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Driven point well driving mechanism - UN FAODriven Point Wells used for Drinking Water

Driven Point Small-Diameter Water Well Installation, Diagnosis & Repair

Driven point well construction, capacities, troubleshooting & repairs:

Here we define driven point wells & describe how a driven point water well is constructed.

We discuss why water flow and pressure are ultimately lost from a driven point well and we explain how to restore water flow (sometimes) without having to construct a new well.

This article series explains installing, diagnosing, and repairing small diameter water wells including driven point wells, wash wells, and jetted wells, three types of water sources that may be used where water is close to the ground surface and a well pipe or point can be driven into the soil mechanically or by using hydrojetting.

We include an excellent UN FAO small diameter well document reference that will be helpful to those needing to construct a water well in areas where water is close to the ground surface and money or other resources are limited.

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Small Diameter Driven Point Wells, Components, Performance, Maintenance

Sand point or driven point well installation, typical use where freezing is not an issue, adapted from Wisconsin DNR cited in this article (C)

This article describes the two most common small diameter well methods, driven point wells and jetted wells.

Other small diameter well types include bored or augured wells, hydraulic percussion wells, cable tool percussion wells, bail down wells, and hydraulic rotary-drilled wells.

This article series describes various types of drinking water sources like wells, cisterns, dug wells, drilled wells, artesian wells and well and water pump equipment. We provide advice about what to do when things go wrong.

Driven point wells consist of a thick-walled metal pipe whose end is shaped into a point and drilled to permit water to enter the pipe.

The driven point is then hammered into the soil, usually to a very shallow depth, perhaps 6' to 8' in depth, and usually in sandy soil or in other soil where a lot of water flows easily to enter the end of the pipe.

Our sketch, adapted from the Wisconsin DNR cited below, shows a typical driven point well installation in an area where protection from freezing is not a concern. ©

Also see this DRIVEN POINT WELL FREEZE PROTECTION DRAWING [illustration] for a frost-protected sand point well installation, also adapted from the Wisconsin DNR .

Definition of driven point well

A driven-point well – sometimes called a “sand point” – is a small diameter well made by connecting lengths of 1-1/4” or 2” diameter steel pipe together with threaded couplings. Threaded to the bottom of the string of pipe is a drive-point well screen.

The screen is usually 2 to 3 feet long with a hardened steel tip or “drive-point” at the bottom. The purpose of the screen is to allow groundwater to flow into the well but keep the surrounding sand out. Water can then be pumped up through the pipe to the surface.

The hardened steel drive-point tip allows the well to be more easily driven into the ground. The pipe and drive-point resemble a long spear. - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources cited below.

Photograph of sketch of the componentsof a well pit.Readers of this document should also see WATER TANK TYPES and before assuming that a water problem is due to the well itself, see WATER PUMP REPAIR GUIDE an specific case which offers an example of diagnosis of loss of water pressure, loss of water, and analyzes the actual repair cost.

A variety of methods are used to install small-diameter water wells in areas where an adequate water supply is sufficiently close to the surface, where cost must be minimized, where well installation speed is important, and where there may be less concern for drinking water contamination from surface runoff.

All of these small diameter well methods have the advantage of comparatively low cost, rapid installation, and simplicity.

While a properly located and installed driven-point well can provide adequate and safe drinking water, the well is not without risk of both loss of water and contamination.

Watch out: all of these shallow, small-diameter wells, found usually just where soils are highly permeable and sandy, are tapping shallow groundwater where surface runoff contamination of the aquifer is likely: these wells are vulnerable to contamination from above.

Well water from a driven point well or other shallow well should be regularly tested for potability.

See DRIVEN POINT SAND POINT WELL CLEARANCE DISTANCES for setback distances for driven point, sand point and other well types.

The maximum depth for driven point wells is about 80 feet. If local soils are hard or rocky a driven well cannot be used.

The well point may be purchased from a manufacturer (a forged well point) or hand made by cutting and hammering the end of the first pipe section. Holes to permit water entry into the well pipe may be drilled or sawn.

The pointed end of the perforated pipe aids soil penetration and is further protected from soil entry into the pipe itself by a well screen. Additional perforations in the lower length of pipe increase the water intake of the system.

Types of driven point well screens: As the UN FAO document explains:

Well screens for driving must have sufficient strength to withstand the forces caused by the driver and the abrasion of the material through which they pass. One common type (Figure 14a above) consists of a perforated drive pipe fitted with a point.

The perforated section of the pipe is wrapped with a layer of brass screen of the desired fineness and the screen is protected from damage by wrapping it with a layer of perforated brass sheet. Both layers are soldered to the pipe.

Another type of well screen (Figure 14b) is manufactured by wrapping trapezoidal rod in a spiral around a set of round longitudinal rods placed in a circular pattern with all intersections welded.

This type of screen has the advantage of having a high percentage of open area and a slot shape which cannot become wedged full of fine sand particles.

How are driven point wells installed?

Photograph of sketch of the componentsof a well pit.The driven point is then hammered into the soil, usually to a very shallow depth, perhaps 6' to 8' in depth, and usually in sandy soil or in other soil where a lot of water flows easily to enter the end of the pipe.

The sketch shows two types of driven point well tips or screens - from a small well article provided by the United Nations, FAO, cited below.

While special heavy-walled pipe and couplings are needed for the pipe to withstand the forces of being hammered into the ground (usually by a weight that is repeatedly lifted and dropped onto the upper pipe end), driven point wells are often home made or fabricated by a local well driller

The well pipe with attached point and screen is usually driven by a slide hammer much like those used to drive steel fence posts. A larger diameter pipe that will slide over the upper end of the well pipe is raised and dropped repeatedly to drive the well point into the soil.

A screw-on pipe cap protects the upper end of the driven well pipe from damage. See the UN FAO sketch of a well driving apparatus (below left).

Alternatively the driving pipe may slide inside the well pipe as shown in our second UN FAO drawing (below-right). Two additional well point driving schemes are included in the illustrations available in the full UN document

SMALL DIAMETER WELLS - Natural Resources Management & Environment Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Corporate Document Repository - Self-Help Wells.

That excellent resource includes other well boring and drilling methods as well as techniques for dealing with problems such as retrieving broken well pipes or tools dropped into a well. (Local copy provided).

The upper end of the driven point pipe is usually connected to a one line jet pump which "sucks" water out of the ground.

In areas of very wet sandy soil a driven point well may be able to produce a barely functional water supply quantity (by modern standards)

Driven point well driving mechanism - UN FAODriven point well driving mechanism - UN FAO

Well Water Quantity - Yield of Driven Point Wells

Driven point well water quantity - well yield capacity:

Compared with a modern 6" steel casing drilled well, a driven point well installed to the same depth in an aquifer of the same yield capability (the cone of depression is the same), a larger diameter well will yield 1.6 times that of a small diameter well according to United Nations documents on water wells.

Driven point well driving mechanism - UN FAO

Driven point wells often have rapid reduction in water flow rate, depending on the type of soil into which the driven point was inserted. For this reason multiple driven point wells may be connected together to obtain an adequate water supply.

Driven point well driving mechanism - UN FAO

If the water quality from a driven point small diameter well is adequate but the water quantity is not, it may be possible to improve well yield by driving the point deeper into the soil. In general, well yield increases more by increasing well depth than by increasing the well diameter.

Driven point well sanitation and water quality: Even in areas of sandy soils where these shallow wells are frequently used, water quality is questionable as surface contaminants easily enter the water supply, and water quantity is unreliable in areas where the water passage holes in the driven point become easily clogged with debris.

Our clients who have bought homes serviced by a driven point well have ultimately converted to a modern drilled well for better water quantity and for a more sanitary water supply.

Driven point wells are also used in soil de-watering applications during construction and in some locations driven point wells are used to test for water in soils before drilling or digging a higher capacity well.

Small Diameter Jetted Wells or "Wash Wells"

Well Jetting - UN FAO What is a wash well? Jetted wells are similar to driven point wells in that a pipe is forced into the soil and connected (most often) to a single line jet pump. In some communities the term "wash well" is used for this water source, as suggested by New Hampshire reader Jack Allen.

How are jetted wells or wash wells installed? In either case, the pipe that is to be used to obtain water is forced into the soil using water at high pressure (40 psi for sandy soils, up to 150 psi for clay or gravel) from an existing water source.

The illustration (left) is from UN document SMALL DIAMETER WELLS [PDF]

Unlike a driven point well, however, the pipe used in combination with water to force an opening into the ground (the jetting tube) may be a temporary one (the jetting casing is removed from the ground after the jetting process is complete, followed by the insertion of a new casing and casing end screen) or it may be permanent (left in the ground at the end of the jetting process, jacked up just enough to accommodate a well screen lowered inside the casing to its bottom end).

An alternative jetted well process permits soil material to actually be removed from the well opening during the jetting process (soil flows up from the bottom of the jetting casing around its outside surface.

Water flowing from the tip of the jet dislocates soil sufficiently to permit the well pipe to be pushed into the ground. Using this process a jetted well (or wash well) may be driven deeper into the soil than a driven point well, and a jetted well may be driven through soils harder than those penetrated by a driven point well.

Driven point well driving mechanism - UN FAO

Check valves or foot valves in jetted wells:

To avoid losing prime in a jetted well a check valve may be used at the lower end of the casing, above the well screen. This detail is important for a homeowner to know, because if a jetted well or wash well stops working the problem could be a failed check valve (or foot valve) rather than a loss of water in the aquifer.

Jetted well water capacity or well yield:

In soils that contain large amounts of water, particularly in areas of gravel or sand, a jetted well or wash well may deliver good water flow or quantity.

Jetted well water sanitation:

However the water quality questions that apply to a driven point well might need to be considered for a jetted well too: a well of this design has little protection from unsanitary groundwater compared with a steel-casing drilled-well that is cut into water bearing rock and that is sealed against surface water entry.

We suspect that a jetted well installed using the alternative process that actually removes material from the well opening by flowing soil to the surface along the outside of the well casing may be more prone to surface water leaking into the well and its aquifer.

Mr. Allen points out that when well repair or service is required for a jetted well, the homeowner will need to contact a company who is familiar with this particular well type.

Driven Point Well Construction References

Driven point well or sand point well construction illustration adapted from Wisconsin DNR cited in detail in this article (C)

Restoring the Yield of a Driven Point Well - how can I get my water back?

This topic has moved to DRIVEN POINT WELL RESTORATION.



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2020-09-27 by Anonymous

on my Building Permit it asks if my well id dug or driven. The driven well questions that follow are indicative of a multiple useage-we just have the one home. What should I put down?

On 2020-09-27 by (mod) - is my well id dug or driven.


Certainly if yours is a driven point well, you have to check that type. A dug well would be entirely different.

If there are other questions that only pertain to multiple-users on a single well, I'd leave those blank.

Check with your building department to ask what they expect.

On 2020-06-24 by LC

After washing a sand point to 20 feet, we filled the pipe with water and the water goes down like a drain. What does that mean?

On 2020-06-24 - by (mod) -

LC I think that means that

The volume of water you're pouring into the driven point pipe is less than the volume over the length of the pipe,
there is a serious leak underground somewhere in the pipe into which you are pouring water
the well is dry and just taking all the water back that it can get.

On 2020-05-25 by don

I have drive my 1 1/4 point down 23' having 6' of water . my point upon flushing filled with water . I was told to try flushing longer while trying to turn the pipe . the pipe would not turn . it did drain , but will fill . I hooked up my pump and I'm only receiving approximately 2 gal of water / minute . I've run for an hour shot it off for an hour restarted and it has kept its prime . I'm running again now hoping it improves . what is my next step ?

On 2020-05-25 - by (mod) -


On 2018-01-19 by Jay.

How do I check for a leaking pipe connection. ?

On 2018-01-20 - by (mod) -

With water turned off into the building and the pump turned off you will see system pressure continue to fall if there is a leak


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Jeff Hiland · Mar 24, 2023

I drove a 1.225’ well about 15’ from where a spring comes up in a creek. The well is in sandy soil 15’ deep, a total of 17” with the above ground pipe.. There was 48” of water in the pipe as soon as it was driven. However the picture pump will not draw water, but it does pull a strong vacuum, so it is working. I drove the well in another spot about 20’ further from the spring with the same result. I pulled the pipe and the screen was basically clean, I could suck and blow air through easily. I didn’t see any evidence of clay. What can the problem be?

InspectApedia Editor (mod) · Mar 25, 2023

@Jeff Hiland,

Thanks for the driven point well diagnosis challenge.

The first thought I had was that the well point may be getting clogged - when you can blow air through the pipe that argues against this idea but do double-check the point.

Second, with plenty of water in the pipe but no pump output, I suspect something's wrong with the pump.

I don't know what a "picture pump" is - but I think you mean "Pitcher Pump" a traditional hand-operated well pump.

Typical pitcher pumps can lift water around 25 ft PROVIDED that the rate of water inflow to the well (driven point in your case) is sufficient to meet the suction created by the pump. If your pump is brand new, double check that it is properly assembled and that the leathers that form a sliding seal in the pump chamber are in good shape.

Some advanced hand operated pumps can lift from much greater depths, up to 100 ft.

SO tell us the brand and model of your pump.

For other readers: shown here is a pitcher pump from Water Force - with a lift capacity of about 25 ft.

InspectApedia Editor (mod) · Mar 25, 2023

@Jeff Hiland,




Shawn · May 29, 2022

Hello, I have driven a 1 1/4 well point down about 28ft and have a hit the water table right around the 22-23ft level. I find it hard for my hand pump to draw water up, and I realize that the pumps lift limitation is 25ft, but I was wondering if maybe driving my point a bit further might get me a bit more flow and make it easier on the pump? Any suggestions or ideas that might make it less labor intensive on my hand pump?

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · May 29, 2022


It's worth a try, on the theory that if you tap into a better water table, water may rise a bit higher in the pipe.

Also check that the hand pump's "leathers" (washers that seal the lifter) are in good condition and sealing and moving properly.

The Pitcher Pump replacement leathers shown here, also described as "yard hydrant replacement parts" assert to actually be made of leather.

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · May 29, 2022


(for other readers, here's a contemporary pitcher pump, manufactured by Water Source, and also sold in Menards building supply stores)

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · May 29, 2022


See details at


Jeff · Dec 1, 2021

In a shallow well jet pump system what stops the water in the suction pipe in the well side ( back side) of check valve that’s just before the pump from just falling back down to the static water level when the pump stops. I can understand why a check valve will stop the water from going back down from the pump and pressurized water supply.

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Dec 2, 2021

Thanks for a great question that I'll try re-phrasing so that you can tell me if I've got this right:

Why doesn't water that is "downstream" from a 1-line jet pump's suction line check valve fall back into the well.

This is pertinent because some single-line jet pumps use a check valve right at or even built into the jet pump itself.

The answer is maybe easiest by illustration.

If you stick a straw into a full tall glass of iced tea, then put your finger over the upper-end of the straw to seal it up, you will remember that you can take the straw out of the glass and the tea in the straw will stay in there - until you lift your finger, letting air into the top of the straw.

More-technically, when you seal the top of the straw with your finger (or your well pipe with a check valve) there is a vacuum at the upper end of the straw or pipe and in the case of the straw, just air pressure pushing up on the bottom of the straw, or in the case of your well, water pressure.

Now we have the whole atmosphere of the earth pressing "down" on the water in your well - or about 14.6 psi if you are at sea level, and we have a seal or vacuum at the top of the straw or well pipe.

So the weight of the water, or it's gravitational force making it want to fall out is balanced by the atmospheric pressure pushing it bak up into the straw or well pipe.

Water stays in the pipe or in the straw.

Let's add a thought:

Why does water rise in your well pipe when the pump runs.

The pump is creating a suction or vacuum on the upper end of the pipe, but if the water source wasn't open to the atmosphere - pressing down on it at 14.6 psi, no water could rise in the pipe.


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Citations & References

In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.

  • Thanks to Jack Allen, Brookline, NH for pointing out our omission of wash wells from the discussion of water source types and who also provided the small diameter well reference below for well drilling information from the United Nations. 31 July 2009
  • Thanks to reader Lloyd McVey at AKR for discussing using compressed air to restore water flow in a driven point well, July 2010
  • Access Water Energy, PO Box 2061, Moorabbin, VIC 3189, Australia, Tel: 1300 797 758, email: Moorabbin Office: Kingston Trade Centre, 100 Cochranes Rd, Moorabbin, VIC 3189 Website:

    Australian supplier of: Greywater systems, Solar power to grid packages, Edwards solar systems, Vulcan compact solar systems, water & solar system pumps & controls, and a wide rage of above ground & under ground water storage tanks: concrete, steel, plastic, modular, and bladder storage tanks.

    Moorabbin Office: Kingston Trade Centre, 100 Cochranes Rd, Moorabbin, VIC 3189
  • SMART TANK, INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS [PDF] - , Flexcon Industries, 300 Pond St., Randolph MA 02368,, Tel: 800-527-0030 - web search 07/24/2010, original source:
  • TYPICAL SHALLOW WELL ONE LINE JET PUMP INSTALLATION [PDF] - , Grove Electric, G&G Electric & Plumbing, 1900 NE 78th St., Suite 101, Vancouver WA 98665 - web search -7/15/2010 original source:
  • TYPICAL DEEP WELL TWO LINE JET PUMP INSTALLATION [ PDF ] - , Grove Electric, G&G Electric & Plumbing, 1900 NE 78th St., Suite 101, Vancouver WA 98665 - web search -7/15/2010 original source:
  • WATER FACT SHEET t #3, USING LOW YIELD WELLS [PDF] - , Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, Cooperative Extension, School of Forest Resources, web search 07/24/2010, original source:
  • In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested