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Sink trap parts Clogged Drain Diagnosis & Repair FAQs-2

Recent Q&A on Clogged or Slow Drain Repairs

Recent questions & answers about how to fix a slow, gurgling, blocked or clogged drain - set #2.

This article series explains how to troubleshoot & repair slow or blocked plumbing drains, diagnose & fix sewer line or septic system backups & how to distinguish between a probable septic system failure versus a probable blocked building drain or sewer line.

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Slow or Sopped Drain Diagnosis & Repair Q&A

Sewer line probe, snake, and camera at contributed by Pro Power Rooter

Recent questions & answers about diagnosis & repair of clogged or slow plum bing drains, posted originally

at CLOGGED DRAIN DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR - be sure to check out the diagnosis and clogged drain un-stopping or repair advice given there.

Photo: contributed by reader Pro Power Rooter - in a comment given below.

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On 2019-04-19 by (mod) - how a drain line can freeze

Indeed a drain line can freeze if there is for example a slow leak into the main building drain during freezing weather. Of course other possibilities include surface runoff leaking into the septic tank and causing, in combination with a failed or blocked septic drain field, back up into the building.

On 2019-04-19 by Anna

Our septic tank had backed up grey water into our toilet and bathtub in February. It was very cold and we had not used our septic as our place is seasonal.
The septic tank was pumped in August so we are wondering if it froze.

On 2018-11-26 by (mod) - what if the plumbing snake through the lines doesn't find a clog?


Typically if the plumber running a snake through the lines does not find an obvious blockage then the conclusion is likely to be that the drainfield is in failure and is saturated.

It would be smart to inspect the distribution box to see if flooding is consistent there as well.

On 2018-11-25 by Lola - signs of septic trouble

water from the house is not going into septic. Toilet is. Dug down to the lid of the septic. Shower water filled up on top of tank. A plumber ran electric snake Friday. Still have same problem. Snake did not bring out any root particles. He is returning Tuesday. What could possibly be the problem.

I called septic people first, they told me to call a plumber. I called them after the plumber and they said they needed to come


I am sticking with the plumber unless he advises to contact septic people. What could this be??

On 2018-05-18 by (mod) -

That sounds like a partly blocked drain or a problem with the building vent system - not something that would be likely to be caused by pumping the septic tank unless during pumping someone broke off the inlet or outlet baffle at the tank, leading to a blocked drain.

On 2018-05-18 by Bob

We just had a routine pumping of our septic tank and now when one of our toilets is flushed we hear gurgling noises at the other end of the house, but not at the toilet location. Other toilet doesn't do this.

On 2018-05-16 by (mod) - Pro Power Rooter says try a sewer line cam and pull the toilet and fix a leaky flange - to fix a clogged drain

Sewer line probe, snake, and camera at contributed by Pro Power Rooter

Thank you for commenting PPR.

For other readers: multiple toilet flushes will not, of course, "fix" any of the following:

1. An improperly-installed septic tank, such as backwards with inlet lower than outlet

2. A clogged drain line

3. A damaged, broken, root-infested, or improperly-sloped drain line

4. A failed septic drainfield

On 2018-05-15 by Pro Power Rooter

you can either pull the toilet and fix the flange offset can make it work properly or I would recommend flushing the toilet twice every time doing number 2 to prevent a blockage from happening.

On 2017-11-29 by (mod) -

Well a backwards tank will indeed tend to clog the drainfield, leading to a drainfield failure.

But there is NO working septic system that would properly require monthly pumping of the septic tank. That amounts to living with an expensive holding tank - not something permitted in most jurisdictions.

On 2017-11-29 by Anonymous

Maybe the tank was installed backwards which is why u would have to have it emptied every month

On 2017-11-29 by Anonymous

Maybe the tank was installed backwards which is why u would have to have it emptied every month

On 2017-09-18 by gur

our septic tank overflows even before a month
and its need to be empty or pumped out

although it's capacity is very high.
please tell me whats wrong with it or suggest some solution as to much expensive for me to give rent and plus septic tank pumping out fare to my owner. plese provide any solution of my problem.

On 2017-09-07 by Kate

My toilet gurgles when the tub is draining.. the tub is having trouble draining and takes a long time...we have already used liquid plumber thinking it could be a clog... anyone have a idea what it could be and how do I fix it

On 2017-08-11 by Jody

I live in a home that has never had an issue with the pipes before and the homeowner (my boyfriend ) suddenly passed away unexpectedly, he had always taken care of the bills and the home with needed repairs.

Well today I went outside to my back yard and the ground is now all wet around the sewer line cover and the basement is dry. All the pipes inside are dry as they are all exposed in the basement so that's not a problem

, I've lived here 7 years and have never seen the ground wet here before and I actually removed dirt in an area of 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide to make sure it wasn't just surface that was wet and it's wet all the way down.

What could be causing this

On 2017-06-16 by joe

On the second floor our toilet has an off set just under the flange. This works fine 95% of the time. Every once in a while a "big hard load" will clog the toilet or flange. Can I do anything beside eliminate the off set?

New toilet with more flushing power?

On 2017-06-10 by (mod) -


I would expect that the total volume of clogging material should be so small that if it is ground up and freed using a drain auger or drain cleaning tool your system won't be likely to be harmed.

On 2017-06-10 by Drew

Someone put a rug over the drain in my basment now the rubbery stuff on the bottom has clogged the drain and since i couldnt unclog the drain the stuff has gotten harder than a rock how can i fix this and could this cause my septic tank to backup

On 2017-04-26 by (mod) -


If there's plenty of water in a toilet tank that doesn't necessarily mean that enough water is participating in the actual toilet flush - something you can check at least subjectively by watching the bowl when the toilet is flushed.

Sometimes we have to adjust the lift chain on the flush valve flapper to give a bigger dose of water to the flush.

Second: clogs in the toilet rim water passage can also interfere with delivery of enough water in the right sweep pattern to flush well.

Third, I'd consider having the drain line inspected internally using a sewer line camera, looking for

- improper or inadequate slope

- a partial blockage

- a partial collapse or damage to the drain line

Keep me posted.
I'd also confirm that the drain lines are properly vented (do nearby fixtures gurgle when you flush the john?)

On 2017-04-26 by bob

We have two bathrooms in the home ( septic system ) One is approx. 16 ft. to discharge , the other is approx 28 ft. The 16 ft run works fine but the 28 ft run clogs when we use toilet tissue

. There is no basement, only a 2.5 ft. crawl space .We have had it inspected by a plumber and every thing seems to be o.k. They seem to think that there is not enough water flow ( 6 Lt. toilet ) to carry waste that distant (28 ft.) with that degree of slope.

I have increased the water level to approx. 9 LT by playing with the float and over flow tube but we still have the problem .

On 2017-04-26 by (mod) re: what to check when adding water to the toilet tank still doesn't provide an adequate flush


If there's plenty of water in a toilet tank that doesn't necessarily mean that enough water is participating in the actual toilet flush

- something you can check at least subjectively by watching the bowl when the toilet is flushed. Sometimes we have to adjust the lift chain on the flush valve flapper to give a bigger dose of water to the flush.

Second: clogs in the toilet rim water passage can also interfere with delivery of enough water in the right sweep pattern to flush well.

Third, I'd consider having the drain line inspected internally using a sewer line camera, looking for

- improper or inadequate slope

- a partial blockage

- a partial collapse or damage to the drain line

Keep me posted.
I'd also confirm that the drain lines are properly vented (do nearby fixtures gurgle when you flush the john?)

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On 2017-04-26 by bob

We have two bathrooms in the home ( septic system ) One is approx. 16 ft. to discharge , the other is approx 28 ft. The 16 ft run works fine but the 28 ft run clogs when we use toilet tissue .

There is no basement, only a 2.5 ft. crawl space .

We have had it inspected by a plumber and every thing seems to be o.k.

They seem to think that there is not enough water flow ( 6 Lt. toilet ) to carry waste that distant (28 ft.) with that degree of slope.

I have increased the water level to approx. 9 LT by playing with the float and over flow tube but we still have the problem .

On 2017-03-29 by (mod) re: pumped the septic tank because its level was "high" - requirement for licensed septic installers


A septic tank is normally ALWAYS full of sewage. But if as you describe the sludge level was too high then indeed solid waste would be pushed out of the tank and into whatever absorption system is in use ( a seepage pit or "dryrwell", or a soakbed or drainfield) where it clogs the soil.

In my OPINION use of acids as a septic soakbed "repair" is

- ineffective

- risks harming the environment by contaminating nearby water, wells, groundwater, lakes, streams

- is illegal in many jurisdictions


That is NOT to say that drain cleaners (including acidic products) used IN BUILDING DRAIN PIPING to try to clear a clogged trap or drain are
prohibited or ineffective - that's a different situation. Used as directed, and not to excess those products can be useful.

Some jurisdictions license septic installation and repair contractors, some don't. I've not come across a separate license for application of chemicals in septic systems.

For example using the U.S. state of Oregon, septic contractors must be licensed


Any person or firm engaged in the business of pumping septic tanks, holding tanks, grease traps, pit privies or cesspools, or providing or cleaning chemical toilets must operate under permit from the Environmental Health Division (EHD).

Any non-permitted sewage pumping companies, vehicles, and/or non-certified drivers caught operating in Contra Costa County may be subject to penalties, citations and/or other legal action.

On 2017-03-29 by Vicki Douglas

Septic tank and dry well were full and both had to be emptied. I was told level of sludge so high it went into dry well and beyond so they treated dry well with acid.

Was this the right thing to do? Has the acid treatments damaged our drain field? Also do septic service companies have to have a separate license or certification for chemicals?

On 2017-03-29 17:32:29.506581 by (mod) re: toilet was slowly overflowing water over the bowl edge

Several possible causes:

1. a fill valve sticks and overfills the bowl - usually the bowl will self flush but on occasion I've seen tank overflows;

2. A drain line has developed a blockage - eg. by collapse, being driven-over

3. there is a community sewer system backup

4. There was other drainage into a system that caused a backup or failure such as roof, surface, or other runoff entering a basement floor drain or flooding a septic field

I'd start by having the main drain cleared and inspected by camera.

On 2017-03-29 by Marwan

The toilet was not overflowing when departing in the morning and appeared to be normal like every other day. When I came home from work, the toilet had been slowly overflowing water from the top all day long causing serious water damage.

What would cause this? Is this a plumbing issue or operator error, or a combination of blockage (plumbing) and malfunctioning toilet water flow system?

On 2016-12-21 by (mod) re: signs of a partly-clogged main drain pipe

Sounds like a partly-clogged main drain line.

On 2016-12-21 by lyle

commode sometimes flushes,then backs up . slowly drains then goes clear down into toilet then gurgles before backing up on next flush

On 2016-12-13 by (mod)

eny said:
Oh, thank you for that. I hope I will figure it out myself. Have some problems with drains and I need to fix it. My husband did that but he is in other city because of work. I'll try but think I will need to call service

On 2016-11-11 by (mod) re: Drain-FX drain de-clogger touted by Jack

Thanks for your opinion, Jack and for the report of your experience.

Some drain de-cloggers can clean some types of clogs, such as a blob or blockage of grease or hair in the traps or in drain lines. Those products do not fix a failed septic system nor will they fix a blockage due to damaged or broken sewer pipes.

On 2016-11-11 by Jack

I have tried Drain-FX - heard about it on the Gary Sullivan show and bought it online. Cleared my slow running sinks & tub. I highly recommend it.

On 2016-10-14 by Andrea

Washing machine is in the basement. A pump pushes the water up 90• to the main drain. But the catch is that the wash water comes up into my kitchen sink. A vent has been put in place to help but it still goes on. What can be done.

On 2016-10-14 by Kathy

Kitchen sink clogged no other problems just kitchen. Used 50ft Snake... No response, still slow.. Help

On 2016-10-07 by Judy

Mound system in great shape. However, the pipe line has been compromised by sand coming in to the pumping station. Is there a safe

On 2016-09-07 by (mod) re: sag or belly in drain line causes clogs

If the line was inspected by a sewer camera the plumber's explanation could be spot-on.

Depending on the costs involved there may be other repair options including use of a horizontal boring machine to run a new waste line or converting the system to use a sewage ejector pump.

On 2016-09-07 by Barbara

My home us 30 years old. I recently experienced a sewage backup in the masterbath and called a plumber who cleared the blockage but said it would hapoen again since the sewage line buried in the ground under the concrete slab has shifted. He descibed it as having a belly.

He advised not flushing anything but water from toilet and drain from tub, shower, or sink. He said the repair is to tear up the floor in my house, dig through the concrete and dirt to replace that pirtion of the line. Does this sound right and any suggestions? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

On 2016-06-19 by (mod) re: sink wouldn't drain, but the pipe seems clear for 12 feet

Indeed, Linda sometimes it's tough to get a manually-opearated drain snake past a simple elbow or bend in piping as well as getting it past an obstruction;

I'd ask for help from a plumber using a power snake - or you can rent one but they're heavy to handle if working alone. An alternative is to have a fancier plumber who has one use a drain scoping camera to inspect the drain line for roots or collapse.

Keep me posted.

On 2016-06-19 by Linda

Sink wouldn't drain, no smell, no other blockage in house.

Used a 12 foot snake, it got to a certain point and stopped but no debris on snake. Suspect tree roots? Small 8 foot tree close by. Only problem is with kitchen drain.


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