More Q&A on exactly how to adjust the pump pressure control switch - which way to turn the adjustment nut.
This article series describes how to adjust building water pressure by setting the water pump cut-in and cut-out pressure on the well water pump pressure control switch. We explain which adjustment nuts to turn and in which direction to change pump cut-in pressure or cut-our pressure settings.
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These questions and answers abouit how to adjust the control nuts in a water pressure control switch were posted originally
On 2018-10-16 by (mod) - how do I properly set the pressure adjustment nuts in the control switch?
Did you try the adjustment suggestions in the article WATER PRESSURE CONTROL SWITCH ADJUSTMENTS ? That's my best advice.
On 2018-10-16 by Dick
Pumptrol Square "D" Pressure Switch;;;;
Cuts on at 20 and off at 80.
The cut-off is OK but the cut-on needs to be 40 or 50.
How do I fix thlis....?? Dick...
On 2018-10-16 by (mod) - You can use an independent pressure gauge
You can use an independent pressure gauge Teresa or you can see what the pressure is on the gauge that's attached to your water system.
On 2018-10-16 2 by (mod) -
I would look first for a closed valve on the outlet from the water system and second for problem with water not entering the tank. Sometimes then a pressure tank the bladder can get stuck to the tank bottom and refuse to accept water. Both of those conditions can cause rapid short cycling.
On 2018-10-16 y Teresa Jarrell
Do you use the pressure gauge to set the psi by what it shows when the switch kicks on and off?
It says to set at 28 psi. there are no numbers on the switch, how do you know what you are setting it at?
Having a problem, just replaced my water pressure tank. Have a submersible pump. Problem is that when running the water the pressure switch is short cycling. it will go off and on about 4 times real fast then stop about 20 seconds then do that again. How do i adjust it ?HELP!!!
On 2018-07-16 by (mod) -
Set the cut-in to 28 psi - that's 2 psi below the CUT-IN which on your switch is 30 psi.
On 2018-07-16 by Peggy
I have a ge 1/2 hp pump and a 30/50 switch with a 20 gallon tank. What should my cut in and out pressures be. Thank you. Have a great day
On 2018-07-03 by (mod) -
Perhaps but I'd look at a waterlogged pressure tank first. For details use the search box for 's site just above and find our article on WELL PUMP SHORT CYCLING where you'll find a description, diagnosis, and repair advice.
On 2018-07-02 by Don
Our outside water spicket is surging up and down when using it. We have a well. Wondering if our well pump has a leak?
On 2018-06-20 by (mod) -
Possibly but I suspect the switch is not properly adjusted.
In the article above see
Pump Pressure Switch Pumptrol™ Nut Adjustment Sequence
On 2018-06-20 3 by allan
I have a SquareD 2 adjustment pressure switch, very old approx 42 years in service. Type FSG9C. The pump is not turning off until 70 psi. The range is 32-70 between on and off.
The upper cutoff adjustment (small spring/screw) was adjusted to be completely loose so that there is no spring pressure applied yet the upper cut off limit did not lower from 70 psi.
Adjusting only the large screw CCW moved the range from 38-75 down to 32-70. I want the upper limit lowered to about 60psi but this cannot be done. Is the pressure switch at fault?
On 2018-05-07 by (mod) -
What you describe - running along at a lower pressure - is common when the usage rate exceeds the well and pump output capacity.
When that pressure suddenly falls dramatically I would look for either a debris clogged or sticking pressure control switch OR some water outlet usage that's opening up sporadically, such as an intermittent jam-then-open condition at one f your sprinkler heads.
On 2018-05-07 by Shaun
Here's my set up:
I have a 1 HP Red Lion jet pump with a 30/50 pressure switch. The Pressure tank is properly set 2 psi below the cut in (set at 28 psi). I have confirmed that it holds air at 28 psi. I only use it to irrigate the lawn. The pump and pressure switch is about a month old (purchased brand new) and the pressure tank is 2 years old.
Here's my problem/question:
When I run one of the zones, the pressure will kick on at 28-30, but then starts to drop.
The pressure will fluctuate around 20-25 psi, and runs constantly at that pressure until the time is completed (usually 10-15 mins per zone). Every once in awhile it will decrease quickly to 20 psi then fluctuate back up to 25psi.
All my zones do this. I'm not sure why the pressure drops to 25 psi in the first place. Is it supposed to drop below the cut-in pressure at 30 psi?
When the pump zone is done and the pumps turns off, it properly cuts off at 50 psi, but as soon as it turns off at 50 psi and the pump is off, I notice the pressure will decrease to 45 psi and stop. Can anyone help diagnose my problem or help me come up with a solution?
There do not appear to be any leaks. The check valve is close to the pump and is a few weeks old. So not sure what else to check. Should I get a new pressure switch or increase the cut in pressure on the current one? Will that increase my pressure? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
On 2018-04-23 by (mod) -
That is most-often a problem with debris clogging, Philip. I would replace the pressure control switch and clean any remaining debris out of the switch mount/pressure tube.
On 2018-04-23 by PHILIP Davey
Pressure Ok and will run for about 30-40 seconds then will reduce and water flow stop for about a second then cut in and all is well for about another 30-40 seconds ? Any advice appreciated.
On 2018-04-16 by John Connolly
Well feeds sprinklers and one hose bib. Sprinklers work fine.
When hose bib is turned on, water flows for about 45 seconds then stops for 30 seconds and resumes flow for another 45 seconds. Well pump is on when water is flowing, but turns off when flow ceases. How to adjust pressure control switch to give constant flow when hose bib is turned on?
On 2018-04-12 by (mod) - Causes of pressure control switch contact bounce and pump rapid on-off cycling at the end of a water pump ON cycle
Causes of pressure control switch contact bounce and pump rapid on-off cycling at the end of a water pump ON cycle
Often I find this condition for one of several reasons:
- there is a near-blockage at the pump outlet, such as a clogged water filter
- the CUT OUT pressure is set near the very limit of the pump's capacity
- there is debris clogging of the pressure sensor line or port at the pressure control switch
- the pressure control switch contacts are burned and arcing or the switch itself is defective
- another cause that I've not remembered
On 2018-04-12 01:00:32.926836 by Val
Why does the pressure switch "bounce/pulsate" when it reaches full pressure?
On 2018-02-09 00:38:44.284598 by (mod) -
Although our pressure examples are in PSI, the principles and adjustments of a pressure switch are the same regardless of the units in which pressure is being reported.
4 kg/cm2 is about 57 psi and 6 kg/cm2 is about 85 psi (for other readers).
If your pump control switch works like the one shown in the article above you simply need to watch the pressure reading on your system's pressure gauge.
Run water, watch the pressure fall, note the pressure at which the pump starts. Adjust the switch to raise or lower the starting pressure accordingly. That's the "CUT IN" pressure.
You cannot however use the same control on the same single water system to operate at two different pressure ranges.
So I don't understand how your second pump control example would work unless you mean it's for a different system.
In any event you should NOT set up a switch that will never turn the pump OFF since under some conditions the pump pressure could blow out a pressure tank or pipe that could in turn injure or even kill someone nearby.
On 2018-02-08 by Abhimanyu Mishra
I want to set our pressure switch settings for water
1.Pump should be start on 4 kg/cm2 and stopped on 6 kg/cm2.
2. Pump should start only 3 kg/cm2 and off manually
On 2018-02-01 3 by AL - water flow drops to a trickle
I have a strange issue, My pressure is at 45-70 and the pressure is just right until a toilet is flushed or my wife turns on the washer, then the water pressure drops to a trickle. What can cause this? The pump does kick on at 45 and stays there when the water is running. It makes no sense.
I can turn on two faucets at the same time and notice only a slight drop in pressure. It's only when washer is on or toilet is flushed. Also when the yard sprinklers are on, but that only happens at 3:00 A.M. any Ideas? I am at a loss. Thanks
On 2018-01-19 by (mod) -
The article WATER PRESSURE CONTROL SWITCH ADJUSTMENTS discusses building water supply pressure settings at the water pump control switch.
When the problem is ONLY with hot water pressure and flow, the problem is not going to be fixed at the pump controller. More likely there's scale clogging or another obstruction in your hot water supply system.
On 2018-01-19 09:21:47.048286 by Anonymous
How do I turn up hot water flow to shower. Kitchen has hot water but bathroom dont
On 2018-01-17 21:04:07.701838 by (mod) -
That sounds as if the pump isn't able to reach cut-off pressure (or the pressure switch is not working or not properly sensing system pressure due to clogging)
You could try dropping the CUT OUT to 45 psi
On 2018-01-17 18:42:53.775044 by Brent
My pressure switch on my jet pump has not been working properly. The pump was short cycling on/off due to lack of air pressure in the tank.
I added air - something I have done a couple times before without problems - but afterwards the pump would kick in properly (around 25psi) but will not shut off, building to about 48psi and remaining there and continuing to run.
Initially when I cut the power to the pump the switch contacts would open on their own.
After a couple days of this they would stay closed, and have to be popped open manually (with power off, of course). So I've decided to change the switch. The range indicated on the pump itself is 25psi to 45psi. The switch is 30psi to 50psi. Do I have to adjust the range on the switch to match the pump? Thanks.
On 2018-01-14 by (mod) -
When I've seen that symptom it was often because a shut-off valve between pump and pressure tank was closed, or a water filter on the pump outlet was clogged, or the pressure tank bladder is stuck and no water flows into the tank.
On 2018-01-14 by Tyrone
After replacing well pump I turned on pump and pressure gauge went crazy turning on an of rapidly
On 2018-01-11 by Eddie
Thanks for this article. Very useful. I have a 95 series Davey pump taking water from a lake and sending it around a backyard which slopes uphill, at the highest point about 30 yds above the lake. With the pump set to 40/20 cut out/cut in an inital high flow rate quickly becomes a slow one for the higher parts of the yard and so it takes a long time for the pressure to drop to the cut in value of 20.
Flow rate will slow to a trickle for several minutes until 20 psi is reached, the pump cuts in and the flow rate rises.
When the pump cuts out the cycle repeats. A higher cut in pressure should solve this problem but if I raise the pressures to 50/30 the pump cannot reach 50, runs continuously and overheats. So, I want to leave the cut out at 40 but raise the cut in pressure to 25 or 30.
I think I need to raise the pressures to 50/30 and then unscrew the differential nut to reduce the cut out to around 40, but I am finding this impossible so far, because the differential screw is already fully unscrewed (the spring is not compressed at all). So the differential screw can only increase, and not decrease the cut off pressure.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Is my pump simply not powerful enough? Many thanks for any advice you may have.
On 2017-12-03 by (mod) -
Know if the notice totally loose then it's not doing anything and your switch is not correctly adjusted
On 2017-12-03 by Anonymous
The second nut on my pressure switch is not even touching the spring is this right
On 2017-10-04 by Linda
I wish to have 'less' pressure. Is that the same as lowering the cut-in/cut-out?
I use an on demand hot water heater and the pump is pushing the water through to quickly. I want to slow it down. Do I turn the adjuster to the left several turns?
On 2017-10-01 by Bob
I have a new Goulds pump j7. It has a loud clanking sound at cut in at 30,pounds, a problem? my wife thinks so
On 2017-09-15 by (mod) -
Thanks for the helpful comment, Cory.
Brian, it's worth mentioning that by far the most-common reason that a well pump cycles on and off frequently is that the air charge has been lost from the water pressure tank - see WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING CAUSES at
Where you'll see diagnosis and cure suggestions.
IF the pump is cycling on and off when you are not actually running water in the home, then there is a pipe leak that you want to find - urgently - or sometimes something less dramatic like a running toilet or a bad checkvalve or foot valve that's letting water drain back into the well.
On 2017-09-15 by Cory
This could be due to high water consumption. This could also be due to your high cut out being too low thus creating a small range like cutting in at 40 psi and out at 45 psi.
You don't want to short cycle your pump, so it would be wise to adjust it so that it has a span that is closer to 20psi. Cutting in at 40 psi and cutting out at 60 or something similar.
On 2017-09-07 by Brian
Pressure switch on well pump costantly cycles on and off. What woul cause this?
On 2017-08-13 by Lorenso
If the preacher springs have been terms where would you start
On 2017-07-18 by (mod) -
Your duplicate question has a reply at
On 2017-07-17 by yvon
I turned off my pump from panel and I drained all the water, now the pressure gauge reads zero should I still have air pressure in the tank?
reason is my pump cuts in at 38psi and climbs to 48psi but don't cut out, pump keeps running, I don't lose pressure from the gauge when the pump is turned off so should I replace the pump or the tank? HELP.
On 2017-07-07 by (mod) -
Excellent question, Jim.
The answer depends on your specific pump motor and what on-interval or "duty cycle" it is designed to support. Some pumps can run all day without griping while other models may overheat and ultimately fail.
Please take a look at WATER PUMP DUTY CYCLE and let me know what you think after reading that.
On 2017-07-07 by Anonymous
Is the continuously running pump under the sprinkler scenario a harmful condition?
On 2017-07-07 by (mod) -
My guess is that there isn't something further that you can do, because the rate at which you are drawing water exceeds the flow rate of your well or the pumping rate of your pump.
When that happens the pump will simply run continuously. You could reduce the flow demand of your sprinkler system by partly closing its supply valve but that may not work for you as it also means that sprinkler distance will be reduced
On 2017-07-06 by Jim
I recently adjusted my air pressure and my cut in and cut pressures.
The tank air pressure is 26 psi, the cut in pressure is 30 psi and the cut out pressure is 55 psi.
The pressure switch is a 30-50 psi switch. When I am running my sprinkler system the water pressure does not get above 50 psi and the pump runs continuously. What should I do to get the pump to cycle properly?
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