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Zinsco Sylvania GTE identifying Label (C) J Simmons D FriedmanQ&A: how to Identify GTE Sylvania (Zinsco) Electrical Panel & Circuit Breaker

GTE Sylvania Zinsco breaker & panel identification FAQs

This article series provides text, labels, and equipment photographs used to help identify Zinsco and GTE-Sylvania-Zinsco electrical panels and circuit breakers, and we include photographs of a Zinsco look alike marketed by Kearney.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

How to Identify GTE-Sylvania-Zinsco Electrical Panels and Circuit Breakers

Characteristic Zinsco electrical panel breaker connectors (C) IAPThese questions and answers about how to identify GTE Sylvania Zinsco electrical panels and breakers were posted originally

at IDENTIFY GTE SYLVANIA-ZINSCO PANELS - you should also check out the photos and labeling described there.

[Click to enlarge any image]

This website discusses the electrical, fire, and shock hazards associated with Zinsco electrical components, circuit breakers, electrical panels, including certain Sylvania electrical panels and breakers which are in fact of the same product design and origin.

On 2020-05-13 by (mod)

Michael if your panel is a ZINSCO-Sylvania like the ones described at IDENTIFY GTE SYLVANIA-ZINSCO PANELS it should be replaced.

If you are unsure, the model no may not be sufficient as I have not found an exhaustive - complete - list of model numbers.

Instead, it's trivially easy to identify the GTE-Sylvania-Zinsco design (that should be replaced) using the visual clues described above on this page.

On 2020-05-13 by Michael - 1983 Sylvania fuse box, model MLB20(20-40)C

I'm considering the purchase of a house built in 1983 with a Sylvania fuse box, model MLB20(20-40)C. Is this fuse box safe?

On 2020-05-11 - by (mod) -

colored circuit breakers help identify Zinsco Sylvania electrical panel

Yes Jennifer, that's the GTE-Sylvania Zinsco design panel discussed above.

Thanks for asking.

On 2020-05-11 by Jennifer Schwartz

Sylvania Zinsco panel identify by breaker colors - replace this panel (C) SchwartzJ ... Sylvania Zinsco panel identify by breaker colors - replace this panel (C) SchwartzJ

Can you let me know if these Sylvania GTE breaker panels are the ones which should be replaced? They are located in a multi tenant mercantile bldg blt in 1962. Photos attached.

Please let me know if they should be replaced.

On 2019-11-16 by (mod) - Panel with yellow-circled components doesn't match Zinsco design

GTE or Sylvania NOT Zinsco (C) Consuegra DanielDaniel

RE: Is this [photo avbove] a GTE-Sylvania ZInsco type Panel?

it would help to

1. see a photo of each of the panel's labels or markings or brand ID's

2. know the country and city of location

3. know the age of the building

But from what I can make out in the little photos, the bus design - the power bars to which the circuit breakers connect in your panel does not match the Zinsco bus shown in the article above, and we don't see those deep slots in the breaker sides characteristic of Zinsco.
Above is a blurry (but all we can get) excerpt - enlargement from your image

And below for comparison at the start of this article is a (click to enlarge any image) enlarged copy of one of our "how to identify GTE Sylvania Zinsco Panels" photos.

On 2019-11-16 by Daniel Consuegra


Can you please tell me if my panels are the unsafe ones?

GTE Electrical Panel or Sylvania but not Zinsco (C) Consuegra Daniel GTE Electrical Panel or Sylvania but not Zinsco (C) Consuegra Daniel

On 2019-07-18 1 by (mod) - recall for ZInsco electrical panels ?


Thanks for asking about a recall for ZInsco electrical panels.

As you will read in this article series there are a number of building products that are well known to be unsafe, as established by authoritative independent, qualified researchers and supported by field reports - and many of such products were never recalled.

Depending on a "product recall" or "declaration of illegal" is as unreliable a way to assure public safety as to imagine that because we have police in a city that no crime and no accidents occur.

To replace the panel contact any qualified licensed electricianb.

On 2019-07-18 by Gary Van Zandt

WHO recalled this panel and when? Who should be contacted about replacing it?

On 2019-06-05 by (mod) -

Carla, the identification points for GTE-Sylvania panels are given in the article above on this page.

I can't see your circuit breakers.

The panel label in your photo notes Sylvania and GTE but does not mention the word Zinsco.

The identification points for GTE-Sylvania panels are given in the article above on this page.

On 2019-06-05 by carolina varela

I need to know if this panel is one of the problem ones, and if it should be replaced. I may have to replace it anyway because I can't find replacement breakers for it - do you know of any compatible breakers? (I have more pictures of the breaker but this only let me submit one)

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2019-02-23 by (mod) -


You need an onsite electrician, not something fo certify online

On 2019-02-22 by TYLERSOLARCO

I have a main panel that needs to be certified to show that the buss is a 125AMP buss. I will attach a photo of the main. Can someone please try to help me identify the buss? Or show me where I can get spec sheets for this?

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2019-02-19 by (mod) -

I don't know, Ken, if your Sylvania electrical panel is the problematic Zinsco design or not. Not all Sylvania panels are the Zinsco design but some are, and some of those may not have a label explicitly stating "Zinsco"

The good news is that it is trivially easy for an electrician or someone who know how to open an electrical panel without getting shocked or killed to take a look. The design of the Zinsco breakers is very distinctive and is illustrated in these articles where you'll see a deep slot in each breaker into which the on-edge panel bus bars insert.

Lots of Zisco ID photos are on this page and others in this article series.

On 2019-02-19 by ken vienneau

have a sylvania circuit breaker box it doesnt have zinsco written anywhere box # is bk 448209 is this one of the defective boxs?

On 2018-05-10 by (mod) - no recall for Unsafe GTE/Sylvania Zinsco Panels

Sylvania Zinsco electrical panel  (C) P VSammy

There is, was, and won't be a "recall" for Zinsco electrical panels nor GTE-Sylvania Zinsco panels and breakers.

To rely ONLY on the presence of a government or manufacturer product recall as the means to identify unsafe or defective products would be as mistaken as to claim that because we have a police department and a fire department in our city there are no crimes, no auto accidents, and no fires.

In my OPINION the recommendation to replace an unreliable and thus unsafe electrical panel has no business being a "huge concern" during the sale of a home.

The cost of a new electrical panel, installed, is not going to be more than a small fraction of one percent of the value of a home - so it should hardly be a show-stopper.

If I were buying such a home I'd want to be the one hiring the electrician and getting the work done promptly after I owned the home - that way I'd be confident that no shortcuts were taken and that the electrician would be accountable to me if follow-up work were needed.

And I'd get the work done regardless of whether or not the seller gave me an allowance at closing.

As a more general speculation on why a home buyer might get excited about hearing about a surprise expense that she faces on the purchase of home I recall that a real estate agent's job (and commission) depend on encouraging the buyer to buy the home - perhaps painting a wonderfully-rosy picture of home ownership.

"Quick, Buy this marvelous home - it's in move-in condition. "

That plus encouraging the buyer to run towards the property as fast as she can, while screaming "I want it, I want it" and tossing her checkbook ahead as she runs, is hoping that momentum will carry the deal past any speed bumps.

Home ownership is not all unicorns and cupcakes.

It's taking out the garbage, cleaning up spilled milk, fixing leaks, getting the oil burner cleaned (as mine is getting as I write this), and fixing stuff from time to time.

The reality is that EVERY home ALWAYS will need maintenance and repair from time to time. Things break, fail, wear out, or are discovered to be not reliable enough.

Zinsco panels not covered by insurance (C) Ron If the only expense one faces on taking ownership is that of an electrical panel replacement, that's rather modest.

On 2018-05-10 by Sammy - should seller pay for recalled Zinsco Panel?

If this was recalled, and needs to be fixed prior to closing. Shouldn't the seller be held accountable or the company as they recalled it ? We are under contract and this is a huge concern. this can get expensive.

Thank you,

On 2018-02-24 by (mod) - insurance does not cover this panel?

Your inspector is correct

On 2018-02-24 by ron

I was told by inspector insurance does not cover this panel? Thank you for your time.

On 2018-02-24 by (mod) - age of panel doesn't change hazard

Sorry Fred but from your photo I can't get the date of manufacture of your Sylvania electricalpanel, though from the breaker details it is almost certainly the GTE/Sylvania/Zinsco design that should be replaced.

The date of manufacture would not change the design nor the hazard.

On 2017-12-08 by lofrano.fred

Can you tell me the date of manufacture for my Sylvania Panel?

Part of the label is obscured by paint drips but I can see the model number starts with ML12. Thanks, Fred

Sylvania GTE Zinscopanel cover with paint obstruction (C) LoFrano

On 2017-10-08 by (mod) - Magnatrip Zinsco circuit breaker body has always been black

re-posting without Joe's advertisement

Joe JRL Electric Supply said:

If you are speaking of the original Magnatrip Zinsco circuit breakers, The body has always been black unless it is the current replacement that is grey manufactured by UBI.

If yours is the Sylvania labled product, the part numbers are the same as the zinsco part numbers.


Watch out: replacement circuit breakers that have been tested for these problem brands have generally performed no better than the originals. Joe's advice is in our opinion bad and unsafe.


On 2017-09-01 by (mod) - Sylvania name was on many products besides the Zinsco line


Certainly the Sylvania name was on many products besides the Zinsco line.

You can use the page bottom CONTACT link to send us photos of the panel cover, labeling, breakers, and a closeup of any breaker labels or tags and I can comment further.

Unfortunately the Sylvania number - which I'm pursuing - will take a bit more time to see if we can track it down. Photos would help.

On 2017-08-31 by Kevin sylvania sb10(12-20)c

sylvania sb10(12-20)c

Anyone know if this is a safe number? Home inspector passed it. Electrician who put in new cicuit seemd okay with it but insurance company just cancelled us when they saw the Sylvania name. Sorry no picture but it looks nothing like the Zinsco photos.

On 2017-08-03 Marky the Sparky - found a damaged Zinsco panel still in use with the buss bars hanging at a angle.

Did a walk though two days ago, found a damaged Zinsco panel still in use with the buss bars hanging at a angle.

The illegal tenant has flashlight not trusting lights think he knows more than he should lol.
Will take photos, do you still need the old breakers for testing ?

On 2017-05-23 by (mod) -

Yes Kerry, and I'd like to see what you've got there.

You can send photos for comment using the page top or bottom CONTACT link to find our email.

On 2017-05-22 18:39:34.187078 by Kerry Sachs

do you have an email address where I can mail you pictures of my panels and get an opinion from you on them?

thank you

On 2016-12-26 01:41:59.652984 by (mod) -

I don't know, Bill. If your photos don't include the panel design details, then your electrician can remove the panel front and snap some photos of the circuit breaker and buss-connections in the panel then use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send me images of the panel, its labeling and its details and I can comment further.

Preliminary testing is showing a significant failure-to-trip rate for the zinsco designed equipment described in this article series, including "new" replacement breakers for these panels.

On 2016-12-25 14:33:48.358797 by Bill K.

I have a Sylvania 20-5X (10-20) panel with Zinsco-Sylvania breakers which was installed new in 2004 with no issues thus far. It has a "TRI-TECTOR" in it as well. Is this model panel and breakers at risk? Surely the problem does not apply to all Sylvania panels. I can send pictures if that will help. Thanks in advance.

On 2016-10-28 19:33:15.674108 by (mod) -

Yes Rob your electrical panel and breakers are the Zinsco-Sylvania design. I would replace the panel, as we discussed by private email. With your OK I'll add your photos in this article series, keeping you anonymous.

On 2016-10-28 19:28:21.628693 by (mod) -

RE-posting without link

Rob said:
We are preparing to install solar panels and our solar rep recommended I replace our Sylvania electrical panel. He said it was not safe. I was sceptical, figuring he was just trying to upsell me. But I search on the topic and found your very detailed page. My jaw just about dropped. I know very little about the topic, but I believe I have one of these panels.

I snapped some photos with my phone. Would you mind taking a quick look to confirm my thinking, that our panel is indeed based on the flawed Zinsco design? You can see my photos here...

On 2016-10-24 23:11:17.947621 by (mod) -


If we're discussing a Zinsco electrical panel, the concerns described above are not model-dependent.

I cannot say why Sylvania didn't recall the panels though my GUESS and OPINION is that manufacturers are very nervous about opening the door to liability and litigation as may occur when a product has trouble. It's tempting to tell ones self (if one is the producer) - nah it was just a few oddball cases.

On 2016-10-24 15:08:13.182689 by Alice Tisthammer

Can you tell me if a panel marked MLB20(20-40)C Indoor Mod 1 is suspect? It also says 225 Amps Max. 120/240 VAC 1phase - 3 wire. 120/208 VAC 3W WYE. This past weekend the 2-pole 30A breaker for my almost-new water heater burned up. Was able to replace it with Connecticut Electric breaker UBIZ-0230 Zinsco. But now I'm freaked out because of everything I'm reading on here. Why is Sylvania not stepping up and funding replacement of these panels????

On 2016-06-12 21:20:51.352305 by (mod) -

I can't say, Craig from just the info in your text; take a look at the unique breaker and bus design - as shown in the article above, those make it easy to identify Zinsco equipment with certainty. The breaker toggle colours are also a key.

On 2016-06-12 16:31:53.047573 by Anonymous

Is 20-5x(12-24) C indoor mod 2 a Zinsco made panel? Craig in Houston/thx

On 2016-05-12 19:08:39.463780 by (mod) -


A summay of this topic is in the live-links just above: see ZINSCO SUMMARY PAGE for Reproduction

While there is not yet enough independent research to make unequivocal statements about the hazards of Zinsco design electrical panels and circuit breakers, there have been important reports of field failures; we recommend that the panel be replaced.

If you have doubts about whether or not you have this equipment in your home, note that an electrician or skilled home inspector can point to unique design features that make the identification certain. You can read those details in the article above.

Opinion: The cost of replacement of an electrical panel will make up less than a fraction of 1%, perhaps .03 % of the sale value of a home; it ought not be a show-stopper no matter who decides to pay for it.

On 2016-05-12 16:14:03.006907 by Arlyne Draper

We have one of the above circuit breakers and would like to know hiw to identify our. We are selling the property and the inspector broughtup the circuit breakers as being dangerous even though the house was built in 1975 and has not had an issue with it.

Arlyne Draper

On 2015-11-12 19:30:21.398965 by (mod) -

Based on patent searches the early ZInsco designs I've found date from the 1940's; the products continued in various forms for another 40 years. GTE-Sylvania Zinsco-design panels, I believe are later, probably from the 1970's - we're looking for more authoritative citations.

On 2015-11-12 17:11:43.826387 by shelia

I have a GTE breaker box cat#ALB12(16-24)C what year was it installed.

On 2015-09-16 01:28:35.467163 by Josh J

Unfortunately it is not a Zinsco model. I will continue my epic search! Thanks for the info though!

On 2015-09-15 13:27:16.267274 by (mod) -


You might find or fabricate a replacement, but I suggest, in the Zinsco pane links above, reading OK to USE ZINSCOS? - unless yours is not a Zinsco model.

On 2015-09-15 10:18:37.484718 by Josh J

I am looking to find a replacement door for a Sylvania 390-205-09, similar to one featured up above. I just need the door! Anyone know how/where I could find older parts like that? Let me know!


On 2015-06-10 20:54:51.370550 by (mod) -

Use the "Click to Show or Hide FAQs" link just above to see recently-posted questions, comments, replies

Question: My electrical panel has the flat busbars but is not labeled Zinsco

My home was built in 1983 and has a circuit breaker panel labeled Sylvania GTE. I have inspected the entire thing- there is no Zinsco marking anywhere, including on the box or breakers, and the Sylvania label is different from those shown in the identification photographs, as is the Underwriter Labs label.

However, it does have the bus bars that are strips of metal that run perpendicular to the back of the panel box.

Do those bus bars indicate it is a Zinsco style Sylvania, or is that a design that was used outside of Zinsco? Thanks, A.C.


A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that help accurately diagnose a problem in electrical components such as panels and circuit breakers.

That said, The Zinsco-Sylvania panels I've seen and of which others have provided still more photos included a label that presented both the Sylvania and Zinsco names. But I don't rule out the possibility of some Sylvania labels where you don't see the word Zinsco, either from a particular manufacturing period or because a label could have been peeled off.

The flat busbars perpendicular to the panel back you describe might indicate the panel is a Zinsco design.

You or someone who is qualified can (WATCHOUT FOR ELECTROCUTION HAZARDS) open the panel, remove the cover, and inspect one of the breakers:

if you see that the breaker matches the Zinsco breaker designs shown in our website article photos - that is, the characteristic Zinsco breaker with a mounting slot and a clip that connects the breaker to the bus bar, then you can know with confidence that it is or is not the Zinsco design, regardless of being labeled as just Sylvania.

I would avoid any unnecessary unplugging and re-plugging of circuit breakers because if it's the Zinsco design, the plug-in procedure on aluminum or even copper plated aluminum bus bars cuts the copper plating and can encourage arcing, bad connections, and overheating or failures in the equipment.

Send us some photos of the whole panel (use the CONTACT link at top, left, or bottom of our web pages), all panel labeling, the bus and a breaker, and we can also most likely confirm what you've got.

Such added details can help us understand what's happening and often permit some useful further comment. What we both learn may help me help someone else.


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