Guide to Water Softener Cleaning & Sanitizing:
This article provides an owner's guide to water softener cleaning, and sanitizing - two steps in keeping a water conditioner working properly.
We discuss the use of various chemicals & cleaners to sanitize or clean out water softeners and their brine tanks, and we comment on the effect of such chemicals on septic systems.
We discuss the formation of salt crust in the brine tank, the accumulation of dirt & debris in the brine tank, & how to remove these problems & contaminants in a water conditioner
. We also discuss using iron removing products or other chemicals to clean & sanitize a water softener.
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(Apr 19, 2014) C.S. said:
Do you need to sanitize a new soft water machine? After ours was installed by a technician and ready to go, I read installation manual that said to sanitize with bleach before using.
C.S.The manufacturer of water softeners typically recommend such a step - I'd follow their recommendations.
Here is an example excerpt from an American Aqua Hellenbrand water softener manual:
The materials of construction of your water softener will not support bacterial growth nor will these materials contaminate a water supply.
However, the normal conditions existing during shipping, storage, and installation indicate the advisability of disinfecting a softener after installation, before the softener is used to treat potable water.
In addition, during normal use a softener may become fouled with organic matter or in some cases, with bacteria from the water supply.
Therefore, every water softener should be disinfected after installation, some will require periodic disinfection during their normal life.
Every water softener should be disinfected after installation, some will require periodic disinfection during their normal life. - source: American Aqua Hellenbrand H-100 manual in the manuals list cited just below.
Check the manual for your water softener, or if you don't have it, you can find it
at WATER CONDITIONER / SOFTENER MANUALS as well as by contacting the manufacturer of your softener.
Can you tell us the brand and model? I'd like to take a look at the instructions as well.
Thanks for answering.
It's a Kenmore 420 Series. It's just annoying that the installer sent by Sears got it all set up, programmed it, told us we could add the salt, but didn't mention anything about the sanitizing. - C.S.
Indeed on p. 14 of the Sears Kenmore 420 water softener installation manual the company recommends disinfecting the equipment when it is newly installed, using 3oz of household bleach in the brine well and running a regeneration cycle followed by 50 gallons of flush-out to remove bleach from the system before placing it in service.
It's good advice considering that plumbing fittings, equipment and devices are not kept in absolutely sanitary conditions prior to installation. It's also cautious advice.
There are probably millions of water softeners installed that were never initially sanitized though they may beg for that treatment after having been in service for a time, particularly if contaminated by water that itself contains bacteria or by rock-salt that contains soil and debris.
If you like you might wait until your unit has consumed the salt in the brine tank, then go through the sanitizing advice the company recommends, rather than trying to shovel out the salt already therein.
If you have any doubt about the potability of your water supply, be sure to test that as well, taking a sample from a point ahead of all of your water treatment equipment.
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