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Weil McLain boiler recalls or safety notices:

This document includes information from public safety notices from the CPSC or from Canadian sources. Information Accuracy & Bias Pledge is at below-left. Use the links listed at the ARTICLE INDEX the bottom of this article to navigate this document or to go to Other Website Topics. Readers of this document should also see HEAT EXCHANGER LEAKS.

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29 May 2008 Gas Boilers Recalled in Canada

Weil-McLain recalled about 3200 gas boilers sold in Canada (U.S. information not cited) for inspection and repair on 29 May 2008. A leak in the gas boiler vent piping could release carbon monoxide (CO).

The gas boiler safety recall affects these Weil McLain gas boiler models:

CGs-3, CGs-4, CVGs-5, CGs-6 gas fired heating boilers with serial numbers from CP5071501 through and including CP5694976.

CGi-3, CGi-5, CGi-6 Series 2 gas fired heating boilers with serial numbers CP 4134351 through and including CP 5698635.

Weil Mclain advises owners to stop using these heating boilers until a safety inspection has been performed. --

12 November 2005 Gas Boilers Recalled in the United States

This document describes carbon monoxide gas (CO) leak safety hazards on certain models of Weil McLain gas fired heating boilers which use certain gas control valves, made by White-Rodgers and which may produce dangerous carbon monoxide gas, a potentially fatal hazard. The CPSC document announces a recall/replacement program for these systems.

Originally issued May 11, 1998
Last Revised November 23, 2005
Release # 98-107

Weil McLain Company Phone Number: (219) 879-6561
CPSC Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: Mark Ross, (301) 504-7076

Note: telephone number change

CPSC, Weil-McLain Announce Recall to Repair Gas Boilers

WASHINGTON, D.C.- In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Weil-McLain, of Michigan City, Ind., is recalling 8,500 Weil-McLain gas boilers for field adjustment of the gas control valve. These boilers' gas control valves, made by White-Rodgers, could have gas pressure settings that are too high. Incorrect gas pressure can cause the boiler to produce dangerous carbon monoxide, which can then leak, causing serious injury or death.

Weil-McLain has received three reports of carbon monoxide detectors alarming due to the release of carbon monoxide from these boilers. No injuries or deaths have been reported.

The Weil-McLain model GV gas boilers subject to this recall are equipped with certain White-Rodgers model 36C98-303 gas control valves with date codes 9621 through 9723. The date code and model number can be found on the unit's gas control valve, which is located at the front and center section of the boiler under the jacket. Also, all Weil-McLain GV boilers located at elevations more than 7,000 feet above sea level are being recalled. These boilers have "WEIL-McLAIN GOLD GV" written on the boiler jacket.

Heating and cooling companies and contractors sold these boilers nationwide from June 1996 to November 1997 for about $1,500 to $3,000. Approximately 1,000 GV boilers were installed from June 1990 to January 1998 at locations above 7,000 feet elevation.

Consumers should immediately check to see if they have a Weil-McLain GV boiler affected by this recall. For assistance in checking the boiler's gas valve model and date code, or for other additional information, consumers should call Weil-McLain at (219) 879-6561. If a consumer has an affected boiler, Weil-McLain will arrange for a free adjustment of the gas control valves' pressure setting.

[The images below assist readers in identifying the Weil-McLain gas fired Gold GV boiler and the White Rodgers gas control valve involved.]

Weil-McLain Boiler

Picture of Where to Locate Model # and Date Code

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction. Deaths, injuries and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $700 billion annually.

The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children. The CPSC's work to ensure the safety of consumer products - such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals - contributed significantly to the 30 percent decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 30 years.



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(Oct 12, 2012) Joe said:
My boiler was installed in 1990 and is a 1989 model Series 1 GV-5. I did in fact replace the Gas valve 3 years ago because of a leak and now the vent ell is cracked and in need of replacement. My question is "Why werent consumers who purchased these units notified?"

(Feb 8, 2015) Anonymous said:
recall on boilers due to sediment blockage


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danjoefriedman (mod) · Jan 18, 2021


A leak such as you describe could be from simply failure to tighten the fitting, inadequate use of thread sealant, or cross-threading.

But in all events, prolonged leakage at a heating boiler can ultimately rust the fitting opening so as to cause expensive damage or even raise question about repairability, and depending on where water goes, it could make the heater unreliable.

If that were my boiler I'd have the leak fixed.

Craig · Jan 18, 2021

Our heat sensor probe leaked as the boiler was first installed. Has this happened to anyone else?


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