On 2016-07-26 by (mod)

You could do that and have the system tested for leaks, but

1. I expect the cost to be close to furnace replacement

2. I worry that the installer won't warrant the repair

On 2016-07-26 03:13:42.468202 by Marcie

We are moving into a house with a Pulse furnace. What if we have the heat exchange replaced like the warranty did, then would it be safe?

On 2016-07-23 17:15:01.630428 by (mod)

Joel, excerpting from the article Lennox PULSE FURNACE SAFETY WARNING

The original Lennox furnace safety inspection program ran through July 1, 1999. If the warranted heat exchanger needed replacing, Lennox indicated that the company would provide a new heat exchanger at no cost to the owner. Labor costs for replacement parts are not part of the Pulse furnace warranty.

Owners of Lennox furnaces in this series who discover this fact after July 1, 1999 should still have the furnace heat exchanger inspected for safety, regardless of whether a new heat exchanger will be provided under warranty. A "rusty" heat exchanger, or one which has a rust hole or crack may be unsafe and risks leaks of dangerous, even potentially fatal carbon monoxide (CO) flue gas.

In the ARTICLE INDEX see HEAT EXCHANGER LEAKS for more information about heat exchanger leaks and furnace safety and

see CARBON MONOXIDE GAS TOXICITY for information about carbon monoxide.

On 2016-07-23 01:02:06.504770 by Joel

It appears that we have a furnace affected by this. Our A/C unit stopped working last summer or the year before, but the furnace has been fine. We have had service on occasion and had air flapper valve replaced more than once. Could failure of the heat exchanger cause A/C to no longer cool?

I read somewhere that the heat exchanger had a lifetime warranty - is that right? We have a G14Q3-80-18.

If so, for this recall, would parts be covered even if labor isn't? We've lived in this house since 1995. Somehow we never received notification of this recall. Would have happily taken advantage back in 1997 to know we were safe and covered.

On 2016-05-15 21:55:02.227433 by (mod) - there was a recall on the Pulse G14 series.

Darold, I hear from readers that companies do not necessarily always respond consistently to warranty requests and claims, though as we note above the program for this furnace has been closed.

First priority: have an expert check the safety of your heating system - regardless of whether or not there is warranty coverage. Staying alive is first priority.

Second: you can give Lennox customer service a call to ask what the company might offer. Do keep us posted as what you're told may help other readers.

On 2016-05-15 21:51:30.535678 by Darold Newton

Noticed there was a recall on the Pulse G14 series...we have one of these units and don't believe the system has ever had the exchanger that the furnace is out of warranty what can lennox do about the safety and recall??


Question: furnace operating problems - clicking, blinking lights, not operating properly

the furnace will click but not fire up we checked the filter,thermoatat,and the switch it only clicked - Vora 9/16/2011

lennox pulse 21, turns off then light blinks, clicks, purge, trys to start don't, goes thru cycle again, sometimes comes on then and will run for days or hours or few minutes, but when off light blinks, light is never completely off though either blinking or solid green, been told by hvac we need a contrl panel which are no longer made or buy a new furnace, PLEASE HELP!!!!!! - Elaine 11/24/2011

My lennox pulse furnace MOD# G1403-60-13 has high CO goes from 0 to over 200 back and forth as it is running. WHAT IS WRONG ? - B&D Heating & Cooling 10/10/12

my pulse furnace takes a long time to come on - Sam 10/19/12

We just bought this house and it has a lennox. House was built in 92. I changed the thermostat and replaced filter but it kicks on for 5 mins then shuts off. wake up frozen. Calling service tech tomorrow but cant afford a new furnace. - Alex Gonzalez 10/28/12

Reply: troubleshooting suggestions for furnaces

Elaine: check the installation manual for your Lennox pulse combustion unit, or if you don't have the manual we may have a copy here, or best you can obtain one directly from Lennox. There you will find a decoding of the meaning of the color and blinking rate of the LEDs on our control board. Before assuming that the problem is the control board I'd want to understand the code and thus to see if the unit needs other repairs.

If ultimately it's just the control board that's the problem, again I'd talk with Lennox to ask if there is not a replacement unit available.

B&D: Since CO can kill someone I suggest getting help from a trained service tech. With no data about your systems installation nor operation I cannot answer the question, but I'd expect to find a draft or combustion air or burner blower speed problem.


I don't know what's wrong - could be any of many problems given that we have no data whatsoever ab out your system - a control, a swithch, a bad igniter, a slow to open gas valve; One thing to check for is a small gas leak in the fuel piping; if the distance from fuel supply to burner is many feet and there is a leak in the line, in some installations I find that the start cycle has to run for a longer than usual time to purge air from the gas line in order for fuel to reach the igniter.

Readers looking for heaing, heat pump, or air conditioning installation, service, and maintenance manuals should See MANUALS & PARTS GUIDES - HVAC.

Question: is our furnace safe if it is working OK?

I just learned of this problem Furnace works well enough
The serial number is G1403-60-CS. I was told that this furnaace could be a problem
for the re sale of my home
Is that correct - Bonny Jensen 9/22/2011



If your heating furnace is a model that has been identified as unsafe and subject to a product recall or consumer warning, then your home buyer is not receiving a complete, functional home - as it does not have safe functional heat. Unless that defect was made clear to the buyer before you agreed on a sale price, then in my OPINION it is reasonable to reconsider that matter when settling on a final closing price.

Readers of this document should also see HEAT EXCHANGER LEAKS.

Question: Lennox furnace flue vent damper?

On the Lennox furnace stack pipe was attached a box with an internal damper. Can you tell me what this part is called and its association to venting out exhaust gases? - Dan 10/9/2011


Dan: it sounds as if your heating furnace setup includes an automatic vent damper that is designed to close when the unit is not running and to open automatically just before the burner turns on at the start of a heating cycle. The purpose of an automatic stack damper is to conserve heating energy by cutting down the standby heat losses up the flue vent and chimney at the end of a heating cycle just after the burner has turned off.

Question: trouble getting our Lennox Pulse, Model G140415-100 furnace to start up, failed heat exchanger

We built our home in 1990-1991 purchasing Lennox Pulse, Model G140415-100, Serial 5890K02730. The heat exchanger was replaced in 1995. Today we had service technician to residence due to furnace not starting. Thermostat would display icon for heat, the furnace would begin its sequence, and then shut off. Result: heat exchanger failed. Since heat exchanger was installed in 1995, are we still under 20 year warranty? - Scott Elkes 11/30/11


Scott, Lennox offers a variety of warranties, often keyed to the particular product. But all of the present Lennox line includes a 20-year warranty on the furnace heat exhanger ("depending on model" whatever that's going to mean). The G14 is not in the current Lennox loop.

And there may be a loophole: Lennox requires product registration within 90 days of installation to obtain warranty protection. I'm not sure how strictly the company will enforce that provision.

I'd give Lennox a call directly 1-800-9-LENNOX to ask if they extend their warranty to a replacement heat exchanger for a G14 Pulse model furnace. You can be sure that the company is very aware of warranty and claims issues and that Lennox takes their product and name reputation seriously.

When you've spoken directly with Lennox let us know what you were told - what you learn will help other readers and will have exposure here.

Question: Should I have my 1992 Lennox Pulse 21 furnace tested?

i have a 1992 lenex pulce 21 should i still have it presure tested - Sam Rokus 9/7/12


Sam, your Lennox pulse furnace was made after the date range for which Lennox announced a safety inspection program. However no one can assure you by email nor web article comment that your heating system is safe or not safe. For that you would need an onsite expert inspection and testing. At a minimum, and as general safety advice where heating equipment of any brand and model is installed, you should be sure that your home has working fire, smoke, and carbon monoxide detectors properly located and installed.

Beyond that general advice, if you have heard, seen, or smelled something of concern with your heating system you should contact both your local HVAC service company and Lennox Corporation for service and advice. Where there is no evidence or reason to suspect a problem with a furnace, heat exchanger testing is not a normal procedure.

Question: want to replace a G14Q3-40-C22 Pulse - are there Lennox rebates?

Have a G14Q3-40-C22 Pulse I am looking to get a new furnace and air conditioner...furnace is a 1988...should i be talking to lennox to see if i can get any rebates for upgrading and or testing of the unit for any rebates. Furnace runs great just fan is too wimpy to get heat properly through the house and being 24 years old thinking its time? Never been tested as far as i documentation as to being tested we've just had general maintenance done on it yearly....thank you for any information you can give me as too my situation...thinking of switching to rheem or york? - Jeff Tufts 1/21/12


Jeff, we give contact information for Lennox in the article above. No harm in asking but I would guess that if there is not an actual warranty claim I don't see what basis there might be for a rebate or discount on upgrading your furnace.

Reader follow-up:

Just a thought...doesn't hurt to try anything in this day and age to get a little rebate,,,,THANKS will give them a call and see whats up - Jeff

JUST A FYI THATS AN AIR CONDIITIONING UNIT TYPE NOT FURNACE TYPE...frunace type will be in top front door on label... - Jeff

Question: I need someone to service my Lennox Pulse Furnace

I cant find anyone to service my lennox pulse i do not beleive it is a 21 ser # model # is CR16-41-2FF can anyone advise , am going to try website for lennox - Dianne Stahl 1/24/12

I cannot find a Technician who knows Lennox Pulse to service properly. I purchased my house in 2001 and having problems every winter. The pilot light is blinks now and the house is below 20C. It is not the fuse. One technician changed the thermastat which was not the problem. Can anyone tell me what is WRONG AND IS THERE ANY REBATE? AS I NOW LEARNT OF THE LENNOX PULSE PROBLEM. Thanks - Beatrice 2/21/12

Oops? I forget to give the details of the furnace. The Model # is G1403-80-C4 High Effeciency Pulse and was installed October 18, 1986. Please advise. Thanks. - Beatrice


Beatrice, call the heating service companies in your area, starting with ones closest to you, asking if they have technicians trained & experienced with your heater. Or contact the manufacturer directly for their recommendation of a qualified service representative in your area.

Question: GSR1 404/5-80-7 Ser#5891c14373 making propane smell in the heating air supply

re;GSR1 404/5-80-7 Ser#5891c14373 name plate Z21-64-1988
Installed 2/93

Intermittent propane smell from in-house vents, called propane co. no leaks; called hvac people no pressure test performed. Wanted us to "junk the furnace". Did visual on heat exchanger and pronounced "ok". Understand if heat exchanger is bad, Lennox will charge $675 plus installation and give us new heater. hvac co wants to sell us a new one (of course)..What should I do? - Dean Shepardson 4/12/12



Before replacing a heat exchanger because of propane gas smells it makes more sense to me that you have an expert check for and locate the source of propane leaks. Propane gas, containing a special odorant, typically mercapatan, has a characteristic odor that is intended to warn of a gas leak. That odor is not the same as the smell of combustion products, and just for the record, the most dangerous combustion product, carbon monoxide, taken by itself, is odorless.

Watch out: The hazard of a propane gas leak is a potential explosion.

Watch out: The hazard of flue gas leaks into a building, say from a leaky heat exchanger, is death from carbon monoxide poisoning. For details see Carbon Monoxide Gas Toxicity, exposure limits, poisoning symptoms, and inspecting buildings for CO hazards.

So first, and promptly, have an expert look for, test, & find the gas leak (if there is one) and fix it; then if odors or suspicions remain it's time to test the heat exchanger and vent system.

Question: Do I need a leak test on my Lennox furnace?

Had Lennox in for yearly inspection who said there may be a leaking problem and has to be pressure tested for a possible leak. This is a Pulse 21 and was installed in 1995. Tech also said if there is a leak, unit would have to be replaced. Is this just a can I check?Funds are low after just doing re-roofing job and I need to know that this is accurate. The cost of the pressure test was estimated to be about 85 to 90 dollars. Please help. - Mardy M 5/9/12


Mardy, unfortunately, because there are life safety questions involved in the safe venting of combustion products from any heating equipment, no one can nor should ignore a safety warning about a possible leaky heat exchanger. The cost of a proper test is worthwhile.

Question: Concerned about Lennox Pulse G21: how do we test a Lennox pulse combustion furnace heat exchanger or vent system for safe operation? Homeowner complaints about Lennox & Lennox dealers

Does the Lennox Pulse G21Q3-100-3 have a draft inducing fan - Concerned 11/9/12

I would like to know about the failure of any Lennox dealer who did not follow the Lennox instructions that the heat exchanger had to be pressure tested. The cost of the tool and kit is $300. I am wondering if the refusal to do this pressure testing may be because the Lennox retailers did not invest in the tools necessary and the plugs to do this testing.

How many purchasers of the Lennox Pulse G21 Unit Series were told the pressure testing had to be performed by a Lennox dealer to qualify for any compensation on their warranty, if they are the original owner of this machine? Would the Lennox honor their warranty if a qualified gas fitter, with a journeyman ticket, be allowed to do that test, and even if they were with a competitor's business. Would any gas safety inspector, by any permit, be the witness of how the test is done, and with what tools, Lennox or others satisfy the Lennox Warranty division?

What does lifetime really mean on the heat exchanger for a residential and original owner?
Let me know, at

Any information if you received satisfactory compensation would be appreciated too, and what division you dealt with, if living in Canada - Concernedf 11/9/12

This check list is not stating how to test by pressure testing the integrity of the PVC elbows, connectors, and piping for cracks and leakages.

When I called for the proper pressure testing the Lennox dealer's employee or subcontractor refused to do the proper assurance of this pressure testing. He claimed he had to cut a pipe. So was he not qualified as a journeyman gasfiter and plumber? He installed 90 percent new PVC piping, too, and that was not tested to assure no leakages of new connectors or elbows, too. He knew the machine was an 18 year old machine, to the original owner, and yet had a Lifetime Warranty on the heat exchanger.

I wonder if in Canada this is being encouraged not to honor that warranty, or in Dawson Creek,B.C. of the Lennox dealers in my area. Still very upset that this Lennox dealer's employee or subcontractor, knowingly did only a visual inspection and put that on a Yellow sticker, an immediate need of calling the Lennox dealer for a pressure testing of the Pulse 21 G21Q3-100-3 heat exchanger.

I AM MOST DISAPPOINTED THAT MY LENNOX PULSE MAY BE NOT SAFE TO TURN ON. The valve was turned off by the SSA gas inspector, at my request, but this organization has not brought any results on the safety of this machine, as yet, Dec. 1, 2012. SSA became involved in July 2012 and all they did was protect the service persons of the industry and not others, property or the owner of the Pulse 21.
Any help out there of a higher authority on testing correctly any PVC connecting to any other high efficiency gas furnace? Any lawyers that can work an International problem, or Class Action? - Concerned 12/2/12

I note that a retailer, like Sears, stands behind their installer of any product or line they sell. Yet Lennox does not stand behind any of their Lennox retailers, who are the installers, the servicemen and women, and the testers. They do not stand behind if that dealer had improper workmanship. What Lennox has done at the Head Office in Texas, is put all responsibility of installing and of the testing of the venting system to be only a local or Provincial or State issue.

Is this fair that they Promote Friendly Dave Lennox of assuring quality of any of the Lennox products. I think, at least in Canada, in my Area, Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway, Dawson Creek, B.C. Canada, false promotions or advertising. They do not stand behind the installation of the integrity of the piping system or how poorly it may have been installed, or failure for their Lennox dealer to do a pressure testing, currently, May 3, 2012, and a service and an implied duty, when first installed, Dec. 8, 1994.

The Lennox pulse 21, has the heat exchanger replaced within the first five year warranty period; had close to $1000.00 in year 2007, for replacement, again of the Johnson Control Unit; and then replacement for unconsented to, 90 percent of the piping venting, for $550.00 when all that was requested was the improperly venting elbows and connections, four or five, in the beam area, less than 20 inches, where the pipe then went to the outside vent.

That vent stuck out 12 inches from the side of the house, and was not adequately above the snow level either. Ice built uip on the end of the pipe, indicating that the slope of the pipe was not 1/4 slanting backward to drain condensation back to the furnace and its condensation water drain. Poor installation was likely the reason this Pulse has had so many expensive repairs. Poor workmanship and Lennox do not stand behind their dealers, at all. They put the onus of inspection as a local issue, gas inspectors or the State, Territory, or Province codes and inspections. Manuals, they are ignore! - Concerned 12/2/2012

Reply: Heat Exchanger & Vent Pipe Test Kit & Test Instructions from Lennox


Some of the furnace operating and installation problems you describe are, in my OPINION, improper installation, including failure to install the equipment accoring to the manufacturer's recommendations. I agree that an improper installation can be unsafe and can even risk fatal carbon monoxide poisoning. But most likely those issues are with your installer, not with Lennox Corporation.

Start with a call to the service manager of your heating service company, expaining as calmly as you can the questions you have about the safe and proper operation of the equipment, and asking for service by a technician who is trained and experienced with this equipment. If you cannot obtain service that you find comfortable and reliable after that effort, it's time to look elsewhere for service.

Quoting from Lennox's heat exchanger & vent pipe test kit instructions,

Heat exchanger and vent pipe test kit (LB−91053/ 74K96) seals the heat exchanger and vent pipe assemblies on Pulse furnaces to allow pressurized leak testing of these systems. This kit can be applied to furnaces installed in the upflow, downflow or horizontal configurations.

When the test kit is used with a 40, 60, or 80,000 btu upflow furnace with left-hand exhaust piping exit or a 100,000 btu upflow furnace with right-hand exhaust piping exit, it may be necessary to remove the condensate trap assembly to access the heat exchanger exhaust pipe. If the condensate trap assembly must be replaced, order the appropriate replacement from Lennox customer service. [1] - See Heat Exchanger & Vent Pipe Test Kit, Lennox Industries, Dallas TX,

Watch out: because improper venting of heating erquipment is dangerous and risks both fatal carbon monoxide poisoning and unsafe heating equipment operation, inspection and testing of heating equipment is a task that should be performed by a qualified, trained heating service technician. This is a procedure recommended for a do-it-yourselfer, handyman, nor a homeowner.

In fact Lennox warns about hiring scams - see

Question: As the owner of that Pulse furnace Model C-26-41, SN 6098E0895, I am concerned with its safety. I am pleased with its operation

In the 1980's, I had a Lennox Pulse furnace installed; in the late 1990's, I was made aware of a problem witrh the heat exchanger and contacted my installer and Lennox. A crack was found and the heat exchanger was replaced at some cost to me. When my A/C system was checked, the mechanic suggested that I check with Lennox as he understood that there was a second recall on the Pulse furnace.

I forgot to do so at the time. I am now requesting such information. I have not had any notice from Lennox on this matter though I believe that Lennox has my name and address in your files. But, to be sure, it is Stanley J Green, 12814 Bluet Lane, Silver Spring MD, 20906-3301. My phone number is 301 946-5834. As the owner of that Pulse furnace Model C-26-41, SN 6098E0895, I am concerned with its safety. I am pleased with its operation. - Stanley Green 11/25/2012


Stanley, please see the notes and comments in the Q&As above.


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Anonymous · May 24, 2021

Thanks for sharing this valuable information. I was searching for furnace maintenance in Toronto and finally I found this one. I'm surprised that I've landed on the right page where I can find the answers to all of my questions.

danjoefriedman (mod) · Feb 19, 2020


How to fix flame rollout at a gas furnace or boiler or water heater:

Watch out: trying to fix what's a serious safety hazard by treating the symptom rather than the cause. And you're leaving some potentially dangerous conditions:

- risk of fatal carbon monoxide poisoning

- risk of burned, damaged control wiring or furnace or heater controls

I don't assume it's a design flaw for which an add-on part is needed. If you're seeing flame rollout there maybe a problem with combustion air supply, burner adjustment, or exhaust venting, or a problem with a soot-clogged (and thus very dangerous) heat exchanger.

The technical explanation of flame rollout at a gas furnace is the build-up of combustion gases in the combustion chamber that are creating pressure to force gases (and flame) out through the burner front instead of venting properly through the exhaust flue.

The reason I warn that a soot-clogged heat exchanger is dangerous is that sooting at a gas burner means improper combustion that in turn means there is a risk of production of and leakage of fatal carbon monoxide.

Be sure you have working CO detectors properly located in the home.

Then call for service from your heating tech. Don't try to "fix" the problem by adding a gas flame rollout blocker.


TONY LEWIS · Feb 19, 2020

This Lennox package unit installed 2015 will not run in heater mode for more than 10 minutes before flame rollout switch shuts gas supply off.
Is there a reftrofit part available to correct this mfr design flaw


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