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Pentair Water Softener Manuals

Guides to Pentair & Pentex Water Softener Controls, Adjustments & Installation, Maintenance & Service or Repair

Pentair & Pentex Water Softener Operating & Maintenance Manuals & Guides

Where to find the manual for your water conditioner or water softener.

Direct links to free, download-able water softener manuals or water conditioner manuals for Pentair / Pentex water softener brands & models.

Select the correct installation or operation & repair manual for your Pentair Pentex water softener brand and model to be sure that you have exactly the right instructions for installing, maintaining, or troubleshooting your water conditioner.

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Pentair Water Softener Installation, Operation & Service / Repair Manuals

Autotrol 4690TC or Pentair 460i/460TC Timer Control for water softeners - at InspectApedia.comThe following list of water softener or water conditioner manuals is for all Pentair water softeners;

Photo: Autotrol 460TC or Pentair 460i/460TC Timer Control for Autotrol or Pentair water softeners, thanks to reader shoottoscorehockey,

Fleck Pentair Water Softener 2850S control head at InspectApedia.comThis website excerpt describes the current Pentair corporation

For more than 40 years, Pentair has been the quality choice for water treatment professionals due to our strong, reliable brands and product lines including: GE, Fleck, Pentek, Autotrol, Everpure, Wellmate and more.

Our various water filtration systems offer whole-home and point-of-use applications that work to provide the best, quality water for your home.

Whether it’s an undersink system or whole-house water softener, you can rest assured that our rigorously tested products stand up to Water Quality Association (WQA) and NSF International standards to remove impurities and provide clean, crisp-tasting water every time.

Pentair plc is a public trading company on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol PNR.

Pentair Logix 768 Water softener control head identification photo at

Above: a multi-tank controller from Pentair, the Pentair Logix 764 control head

Also see more manuals that work for Pentair listed under

Also see these manuals for these control heads that are used on some Pentair and Fleck and other water softners



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On 2021-12-19 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator


Please post a photo of your softener's control head and a second photo of its ID or data tag or model so that we can be sure we're in the right softner manual.


Found listed at the link we just gave, though it's not an exact match, this manual may describe the setting you need:



Day of the Week Control

This control regenerates the system on a weekly schedule. The schedule is defined in Master Programming by setting each day to either “off” or “on.” The control will initiate a regeneration cycle on days that have been set to “on” at the specified regeneration time.

On Page 10 in this manual you'll see how the day of the week is set - at step 6

You enter programming mode. Press the Up and Down buttons for five seconds while in service, and the time of day is NOT set to 12:01 PM

Then press the Extra Cycle button until you're at the proper setting parameter - given in step 6 for your case:

6. Press the Extra Cycle button. Use this display to set the Current Day of the Week. This option setting is identified by “CD” in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

The full instructions are in the manual and we excerpt the settings page below [Click to enlarge any image]

On 2021-12-19 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator


Structural Brand water softeners are a Pentair Water Softener Company brand, so you can find Structural Water Softener manuals under the Pentair name right on this page: Pentair Softener manuals appear at

P -

On 2021-12-19 by Melanie

How to set the days per week of cycles for the Structural ch20001

On 2020-10-17 - by (mod) - Structural ch20001 water softener?


If you can find any numbers or data on a data tag such as is often on the side, back, or interior of the control we can usually identify the manufacturer, even if all that we have is a patent no.

I don't assume that a short-cycling well pump is due to the water softener; use the on page search box to see the diagnostics for SHORT CYCLING WELL PUMP

On 2020-10-17 by Melanie

We purchased a house in August that came with a water softener. I can't figure out for the life of me what brand it is. The serial on the back says 21681 but that hasn't yielded any results. It's connected to a Torrium II pump.

Last week I noticed the pump seemed to be cycling for no reason. No water was in use. It would cycle every 10 to 15 minutes or so. I checked the water softener and it was at 800 gallons. The next day it went to 838 gallons and the pump stopped cycling.

Well, the pump has started cycling again (and more often) and the gallons are now down to 497.

I'd like to know if we're doing something wrong, is the water softener just regenerating?

Water softener control head (C)


On 2020-02-27 - by (mod) - Pentair - Fleck Softener Manuals & Parts sources on this page

I manuali Pentair si trovano sotto il marchio "Fleck" - nella pagina sopra FLECK WATER SOFTENER MANUALS

On 2020-02-25 by Anonymous

Cerco informazioni su addolcitore pentair water france tipe 8500 se


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erik · Feb 10, 2023

how do i change the time of the region cycle

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Feb 11, 2023


We need to start with a specific model of your water softener so that we look at the correct instructions. In general, you set the correct time of day on a clock and then you specify the time of day that you want the region cycle to occur, usually during the night when no one's using water.

If you don't have the manual for your specific softener you can find it above on this page or let me know and we'll research further.

yilma · Feb 3, 2023

I need to find manual for the water softener with this model EW03 251 9106 made in 2003

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Feb 3, 2023


It would be helpful if you could post photos (one per comment) of the control head or valve on your water softener and of any identification tags on the unit.

I think that your softener is using one of these two similar control valves or water softener controls actually made by Clack Clack WS1TC & WS1.25TC Programming Manual


Here is the company's description

This glass filled Noryl1 (or equivalent) fully automatic control valve is designed as the primary control center to direct and regulate all cycles of a downflow regeneration water softener or filter.

The time clock control valve can be set to perform downflow regeneration or simply backwash. The time clock control valve has two calendar options for regeneration frequency:

1. an option where the user can choose the number of days (1-99) between each regeneration; and
2. a seven-day option where the user can choose which day(s) of the week a regeneration should occur.

The control valve is compatible with a variety of regenerants and resin cleaners. The control valve is capable of routing the fl ow of water in the necessary paths to regenerate or backwash water treatment systems. The injector regulates the fl ow of brine or other regenerants. The control valve regulates the fl ow rates for backwashing, rinsing, and the replenishing of treated water into a regenerant tank, when applicable.
The control valve uses no traditional fasteners (e.g. screws); instead clips, threaded caps and nuts and snap type latches are used. Caps and nuts only need to be firmly hand tightened because radial seals are used. Tools required to service the valve include one small blade screw driver, one large blade screw driver, pliers and a pair of hands. A plastic wrench is available which eliminates the need for screwdrivers and pliers. Disassembly for servicing takes much less time than com pa ra ble products currently on the market. Control valve in stal la tion is made easy because the distributor tube can be cut ½” above to ½” below the top of tank thread. The distributor tube is held in place by an o-ring seal and the control valve also has a bayonet lock feature for upper distributor baskets.

The AC adapter power pack comes with a 15 foot power cord and is designed for use with the control valve. The AC adapter power pack is for dry location use only. If the power goes out, only the time of day needs to be reset. All other values are permanently stored in the nonvolatile memory.

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Feb 3, 2023


These are also referred to as

Water Specialist 1” Control Valve Series Model: WS1TC

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Feb 3, 2023


Also take a look at this


copy at

And let me know if one of those 3 seems to match your Pentair EW03 Water Softener

K · Mar 3, 2022

Are there venturi media in pentaire 460 tc

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Mar 3, 2022


Sorry but I don't understand your question.

A Venturi is a specially shaped device through which water may be injected in order to pick up or move a larger quantity of water.

Media, in a water softener is generally a layer of resin beads topped by a layer of clean small gravel or stone.

Angus Emery · Feb 7, 2022

Recently purchased a house with the following Water Softener installed and not a manual to be found on one of the blue bottles is a label stating 'Pentair Water - Made in Europe' Manufacturing Number EW03 269 0302-1 and Manufacturing Year as 2003. However, i cannot find a manual anywhere on the internet at the moment that can tell me how it works and how to set it up and configure it. Photo attached of head mechanism.

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Feb 8, 2022

@Angus Emery,

Without the model number of your water softener, it is hard to find its exact manual.

However, above on this page, there is a list of several Pentair manuals and looking at the mechanism pictured in each, there are several that look similar if not the same as yours.

It would be worth taking a look at a few of them as they may offer the directions you need to set up your water softener. The steps would be very similar across similar models.

If you are able to determine the model number, do let us know and we can try to find the manual for it.


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