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Rust damaged oil tank fill & vent piping = leak risk (C) Daniel Friedman Rhinebeck NY Oil Tank Filler or Vent Piping Rust Damage

Corrosion at the oil tank fill or vent piping can cause costly leaks or loss of heat

Oil tank fill or vent piping rust & corrosion damage:

What causes serious or dangerous rust, corrosion, or exfoliating rust damage at the oil tank filler or vent piping?

How serious is the risk of costly heating oil spillage or leakage from oil fill or vent piping rust?

How can this damage be repaired?

This article describes installation details that increase the risk of oil piping leaks and spills traced to rust and corrosion. Leaks of water into oil piping due to ground-level fill and vent piping can lead to a costly loss-of-heat failure at a building and burst or damaged oil filler or vent piping can also lead to a costly oil spill or leak.

This article series discusses the causes of leaks at oil tank fill or vent piping, what the leak and other hazards are, and what to do about oil tank piping leaks.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Oil Storage Tank Fill & Vent Pipe Leaks Due to Rust & Corrosion

Illustrated below, and also discussed at OIL TANK FILL & VENT PIPING INSPECTION CHECKLIST is a gaggle oil storage tank fill and vent pipes located at ground level on a sidewalk in Rhinebeck, New York. We photographed the oil and fill vents both in summer (below left) and again in winter (below right).

Placing the fill and vent pipes in an outdoor sidewalk well (below that grate) seemed necessary to allow the pipes to pass through the building's foundation wall and on into the basement-located oil tanks.

UST oil tank filler and vent pipes at or below ground (C) Daniel Friedman FDR estate Hyde Park NY UST oil tank filler and vent pipes at or below ground (C) Daniel Friedman FDR estate Hyde Park NY

But locating steel oil tank fill and vent pipes where they will at times sit in a well filled with water or melting snow exposes them to a rust problem that might be accelerated by the effects of salt tossed around on this New York sidewalk during icy winter weather.

Below you can see the result: a swollen, cracking, exfoliating-rust-damaged oil tank pipe that is going to leak at any moment.

Rust damaged oil tank fill & vent piping = leak risk (C) Daniel Friedman Rhinebeck NY Closeup of exfoliating splitting rusting oil tank fill pipe in Rhinebeck NY (C) Daniel Friedman

If thees oil tank fill and vent pipes have not already caused a costly oil spill outside the building it's due to luck and the fact that oil tank filling does not expose the tank to extreme pressures.


A better design would have either provided for drainage of the well through which these oil tank pipes pass or it would have sealed them entirely to protect the piping from standing water - or worse, standing salty water.

Below we illustrate an oil tank fill and vent pipe duet installed well above ground, above snow level, and sealed at the building wall.

FYI, while local code requirements will vary, generally oil fill and vent pipes should be at least 3 ft. above ground level to prevent water leaks into the piping system and oil tank.

This is a better installation that does not risk heavy rust and splitting rust-damaged oil fill and vent pipes.

Oil fill and vent pipes above ground and sealed at house wall (C) Daniel Friedman

Below is superficial, harmless or cosmetic rust on the outside of an oil tank vent pipe.

Rusted oil vent pipe - ok (C) Daniel Friedman


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Oil Tank Piping Leak Articles

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OIL FILL / VENT PIPE RUST-CAUSED LEAKS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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