How to Inspect, Diagnose, & Repair Concrete Foundation Cracks
Cold Pour Joints, Movement, Settlement, Leaks, Exposed Cable Ends, Form Ties
POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about how to identify cold pour joints in building foundations, how to distinguish a cold pour joint or leak from other types of concrete foundation cracks and leaks, how to assess their impact or importance, and what to do about leaky cold pour joints.
Concrete foundation crack types:
Cold pour joints, shrinkage cracks, holes, structural cracks & exposed ends of post tension cables in concrete walls: detection, diagnosis, repairs.
Page top photo shows the author inspecting a foundation in a New York home in 1985.
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Examples of structural & other failures in Poured Concrete Foundations: Cold Pour Joints, Cracks, Leaks, Movement, & Other Defects
This article explains how to identify and diagnose poured concrete foundation walls, movement, settlement, leaks, & other defects involving reinforced or un-reinforced concrete foundations and concrete walls, such as damage due to shrinkage, impact, settlement, frost or water damage, and other causes.
Here you will find Types of Poured Concrete Foundation Defects listed, described & explained, How to identify and evaluate cold pour joints, shrinkage cracks, holes, settlement cracks in foundations;
How to identify and diagnose Poured Concrete Foundation Wall & Slab Cracks, Movement, Settlement, Foundation Leaks, & Leans, Bulges, & Other Foundation Defects.
Photographs of cold pour joints in foundations and related leaks or damage patterns and types & Visual clues of cold pour joints give a history of construction sequence, timing, even concrete delivery location points.
Concrete cold pour joints in a hand-mixed hand-poured concrete wall.
How to Identify Cold Pour Joints in Concrete Foundation Walls
Cold Pour Joints in concrete foundations which leave visible lines in the concrete foundation wall (photo above) are not usually a structural problem but may in some cases form a dry joint which permits water leakage through the foundation wall.
Cold pour joints occur because of the time delay between subsequent "pours" into the foundation forms.
An astute inspector, by
noting the position, pattern, and slope of the cold pour joint, can probably determine the position from which the concrete
was poured into the forms (the high end of the sloping lines) and the extent of delay between pours (evidence of water leaks
through the joints indicates that enough time passed for the lower pour to solidify).
Water leaks into buildings at cold pour foundation joints are discussed
How to Identify Concrete Shrinkage Cracks in Concrete Foundation Walls
Concrete shrinkage cracks are not usually a structural problem but may permit water leaks through
the foundation wall.
Shrinkage cracks are often mistaken by owners and inspectors who, failing to observe
the characteristic discontinuous path of the crack and its meandering path, mistake shrinkage cracks for structural damage.
We discuss shrinkage cracks in great detail and provide diagnostic photographs of shrinkage and other
types of concrete cracking in poured concrete floors and slabs
How to Identify Recognize and Repair Holes and Penetrations in Concrete Foundation Walls
Holes and penetrations in concrete foundations such as poorly-sealed openings left for piping for water or electrical lines
or where form ties were broken off may form points of water entry into the structure but are not normally
a structural concern.
The "patched" holes shown in this photograph had been a source of chronic leakage and basement
water entry since this home had been constructed about two years before this photograph was taken.
While several
unsuccessful attempts had been made to seal and patch this leak point in the concrete foundation wall, none of the
repairs had tried using a suitable product sold for that purpose and the wall was still leaking.
Of course the
root problem was that surface water was not being directed away from the building outside.
These holes were high
enough on the foundation wall that it would be reasonable (and perhaps preferable) to seal the wall from outside
before also re-grading to drain surface water away from the building.
Identify Exposed Post Tension Cable Ends in Concrete Foundation Walls
Reader Question: What do we do about exposed ends of post-tension cables in the foundation of our new home?
I notice that most houses in my area have post tension cables protruding from the foundations and I'd like to know how to fix these correctly.
(Please see photo.)
- Anonymous by private email 2023/04/26
I notice that most houses in my area have post tension cables protruding from the foundations and I'd like to know how to fix these correctly.
Moderator reply: Advice for sealing the exposed ends of foundation post tension cables
Your foundation photo shows what looks like the sliced-off end of a bundled 7-strand cable. You'll want to seal any such exposed cable ends to prevent future rusting. Rusting of post-tension foundation cables can cause exfoliating rust that has enough force to actually damage a foundation wall.
Conventional advice offered is typically to simply seal the exposed post tension cable ends with concrete patch compound.
For a more-durable reliable repair you might want to clean off surface rust and use a foundation repair bonding agent before applying the patch - that will help assure that the "patch" remains on the surface and protects the cable ends against further rust.
These two articles discuss concrete bonding agents and patching/sealing (focused on cracks but working equally well for an exposed post-tension cable end in a concrete foundation wall.)
Separate from the exposed end of a post tension foundation are similar-looking form ties that you might want to ask your inspector to watch-for as well.
Leaks at form ties, a separate issue that is sometimes confused with exposed post tension cable ends in concrete, are illustrated and discussed in our article
How to Identify Settlement Cracks in Concrete Foundation Walls
Concrete foundation settlement cracking
such as from footing settlement, absence of or poorly prepared footings,
water leading to settlement or actual loss of soils, thus undermining the footings (this can occur and can damage most foundation
types), or movement of the foundation due to nearby blasting or excavation work.
Shrinkage cracks in concrete occur only during curing and will appear mostly in the first 28 days after a wall or
floor is poured. If cracks noted and documented after this time continue to increase in length or width, some other
cause is at work and further investigation is needed.
The concrete settlement crack shown here appeared initially
in this wall as a hairline fracture of less than 1/16" in width.
The homeowner monitored the crack and watched
it increase in width to nearly 1/2" over the following 12 months, leading to the correct inference that there was
structural movement going on.
In this case we traced the movement to uneven footing settlement which was aggravated
by the combination of having placed the footing partly on bedrock, water from roof and surface
spillage and runoff causing soil settlement (the contractor had not compacted the backfill under
the footings), and by ongoing foundation blasting at a neighboring lot.
Concrete foundation damage from horizontal loading,
vehicles, frost is less commonly seen than with unit-construction
materials such as brick or masonry block but might occur under unusual conditions.
Concrete foundation damage from unusual point loads
typically traced to a visible load point or impact point on the structure, can resemble cracks caused by frost heave or exfoliating metal cracking
How to Identify Form Tie Marks and Leak Points in Concrete Foundation Walls
Concrete Foundation Form Tie leaks: Leaks at the location of concrete form ties used during construction of a poured concrete foundation are not normally a
structural problem but they can be blamed for basement water entry.
Form tie leaks occur in a poured concrete foundation wall
where the form ties used to construct the foundation have left penetrations in the concrete walls.
Form ties are wire or steel
connections between the two vertical sides of the wood or steel concrete form.
Concrete form ties are needed to prevent
the forms from separating and bulging from the weight of the concrete poured into the form.
The best
solution to concrete wall form tie leaks is to keep water away from the foundation from outside.
Other Types of Foundation Damage to Concrete Foundations, Slabs, Walls or Floors
Leaning concrete foundation walls
or structural walls due to: water, frost, or earth loading, vehicle passage too close to the wall, inadequate footings, soil undermining
due to poor concrete mix, too much water, excessive working of the surface, pouring during cold weather without
proper additives, roof runoff rain-splash erosion of the wall surface.
Concrete foundation damage and random-pattern cracking due to concrete inclusions
Also seeReferences or Citations at the end of this page
Clarke, Addison Henry. Architect's Hand-book on Cements. WW Clarke & son, 1899. [Available from Google Play as a free eBook] excerpted below and further excerpted
History of Portland Cement & Classification of Mortars
(Clarke 1899 pp. 8-14) [With minor editing by - Ed.]
The base of all hydraulic mortars is lime or the oxide of the metal calcium.
Various materials have been used as a bond for masonry construction, as mud, asphaltum, and lime. The last is the basis of hydraulic cement, which crystallizes or hardens by the application of mortar. ...
The use of lime as a mortar may be traced back for many hundred years. Volcanic slags, such as Pozzuolana or Tras, have long been employed in Italy and along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Improved cements are a comparatively modern discovery.
In 1756, John Smeaton found the need of having a hydraulic cement in building the famous Eddystone lighthouse. He discovered that liimestone was rendered hydraulic by the admixture of a certain proportion of clay. Vicat, the eminent French engineer, made a similar discovery in 1818.
Parker's "Roman" cement was discovered in 1796 on the Island of Sheppey off the coast of England.
J.C. Aspdin, a brickmaker of Leeds, England, took out a patent in 1824 for what he called Portland Cement, owing to its resemblance to the Oolithic limestone quarried on the "Isle of Portland". Westminster Abbey is built of this Portland Stone.
In tis country, Natural Rock Cement was discovered during the building of the Erie Canal in 1829.
A somewhat similar cement was discovered in 1823 near the town of Rosendale, in Ulster County, New York, during the building of the Delaware and Hudson Canal.
It was not until about 1848 that Portland cement began to be well known in the London Market. At this time Mr. I.C. Johnson discovered the proper mixture of lime and clay to make Portlan Cement, and also the secret of burning the clinker to the point of vitrification to secure the best results.
Quick Lime
contains 44 parts by weight of carbon dioxide and 56 parts oxide of calcium. In slaking, 18 parts by weight of water unite with 56 parts quick lime, making 74 parts calci hydrate. The process of slaking is greatly facilitated by the heat that is generated.
Hydraulic Lime
contains 10 20 25 pecent alumina. It differes from Quick Lime in that it hardens in water. It is either argillaceous or siliceous.
Natural Rock Cement
is made from argillo-magnesian limestones, the principal ingredients being carbonates of lime and magnesia, silica and aluina. The quarried rock is burnt in kilns, crushe and ground to powder.
This cement differs from Portland Cement in chemical analysis, specific gravity and temperature at which it is burnt. ... The color of natural rock cement is due to varying proportions of oxide of iron and impurities, but bears little relation to its ultimate strength.
is so called from the town of Pozzuoli in Italy, near which place the ingredients were found from which it was first made. This cement is rendered hydraulic by the addition of proper proportion of quick lime.
Artificial Pozzuolana
is made from blast furnace slag, and also from the scales from the blacksmith's forge.
Tasrras or Tras
is a volcanic substance quite similar to Pozzuolana and found at Andernach in the department of the Rhine.
Roman Cement
originally called Parker's Cement, is made from nodules found in certain places on the English coast. The composition of this rock is quite similar to that from which Natural Rock Cement is made in the United States. (p. 12)
... Parker's "Roman" Cement was discovered in 1796 (p. 8)
It was not until about 1848 that Portland cement begasn to be well known in the London market. At this time Mr. I. C. Johnson discovered the proper mixture of lime and clay to make Portland Cement, and also the secret of burning the clinker to the point of vitrification to secure the best results. ...
The United Stats was late in the field. Portland Cement began to be importted into this country about the year 1865, when it was sold at from $5 to $7 perbarrel.
It was not until the year 1872 that Mr. David O. Saylor succeeded in producting a Portland Cement from argillaceous limestone that he had been employing in the manufacture of Natural Rock Cement.
Portland Cement
is made dfrom various substances in combination, which in themselves posess no hydraulic energy, then burning to the melting point and grinding the clinker to an impalpable powder, having an average chemical analysis [paraphrasing-Ed] [combining carbonate of lime 62%, silica 22%, and smaller amounts of alumina, oxide of iron, magnesia, and sulphuric acid.
Portland cement is further dividied into four groups depending on the sue of chalk, clay, marl, limestone rock, blast furnace slag.
Magnesian Cement
is made from finely-ground magnesium oxide and a solution of magnesium chloride. It sets quickly, becoming harder than marble, having an estimated crushing rsistance of over 1000 tons per squre foot, being by far the strongest cement known.
Silica-Portland Cement
is a mixtuer of portland cement and siliceous sand groudn together into an impalpable power in a tube mill.
after many and repeated failures in this country and Europe, ... has finally been demonstrated ... [as possible] to make a safe and durable hydraulic cement from the slag from blast furnaces. ... Slag cement is quite slow setting and requries more moisture in crystallizing than other cements to obtsain the best results.
Continue reading at CONCRETE SLAB CRACK EVALUATION which discusses in detail the process of evaluating cracks, settlement, leaks, shrinkage, or other damage
in poured concrete slabs, monolithic slab foundations, and concrete floors, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
Eric Galow, Galow Homes, Lagrangeville, NY. Mr. Galow can be reached by email: or by telephone: 914-474-6613. Mr. Galow specializes in residential construction including both new homes and repairs, renovations, and additions.
Paul Galow [Website ] - technical consultant on networking, LAN design, applications support. Galow Consulting Services [Website ] , 914-204-1749, email:
"Concrete Slab Finishes and the Use of the F-number System", Matthew Stuart, P.E., S.E., F.ASCE, online course at
Mark Cramer Inspection Services Mark Cramer, Tampa Florida, Mr. Cramer is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors and is a Florida home inspector and home inspection educator. Mr. Cramer serves on the ASHI Home Inspection Standards. Contact Mark Cramer at: 727-595-4211
John Cranor [Website: / ] is an ASHI member and a home inspector (The House Whisperer) is located in Glen Allen, VA 23060. He is also a contributor to in several technical areas such as plumbing and appliances (dryer vents). Contact Mr. Cranor at 804-873-8534 or by Email:
"Concrete Slab Finishes and the Use of the F-number System", Matthew Stuart, P.E., S.E., F.ASCE, online course at
Sal Alfano - Editor, Journal of Light Construction*
Thanks to Alan Carson, Carson Dunlop, Associates, Toronto, for technical critique and some of the foundation inspection photographs cited in these articles
Arlene Puentes, ASHI, October Home Inspections - (845) 216-7833 - Kingston NY
Greg Robi, Magnum Piering - 800-822-7437 - National*
Dave Rathbun, P.E. - Geotech Engineering - 904-622-2424 FL*
Ed Seaquist, P.E., SIE Assoc. - 301-269-1450 - National
Dave Wickersheimer, P.E. R.A. - IL, professor, school of structures division, UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Architecture. Professor Wickersheimer specializes in structural failure investigation and repair for wood and masonry construction. * Mr. Wickersheimer's engineering consulting service can be contacted at HDC Wickersheimer Engineering Services. (3/2010)
*These reviewers have not returned comment 6/95
Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction, by Steven Bliss. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN-10: 0471648361, ISBN-13: 978-0471648369, Hardcover: 320 pages, available from and also See our book review of this publication.
Decks and Porches, the JLC Guide to, Best Practices for Outdoor Spaces, Steve Bliss (Editor), The Journal of Light Construction, Williston VT, 2010 ISBN 10: 1-928580-42-4, ISBN 13: 978-1-928580-42-3, available from
Building Pathology, Deterioration, Diagnostics, and Intervention, Samuel Y. Harris, P.E., AIA, Esq., ISBN 0-471-33172-4, John Wiley & Sons, 2001 [General building science-DF] ISBN-10: 0471331724
ISBN-13: 978-0471331728
Building Pathology: Principles and Practice, David Watt, Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition (March 7, 2008) ISBN-10: 1405161035 ISBN-13: 978-1405161039
Construction Drawings and Details, Rosemary Kilmer
Diagnosing & Repairing House Structure Problems, Edgar O. Seaquist, McGraw Hill, 1980 ISBN 0-07-056013-7 (obsolete, incomplete, missing most diagnosis steps, but very good reading; out of print but used copies are available at, and reprints are available from some inspection tool suppliers). Ed Seaquist was among the first speakers invited to a series of educational conferences organized by D Friedman for ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors, where the topic of inspecting the in-service condition of building structures was first addressed.
Design of Wood Structures - ASD, Donald E. Breyer, Kenneth Fridley, Kelly Cobeen, David Pollock, McGraw Hill, 2003, ISBN-10: 0071379320, ISBN-13: 978-0071379328
This book is an update of a long-established text dating from at least 1988 (DJF); Quoting: This book is gives a good grasp of seismic design for wood structures. Many of the examples especially near the end are good practice for the California PE Special Seismic Exam design questions. It gives a good grasp of how seismic forces move through a building and how to calculate those forces at various locations.THE CLASSIC TEXT ON WOOD DESIGN UPDATED TO INCLUDE THE LATEST CODES AND DATA. Reflects the most recent provisions of the 2003 International Building Code and 2001 National Design Specification for Wood Construction. Continuing the sterling standard set by earlier editions, this indispensable reference clearly explains the best wood design techniques for the safe handling of gravity and lateral loads. Carefully revised and updated to include the new 2003 International Building Code, ASCE 7-02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, the 2001 National Design Specification for Wood Construction, and the most recent Allowable Stress Design.
Building Failures, Diagnosis & Avoidance, 2d Ed., W.H. Ransom, E.& F. Spon, New York, 1987 ISBN 0-419-14270-3
Domestic Building Surveys, Andrew R. Williams, Kindle book,
Defects and Deterioration in Buildings: A Practical Guide to the Science and Technology of Material Failure, Barry Richardson, Spon Press; 2d Ed (2001), ISBN-10: 041925210X, ISBN-13: 978-0419252108. Quoting: A professional reference designed to assist surveyors, engineers, architects and contractors in diagnosing existing problems and avoiding them in new buildings. Fully revised and updated, this edition, in new clearer format, covers developments in building defects, and problems such as sick building syndrome. Well liked for its mixture of theory and practice the new edition will complement Hinks and Cook's student textbook on defects at the practitioner level.
Guide to Domestic Building Surveys, Jack Bower, Butterworth Architecture, London, 1988, ISBN 0-408-50000 X
"Avoiding Foundation Failures," Robert Marshall, Journal of Light Construction, July, 1996 (Highly recommend this article-DF)
"A Foundation for Unstable Soils," Harris Hyman, P.E., Journal of Light Construction, May 1995
"Backfilling Basics," Buck Bartley, Journal of Light Construction, October 1994
"Inspecting Block Foundations," Donald V. Cohen, P.E., ASHI Reporter, December 1998. This article in turn cites the Fine Homebuilding article noted below.
"When Block Foundations go Bad," Fine Homebuilding, June/July 1998
Quality Standards for the Professional Remodeler, N.U. Ahmed, # Home Builder Pr (February 1991), ISBN-10: 0867183594, ISBN-13: 978-0867183597
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.