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Water pressure regulator control (C) Daniel Friedman Water Pressure Regulator / Pressure Reducing Valve Adjustment Q&A

FAQs on how to adjust the pressure regulator

Water pressure regulator control adjustment:

This article describes exactly how to adjust a building water pressure reducer or water pressure regulator control, as part of diagnosing and correcting poor building water pressure or perhaps the need for a replacement water pressure regulator/pressure reducer.

Distinguishing between static water pressure, dynamic water pressure, and water flow rate can help diagnose water problems in a building. Here we explain these concepts and we describe how to measure water pressure and flow at a property where either municipal water supply or a private well and pump water supply is in use.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

FAQs: How to Adjust a Municipal Water Pressure Regulator

Water pressure regulator (C) Daniel FriedmanThese questions & answers about adjusting a water pressure regulator control, usually found on municipal water supply systems, were posted orginally at WATER PRESSURE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT - be sure to see the advice given there.

Loud Hammer noise at the kitchen sink when faucet is shut off

Loud Hammer noise at the kitchen sink when faucet is shut off - On 2018-03-04 by Akram

Reply by (mod) -



You might indeed stop water hammer by a small adjustment of water pressure or flow downwards at the water pressure regulator.

On 2017-07-29 by Glynn

what happens if my PRV is set at 50psi and the supply pressure drops to 40psi?

Reply by (mod)

As long as the system pressure is lower than the pressure relief valve (PRV) then the relief valve should not be releasing any pressure or water. - Daniel

Will water pressure cause knocking sounds at the water heater?

If water pressure is to high would this cause the water heater itself to Knock loudly while in heating mode if a toilet is flushed or faucet turned on? there is a pressure regulator on the house could it be bad or need adjustment? On 2017-03-23 by Barry

Reply by (mod) -

Barry, more likely water heater "knocking" is due to scale formation in the heater - a common source of that complaint.

Use the search box just above to search this site for WATER HEATER SCALE to read details.

Or go right to WATER HEATER NOISE 

and also read


Do I remove the adjustment screw on the water pressure regulator?

Can I remove the adjustment screw from the BELL of the pressure valve to remove the Lock nut ?

I believe my preasure value is failing and I need to increase my preasure so to do tht I need the adjustment that is being taken up by the lock nut On 2017-03-13 by Casey-

Reply by (mod)


Don't take the screw completely out.

You should be able to hold the adjustment screw and separately loosen the lock nut.

If the valve is leaking or damaged, forcing the adjustment past its normal range that includes having the lock nut installed but screwed up near the top of the screw - then you need to replace the regulator.

My water pipes make a humming noise

Water pipes are noisy. Humming sound when hot or cold is turned on. House is 1600 sq.ft. 18 years old. Pressure regulator ? On 2016-08-08 by Noel

On 2016-08-08 by (mod) -

Noel please start at where we discuss some water pipe noises.

Where do I get info on water pressure?

Need information on water pressure On 2016-07-09 by Cindy Bolick -

Reply by (mod) -

Sure Cindy

Search InspectApedia for NO WATER PRESSURE or DIAGNOSE POOR WATER PRESSURE to see articles suggesting diagnostic and repair steps.

Do I keep water faucets open after I install a water pressure regulator?

Do water valve faucets remain on after installing the water pressure regulator to blow the lines out On 2016-04-23 by Albert

Reply by (mod) -

Sorry I don't understand the question.

I don't understand why installing a pressure regulator has to do with blowing out the water lines unless you mean that excessive pressure caused a supply pipe blowout failure.

If you simply mean how long do I leave faucets open to relieve excessive water pressure after I turn the pressure down at the pressure regulator? The answer is just a few seconds should be enough to relieve pressure in the system.

Question: how do I lower the water pressure?

(Jan 13, 2013) ronald said:
Water pressure is at 28 pay how can i lower the water pressure

Reply by (Daniel)

Loosen the lock nut and turn the screw counter-clockwise one turn.

Question: are the parts in the pressure regulator replacable?

Can the adjusting screw be removed and be replaced in a water line pressure control valve - (Apr 2, 2014) Gerry said:

Reply by (moderator)

Gerry, depending on the brand+model some water pressure regulators can be re-built, including replacing the bolt that adjusts pressure.

If you are doing a DIY project I'd be sure to match the original part not just in dimensions and thread but I'd use a corrosion resistant material as may have the original (brass or stainless steel for example).

Question: pressure in the house goes up too high

My recently purchased regulator is set at 50, after the valves in my house are all turned off it goes up to 80 or more why is this,my last regulator did the same thing,I thought it was bad and replaced it with this one. (Apr 19, 2015) john d. said:



Check for a defective pressure gauge buoy making an independent measurement of water pressure.

Next check
for a clogged mounting the that communicates the actual water pressure to the switch?


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WATER PRESSURE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT FAQs at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.


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danjoefriedman (mod) · July 20, 2020

You can leave the valve installed, but it sounds as if the valve needs service or repair. Also, id the incoming water pressure is too high, risking leaks, the pressure regulator is not on the job to protect the building.

mike · July 20, 2020

brand new watts lf25aub-z3 .incoming static pressure 44 psi. nothing changes whether the screw is turned in or this the wrong regulater,if so will it hurt to leave it installed

danjoefriedman (mod) · Dec 23, 2019

This doesn't sound right to me, Larry. Surely a plumber would check that water is "on" before leaving the job after a repair. I can't know if the problem is simply that a valve was l3eft closed and needs to be opened, or if there is a blockage or clog at the pressure regulator or elsewhere.

Testing with a pressure gauge is beside the point. Even at low pressure if you open a faucet in the home you ought to see SOME water flow unless water is OFF completely

Larry warren · Dec 23, 2019

The plumber finished the leaking pipe repair, turned the water back on at the meter and left. Immediately I noticed there was little to no water pressure anywhere in the house, leading me think that the regulator is having issues. Would you advise that I start by testing it when i get my pressure guage in a few days? We had no problems prior to the repair. Thanking you in advance, larry Warren. 321-474-0859


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