EMF exposure field strength measurements, exact procedure:
This paper discusses a recommended procedure for performing electromagnetic field (EMF) or electro-magnetic radiation EMR measurements either by engaging a professional or by consumers using low-cost instruments which measure EMF exposure levels in gauss or milligauss.
We discusses sources of error and variation in EMF measurements and we review and make suggestions for using several low-cost EMF measurement devices to determine the instantaneous electromagnetic field exposure.
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We have documented a proposed procedure for making site surveys of electromagnetic field strength in order to improve the accuracy and repeatability of such measurements. We welcome critique and suggestions for this procedure. Contact Us with criticism.
As we explained earlier:
Instead of contacting us with a request to perform EMF Electromagnetic or RF Radio Frequency Field Strength measurements, in most cases it is more economical and convenient for a property owner to purchase their own instrument, making measurements under varying conditions.
In this series of articles we describe how to make measurements using a consistent approach and using good documentation. Following good procedure and using instruments properly are two steps towards making accurate, repeatable EMF measurements.
But because the signal transmission for RF sources such as radio, TV, or cell towers, the load on a power transmission line is not under control of an individual property owner, and because the EMF strength varies as the power transmission line load varies, it is important to have an idea of that condition as well when attempting to characterize EMF exposure at a specific location.
In contrast, EMF measurements are quite accurate and repeatable at other EMF sources such as close to electrical appliances and service entry cables.
If the outside of the building is in a strong EMF, all measurements inside the building might be expected to produce
the identical number.
However if the inspector agrees to a detailed site survey we recommend spot checks in every room as well as at obvious common interior targets of interest (such as an electrical device which is normally kept on and which is close to the head of a bed (clocks).
You will observe that while there may be a strong field close to a clock, the field will fall off to undetectable in 2 feet or so.
Toasters, coffee makers, electric irons, crockpots, and similar electrical appliances are an EMF Enviro-Scare "red-herring" and need not be measured unless the client indicates that someone sleeps with their head in or on the toaster and that it's kept on for long periods of time each day.
Local power distribution systems, electric meter buses which may produce a field which is further distributed by building plumbing or wiring
Special high-amp equipment such as X-ray machines, computer equipment, compressors
Given the ease with which electrical components within a building can be relocated or modified, field inspectors are strongly warned to absolutely refuse to permit clients to assert that the sample measurements made are a comprehensive or exhaustive study of a property.
Health professionals, epidemiological experts, and in the case of EMF, electrical engineers can offer competent, expert advice which should be considered before any costly or risky actions are taken regarding this or other environmental topics.
This information is has not been sanctioned nor technically reviewed by the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Use it at your own risk.
Document date, time, location, weather conditions (hot means air conditioners are running and load may be higher; time means it is at least theoretically possible to correlate the measurement results with actual load data if the power company would provide it)
Document distance from measurement location to suspected source of EMF and identify that source
Document any reports of medical anomalies (if anyone volunteers such information or if your procedure or study permits its collection)
See WORKPLACE EXPOSURE to Electromagnetic Fields for information about exposure to electromagnetic fields in the workplace.
Please see WORKSHEET for EMF MEASUREMENTS - Example for a sample worksheet that collects EMF measurements and summarizes the results.
Readers are urged to consult expert sources and to give any suggestions regarding these notes to the author.
Readers may want to see our EXCEL Spreadsheet EMS_Survey_Sample1.xls for an example of common locations and measurement points. This spread sheet includes computations necessary to produce mathematically valid measurement results for those who are using position-sensitive instruments.
Some studies by some experts have suggested a possible link between exposure to electromagnetic fields and various cancers or other health problems. Other studies suggest that no definite correlation could be demonstrated. It is likely that the jury will be out on this matter for some time, for both economic and political reasons.
Small absolute health risk from EMF: Most researchers indicate that where a risk is present, the absolute risk level from EMF is likely to be small, and less than other less obscure hazards. (Automobile accidents, trip and fall, fire, and shock hazards, smoking and other health risks.) Consumers should not let focus on a specific emotionally-charged hazard distract them from these other more mundane but more dangerous concerns.
Instead of contacting us with a request to perform EMF Electromagnetic or RF Radio Frequency Field Strength measurements, in most cases it is more economical and convenient for a property owner to purchase their own instrument, making measurements under varying conditions.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
I'm considering buying a house next to high tension wires please help me with information on how I can test the house for electromagnetic waves. - F.R. 6/1/2013
A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds a range of hazards, some of which may be more immediate and severe than possible risks from electromagnetic fields, so be sure you aren't distracted from those. That said, here are some things to consider:
You can probably buy a decent quality EMF/EMR meter and make your own field measurements for a fraction of the cost of bringing in a hired professional, with the added advantage of making multiple measurements since over time field strengths vary considerably depending on the load on the power line.
You can eschew measurement entirely and still estimate both the possible impact on real estate re-sale (price or time on market due to some buyers' fear level) and possible exposure levels to EMF, independent of any actual health risk assessment, by determining the name, owner, and transmission line voltage levels of the power lines near your building along with simple on-the-ground measurements of the distances involved.
There is ample data including in some of our articles, on the relationship between field strength and distance from the source
Since actual electrical field strength varies with load on the power line, knowing the line's maximum-rated voltage level can set an upper limit of field strengths regardless of individual onsite measurements.
If any of our articles leave you with questions, comments, criticism, just let me know and I'll do my best to research further as needed.
(Aug 16, 2012) Karl Riley said:
Hi, I will just add to your description of magnetic field sources, that in my decades of field surveys in buildings, the main source of area magnetic fields comes from certain common wiring errors which shunt neutral current from one circuit off to either grounding conductors, pipes, ducts, girders, etc or else to neutral conductors from other circuits.
The result is net current fields, which weaken only directly with distance.
These are NEC Code violations and can be corrected by electricians who are shown where the error is. For details see my book, Tracing EMFs in Building Wiring and Grounding.
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