Questions and answers about why a furnace keeps cycling on and off before the thermostat is satisfied.
This article series describes what to check if the warm air heating blower fan cycles on and off after the call for heat has stopped, that is after the room thermostat has been satisfied.
This article series describes how to diagnose & fix just about any problem with forced air heating & cooling systems.
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These questions and answers about how to diagnose and fix a heating furnace blower that keeps cycling on and off during a call for heat, that is, before the thermostat is satisfied, were posted originally
at FURNACE FAN CYCLES DURING HEAT; be sure to review the advice at that article.
Blower fan cycles on and off during heat cycle. Burner stays lit. ? Nordyne mobile home furnace model # mgha-066aafc-01 furnace is 20 plus years old. On 2019-10-08 by Anonymous
Reply by (mod) - causes of furnace blower cycling on and off during a call for heat
Typically when the burner keeps going but the furnace blower fan is cycling off, then back on, that tells us that when the blower runs the temperature in the heat exchanger is dropping so much that the fan limit switch is turning the blower fan OFF rather than blow cool or cold air onto building occupants.
In turn that means that the burner (oil or gas?) is not sending enough heat into the heat exchanger to keep it warm enough while the blower is running.
In still another turn, that suggests that either the burner itself isn't operating properly (too cool, flame too low, partly blocked burner) OR the heat exchanger is soot-clogged so is preventing good heat transfer out into building air.
Less likely but possible is that the blower fan speed is set too high.
To fix any of those issues requires a service call from your heating company. Discuss the system's operating problem with the service manager and ask for an experienced heating service tech to insepct and clean or adjust the system as needed.
You could start by checking the diagnostic suggestions at FURNACE FAN CYCLES DURING HEAT
Or go right to
Diagnostic Case 2: the furnace BLOWER FAN cycles ON-OFF while BURNER remains ON - blower short-cycling
It may help you also to review these:
Causes of Furnace BLOWER FAN Short-Cycling During a Call for Heat
This short cycling blower fan problem happens most-often when
This may be due to improper location (even an unsafe one) of a main or additional cold-air return.
I've seen systems that were picking up 100% new cold air in a crawl space - no conditioned building air was returning to the furnace - that 's the most-expensive heating design possible and could be unsafe.
Also see
Diagnostic Case 1: Blower Short Cycling
Watch the dial on the furnace FAN LIMIT CONTROL switch during a heating cycle. If you see the dial rotate to the FAN ON point you should then hear the blower fan start up.
Keep watching.
If the dial rotates back towards cooler temperatures a bit that's normal, but the blower should keep running until the thermostat says it has been satisfied.
IF instead the dial continues to rotate towards lower temperatures until it drops below the FAN ON setting,
THEN something is causing the plenum temperature to get so low that the limit switch should TURN THE FAN OFF - that's to avoid blowing cold air on occupants.
Also check for Poor electrical connections: a loose or corroded electrical wire bringing power to the blower fan motor OR at the limit switch or fan control board can cause intermittent fan operation
Watch out: don't try to adjust fan speed by tightening or loosening the pulley - you risk ruining a bearing (too tight) or melting a belt (too loose)
Check blower fan speed settings: Some air handlers include a control board with dip switches that set fan speed or speed ranges
On other systems the tech may change the fan speed (blower rotation speed) by changing out the drive pulley. Obviously that's not an option on direct-drive blowers but yours uses a motor and pulley and belt system.
I have a Coleman Evcon Presidential hvac unit I just changed out one of the two heating elements and not the new element cycles on and off when heater is on the blower stayes on.
Can Anyone tell me why the element is doing this? On 2018-11-03 by Richard -
Reply by (mod) - check for a loose wire or bad or corroded connection at the heater control
Check first for loose or improper wire connections.
If there's no problem there I'd look for a control or thermostat issue
Also don't forget to look for a dirty or blocked air filter. Reduced air-flow through a furnace can result in overheating at the heat exchanger, causing the limit control to turn off the heat.
Trane 3-ton air handler with emergency electric heat strip, short cycles 3-speed fan blower in air handler is turning off and on after the heater coil has been running for 5-10 minutes.
The train blower will bump on and off 15-20 times per minute, in 1/2 to 1.5 second increments but the thermostat is 1-degree short of desired temperature. On 2018-03-10 by PhatJag
by (mod) -
Look for a dirty air filter, loose connection, or other causes listed in thearticle FURNACE FAN CYCLES DURING HEAT
I have a Modine garage gas hanging heater the turns on and off with within 10to 15 seconds before it reaches the correct temp on the new thermostat any ideas that I can check - On 2018-02-11 by Robert
by (mod) -
in this order I would check for a loose wire or electrical connection, it dirty or obstructed temperature sensing probe, a blockage in or reduced air flow which could be cause for example by a dirty filter or a dirty blower fan assembly, or a failing fan limit control relay
my forced air gas furnace is firing up when the thermostat is not calling for it. I hear it in the middle of the night light, start heating up the chamber and then turning off before the blower comes on.
I am hearing this occurring several times during night. got up last night to verify. According to thermostat temp setting, it should not have been trying to come on. However when the temp falls below thermostat setting, it does come on, starts blowing and shuts down correctly. Any advice would be appreciate. Its a American Standard unit about 5-10 years old On 2018-01-23 by TONY WRIGHT
by (mod) -
I'd look for an automatic thermostat program that's operating or thermostat mis-wiring.
Gas furnace. The fan keeps running after heat is should cycle off about 3 to 4 min after heat exchanger cools but continues to run On 2017-11-29 by Nick -
Reply by (mod) -
at FURNACE FAN CYCLES DURING HEAT in the Continue Reading suggested links I've posted two diagnostic articles for youOr see
Hello I have a Nordyne Electric heat/ac unit now this system is 23 years old with no problems at all is is model 901282 Mobile home unit now I needed to clean the blower housing and squirrel cage
now I just unhooked the wires took photo and all hooked back up But now it seems the the blowers runs on high and it seems to make the heat cooler
then the t-stat clicks to off and the blower still runs at a slower regular heat flow and it runs like that for about 40 seconds I have noticed that my heats keeps kicking on alot please help thanks Wendy On 2016-11-08 by Wendy
Why is my fan running so fast is it because it was that dirty which it was but I judt don't understand why the fan is running that fast we used to have air flow coming out the vents but now it's alot of air flow but cooler so do I need to get a new blower motor or can I changed the settings
Reply by (mod) -
Yes the faster blower speed is cooling down the heat exchanger. I'd look first for a wiring error and second for a damaged control OR you changed a dip switch or other fan speed control setting.
by Wendy
Yes that what I'm think its a wire issue when we was hooking all the wires back up I have what to me looks like a jumper white wire ( thick white wire connected to a thin white wire running to the white ON THE CONTROL BOARD for the t-stat but when I was hooking them up the white wire pulled off of one and I didn't know which one it is
I have a orange, yellow,green, brown,Red hope this helps I did not mess with the motor or anything I just vacuumed and used a tooth brush on the cage it was dirty
by (mod) -
I see. There should be terminal markings in your thermostat that help sort out wiring connections. Or armed with the thermostat brand and model we ought to be able to find a wiring guide for it. That info combined with an identification of the wires in your system ought to be what's needed.
You don't give your location, nor do I quite know if the electric heat is a backup for a heat pump, backup for some other heating system, or primary heat. The controls may vary depending on the heater's role.
Watch out: for electrical shock Wendy
This is my primary heating source Electric and no heat pump just a split Nordyne system with central air That's the issue the wires come in through the wall of the furnace and those are the ones that I'm having the problems with mine is a 5 wire control I have Blue Rc, Red RH, W white , C white , G green this is how it was before my problems is the wires coming in none are labeled
i also found more wires so now these are the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, White, Black ,Brown, we currently have it spliced to the white because At first we had no heat at all the only other wires with nothing connected are orange ,black, brown, Now my heat works its just that ever since it was cleaned it faster and loader then when t-state clicks heat off it continues to run a a slower better speed as b4 I hope this helps
by (mod) -
Often there are un-used thermostat wires that were included in the original wire bundle. You need the wiring chart for your specific model heater.
When a fan runs faster than before I have trouble evaluating that by e-text. For example, cleaning dirt off of the louvers of a squirrel cage fan can substantially increase the amount of air the fan moves even at the original speed of rotation.Lubricating a fan might slightly improve its speed. Some fan motors are capable of running at two or more speeds (as we want different speeds for heating than for cooling) so simply changing a wire connection at or to the fan might change its run speed.
We discuss fan speeds at BLOWER FAN OPERATION & TESTING
and at FAN LIMIT SWITCH we discuss fan switch wiring
Look at your fan motor data tag for a marking similar to RPM 840/2SPD
Also a change in voltage will change motor speed for motors rated for multiple input voltage levels.
What will cause a blower motor to cycle every 30 seconds yet run smooth when the aux heat is used.
When the thermostat calls for a 1 or 2 degree rise in temperature the blower motor short cycles but when the thermostat call for 3 degrees or more it doesn't short cycle until the thermostat setting is within 2 degrees.
Than the short cycling begins On 2018-12-07 by Gary-
by (mod) -
The cause is probably one of the reasons given at
Watch the temperature dial on the fan limit control switch as the furnace goes through a cycle and let me know at what temperature the dial is pointing and which direction does it moves when you see the short cycling.
The furnace supply fan comes on after a call to heat. Then it slows (or turns off for a second or two) then the burner fires. while the supply fan runs. I can feel the air go from stone cold to warm. Then the motor stops. Complete cycle is about 3 to 4 minutes. On 2019-11-16 by Mathew Sgattoni
Reply by (mod) -
If this is a direct drive blower fan motor this sounds like
- loose fan wiring connector
- bad fan relay
- bad fan motor or bad motor start/run capacitor
IF your fan is driven by a pulley and belt I'd look for a loose pulley or bel
I have a Coleman Evcon presidential hvac unit.
I just changed out one of the two heating elements and now the new element cycles on and off when heater is on the blower stays on. Can Anyone tell me why the element is doing this? On 2018-11-03 by Richard
by (mod) -
Check first for loose or improper wire connections.
If there's no problem there I'd look for a control or thermostat issue
Also don't forget to look for a dirty or blocked air filter. Reduced air-flow through a furnace can result in overheating at the heat exchanger, causing the limit control to turn off the heat.
On 2018-11-15 by DGaines
Much appreciated you taking the time and effort to help diya! I own an auto repair shop and know your shooting yourself in the foot giving out free info.
Just obtaining a flow chart for my furnace is impossible, so specific test results not even an option. Gave me the knowledge to repair my furnace with some parts I retained, but did so in confidence (1 part and fixed 1st try) thanks to you vast knowledge and willingness to help. Much appreciated!
On 2018-11-15 by (mod) -
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