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Older furnace subjected to flooding (C) Daniel Friedman FAQs on Age of Heating Boilers & Furnaces

Q&A on finding out the age of heating equipment:

Frequently asked questions about how to figure the age of specific brands or models of heating equipment: heat pumps, boilers, furnaces are answered here.

This article series provides documents that explain and translate all of the data found on information tags and stickers used on heating & heat pump equipment, including equipment age, heating capacity, electrical requirements, and operating characteristics.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Heating System Equipment Age FAQs

Questions & answers about decoding the age of specific heating furnaces or boilers, posted originally

at AGE of HEATERS, BOILERS, FURNACES - be sure to review the age determination advice given there.

Explain how a Heat-Timer thermostat system works

Heat Timer Corp heat control (C) VasIf somebody can explain it to me how that the thermostat system works, what light supposed to be on all times? Thanks On 2023-03-30 by Vas

Reply by InspectApedia Publisher


Sure, we'll be glad to help. But to be useful we need to know what equipment we are discussing.

Example: a room wall thermostat used to control heat doesn't usually have a "red light".

Post a photo of the device and that can give us an idea of what you need.

also, in


you'll find descriptive and "how it works " and "how to use" articles on almost ever component in heating systems. We have a similar index for air conditioning.

We realize that that information can be overwhelming. That's why I asked you to be a bit more clear on exactly what you want to understand so that we can be more useful.

On 2023-04-01 by InspectApedia Editor - there are four conditions for that light to be red or amber



OK thanks for the photo.

That's a heat control produced by Heat Timer Corporation,

HEAT TIMER CONTROL Model EPU INSTRUCTION MANUAL [PDF] Heat Timer Corp., - retrieved 2023/01/01 original source: heat-timer [dot] com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/EPU_Manual [dot] pdf

for which you can download a PDF copy of the instruction manual for your Heat Timer Model EPU

Take a look at that PDF as the most thorough explanation of that heater thermostatic control, then ask us any specific questions you like.

Please also tell us the country and city of your location.

Here's the company's contact information

Heat-Timer® Corporation
20 New Dutch Lane
Fairfield, NJ 07004 USA

Phone: 973 575 4004
Fax: 973 575 4052


About that red light: it's on when there is a call for heat. Here are four conditions for that light - excerpting from the manual:

RED “ON” – AMBER “OFF” BB Contact Closed - indicates weather calls for heat-heat circulation not yet established

RED “ON” – AMBER “ON” BB Contact Closed, Heat Circulation - established, indicates “ON” period of cycle is being timed

RED “OFF” AMBER “ON” BB Contact Open - indicates “OFF” period of cycle is being timed

RED “OFF” AMBER “OFF” BB Contact Open -

indicates either

(1) outdoor temperature is above setting of outdoor thermostat, or

(2) program clock is in “OFF” period

I agree with you that this is a much more complicated heat control than a simple wall heating thermostat.

That's in part because the control includes a feature that monitors outdoor temperature and tries to adjust the heating system operation for greatest efficiency depending on the outdoor temp.

The good news is that after selecting a few settings, you can run this control in "automatic" mode and pretty much leave it alone.

If you're too cold, go to the knob called HEAT ADJUSTMENT and simply turn it up one number value. But the company says that normally during the heating season you should never need to adjust this setting.

The "Night" thermostat allows you to turn off heat completely at night - an energy savings feature that you wouldn't exactly want if weather where you're located is so cold that pipes might freeze.

The round dial with numbers is a program clock: it needs to be set to the right time of day, and then in turn it controls the daytime and night time heat operation.

Another control, the DAY THERMOSTAT DIAL should be set to the OUTDOOR temperature at which you want the building heat to be OFF - another heating cost savings feature.

Not to worry, when it's cold indoors, as the company explains:

When the outdoor temperature is below the setting of this dial the amount of heat provided each hour will be regulated by the Heat-Timer and will be proportional to the weather and the specific heat requirements of the building.

On 2023-04-02 by Vas

@InspectApedia Editor , Thank you for explaining this. It's means it this pic no light presents, panel is off. It's only dummy panel boiler will be not kicked in for the heat.

On 2023-04-02 by InspectApedia Editor


We're glad to assist and welcome your questions, comments, content-suggestions. DF


What year was is this Fraser & Johnston Co model?

Hello, what year was is this model? Thank you.

Fraser Johnston AC Furnace data tag (C) AlfJ

On 2021-04-27 by Alf Jomoc

Reply by danjoefriedman (mod) - Fraser & Johnston Co. A/C and Furnace data tag

@Alf Jomoc, Thank you for the photo and question as it gives me a reminder to summarize for readers

"How to find the Age or Manuals for your Air Conditioner or Heater"

First: at the link I'll give you will be disappointed -as am I , that we don't have a reliable "age decoder" for OLDER Fraser Johnston A/C Furnace equipment serial numbers like yours; I'm spending more effort on this and will update the Fraser Johnston page as I find more help on this.

Yours is an older unit, whereas currently Fraser Johnston equipment is a York International product for which we do have manuals and details.

Your photo shows a Fraser & Johnston Co. A/C and Furnace data tag.

You could Fraser & Johnston information including age decoding from the serial number on this page (given in the article above)

MANUALS & PARTS GUIDES - HVAC Brands F-I - Brand Names beginning with F - I HVAC Age, manuals, wiring diagrams, installation and repair guides

When you land on that page you can scroll down it's alphabetic listing to see the live link at FRASER JOHNSTON HVAC or you can use the Ctrl-F feature of your browser to search the page for "Fraser Johnston"

OR you could have used the Search Box on any page to search for "Fraser Johnston"


There you'll see what we know about that company and decoding its equipment age, along with a copy of your photo of a Fraser Johnston Co. data tag.


Life of a Hydro Therm Model RC-165A boiler.

I have a Hydro Therm Model RC-165A boiler. Probably manufactured in 1978 0r 79. How long will it last? And where can I find replacement parts such as burners? On 2021-01-26 by Fred Blount -

Reply by (mod) -


Take a look at the manuals and their warranty info for Hydrotherm Boilers at

My OPINION is that a cast iron boiler is likely to last 30-40 years; steel, less. Leaks and water damage are key determinants along with proper maintenance.

Age of an Ideal EVO HE boiler?

How old is my Ideal evo he boiler - On 2018-09-08 by Karl lawson

Reply by (mod) - Ideal evo he boiler

Karl you'll want to look at more than brand and model name (and model number) to get boiler age; typically the date is either given right on the data tag or it is encoded in the serial number.


Age of an old Luxair propane furnace

I have an older Luxaire propane hanging furnace. there is only a model no. and a series no., no serial number. the model no. is UH060LC The series no. is PA-5ECMD. it says unit heater. thanks On 2018-02-20 by Don -

Reply by (mod) -

Scott's chart at

Describes older Luxaire furnace age decoding


Question: how to determine the age of a Polaris Boiler Heater by American Water Heater Co.

I have a Polaris boiler heater manufactured by Amrican Water Heater Company.

The serial number is 0405116998(digits are all in one serie,no space)

The product number is 0320030

also on the manufacturer label there is a label sating the product model PR 100-34-2NV

with all this info I still can't determine what year is the boiler as it doesn't match the critria stated in the article. - Pierre 1/8/2012



Most likely your Polaris water heater was made in the week of 18 May 2003. I figured as follows:

Polaris Water Heaters, most likely follow other American Heating Equipment convention as follows:

The year and week number of manufacture are encoded in the first four digits of the heater's serial number. So your heater serial number (IF that is what you meant by "product number" - if not, look again on the data tag for the individual water heater's serial number) of 0320030 would translate to

year: 2003
week: 20

I then poked around online to find a utility that converts between week number and date, converting week #20 of 2003 to the date I gave above.

Send me a sharp photo of the Polaris water heater data tags if you want me to take another look. Use the CONTACT link found at top left side or bottom of our web pages.


Question: where do I get a part for a squirrrell cage furnace blower fan

I need to replace the u-shaped device that holds the rod for the squirrel cages that is held down by 2 bolts, which go through 2 rubber gromets and are nutted on the other end. How can I order this or these parts? - Russel Jackson 1/27/2013


Russel, just stop by your HVAC supplier, those are common parts. Or tell us the model, brand seria
Number and well help look. Most likely the parts are also avai
Able from th heater manufacturer too.

Age of a Hydrotherm boiler from the serial number

moved to HYDROTHERM Boilers

HB Smith history and contact information and boiler age

Moved to H.B. SMITH BOILERS Manuals, also A.O. Smith & Smith Boilers & Heaters

Moncrief furnace made by Henry Furnace Company

See MONCRIEF FURNACE - HENRY FURNACE AGE & MANUALS furnaces that may be helpful. That catalogs 1950's era Moncrief heating equipment.

Manual & Age Anthes Intercity Furnace - Anthes Age Decoder


Age of Olsen Furnace

Moved to OLSEN AIRCO HVAC Olsen / Airco Boilers




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