FAQs on how to add air to the water pressure tank by pumping at the air inlet valve:
Questions & answers on how to use the air valve on a water pressure tank to add air to the tank or to pre-charge the pressure tank with the proper amount of air. The air charge in the pressure tank is critical to avoid water pump short cycling on and off.
This article series describes how to add air to a building water pressure tank, and how to detect and correct air and water leaks in a building water supply system where a private well is the water source.
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These questions & answers about how to use the air valve to add air or pressure to a water pressure tank were posted originally
at WATER TANK AIR ADD AT AIR VALVE - be sure to see the procedures described there.
On 2017-11-25 by (mod) -
In the ARTICLE INDEX found near the end of this page you will see articles giving two different approaches to priming a well pump. Or you can use the search box to search for the phrase
How to prime the pump
On 2017-11-25 by JeffLebowski
thanks for the reply. I'm reading through the troubleshooting info on the site but can you guess how I can recharge the prime? Caused by air leak I'm assuming.
On 2017-11-24 by (mod) -
The tank does not determine the system water pressure. That's achieved by the water pump itself. I think it's possible that you have lost Prime for your pump
On 2017-11-24 22:51:33.110154 by JeffLebowski
I replaced an old psi pressure gauge on a well system and when I turned the well pump back on I had significantly reduced pressure. The pressure is good for a few seconds then drops. I have looked through all of this sites info and can't pinpoint the problem. The pressure is at 40 psi, is that too low? I have not altered the pressure meter box. Could there be an issue with the tank/bladder from being drained?
On 2017-11-13 04:28:01.855926 by (mod) -
Gary, putting air in the water tank is not going to correct the problem of having no water in the house. That sounds to me as if the pump is not running or if there is a broken well pipe, or perhaps a total lack of water in the wel if you search this website for our article titled
No water pressure
You'll see a series of diagnostic and repair steps in recommended order
On 2017-11-12 19:48:05.264825 by Gary
We have zero air pressure in our well holding tank. The pump is a submergable, it is in the well. We have no water to the house. I have put a compressor on and the tank pressure is still on zero. Do I have to open the tank and turn on the pump to get air in the tank or how do I fix this? Desperate!!
On 2017-07-20 14:57:45.033208 by (mod) -
Re-posting question accidentally deleted
AUTHOR: San (no email)
COMMENT: 200Ltr pressure vessel how much bar want to fil
Pre-charge the empty water tank to 2 psi or 0.14 Bar below the pressure control switch CUT-IN pressure.
On 2017-07-20 by (mod) how much bar to pre-charge the pressure tank
Pre-charge the empty water tank to 2 psi or 0.14 Bar below the pressure control switch CUT-IN pressure.
On 2017-07-20 by San
200Ltr pressure vessel how much bar want to fill
The air valve used to add air into a pressure tank is described inWATER TANK AIR ADD AT AIR VALVE.
On 2017-07-04 by Anonymous
I don't know which is the correct valve to put air back into my tank
On 2017-05-17 by (mod) why the pressure in the tank goes from 28 to 40 psi after a cycle 40/50
I'm not sure where the 40/50 cycle term is coming from. Typically a factory-set pressure control switch is set to CUT IN at 20 psi and CUT OUT at 40 psi, OR to CUT IN at 30 psi and CUT OUT at 50 psi.
You could be seeing different pressures if someone changed the settings or adjustments in your pressure control switch. If you use the InspectApedia search box just above to find PRESSURE CONTROL SWITCH ADJUSTMENT you will find details of that procedure.
On 2017-05-17 by Ricardo
My question is why the pressure in the tank goes from 28 to 40 psi after a cycle 40/50 thanks. rap6119@gmail.com
On 2017-04-13 by (mod) do i have to empty the tank (water) and then pre-charge the air bladder or is the tank gauge faulty ?
The jet pump itself ought not run low on air - it doesn't want to see any air, but you are perhaps telling me about the water pressure tank connected to your jet pump.
The pressure you'll read at the tank depends on when in the pumping cycle you measure it.
If you drain ALL pressure from the system (pump OFF) and then set the air pre-charge to 2 psi below the pump CUT-IN - in your case 38 psi.
On 2017-04-13 by john popp
I have a jet pump normal range 40-60 psi. It ran low on air and I added air via schrader valve to 38 psi using a digital tire gauge to measure pressure at the schrader.
The tank gauge shows only 27 psi - do i have to empty the tank (water) and then pre-charge the air bladder or is the tank gauge faulty ?
On 2017-02-05 by dennis belk
lost prime after changing suction hose/pressure switch/gauge on deep well. when trying to prime thru gauge ,it only took approximately 4oz. turn on and gauge went to 20#. and slowly dropped to zero within 10 seconds. help
On2016-11-27 by Anonymous
Great information. Thank you
On2016-11-11 by (mod) re: sometimes lose water pressure, not sure exactly what to re-set the switch to
Filters can of course clog and cut water flow rate - or "pressure" at the fixtures. Iron can also clog pipes.
If the water flow rate is notably better with the filters out or offline that'd be diagnostic.
The fact that your pump turns on immediately suggests that your pressure tank is waterlogged. Search InspectApedia.com for WELL PUMP SHORT CYCLING to read how to diagnose and fix that.
Short cycling doesn't immediately explain weak water pressure but can, over time, damage the pump.
On2016-11-10 01:41:23.460233 by Margaret
my water pressure on a well system with a pressure tank has been decreasing over time. The water pressure is sometimes pretty good, but then other times, hardly any water will come out. The well pump itself is 2 years old.
I don't know the size of the tank, it is a WellXTrol, probably several years old, not sure. The pump kicks on almost immediately after turning on a faucet and continues to run for quite a while after faucet is shut off. The well has a LOT of iron in it. There are currently 3 filters but they are all after the pressure tank.
The filters don't seem to do much to remove the iron. I have to change the medium at least monthly. All of the pipe is poly but some of the fittings are galvanized.
Plastic ones sometimes would freeze and/or crack. The pressure gauge was new 2 years ago when the new pump was installed. It was set at 40 psi but has continually dropped and now is at about 12 psi. When I tried to add air to the tank using a air compressor, water comes out the valve and doesn't seem to let any air in.
The water seems to be under fairly high pressure. I have read about re-setting the pressure switch, but since I can't change the pressure on the pressure gauge by adding air, not sure exactly what to re-set the switch to. Any suggestions for what to check or what to do? Thanks.
On2016-10-31 by (mod) I think my tank is water logged
A water-logged tank will cause pump short cycling - rapid on-off switching; that might overheat the pump and cause it to turn off.
The kick-in or "cut-in" pressure on a residential system is usually 20 psi or 30 psi and the cut-off is usually 40 or 50 psi.
On2016-10-31 13:28:52.012231 by lois
I have a shut off switch on my well pump for to safe guard my pump in case the water level goes low. I know I have water in my well but am having difficulty in keeping my pump running.
I think my tank is water logged. to restart my pump lately, I have had to open water line and hold switch until water started to come out line. If I then, closed tap, my pressure gauge would move and finally, I would get water. Now, that is not working.
My pressure gauge sits at 40 or a little below at all times but seems to need to hold switch a little longer to get pressure a little higher before pump will run on its own. Could my tank be water-logged? What should my kick-in pressure be?
On2016-09-28 by (mod) I would rather not rely on electricity or an expensive manual deep well hand pump.
You might search InspectApedia.com for RAM JET WATER PUMP to see an alternative.
On2016-09-26 by JNoon
How do i get water pressure without using electricity, gravity, or manual pump?
I'd like to fill a water tank by lifting and pouring from buckets, close the fill pipe and then pressurize the tank to supply up to 30 gallons to one faucet in a small off grid cabin.
I would rather not rely on electricity or an expensive manual deep well hand pump. Another thought is to bucket fill a barrel inside the cabin and pump from that using a shallow well pitcher pump. Ideas?
On2016-09-02 by (mod) is it normal for water to come out of the Schrader valve?
No, not for a tank that uses an internal bladder - that is if the valve you're checking is the one near the top of the tank.
More likely the tank bladder has burst or the tank is waterlogged.
On2016-09-02 by Tubero
I am trying to check the bladder's pressure, is it normal for water to come out of the Schrader valve?
On2016-08-08 by (mod) loosening both adjustment screws and starting all over
Russ you're asking about adjustment screws in an article about air pressure adjustment valves for a pressure tank.
I think you want to search InspectApedia for
and for
as those two articles give complete detail about the adjustment screws for a water pump pressure control switch.
If you're asking about something else just let us know.
On2016-08-07 by Russ
I asked earlier about loosening both adjustment screws and starting allover is that ok or not?answer would be appreciated thanx
On2016-06-01 by (mod) Have air coming out of faucet
Please search InspectApedia for AIR DISCHARGE AT FAUCETS to read details and suggestions
On2016-06-01 by Roger
Have air coming out of fauset when you turn it on but clears up after you run it for a little bit
On2016-05-03 by James
My shutoff pressure switch will not switch off
On2016-01-05 by (mod) pump cannot reach shutoff pressure
If the pump cannot reach shutoff pressure there are several causes involving switch, piping leaks, or low well flow.
Please search InspectApedia for WELL PUMP WON'T STOP RUNNING to see diagnostic and repair details.
On2016-01-05 by TJC Scotia
I have a well with a water treatment system. I shut off main water from well fixed a leaky tub faucet , turned water back on. water pressure only reaches 35 lbs. Needs to hit 60 lbs to shut off clorinator. It will continually hold at 35-38 for days, and come back to 35-38 after using water
It never goes above that to shut off pressure switch to turn off clorinator. I did try adding air manually to 60 lbs to bladder tank, clorinator shut off and held 60lbs for days until I took a shower. Dropped back to 35-38lbs Thats where it stays as we speak. ANY IDEAS????
On2015-11-16 by (mod)
Thank you so much for the feedback. We are so happy that this worked for you. We also welcome questions critique and comments from oureaders.
On2015-11-15 by Dan Anderson
Just wanted to say thanks for the info. My homes pump was short cycling because my air pressure had run down.I followed the instructions and now my pump has returned to normal
Thanks again
On2015-10-08 by Gary
pipe broke at water tank do I need to add air to the bladder water tank when fixed?
On2015-09-24 by (mod) Increasing water tank air pressure will not improve water flow rate from your well.
Increasing water tank air pressure will not improve water flow rate from your well. The well's own flow rate and the pressure capacity of the pump set that.
On2015-09-24 by Anonymous
I am getting a low flow of water from my well I put air in of 2 bar but im still getting a low flow of water should I increace the air pressure to 3 bar
(Dec 27, 2014) Dick said:
Well pump is cycling intermittently at 45 second intervals. It takes 45 seconds from cut in to cut out and the same from cut out back to cut in. I have isolated the house by closing the main water valve at the tank. I recently replaced this valve because the old gate valve failed last week while I was replacing my water heater.
I replaced it with a quarter turn ball valve. Isolating the house has no effect on the condition, confirming that the problem exists between the house and the well somewhere...Water LEVEL in the water tank appears to be correct. Water PRESSURE in the water tank also appears to be correct.
I opened the valve between the tank and the main shutoff and got a good strong, clear stream of water. I have rapped and tapped at all the intersections of piping around the tank and pump switch. All to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks.
Dick in the Water Pump Repair Guide articles in More Reading at the end of this article, see the diagnostic article titled
(Jan 22, 2015) Tina Clifford said:
air inlet valve in leaking. Can we put a new valve on or do we have to buy a whole new tank?
(Jan 23, 2015) (mod) said:
Tina if the leak is at the valve stem or core, that part can be replaced using an ordinary automotive tire valve tool to remove the old valve core and to install a new one.
However when buying the new valve core you want to buy one that is designed to operate in the same pressure range as that selected by the manufacturer of your water pressure tank - which may be (and often is) quite a bit lower than that found in an automotive supply store.
Check with the manufacturer. This may not matter fxor some installations but for water system air valves used in SOME designs that require automatic air venting
See SNIFTER & DRAIN BACK VALVES and see also the article starting at the top
of WATER TANK AIR ADD AT AIR VALVE. A low-release-pressure valve core is needed.
On 2014-02-15 by (mod) - make an immediate test of system water pressure
I wanted to add that you can of course make an immediate test of system water pressure without a permanently attached gauge by either using a tire gauge on a schrader valve fitting (looks like a tire valve) that you may find on your pressure tank or on a nearby fitting;
You can also buy or make a simple water pressure test gauge that combines a water pressure gauge with a garden hose female fitting that lets you install the pressure gauge on a clothes washer hook-up in the home, at a laundry sink, or at an outdoor garden hose fitting connection.
If you search InspectaApedia for
How to Measure Water Pressure
you'll find our article that describes these alternatives.
On 2014-02-15 by (mod) - without reading the water tank pressure or system water pressure it's not possible to know quite what the water system is doing
You are quite right that without reading the water tank pressure or system water pressure it's not possible to know quite what the water system is doing. If your system has no water pressure gauge installed, adding one is the best bet. Water pressure gauges are not expensive.
Typically around $10. U.S. For best accuracy buy a pressure gauge whose range covers your pump operating range but not much higher. For example a pressure gauge that displays pressures between 0 psi and 100 psi is a good match for a home water system that typically operates in the 20 to 70 psi range.
You'll be able to read water pressure more accurately than if you installed a 0-500 psi gauge whose scale will leave you peering always at just the scale's low end.
In the "More Reading" links just above I've added a link to our PRESSURE GAUGE top article. Take a look there and you'll see that a common location for water pressure gauges on a private pump and well system is at a tank tee fitting at the water tank outlet.
The tank tee includes a tapping intended to accept a 1/8" or 1/4" NPT threaded water pressure gauge. Other water pressure gauge tappings may be present such as on the pressure tank itself on its top or side, or even on the water pump housing. Because vibration of the pump can jiggle the tank gauge needle making it hard to read, I prefer to see the pressure gauge mounted on the tank or on a tank tee rather than on the pump itself.
I'll add this Q&A and further example photos of water pressure gauge locations there.
On 2014-02-15 by geoff
On 2014-02-04 by (mod) - never leave an air compressor connected to a water pressure tank
About those earlier questions from Joe and Mark: I would never leave an air compressor connected to a water pressure tank, but I would use compressed air as an alternative way to get the needed air charge into the water pressure tank. Just take care not to overpressurize the tank as you can damage it or even be seriously injured.
On 2014-02-04 by (mod) - rapid water pump short cycling solved
I'm thrilled our article was helpful to you - we work hard to make our material clear, authoritative, and useful - and to that end I welcome questions or criticism.
About the 65 seconds, unless your pressure tank is quite small, I'm not sure a minute is enough to know that we've got enough air charge in the tank.
If we were being technically accurate we'd want to see a water volume draw-down from pump shut-off until pump turns back on that in gallons was something close to the draw-down rating of the pressure tank. So we look at water quantity - not just the draw down time. (Since water systems deliver water at different rates (in gpm) quantity helps sort out the question. )
On 2014-02-03 by Tim
Well pump relay clicking on/off every 3/4 seconds. Read diagnosis for that problem. Drain pressure tank, refill with air. Turned water/pump back on. Presso!!!
Now Well pump cycles at @65 seconds for inside water and 23 seconds for outside water use. Inside water goes thru water softner/filtering, outside water straight from well to garden, no filtering. Problem fixed. Thanks saved alot of money.
On 2013-01-31 by Joe
I like to know if I can add a small air compressor on all the time at 40 psi, so I dont have to bleed my well when it get water logged. I figure the regulator on the air compressor will work with the well pump so it wont get water log. I am wondering if that would work
On 2012-12-20 by Mark Whitnell
I was wondering if I can connect an air compressor line to the tank using a regulator set at say 40psi.
On 2012-11-25 by Michael
Anonymous, Forgot to enter name
On 2012-11-25 by Anonymous
I think you are right. The new gauge I installed in the water line is showing a standing pressure of c. 60 psi and will drop acordingly as the water is turned on... to c. 25 psi.
After changing the gauge and switch I then though I would try to add air to the pressure tank and when I attempted to pump more air in the pressure tank it was registering c. 38 psi.
Thanks for responding!
On 2012-11-25 by (mod) - gauge pressure does not indicate volume, just pressure.
Are you perhaps mixing up gauge pressure with air content. The water tank gauge shows system water pressure, not how much air is in the tank.
On 2012-11-25 by (mod) -
B Parker
Thanks so much, glad to assist
On 2012-11-24 by Michael
I have a Red Lion RL 20. The pressure switch was clicking moreso than normal and the pressure valve seemed stuck on 60 psi, I tapped it a few times and unstuck it but it continued sticking. So I changed the pressure valve and switch, now I get more clicking. I attempted to get more air in the tank but it is registering at 40 psi. Any thoughts before I call a plumber.
On 2012-07-31 by BParker
Great site! fixing our well problem! Tank was full of water. We emptied the tank and filled with air. thanks
On 2012-07-07 by (mod) -
I intended to add that the old tank outlet may be blocked by debris
On 2012-07-07 by (mod) - new bladder type tank will come with a factory air charge
Dean, a new bladder type tank will come with a factory air charge. Prices are online and at DUI ding suppliers.
On 2012-07-06 by Dean Cole
I tried to drain a old steel tank with no results with power off, opening a faucet, opening the air intake, and using a electric tire air compressor. Since the air compressor takes a long time for tires is this the same ??? The tank says the max psi is 75 lbs.
Seems the tank is bad, and how much does a replacement cost and what size should I get for it? This used for watering outside only. Does the new tank come already with air pressure ? I hope this is a DIY project. Thanks
On 2012-04-20 by (mod) - air pressure in the tank that is back-pushing your bicycle pump
Gordo: it sounds as if there is some air pressure in the tank that is back-pushing your bicycle pump. If you can pump against that pressure you can still raise the air pressure in the tank.
On 2012-04-20 by (mod) - No Schrader Valve
No Schrader Valve: there are other ways to get air into the tank such as simply draining it completely. At the bottom of this article you'll see than ARTICLE INDEX where you'll find relevant article How To links beginning under WATER TANK AIR, HOW TO ADD - take a look at the article titled WATER TANK AIR ADD BY DRAINING
On 2012-04-05 by gordo
tryed to add air to my tank but when i hook up my bicicle pump it goes all the way up
On 2012-03-03 by No Schrader valve?
I have a bladder-less tank (Amtrol RT42TT) with a Braukmann Auotomatic airvent. There are 1-1/4" fittings at the bottom. It is a submersible pump with a check valve.
The system has started short cycling and I have inspected all fittings and the tank and there are no leaks. My dilemma is that there is no air intake on the tank at the pressure switch or on the check valve.... Any advice is appreciated.
On 2012-02-19 by Jed
The Sediment has since cleared. I added more air using this procedure and no new sediment/cloudiness has appeared. In the end, I added 10-15 PSI 4 times using these steps:
1) Draw water from faucet and time the drawdown to just above cut-in pressure
2) add pressure from just above cut in to just below cut off
3) repeat until happy with drawdown time.
I finally got the cut off pressure to 3/4 tank full of water(where my schrader valve is installed), 1/4 air. Cut in is somewhere between 1/2(where the AV-100 AVC is installed) and 2/3 tank of water. It probably should still be less, but I can draw 8-10 gallons (4-5 min) before cut in on my 82 gallon tank.
On 2012-02-18 by Jed
I did this procedure on my bladder less tank and it helped with the short cycling and draw down times immensely. However it stirred up a lot of sediment and now my water is cloudy and brown. It was crystal clear before. Us this normal?
On 2011-10-26 by Scott Keith
Thanks For the help. I followed your steps and fixed the problem. It was easy to follow your Steps.
On 2011-09-19 by Terry
Followup to my problem. My water pressure gauge on the pump reads 45psi but no air pressure comes out of the Schrader valve. Could my Schrader valve be defective.
I drained my tank of water and added air at the Schrader valve. My water pressure gauge kept going up but no pressure was indicate at the Schrader valve by using a tire gauge. I stopped putting air in when the water pressure gauge got to 45psi (my cut out pressure).
I have one minute of run time between cut-out and cut-in. Which pressure gauge should I trust, my water pressure gauge or my tire gauge at the Schrader valve. Tire gauge works prefectly on my vehicle tire.
Thank you for any assistance.
On 2011-06-16 by (mod) -
Yes you can use any air source to add air to a water pressure tank. The reason we discussed a bicycle pump here and not using a portable air compressor is that the bicycle pump is safer - using an air compressor it's possible to overpressurize the tank causing it to burst - which could kill someone.
If you are competent and very careful to never push compressed air into the tank anywhere even CLOSE to its maximum pressure, you may be ok. (I've done it that way by using a pressure regulator on my air compressor, setting the regulator to a max of 30 psi, figuring that the normal operating range of the pump and tank was 30-50 psi)
On 2011-06-15 by sheilla
i have a meyers pump that cuts on for only a few seconds & the pressure is very weak & sometimes shuts off completely. i replaced the switch, but still have the problem. i think it's the bladder. can i refill it with my compressor?
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