Building Mold / IAQ Investigation Procedure What does an onsite building-environment forensic expert do?
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This article describes an independent, expert building onsite forensic building investigation services under which we inspect and test for toxic mold, allergens, gases, odors, sewage backups, other indoor particles or other indoor contaminants
This website provides free, in-depth information and procedures for finding, testing, cleaning and preventing indoor mold, toxic black mold, green mold,
testing building indoor air quality, and other sick house / sick building investigations.
We give in-depth
information about mold and other indoor air quality problems: causes of respiratory illness, asthma, or other symptoms such as neurological or
psychological problems, air quality investigation methods, and remediation procedures such as mold cleanup, handling
toxic mold contamination, and building or mechanical system repairs.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Field Investigation Services, Building Environmental Inspection & Testing by Daniel Friedman
ONSITE INSPECTION / INVESTIGATION AVAILABILITY NOTICE:Except for special cases including our pro-bono services we no longer provide onsite building investigations.
See MOLD CLEANUP COMPANIES for our online directory of mold cleanup companies - mold remediators.
To avoid a conflict of interest we recommend that mold inspection, testing, or post-cleanup inspection and testing should be performed by an expert who has absolutely no financial or business relationship with the mold cleanup or mold remediation company.
Before hiring any onsite test or investigation expert for a field investigation, inspection, or testing, be sure to
Our Field Investigation Service our senior expert goes where no one else wanted to look, uses non-invasive tools and sophisticated testing equipment for mold, gases, moisture, air quality, contaminants, Building problem diagnosis. New York State License # 16000005303 [ret].
Our Building investigation services include thorough on-site studies for residential and commercial buildings in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. We also provide expert 24-hour
mold testing lab service for our clients and the public.
The result of field and lab work is a complete
field investigation report indicating our field findings, laboratory test results, and detailing just what remediation or other actions are appropriate.
Basic medical information about allergenic or toxic mold or other contaminants is also included when available. (New York State License # 16000005303, inception to 2008)
Typical in-house forensic and aerobiological laboratory services are described
We investigate complaints of respiratory illness, asthma, allergies, neurological and other health concerns, and we identify sources of these and
other hazards that may contribute to a wide range of health complaints associated with buildings.
To identify and address indoor air quality problems,
we identify conditions which may cause or contribute to allergy, asthma, "sick Building syndrome -- SBS," other respiratory illness and
distress, as well as possible neurological or other health problems which may be caused or aggravated by mold or other particles in the air.
Field investigation methods include
Taking site and client history of concerns or complaints, noting any special health concerns or vulnerabilities
Diagnostic visual inspection of the entire property and building and its mechanical systems, both to identify mold or other problem reservoirs, and to identify building conditions that create special risk of hidden problems
Invasive inspection where needed: borescope, test cuts, disassembly where appropriate, while respecting the building, its contents, its occupants, with minimal disruption.
Bulk/surface/vacuum sampling at each location where history or observations warrant, multiple samples collected to permit corroboration of important conclusions
Calibrated air sampling combined with
Light microscopy and laboratory analysis to identify common bioaerosols, allergens,
pet dander, dust mites, fleas, mold, pollen, fibers, and other potential irritants.
We also are equipped to test for specific contaminant gases such as produced by Building fires or heating equipment as well as
mold or other contaminants.
Our Indoor Gas
Sampling Plan for Residential buildings describes gas testing procedures, instruments, detection limits, and it lists some of the toxic (or other) indoor
gases for which we can test, depending on the Building complaint and Building conditions. No one needs to wield an axe to investigate a Building. And no one
needs to bury important findings among pages of vague language.
We use special equipment such as this
borescope permitting examination of hidden wall/ceiling/floor cavities using non-destructive methods.
We may use other equipment to actually obtain
particle samples from wall/ceiling/floor cavities by the Wall Check™ method,
When conditions warrant and permission is obtained, we also
are equipped to make modest test cuts or to perform other more invasive inspection methods. A variety of non-invasive infra-red and moisture measuring
tools may also be employed if recent or current leaks are suspected.
Field observations and summary of building history and client complaints
Laboratory test results supporting the conclusions and recommendations of the investigation
Medical information regarding toxic or allergenic mold or other contaminants identified, and
Remediation advice including both mold cleanup and Building repairs which are
necessary to help avoid future problems.
Technical documentation is accompanied by photo documentation of field and lab findings.
Action Plan: A simple report summary
provides a "guide to action" for each property we inspect.
See MOLD LAB REPORTS for more about how to interpret your mold test laboratory report.
Mold Test Laboratory Procedures are described below at Laboratory Services. More information about our indoor air mold testing and
field and laboratory investigation methodologies and a description of some of our equipment is at Investigation
Principal field investigator & website editor/author: Daniel Friedman, Member: American Industrial Hygienists Assoc. AIHA#149892,
American Society of Home Inspectors ASHI#00577, BOCA, IAEI, ICBO, NPCA. Mr. Friedman has previously offered sick Building,
air quality, and mold investigations and home inspections and for problem diagnosis, research, expert witness, legal
documentation, & failure claims assistance.
ONSITE INSPECTION / INVESTIGATION AVAILABILITY NOTICE:Except for special cases including our pro-bono services we no longer provide onsite building investigations.
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In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
Allergen Detection What various indoor allergens look like - identification photos to help identify pollen, dust mites, animal dander, toxic or allergenic mold - Common Mold and other Allergens, Irritants, Remedies & Advice
Animal Allergens: Dog, Cat, and Other Animal Dander - Cleanup & Prevention Information for Asthmatics and regarding Indoor Air Quality.
Associations: A Directory of IAQ, Sick Building, Mold Allergen Testing, Building Investigation Service Providers
Associations: Sick House, Sick Building, SBS - Air Quality, Government, Private Associations and Information Resources
Lighting, using to find mold - proper use of a flashlight can help spot mold on paneling and other building surfaces
Mold Detection - What Does Mold Look Like? Mold spores in the Home - a Photo ID Library for detection and identification of mold allergens
Mold Detection - Lighting Proper use of lighting discloses hard to see but toxic light or white mold colonies on building surfaces - read this if you're doing your own tape sampling for mold.
Mold Detection - How to Find and Test for Mold in buildings - Looking for Mold - A "how to" photo and text primer on finding and testing for mold in buildings
Mold Detection - Stuff that is Not Mold but is often mistaken for it - things you may not want to test. Not all "black mold" is toxic or harmful.
Mold Detection - Investigation Tips Mold Investigation Guide for Home Inspectors how to find mold, where to look, what is likely to be important. Advice to Building inspectors intending to inspect or test for toxic or problematic mold indoors, mold inspection methods, and mold test methods which are valid or invalid
Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the InspectAPedia Bookstore. Also see our Book Reviews - InspectAPedia.
Adkins and Adkins Dictionary of Roman Religion discusses Robigus, the Roman god of crop protection and the legendary progenitor of wheat rust fungus.
Kansas State University, department of plant pathology, extension plant pathology web page on wheat rust fungus: see
A BRIEF GUIDE to MOLD, MOISTURE, and YOUR HOME, [PDF] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency US EPA - includes basic advice for building owners, occupants, and mold cleanup operations. See
A BRIEF GUIDE to MOLD, MOISTURE, and YOUR HOME, [PDF] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency US EPA - includes basic advice for building owners, occupants, and mold cleanup operations. See
"Disease Prevention Program for Certain Vegetable Crops," David B. Langston, Jr., Extension Plant Pathologist - Vegetables, University of Georgia (PDF document) original source:
Disease Prevention in Home Vegetable Gardens [PDF], Patricia Donald,Department of Plant Microbiology and Pathology,
Lewis Jett Department of Horticulture, University of Missouri Extension -
"Management of Powdery Mildew, Leveillula taurica, in Greenhouse Peppers," Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, British Columbia - Original source:
Fifth Kingdom, Bryce Kendrick, ISBN13: 9781585100224, - we recommend the CD-ROM version of this book. This 3rd/edition is a compact but comprehensive encyclopedia of all things mycological. Every aspect of the fungi, from aflatoxin to zppspores, with an accessible blend of verve and wit. The 24 chapters are filled with up-to-date information of classification, yeast, lichens, spore dispersal, allergies, ecology, genetics, plant pathology, predatory fungi, biological control, mutualistic symbioses with animals and plants, fungi as food, food spoilage and mycotoxins.
Fungi, Identifying Filamentous, A Clinical Laboratory Handbook, Guy St-
US EPA: Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Building [Copy on file at /sickhouse/EPA_Mold_Remediation_in_Schools.pdf ] - US EPA
Mycology, Fundamentals of Diagnostic, Fran Fisher, Norma B. Cook, W.B. Saunders Co. 1998, ISBN 0-7216-5006-6
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.