POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about formaldehyde use in some (not all) fiberglass binder resins and adhesives, and possible formaldehyde off-gassing from those products.
Some fiberglass resins use formaldehde - is that an IAQ or health concern?
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Formaldehyde Use in Fiberglass Insulation
Fiberglass insulation fibres are bound together to form an insulating blanket, often using a resin that contains, among other substances, formaldehyde. An example of this resin is the greenish-yellow binder in the photo-micrograph of fiberglass insulation just below.
This microscopic photograph of fiberglass insulation (above) is discussed in more detail
Bottom line: while formaldehyde is used in some fiberglass insulation it would be unusual for that insulation to be identified as a significant source of indoor formaldehyde gas levels.
Fiberglass & Fiberglass Insulation Formaldehyde Hazard & Exposure Research
[2] Accurate Plastics Co., ACCULAM™ MELAGLAS [PDF] trade name "NEMA Grades G5/G9", Accurate Plastics, Inc.
18 Morris Place
Yonkers, NY 10705-1929, Tel: 914-476-0700, Composition: Fiberglass & Melamine/formaldehyde Resin, [2], retrieved 10/21/2012, original source:
Quoting from that MSDS, Dust generated during grinding, cutting, or drilling fiber glass reinforced plastic produces respirable fiber shaped plastic (organic)
particles which has an OSHA PEL of 5 mg/m3 and nonrespirable fibrous glass dust regulated by OSHA as noted above
Trace amounts (<0.05%) of formaldehyde may be present as an unreacted polymer precursor which may be released during machining
operations as a co-contaminant with the dust.
Chari, Desi M. "Regulatory Road Map for Formaldehyde Emissions and other Hazardous Air Pollutants in Fiberglass Insulation Materials in the United States." International Nonwovens Journal 1 (2005): 1558925005os-1400106.
Fisher, A. A. "Fiberglass vs mineral wool (rockwool) dermatitis." Cutis 29, no. 5 (1982): 412-415.
Abstract: Fiberglass and rockwool dermatitis is usually due to a mechanical irritant reaction. When several members of a family are affected, scabies is often initially suspected.
The irritant dermatitis may be complicated by an urticarial and an eczematous reaction which may mimic an allergic reaction clinically and histologically.
Allergic reactions to added epoxy or formaldehyde resins may very rarely occur.
Kelly, Thomas J., Deborah L. Smith, and Jan Satola. "Emission rates of formaldehyde from materials and consumer products found in California homes." Environmental Science & Technology 33, no. 1 (1999): 81-88.
Abstract: Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a toxic air contaminant released indoors from pressed-wood materials and numerous consumer products.
Formaldehyde emission data are needed for modeling of indoor personal exposures, health risks, and risk reduction measures. This study determined HCHO emission rates from 55 diverse materials and consumer products under two realistic chamber test conditions, using both time-integrated and continuous real-time measurements.
Among dry products, relatively high emissions were found from bare pressed-wood materials made with urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins, and from new (unwashed) permanent press fabrics. UF materials with paper, vinyl, laminate, and other coatings showed HCHO emissions lower by about a factor of 10 than those from bare UF materials.
Among wet products, an acid-cured floor finish showed the highest HCHO emissions, greatly exceeding those of any dry product even 24 h after application. Fingernail polish and hardener showed relatively high emission rates, and latex paint and wallpaper relatively low emission rates, but these products emit similar amounts of HCHO because of widely different surface areas of application.
Acid-cured finishes, and personal activity patterns and exposures during application of wet products, are key areas for further study.
Excerpts: Summary: Avoiding composite wood and other products made with added formaldehyde is a common requirement of green building credits in LEED and a variety of other rating systems due to formaldehyde’s toxicity.
Insulation, however, is sometimes not included in these requirements under the assumption that occupants do not receive as much exposure to formaldehyde emissions from insulation as they do from composite wood and other formaldehyde-emitting interior finish products.*
This is because of an assumption that the phenol-based formaldehyde binders commonly used in batt fiberglass insulation do not emit formaldehyde at levels of concern and that even if they do emit formaldehyde, the drywall between the insulation and the indoor space protects the occupants from exposure to significant emissions.
This memo describes research indicating that fiberglass insulation using phenol-based formaldehyde binders may in fact expose occupants to potentially hazardous levels of formaldehyde - even through drywall - and does warrant avoidance.
Formaldehyde is a carcinogen and respiratory irritant:
Formaldehyde has been classified as a known carcinogen in humans by the State of California and the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. Formaldehyde also causes eye, nose, and respiratory irritation and can be an asthma trigger, with children more susceptible than adults.
Marsh, Gary M., Ada O. Youk, Roslyn A. Stone, Jeanine M. Buchanich, Mary Jean Gula, Thomas J. Smith, and Margaret M. Quinn. "Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: I. 1992 fiberglass cohort follow-up: initial findings." Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43, no. 9 (2001): 741-756.
Abstract excerpts::
This 1986 to 1992 update and expansion of an earlier historical cohort study examined the 1946 to 1992 mortality experience of 32,110 workers employed for 1 year or more during 1945 to 1978 at any of 10 US fiberglass (FG) manufacturing plants. Included are
(1) a new historical exposure reconstruction for respirable glass fibers and several co-exposures (arsenic, asbestos, asphalt, epoxy, formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolics, silica, styrene, and urea); and
(2) a nested, matched case-control study of 631 respiratory system cancer (RSC) deaths in male workers during 1970 to 1992 with interview data on tobacco smoking history.
Our findings to date from external comparisons based on standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) in the cohort study provide no evidence of excess mortality risk from all causes combined, all cancers combined, and non-malignant respiratory disease.
There is some evidence of elevated RSC risk associated with non-baseline levels of average intensity of exposure to respirable glass, but when adjusted for smoking this was not statistically significant, and there was no apparent trend with increasing exposure.
This same pattern of findings was observed for duration of exposure, cumulative exposure, and average intensity of exposure to formaldehyde.
None of the other individual co-exposures encountered in the study plants appeared to be associated with an increased risk of RSC.
Miele, P. F. FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS FROM BONDED FIBERGLASS INSULATION PRODUCTS In The Human Equation: Health and Comfort: Proceedings of the ASHRAE/SOEH Conference, IAQ 89, April 17-20, 1989, San Diego, California, p. 156. Amer Society of Heating, 1989.
ABSTRACT [excerpts]
The presence of formaldehyde in indoor air has been suspected as the cause of many irritant
reactions associated wi(h "sick building syndrome." Although fiberglass duct liner, duct board, and other building insulation produtts are bonded with phenolformaldehyde-urea adhesives, literature references show
that bonded fiberglass products are low emitters of formaldehyde.
The purpose of this study was the investigation of
the formaldehyde emissions from bonded fiberglass
products using the large-scale test chamber methodology.
The test evaluation is similar to what is specified in
HUD ruling 3280.308, "LSTC Method of Determining
Formaldehyde Emissions from Wood Products FTM-2-
1983," which went into effect February 11, 1985.
Employing standard test conditions of 50% RH,
77°F, and 0.5 air changes per hour (ach), fiberglass airhandling and insulation products emitted 100 parts per
billion (ppb) or less of formaldehyde when test chamber
loadings approximated the installed ratio of product area
to indoor air space volume.
Milton, Donald K., Michael D. Walters, Katharine Hammond, and John S. Evans. "Worker exposure to endotoxin, phenolic compounds, and formaldehyde in a fiberglass insulation manufacturing plant." American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 57, no. 10 (1996): 889-896.
Abstract: Worker exposures in a fiberglass wool insulation manufacturing plant were studied. The plant used a continuous process and operated at full production during a six-week study. Area samples were used to characterize spatial variability of contaminant levels. Repeated personal samples were used to characterize the distribution and to explore within- and between-worker variability of exposures.
The greatest potential for exposure to each of the contaminants was restricted to specific areas of the plant. Area geometric mean concentrations were 1 to 390 ng/m3 for endotoxin and 22 to 414 μg/m3 for formaldehyde.
There was considerable within-area variation of endotoxin (geometric standard deviation [GSD] 2.6 to 5.5) and formaldehyde (GSD 2.0 to 4.5). Concentrations of phenolic compounds were correlated with endotoxin and were influenced by a relatively high limit of detection.
The ranges of personal GM exposures across homogeneous groupings were smaller than the range for the corresponding areas (endotoxin 5.8 to 36.4 ng/m3; formaldehyde 18.1 to 67.4 µg/m3).Variability in personal exposure was high. Individual GSDs ranged up to 10, with the mean individual GSD of 3.4 for endotoxin, and up to 12 with mean 3.7 for formaldehyde.
Suggested thresholds for acute respiratory effects of endotoxin exposure were frequently exceeded (46% of 8-hr personal samples >10 ng/m3, 7%>100 ng/m3).
No personal samples exceeded the Occupational Safety and Health Administration permissible exposure level or the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists' threshold limit value for formaldehyde; however, 34% were greater than 60 µg/m3 and 11% were greater than 120 µg/m3. Thus, exposures fell in a range where important exposure-response relationships could be examined.
Milton, Donald K., David Wypij, David Kriebel, Michael D. Walters, S. Katharine Hammond, and John S. Evans. "Endotoxin exposure‐response in a fiberglass manufacturing facility." American journal of industrial medicine 29, no. 1 (1996): 3-13.
Excerpt: ... formaldehyde were measured to investigate asthma symptoms and medication use among
employees in a .fiberglass … employees in a fiberglass wool insulation production facility ...
[1] Panolam, FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP)", Panolam Industries International Inc.
325 DeSoto Avenue
Morristown, TN 37816
(423) 587-1842, retrieved 10/21/2012, original source:
Pickrell, John A., Brian V. Mokler, Larry C. Griffis, Charles H. Hobbs, and Ambika Bathija. "Formaldehyde release rate coefficients from selected consumer products." Environmental science & technology 17, no. 12 (1983): 753-757.
Excerpts: The eight highest release coefficients were from pressed wood products. ... Wood products and carpets released [about] 4% of total extrasctable formaldehyde per day while friberglass insulation release about 10% per day under the conditions of this 2-day test procedure.
The widespread use of products containing formaldehyde-based resins has led to the observation that many of these products release formaldeyde, leading to consumer annoyance and health-related complaints.
Formaldehyde levels in houses and trailers have been measured in many cases and have been associated with various symptoms. The most common symptoms include irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract. Formaldehyde has produced carcinomas in mice and rats following prolonge exposure to 14.1 (mice and rats) and 5.6 ppm (rats). These findings have led to an intensified concern with varous consumer productsthat release formaldehyde into the indoor environment.
Formaldehyde is extremely soluble in water ... Thus, water content of a product and fluctuations in the content could influence the formaldehyde release by various products.
This research was directed toward measuring formaldehyde release rates of various consumer products and providing a ranking by product type.
Sidheswaran, Meera, Wenhao Chen, Agatha Chang, Robert Miller, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas Sullivan, William J. Fisk, Kazukiyo Kumagai, and Hugo Destaillats. "Formaldehyde emissions from ventilation filters under different relative humidity conditions." Environmental science & technology 47, no. 10 (2013): 5336-5343.
Abstract: Formaldehyde emissions from fiberglass and polyester filters used in building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems were measured in bench-scale tests using 10 and 17 cm2 coupons over 24 to 720 h periods. Experiments were performed at room temperature and four different relative humidity settings (20, 50, 65, and 80% RH).
Two different air flow velocities across the filters were explored: 0.013 and 0.5 m/s. Fiberglass filters emitted between 20 and 1000 times more formaldehyde than polyester filters under similar RH and airflow conditions.
Emissions increased markedly with increasing humidity, up to 10 mg/h-m2 at 80% RH. Formaldehyde emissions from fiberglass filters coated with tackifiers (impaction oils) were lower than those from uncoated fiberglass media, suggesting that hydrolysis of other polymeric constituents of the filter matrix, such as adhesives or binders was likely the main formaldehyde source.
These laboratory results were further validated by performing a small field study in an unoccupied office.
At 80% RH, indoor formaldehyde concentrations increased by 48–64%, from 9–12 μg/m3 to 12–20 μg/m3, when synthetic filters were replaced with fiberglass filtration media in the HVAC units.
Better understanding of the reaction mechanisms and assessing their overall contributions to indoor formaldehyde levels will allow for efficient control of this pollution source.
Wu, Jyun-de, Donald K. Milton, S. Katharine Hammond, and Robert C. Spear. "Hierarchical cluster analysis applied to workers exposures in fiberglass insulation manufacturing." Annals of Occupational Hygiene 43, no. 1 (1999): 43-55.
Excerpt: Cluster analysis was performed for 37 workers simultaneously exposed to three agents (endotoxin,
phenolic compounds and formaldehyde) in fiberglass insulation manufacturing.
Youk, Ada O., Gary M. Marsh, Roslyn A. Stone, Jeanine M. Buchanich, and Thomas J. Smith. "Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: III. Analysis of exposure-weighted measures of respirable fibers and formaldehyde in the nested case-control study of respiratory system cancer." Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43, no. 9 (2001): 767-778.
Abstract excerpt:
The most recent findings of our nested case-control study of respiratory system cancer (RSC) among male fiberglass workers showed some evidence of elevated RSC risk associated with non-baseline levels of average intensity of exposure (AIE) to respirable fibers (RFib).
When adjusted for smoking, this was not statistically significant, and no trend was apparent with increasing levels of exposure.
Similar findings for RSC were noted for both cumulative exposure (Cum) and AIE to formaldehyde (FOR).
Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
It's possible but not likely. The binder that is used in fiberglass insulation is a resin and some of those may contain formaldehyde.
There may be other formaldehyde sources, particularly some prefinished flooring, that can be much more significant, such as as chipboard and particle board.
If you use our on page search box for the phrase
formaldehyde in insulation
You will see a link to our article (you are now on this page)
and some of our PDFs on formadelhyde from fiberglass insulation link back to the page below
[Ed. note - this reader comment was originally posted on an unrelated topic page)
On 2023-07-16 by David
Is it possible that insulation installed just a year ago has formaldehyde?
On 2021-02-10 - by (mod) - formaldehyde off-gassing fro CertainTeed Fiberglass insulation?
Normally formaldehyde and so volatile that it off gases from mini products fairly quickly. Of course I can't know what kind of bags and seal of the insulation apply in your case.
I don't know for a fact but I suspect that if there was formaldehyde in your fiberglass insulation it may have been a product of the resin binder or adhesive that was used.
Before launching an expensive project you might want to simply have one bag tested.
The most extreme and therefore conservative case would be to have a test made of the insulation in the bag immediately after opening it. Do let me know what you find and if you can attach a photo of the bag and all of the labeling information I might be able to do a bit more research. You can post one photo per comment but of course as many comments as you need
On 2021-02-09 by Colby
Hello, I just purchased a bunch (55 bags) of old fiberglass insulation made by Certainteed, it was a barn find at auction. The year of manufacture is 2006 but the bags are still sealed.
The label states that Urea Formaldehyde is present in the composition of the product. I was unaware of the hazards of formaldehyde in insulation when I purchased this insulation. Should I find a new product or has there been ample time for the formaldehyde to off-gas and will therefore be safe to install? Thank you.
On 2018-07-20 by (mod) - Recommended exposure limits for small fiberglass particles at PM 2.5 and below:
Recommended exposure limits for small fiberglass particles at PM 2.5 and below:
As there is no specific standard addressing small sized fiberglass fragment exposure in air, I would consider these two reference points:
For analysis of settled dust such as might be collected using adhesive tape (as at DUST SAMPLING PROCEDURE ), the forensic or environmental lab should be asked to report these conditions:
- when fiberglass fragments are the dominant particle or at significant levels in the dust sample
- when fiberglass fragments PM 2.5 are frequent in the sample
For particles PM 2.5 and smaller, I'd use the US EPA standard permissible exposure limits given at PARTICLE SIZES & IAQ at
On 2018-07-09
by Ken - does fiberglass bonding resin contain formaldehyde?
What would you consider a level of concern related to the number of small fiberglass particles are found in dust samples from a residence (we haven't tested yet but have found that a portion of the HVAC duct system, which we are not currently running, contains fiberglass insulation inside the ducts)?
Put another way, if we collect dust samples per Inspectapedia guidance and small fiberglass particles are detected by a lab analysis, is there some quantitative number of detected small fiberglass particles that would warrant the area/house being appropriately cleaned/remediated? If cleaning is warranted, is a vacuum with a HEPA filter sufficient to filter very small fiberglass particles?
We sent a sample portion of the fiberglass lining to a lab to test for asbestos. Asbestos was not detected but the fiberglass was identified as such, and rated friable 3. I assume from that that the insulation sample, though not asbestos, is deteriorating. Am I correct in that assumption?
Does the bonding/glue/ or sealants used for fiberglass insulation in ducts contain formaldehyde or other chemicals that outgas/produce hazardous VOCs when the HVAC heating is used?
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