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Severe leak at well pump water pressure gauge (C) ReaderWater, Well, Pump & Water Test FAQs #5

Fix wells, tanks, pumps, water pressure, water contaminants

Recent Q&A about water supply systems, well pumps, water tanks, pump controls, wells, well pumps:

This article series addresses the diagnosis and repair of all components, equipment, and tests used in providing water supply to buildings.

Page top photo: a severe leak in a water pressure gauge risks over-taxing the pump, running the well dry, and in some locations, flooding the building.

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Recent Water Supply & Well Equipment Q&A - FAQs #5

Plastic well piping from a well with a leaky casing (C) Ron VThese questions & answers were posted originally

at WATER PUMPS, TANKS, TESTS, WELLS, REPAIRS - be sure to review that article list for help diagnosing and fixing problems with pumps and wells.

On 2019-03-01 by (mod) -

Sure Husnain

Using the InspectApedia websit search box just above to search for "pump capacity" finds


Please take a look at the water pump capacity and delivery tables and explanation given there and let us know what questions remain.

On 2019-03-01 by Husnain

i want to know can i have the discharge estimation from pump and motor capacity ,dia of delivery pipe ,water level depth voltage and ampere. please share any chart if available.

On 2019-02-11 by (mod) -

See your question posted at FOOT VALVES

On 2019-02-10 by Randall Wolverton

How do you tell if Footvalve is bad?

On 2018-12-05 by (mod) -


Talk to your well driller company about installing a well casing repair sleeve - that can usually fix a crack or damage in the well casing.

Details are at


On 2018-12-05 by Ron V

I have a 40 foot 5 inch steel casing well with a indoor goulds pump. There is a small crack in the steel casing 15 feet below ground level which allows dirt to enter the well during heavy rains. My water remains cloudy for 4 or 5 days and its really annoying. I hace installed 4 whole house 12 inch filters. 3 before a 4 foot uv sterilization light and 1 after the light.

Still get cloudy water after a rain storm. The filter are set up: #1-50 micron,#2-20 micron, #3-10 micron, after uv light #4- 5 micron. Any suggestions to stop cloudy water? I incuded pic.

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On 2018-12-05 by (mod) - how to fix a cracked well casing


Like you, as I infer from your question (below) and photo, it's better to fix the source of silt or dirt in a water supply than to keep adding filters.

Talk to your well driller company about installing a well casing repair sleeve - that can usually fix a crack or damage in the well casing.

Details about and examples of well sleeves used to repair a well casing are at WELL CASING LEAK REPAIRS

On 2018-12-05 by Ron V

I have a 40 foot 5 inch steel casing well with a indoor goulds pump. There is a small crack in the steel casing 15 feet below ground level which allows dirt to enter the well during heavy rains.

My water remains cloudy for 4 or 5 days and its really annoying. I hace installed 4 whole house 12 inch filters. 3 before a 4 foot uv sterilization light and 1 after the light.

Still get cloudy water after a rain storm.

The filter are set up: #1-50 micron,#2-20 micron, #3-10 micron, after uv light #4- 5 micron. Any suggestions to stop cloudy water? I incuded pic.

On 2018-11-02 by (mod) - how to control a 22V water pump or well pump



On 2018-11-02 by Dave Wade

I have a 5000gal tank which is plumbed directly to the well pump. I need a method to control the 220volt pump

On 2018-09-13 by Anonymous

Water goes to 40psi holds till a water is opened pressure & flow drop quickly

On 2018-09-03 by (mod) - I need to repair our water pump

Sorry, Jacquie,

To protect reader trust we do not sell any product nor service.

However starting at these two articles

WATER PRESSURE - poor or no water pressure diagnosis & repair -
WATER PUMPS - types of water pumps, troubleshooting & repair -

you will find a series of easy-to-understand articles that can help you, if not diagnose and fix your pump problem, at least understand what the problem is likely ot be. That will help you arrange for repair with a local plumber or well service company in your country and city.

On 2018-09-0 by Jacquie Flores

I need to repair our water pump. please see us to inspect it. may email add is

On 2018-08-05 by (mod) - water not entering the pressure tank

I suspect the water tank bladder has stuck to itself and is not admitting water.

Or if your pressure tank uses no bladder then it is waterlogged.

Combined: with water running somewhere in the building or a leak in water piping or well piping or a bad check valve or foot valve.

Letting air out of the pressure tank air pre-charge would make sense only IF the air pressure was already higher than the pump's CUT-IN pressure setting. That would keep the pump from turning on at all.

On 2018-07-30 by Kay

Question regarding jet pump and pressure tank

We just replaced our long lived shallow well jet pump and pressure tank. Both the pump and the pressure tank (which is a Reliance Vertical 32 gal) are preset at 30/50 psi.

When we use water in the house, the flow pulses,

Upon checking the system we noticed that we can hear water flowing into the pressure tank for only a couple of seconds and then the pump shuts off, then immediately the pump cycles back on, where we can hear a little burst of water entering the pressure tank before the pump shuts off again(the holding tank does not appear to fill).

When all faucets in house are closed, the pump shuts off (without filling the pressure tank), stays off, and does not appear to lose pressure until a water faucet is turned back on.

The gauge on the pump reads 28 psi when the pump turns on, an 50 psi when it shuts off, which seems appropriate.

We have tried shutting off the power to the pump, then opened faucets to drain the pressure tank, and when we have tried filling the pressure tank the above happens.

The pressure reading (by tire gauge) at valve stem of tank seems to continue to read 42 psi, fairly consistently regardless of what water we can get into or out of the tank.
I feel like when we drain the pressure tank of water, we should be getting a reading of approx 28 psi from that valve stem.

We are inclined to let air out of it, but hesitant as this is all foreign to us.
Any suggestions?

On 2018-06-01 by (mod) -


Use the search box just above or the ARTICLE INDEX to find our article on WATER PUMP WON'T STOP RUNNING to see the best diagnostics for the case you describe. Let me know how that works for you

On 2018-05-31 by Tom

Compressor pumps water to big tank. Gravity feed from big tank to pressure tank is working. Have water coming out spigot. No pressure. Gauge at 0. New pressure switch. Pressure pump keeps running.

On 2018-05-31 by (mod) -

Sean you posted this question at - please help me out with a tremendous workload of questions by posting in just one place.

On 2018-05-31 by Sean Fagan

Well is 165 feet deep according to county records. Well pump is approximately 100 feet deep (string and plumb bob so it's approximate at best). New pressure switch 40/60.

Tank drained and aired up to 38 lbs. We have had no problems over the 4 years owning this home until now. The pump, when using water hoses out side, has begun "short cycling" (?). On a consistent basis it runs for 15 seconds then turns off for 105 seconds.

I've metered the wires in, at the well casing, and the demand power stays at 240 until the pressure is satisfied. The pump will continually run for 15 seconds and off for 105 seconds until the switch turns off.

We have not noticed any issues with just the in house use. It's only since the I opened the outside lines this summer. One problem I did see, there is are two wire nuts about 18 inches down inside the well casing

. While metering the voltage and timing the cycles, for a few hours, one of these lines shorted against the case a few times causing a loud pop and tripping the 220 breaker. I have yet been able to figure out how to get down in there to properly repair them.

This has been an incredible system, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

On 2018-05-06 by David witt

They are pumping my well water to a tank from the tank to the water system for the cattle and house it is gravity feed in the farthest away I don't have much pressure at all what do i need to do

On 2018-05-04 1 by (mod) - well water runs dirty after it rains


I would first check for

- a loose or missing cap on the well bore

- a leak at the pitless adapter where the water pipe exits the well casing

- a crack or rust hole or other leak in the well casing - for this you'll need to hire a well driller or plumber who has a well inspection camera

On 2018-05-04 by jeff

well water runs dirty after it rains. would diverting water away from well help with this problem or does it need something else.

On 2018-04-22 2 7 by (mod) -

Michelle - about that collapsing ring and the price of pre-cast concrete well rings, figure $50 to $150 depending on well ring size.

But I suspect the well ring cost is not the main cost you'll face as labor to remove and repair the existing well sides will be needed.

On 2018-04-20 by (mod) - Emergency fix for a plumbing leak at the water pressure gauge

Severe leak at well pump water pressure gauge (C) ReaderEmergency fix for a plumbing leak at the water pressure gauge:

Remove the gauge and install a pipe plug of the proper size, probably this is a 1/4" pipe but I can't tell for sure from your photo. Then when you can, replace the gauge.

On 2018-04-20 by scgoldenrule81

Major water leak from the pressure gauge switch inside my wheelhouse

On 2018-04-19 by Michelle Allore

How much does it cost for a dug well ring? The sides of my well are collapsing.

On 2018-04-19 by Adam

Have a well replaced relay switch box. Have power but will not start pumping water into holding tank. Have had problems with old one they would come out touch with scree driver. It would spark startup I would pay couple hundred dollars. It would last few months finally talked to a honest well installer.

He said replace the dollar box. I marked 6 wires 2 ground wires. Un screwed old one from main line. Put tread tape screwed on new box wires same hook up.

Turned well pump breaker on a 220 breaker and water heater on. Same as always tested power all good.

Have a large holding tank no water still. Turned breakers off for the night. It's a simple system well control box wires straight to switch box on one line directly into holding tank. Colligan bowl and filter all replace new straight to house. Help please

On 2018-03-28 by Liz B

Every 2 minutes an alarm like the security alarm twiddle, sounds on the Aqua Stat Connector on my hot water heater. What might the mean?

On 2018-03-05 by Sis

My pump kept turning on and off when no water was running and we were leaving for the day i turned the breaker off to the pump 16hrs later we turned the pump back on and it would not start the next night it just kicked on but no water so braker back off and what do i do

On 2018-02-17 by (mod) -

Dave, In the ARTICLE INDEX find the diagnostic article series on WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING

On 2018-02-16 by dave

my water pump cycles on/offon/off/on/off while using water, bladderless tank, air control valve, extremely high electric bill, what is the cause


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Water Pump, Tank & Well Diagnosis & Repair Articles

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WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM FAQs-5 at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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