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Fiberboard sheathing © Daniel Friedman at InspectApedia.comAsbestos in USG US-Gypsum Building Sheathing & Insulating Board

Asbestos found in some USG gypsum board products, not in wood-fiberboard

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Asbestos content of U.S. Gypsum building sheathing products.

Asbestos hazards for fiberboard panels, sheathing, insulating board & ceiling coverings or tiles. Does or did some gypsum-based or fiberboard-based and insulating board products contain asbestos?

This article also addresses worries about asbestos in fiberboard insulating sheathing.

This article series describes and provides photographs that aid in identifying various insulating board & fiberboard sheathing materials used on building walls and roofs. Here we provide fiberboard product names and we describe the components, properties, and applications of various fiberboard, hardboard, and insulating board or sound deadening board products.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Asbestos in USG US Gypsum Sheathing Board

USG Insulating Sheathing IB R 132 fiberboard is not an asbestos product (C) MichaelYes, some, in fact many USG insulating sheathing board products contained asbestos.

United States Gypsum, US Gypsum, now USG, or U.S. Gypsum, or USG - asbestos cement products produced between 1920 - 1976, USG, founded in 1901, produced a wide range of building products that contained asbestos between 1920 and 1978.

Photo: USG Insulating Sheathing IB R 132 - a wood or cellulose or fiberboard insulating sheathing product, courtesy of InspectApedia reader Michael (cited below).

[Click to enlarge any image]

These included (this is not the complete list)

See details including a complete product listing found


Asbestos Not Found in USG Weatherwood® Sheathing

On 2022-01-09 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Asbestos test: not found in USG Weatherwood® sheathing

Weatherwood Sheathing (C) Inspectapedia Don@Don,

Good news indeed and thank you for the follow up. Your added information will help other readers.

On 2022-01-09 by Don

Good morning,
I wanted to let you know the results came back from test of Weatherwood® fiber board for asbestos—-great news- nothing detected. The breakdown was as follows:

1. 90% Cellulose 2. 10% Non- Fibrous Material

On 2021-12-31 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator


Good. We look forward to reading the test result - that will help other readers.

On 2021-12-31 by Don

@Inspectapedia Com Moderator, Thank you, very much appreciated, i sent sample to lab today, should here back tuesday, will post results

On 2021-12-31 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - does Weatherboard or Weatherwood sheathing contain asbestos?


Asbestos is not an "official" ingredient in fiberboard insulating sheathing. However there are possibilities of cross-contamination of such products by asbestos as asbestos was processed at some of the same fabrication facilities that also made wood or vegetable fiber board products.

You called your product "Weatherboard" but in your photo I see Yellow Text that spells WEATHERwood (at least we can see most of the letters suggesting that name).


Weatherwood® is a USG Product.

Weatherboard™ is a CertainTeed product. Certainteed Weatherboard is made of a mixture of cement and wood fibers.

See more about CertainTeed products



On 2021-12-31 by Don

Working on remodel and ran into a black fiber board called Weatherboard, dug up info but doesn't really give details. Do you know or ever heard this may contain asbestos? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

[Photo above]


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USG US GYPSUM INSULATING SHEATHING ASBESTOS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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Jackie · Dec 4, 2022

Working on home project and found this sheathing under the drywall and wondering if I need to be worried about asbestos? This wall was previously an exterior wall but an addition was put on prior to me purchasing the home. The board is labeled insulating USG sheathing in yellow print and has a black paper over what looks like a wood material.

InspectApedia (Editor) (mod) · Dec 4, 2022


The most complete health information we have about USGS above on this page.

Usually woody-looking fibres are just that - made from plants. But do read the discussion above.

Cody · Sept 6, 2022

I've found this fiberboard sheathing on a wall between a bedroom and the garage. Should I be concerned about removing it? All I know is that it was built sometime in the 70's or 80's.

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · Sept 6, 2022


It's most complete health information we have about USGS above on this page.

I like your photo, but from just the photo I can't really say more.

Anonymous · Dec 4, 2022

@Cody, did you ever find out if this had asbestos?

Bradford Allen · July 25, 2022

I have Bestwall fireproof sheathing, does it contain asbestos?

InspectApedia (mod) · July 25, 2022

@Bradford Allen,

Please take a look at this article


and let us know if you have additional questions.

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · July 25, 2022

@Bradford Allen,

also it would be helpful to know the location and age of the building where your best wall drywall is installed and we would much like to see a photo of any identifying label or stampings.

Mike · May 30, 2022

I have tong and groved pressed board on the exterior studs under tarpaper and ceader siding dating around the 60s in red lettering it read "USG Insulating sheating" and "T.M. REG. U.S. PAT. OFF." I don't see weather wood anywhere on it and wonder if this is ypsum board? Attached is a photo of a broken piece.

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · May 30, 2022


that's not gypsum board, it's fiberboard, made of wood or plant fibers - describe at FIBERBOARD SHEATHING

Mike · May 30, 2022


My mind blanked in shock over finding my house coved in it with what I estimate around 11,000 nails holding it on (old school dry walling style, about 70 per 6x2ft sheet) that all need to come down.

Thanks for clearing me up.

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · May 31, 2022


I'd like to see some photos showing more of that wall with all the nails.. I have the some buildings with nails like that in Hudson New York. I think sometime more nails were added when the siding was in poor condition.


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