New home inspections & walkthroughs:
Advice on what to look for & how to inspect new construction.
This article describes procedures for new home walkthrough inspections and suggests topics to examine closely during a home inspection of newly-constructed buildings.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Going with my clients to a new home construction walkthrough. What should I look for? What are the items that are typically missed by the builders - - or are problematic right off the bat? Thanks for any advice – much appreciated.
First, let's distinguish between a "walk-through" and a professional home inspection.
A Walk-Through Inspection is an inexpert and often hasty trip through a building made by a prospective new owner, usually 24 hours before going to the closing of a sale. This sort of inspection cannot find every significant defect in the home and probably it cannot even find most of them. What a walkthrough inspection can and should do is look for obvious trouble such as the following:
A professional home inspection is far more thorough than a walkthrough inspection and in most U.S. states and Canadian provinces must be conducted to meet a minimum standard of thoroughness.
All of the substantive physical components of the building and its mechanical systems are usually included, inspected, operated, or where appropriate, tested.
The professional inspector, recognizing the kind of construction (stick framed, modular, panelized) and materials (poured concrete vs. concrete block foundation) knows to look for specific defects or problems associated with those construction methods and materials - or should.
The following are simply examples of how a professional inspector may have an eye for trouble that a normal home buyer or real estate agent will not::
A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that would permit a more accurate, complete, and authoritative answer than we can give by email alone. You will find additional depth and detail in articles at our website.
That said I have to explain that the question you asked is a bit broad for a simple email reply. It's as if I wrote to you and said I'm about to enter into a negotiation, could you please tell me everything I need to know?
Some time ago I wrote some material on new home inspections but I couldn't immediately put my hands on it today. I'll look further for that information, format it online if needed, and send you that for guidance and to invite your comment.
A more general answer is that indeed new home concerns are very different from older home inspection concerns in these regards:
Appliance, cabinets, doors, window defects:
There may also be interior questions about what work remains: fixtures, cabinets, appliances; lesser (in terms of percent of property value) issues may arise and be discovered simply by running every plumbing fixture and appliance, opening and closing every window and door - just to discover what things were not finished, or don't work.
It can be a surprise to discover later that three windows don't stay up or don't latch - a too-late surprise now because nobody looked at them while the home was still under warranty or while the builder or seller was under obligation to deliver what was promised.
Roof & Site Drainage incomplete:
often the builder's contract considers a home "complete" with no gutters and leaders installed, or with only rough site grading and no finish grading; a result can be a basement flood - perhaps not immediately, but rather as soon as soil clogs the footing drains (if there are any). I'd look for gutters, leaders, and for footing drains taken to daylight as examples of visual clues that are easy to spot.
Incomplete work:
if the inspector sees indications that work at the property appears incomplete, s/he should give a notice similar to the one we quote here:
NOTICE: construction work was incomplete at time of our inspection. Our assessment of building condition as summarized below presumes that the builder will complete normal construction tasks such as site work, siding, mechanical hookups, and interior finishing.
Where we feel it is useful we will
note some of the areas of incomplete work, suggesting finish details to watch
for. But in new, incomplete construction we do not call out such items as
deficiencies. Should the builder fail to complete the project, naturally
such items would then be raised as deficiencies.
more subtle clues indicating important building defects need an expert: if I look at an oil fired heating appliance and see no test instrument hole in the flue vent connector I know that somebody "hooked it up" but no one has properly set up the system to run safely and economically.
Settlement cracking:
It is common for new houses to develop new shrinkage and settlement cracks in the first one or two years after construction--defects not present at an intial inspection. Such may raise questions that need review.
If the new homeowner has questions about indications of cracking, movement, or out of level building foundation, walls, ceilings, doors that stick, windows that jam or similar current or future defects or about maintaining the property s/he should call their home inspector before you commiting funds to a contractor.
There should no additional fee for such follow-up questions and advice from a neutral professional can be invaluable.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2023-11-07 by Amie - will our new house pass a home inspection by a buyer?
We've been building a new home for nearly 3 years...contractor is very talented and nice as can be, but it's been a nightmare and the slowest process I've ever experienced.
Hoping to be in the new house within a few months. (I'll include a pic, just for fun. Lol) But getting nervous about this house passing inspection for a potential buyer.
We are crossing our fingers a friend of ours will be purchasing it and handling the necessary repairs to re-sell or rent it out. Of course, he knows of the issues up front and is a contractor himself...has experience with this nonsense.
On 2023-11-07 by InspectApedia Publisher - be clear about what a home inspection should include and its purpose
In my opinion a home inspection never passes or fails a house. That's the wrong terminology.
A proper home inspection identifies work that's needed and helps set priorities for repairs by identifying things that are dangerous, causing rapid costly damage, or simply don't work as they are needed to perform.
Also a house that's right for one buyer may not be right for another.
When I first started restoring buildings I particularly liked to find buildings in terrible condition because those were the ones that I could afford.
Other home buyers who are not handy or have a not budgeted for repairs are better off with a home that doesn't need a lot of upfront repair.
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