Q&A on how to Diagnose & Fix Water Softener Problems - set #2.
This article series describes procedures for diagnosing and repairing water softener or water conditioner problems including water conditioner control settings and adjustment or repair, brine tank and brine tank float cleaning and repair, and the proper amount of water softening or conditioning that is needed.
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Set 2 of questions & answers about troubleshooting & repairing a water conditioner or water softener, posted originally
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On 2016-01-04 by (mod) re: effects of very soft water on metal plumbing pipes
Matt I've not had good research success for this question, but there is research on the effects of very soft water on metal pipes in buildings that may give us some clues:
Fujii, Tetsuo, Toshiaki Kodama, and Haruo Baba. "The effect of water quality on pitting corrosion of copper tube in hot soft water." Corrosion Science 24, no. 10 (1984): 901-912.
is an example.
If the water supply has always been soft then there ought not be significant mineral scale in the water heater tanks.
If the water supply used to be high in minerals but is no longer, scale will be in the water heater tanks but possibly also throughout the piping, especially hot water piping. Of these if you want to reduce the concern, de-scale the water heater tanks -we provide articles on how to do that.
Beyond that advice, I would suggest a simple experiment:
Draw a water sample at the building input source - such as an outdoor faucet close to the water main.
Draw another water sample from the hot water tank outlet.
Test these samples for hardness.
Let me know what you find.
On 2016-01-04 by Matt
In my case, a commercial building, the hot water is constantly recirculated through the tanks. It would still be unlikely to pick up much hardness in this case? Thanks.
On 2016-01-04 by (mod) re: will softened water de-scale the building piping?
While softened water passing through scaled water heaters or scaled piping might pick up a small amount of calcium or magnesium, I doubt that it is significant, and it may not even be easily detected. My reasoning is that my research on both scale formation and de-scaling in water systems has found that softened water never will usefullly de-scale clogged piping, tankless coils nor water heaters.
If your water heater is scaled, I'd search InspectApedia.com
for WATER HEATER SCALE DE-LIMING PROCEDURE to see how to correct that condition regardless of the pipe scale worry.
On 2016-01-04 9 by Matt - A scaled water heater can cause softened water to become hardened, is this correct?
A scaled water heater can cause softened water to become hardened, is this correct?
On 2015-12-29 by (mod) re: signs of bad control head on a Sears Kenmore water softener
I suspect a control problem that has not back-washed the salty water out of your softener.
Try a manual regen cycle. If the salt problem continues I'd look for a clogged brine drain line, clogged softener backwash drain line, or a stuck control, dirty screen or broken o-ring in the control head, or perhaps replace the control.
On 2015-12-28 by Jimmie
I have a Kenmore water softener about 17 years old. No trouble with it until now. Two days ago the water started being real salty to the taste. What do you suggest I check? Thanks
On 2015-12-13 by (mod) re: signs of a clogged salt sensor
Check for a bad or clogged salt sensor
On 2015-12-13 by Todd
I have a Waterright Sanitizer Plus series watersoftner. Once a week, after a regen the check salt indicator activates. I drained all the salt and cleaned tank, still a problem. Tank is 2/3 full of salt. Any ideas?
On 2015-12-07 by (mod) re: get rid of iron problem at the water softener or conditioner
First see WATER SOFTENER CLEANING & SANITIZING at https://inspectapedia.com/plumbing/Water_Softener_Cleaning.php
Take a look at this PDF
BUT NOTICE that bacteria, even algae, can produce red stains that get mistaken for iron. That's why I suggested the sanitizing article.
Let me know how those two articles work for you.
On 2015-12-07 by Ken
I seem to have an iron problem. Late last spring I filled by salt tank with 5 40# bags of salt.
Usually bought half regular and half with the iron reduction, but this time my supplier only had the regular. By mid-summer my shower water no longer had that slick feeling you get with softened water.
Fnally in Oct I went to the person that installed it (2+ yrs ago) and he tested the water. The results were: Hardness - 0; PH - 8.0; Iron - 0.8; TDS - 548.
He didn't understand why there was a problem. I then contacted the manufacturer who said the problem was that the iron was too high. They suggested getting citric acid and putting that through the system. The first time I did it, not knowing any better, I just put it in the salt side. That had no effect.
After a second conversation with the manufacturer I put it in the brine tank...however that had no effect. At this point I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
On 2015-12-06 by Anonymous
Thank you. That is helpful. I have an inkling how the system works but not an analytical knowledge of issues that come up. I appreciate your input.
On 2015-12-05 by (mod) re: softener doesn't suck brine tank water back out
Don in most designs the softner control uses house water pressure to send water through the control head and valves into the brine tank;
if no water is entering the tank then the problem is a clogged valve or strainer or broken control head; It is possible however that water enters the brine tank but the brine tank float is stuck; take a look at that mechanism.
Search InspectApedia for WATER SOFTENER BRINE TANK FLOAT VALVE ADJUST to see details
On 2015-12-05 by Don
My sofener does not suck water from the brine tank. I begins and I see water come up in the tube, but the water lever never goes down. When the cycle finishes, it does not add more water into the brine tank either. I have a new floating ball valve and the screen in the pickup tube is clear. Is the head finished?
Or do I just need to clean the resin tank (never done that before)? What can you say?
On 2015-11-21 by (mod) re: when to check for a stuck brine tank float valve
Check for a stuck brine float valve
On 2015-11-21 by Anonymous
my water softner does not replace the water it uses and it used to
What is the problem?
On 2015-11-21 by (mod) re: set the water softener properly for the actual water hardness; check sodium levels in water
It would be instructive to give your water softener manufacturer a call with the actual sodium levels in the incoming water; it may be that the softener won't do what's expected or that its backwash/regen cycle won't perform properly.
I'd be considering an RO system to remove salt from the water at points of use where water is taken for drinking or cooking.
On 2015-11-20 by Pete
Thanks I have established that the untreated water is very high in sodium. The problem I am trying to solve at the moment is the fact that the treated water is even higher in sodium, by about 50%. I turned down the knob that is supposed to control how much salt is used in each treatment and that seemed to have no effect. Could it be that there is a sodium compounding effect resulting from the fact that the raw water (used to "clean" out the sodium after the ion exchange) is already so high in sodium??? Or something else...????
On 2015-11-19 by (mod)
Pete that sounds as if the control head is not working, perhaps because of a stuck valve sending water in and out of the brine tank.
You can confirm what's going on by having your incoming water tested for salt or you can try putting the softener offline - in BYPASS mode. If the water is still high in sodium you know it's not your own equipment.
On 2015-11-19 by Pete
My fiberglass tank-type water softener is adding about 50% more sodium to the water that it processes.
Our raw water is very, very high in sodium and the processed water is almost 50% higher. I dialed down the pounds of salt it uses to no avail. i also reduced treatment to every third day also to no avail.
I am wondering if the fact that the raw water is so high in sodium has anything to do with this. Or, could there be too much water in the salt crystal holding tank? Or..???? Thanks very much for any informed opinion. Pete
On 2015-11-01 by (mod) re: stuck softener control head or backwash valve: check o-rings
I'm guessing the softener control head or backwash valve is stuck, perhaps due to dirt or a broken O-ring.
Try running through a manual regen cycle; if that doesn't fix it you'll need to follow the disassembly and cleaning or repair instructions for your particular model water conditioner.
On 2015-11-01 by John
Water wont stop draining into wash tub had to by-pass softner for water to stop draining,what is causing this?
On 2015-11-01 by Anonymous
Culligan water softner gold series,softner is off but hose that drains into wash tub coming from softner has water constintly draining out.what is causing this?I put it on by-pass to stop water
On 2015-10-29 by Cheryl
nothing happens when i put the softener in regen cycle. shuldn't something happen right away? I know it has power because the light fixture works in that outlet. I think it may have taken a lightning strike, but that was several months ago..
Could it have taken that long for the scrubber to be polluted enough to give me hard water? The salt was low but not out. I refilled it thinking it would be good again, but 10 dys later still hard water
On 2015-10-12 by Judy
Extremely high water bill for a one person household. Have checked toiler leaks, sprinklers, etc. Info from city suggests that maybe the water softener could be the problem.
What and how would we check to see if that is the problem. Thank you.
On 2015-10-12 by Della Hughes
We just bought an older home with a water softener. Dumped salt in and now the water coming through my pipes has a brown tint. Is this common? If not what do I do to correct it?
On 2015-10-02 by Bernadette
I have had a puronic water softener in our brand new home and for the last 1year have had build up on my shower doors sinks fixtures have spots that are hard to remove... the unit was adjusted and now I have a white buildup that is very hard to remove.
On 2015-09-22 by (mod) re: when to check for a bad water softener clock timer
Check for a stuck or failed timer.
On 2015-09-21 by jeff
My EcoWater 2502R30 doesn't appear to be automatically regenerating. We ran 3 loads of laundry today, took some showers, ran the sink and toilets, etc.
You would think that alone would burn through the capacity of the tank and kick on an autoimatic regeneration cycle.
Mine hasn't been automatically regenerating for a few weeks now. I checked for salt bridges when I noticed salt not going down and didn't find any. However, if I do a manual regeneration I can see the salt going down.
Do you think this is something to do with the automatic timer or something (not sure what its called)?
On 2015-09-21 by (mod) regen cycle did not properly wash out the softener or the brine tank float or control was not properly working
IT sounds as if the regen cycle did not properly wash out the softener or the brine tank float or control was not properly working or not properly adjusted - so there may have been excess brine left in the softenre.
Try running a manual regen cycle now and let me know how the water appears after that.
On 2015-09-21 by Kathy
I have a new whirlpool softner after a week it regenerated at 2am when I got up in the morning the tap water was real bubbley ,the water was clear but look like soap bubbles. What could be wrong?
On 2015-09-18 by John
After my softener does a re-generation cycle I have orange or rusty color water for at least a day. Any ideas?
On 2015-09-12 by Anonymous
water softener is not consuming salt pellets. any idea why?
On 2015-09-11 by (mod) re: water softener error codes, beeping, flashing AC
Depending on water softener brand and model there will be an error code that tells you what's wrong and what to do. If you don't have the manual for a Kenmore UltraSoft 175 let us know and I'll help find one for you.
You can also call Sears Kenmore customer service directly at 1 800 426 9345
On 2015-09-10 by jeanne
my water softener is beeping and flashing AC on the screen, what does this mean?
ive tried to recharge but nothing is happening. please help
On 2015-08-23 by Bob
Occasionally have very low water pressure in our house. No water pressure problems when softener (Kenmore UltraSoft 175) is in "bypass." Performed recommended service. Found no issues. . no change in pressure. Salt tank now nearly 1/2 full of water at all times.
I've been led to believe that the resin in the system may be bad and that could be the reason for both low water pressure and failure of the water in the salt tank to empty. Would you also suspect that changing the resin might resolve both problems? Thanks very much!
On 2015-07-24 by (mod)
The problem is typically with a sticking brine tank float valve, a clogged tube between brine tank and water softener, or a problem in the water softener control head itself. The first two are pretty easy to inspect and fix.
On 2015-07-24 by carpentero
My mother-in-laws softener quit consuming salt. Thought there was a bridge in brine tank.
I put 3 bags in last time and it filled up the empty tank, had just a few crystals floating. Tried to manually regenerate, would rinse in two cycles but would not regenerate. Timer is set and working. Not sure what it is.
On 2015-07-22 by (mod) re: when to replace the brine tank on a water softener
Replacing the entire brine tank should not be necessary, but it is possible that the brine tank float or another control is not working properly, so your system keeps sending too much water through the tank
. I suspect the re-gen cycle or salt dose cycle are incorrect since otherwise, if water were simply entering the tank but no excess regen cycles were being run, the tank would simply fill up with water until it reached an overflow drain.
On 2015-07-22 by jenny
we have a problem with our non electric water softener in that we are getting through the two salt blocks within two weeks insread of our normal six.it was suggested we replace the brine tank but we still have the problem?it regenerates perfectly bubetween regen.
We can hear a drip of water every 5/6 seconds and so therefore end up with too much water in the tank? I think it seems to be coming from somewhere on the cetral left hand side? can anyone help? thanks
On 2015-07-18 by Leann
All of a sudden my tank is ice cold to the touch and all the pvc pipes are sweating?
On 2015-07-05 by (mod)
Good going Alex
On 2015-07-05 by (mod)
Regen is not on the bypass lever it' s on the water softener control. Or on some softeners it's all done manually - putting into bypass, opening and closing appropriate water valves.
On 2015-07-01 by Alex
I figured it out... the panel on the electrical box which i thought was something else at first had to be connected with the opposing side and it wasnt... thanks :D
On 2015-07-01 by Alex
theres three options on the knob, Rapid rinse, Slow rinse, and Brine refill, would these have anything to do with it?
Still no luck with anything :(
I dont see a regen on the lever, only service and bypass, it was on service before i started the rapid rinse and added salt, and i come back in and the faucets arent working :\
Thank you for all your help so far though :)
On 2015-06-30 by (mod)
Move the lever back to regen and run a cycle again. If water runs into the brine tank and out through the softener then at least we know water is running in the building and system. Then return it to service.
On 2015-06-30 by Alex
I found it and its a lever type valve, the arrow on the lever is pointed toward service.
On 2015-06-30 by (mod) re: water softener stuck in bypass mode?
What you want to check is model dependent. Start by locating the bypass valve on your unit and be sure it's in the correct position. If you can't find that give me the brand and model number and we can help you find the unit instructions and troubleshooting guyide.
On 2015-06-30 by Alex
Thanks! any ideas how id go about fixing that? :(
On 2015-06-30 by (mod)
Most likely your softener remains in "bypass" mode or the bypass valve or control is stuck half way between on and bypass.
On 2015-06-30 by alex!
I did a rapid rinse on my softener and now water isnt coming out of my faucets in the house or anywhere.. what did i do?
On 2015-06-29 by (mod) re: when to sanitize the water softener
Kerry there could be an algae or bacterial contamination in your water treatment system. Try cleaning the KCL ("PC") tank, float assembly, then disinfecting the system and running through an extra regen cycle afterwards.
Use the page top or bottom search box to find WATER SOFTTNER SANITIZING for details at InspectApedia
On 2015-06-29 by Kerry Funk re: softener unit uses potassium chloride rather than salt.
My unit uses potassium chloride rather than salt. Recently there has been a pungent odor from the water when running kitchen water or taking a shower.
It seems like a chemical odor more than anything else. I haven't added PC for some time as the level is about 6 to 8 inches deep in the tank. Any help or suggestions.
On 2015-06-25 by jim
my culligan softer keeps popping the reset button
On 2015-06-14 by (mod)
Sounds like a control problem; use the InspectApedia search box to find our article DIAGNOSE WATER SOFTENER PROBLEMS or search for our additional WATER SOFTENER TROUBLESHOOTING FAQs
On 2015-06-14 by Mike
GE water softener GXSF27B01 The first cycle should be to fill water in the tank and it works but the second cycle should be to take in the brine
. It skips this cycle and will not and goes directly to backwash and then rinse. I have pulled the brine tube and it works as water does flow out.
I closed the valve and put it back but it still will not take in brine. Any suggestions? I see the motor on top and the switch as it travel to each positions and the gears look good with no teeth missing.
On 2015-05-31 by (mod) re: sulphur contaminants, mud, dirt fouling the water in a home
Look for sulphur contaminants in the water, or mud or dirt contamination.
On 2015-05-31 by (mod)
AUTHOR:Joe (no email)
COMMENT:I have Eco water refiner and softener at my home. I am seeing a black kind of dust in my toilet bowl. What could be the reason
On 2015-05-18 by (mod)
In the ARTICLE INDEX found among the Continue Reading links at the end of this article
On 2015-05-18 by herbert k
unit will not draw brine out of the brine tank. check valve will not allow any more water into brine tank.
i have removed the tubing at the resin tank and can carefully and easily siphon brine out of brine tank with my mouth. threaded connection seems air-tight....unit is 10 years old. paperwork says "c series".
On 2015-05-09 by (mod) re: error icon at water softener display
So the Icon - we don't know which one nor what error condition you are seeing - is telling you that there is a condition such as low salt or such as service or repair needed.
On 2015-05-05 by Phyllis
I have unplugged it for 2 days and repluged but the icon just come back
On 2015-04-19 by (mod) re: salt dose setting for water softener/conditioner
In More Reading in the ARTICLE INDEX see the article titled SALT DOSE SETTING, WATER SOFTENER for details of how to set your water conditioner based on water hardness level. Do let me know if after seeing that you still have questions.
On 2015-04-19 by Anonymous
Dear Sir,
We are having 20 m3/hr water softner. We are having problem in the softner that we are not getting the hardness after regeneration. We have put the new resin recently. We have put resin quantity:2100 ltrs of ION EXCHANGE MAKE and Grade: C-220 Na. Initially for four regenerations we got OBR @ 120 to 145 KL with a hardness of 0 to 2 PPM after regeneration.
Now we are not getting the hardness of 0 to 2 PPM after regeneration, we are getting hardness @ 50 ppm and OBR @ 20 to 35 KL only. Our raw water hardness @ 700 to 750 ppm. Please give your suggestion in this regards to overcome our softner hardness problem.
We await for your reply.
Thanks & Regards
Mobile: 7731839007
On 2015-03-22 by (mod) re: smells from the water softener?
It is certainly possible for smells to be coming from
- bacteria in a water tank, hot water tank, water softener, or other equipment
- odors from a failed sacrificial anode in the water heater
In the ARTICLE INDEX found among the Continue Reading links at the end of this article
On 2015-03-22 by Randy
we have a well with an apparently working water softener. The house supply still reeks strongly of sulfur that doesn't dissipate as the water runs.
I live in a trailer with my connection between the softener and the pressurized tank. I have no trace of the sulfur smell in my water. The only thing I can think of is that the press. tank is the culprit.
On 2015-03-16 by (mod) re: water softener runs on for too long
We posted your question and wrote a detailed reply at our article on water softeners stuck in regen cycle mode. See
WATER SOFTENER RUNS TOO LONG - https://inspectapedia.com/plumbing/Water_Softener_Cycle_Time.php
To disassemble the control you'll want to take a look at the parts explosion and to have an o-ring repair kit on hand.
If you don't already have an owners and installation manual for your Water Boss water softener, contact the company
to obtain that document. That will give you a parts explosion and repair procedures specific to that machine.
Meanwhile I'd put the system on bypass and turn it off so you stop wasting water and perhaps flooding a septic system.
Continue reading at DIAGNOSE WATER SOFTENER PROBLEMS - topic home, where you'll find a helpful water conditioner troubleshooting table, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
Or see WATER SOFTENER DIAGNOSTIC FAQs-3 - more-recent Q&A about fixing a water softener.
Or see these
WATER SOFTENER DIAGNOSTIC FAQs-2 at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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