Composite & synthetic decking durability research results. Studies of the durability of composite lumber used for decks, ramps, and similar structures show the effects of moisture, freeze/thaw cycles, sunlight, temperature variation, and other factors that impact the appearance, durability, life & safety of plastic & synthetic decking.
Our page top photo shows the collapse of plastic-synthetic deck boards at a New York home while below we also include images of more contemporary plastic type deck boards.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Durability of Synthetic or Composite Decks & Floors: Composite-Fiber Deck Collapse Photos
As our photos show, below, even though synthetic decking material may itself be durable, if the deck is not properly constructed there is risk of rot, and even collapse.
Our photograph below illustrates a demonstration installation of recently-produced composite decking at a New York lumber supplier. This deck has been exposed outdoors continuously for several years.
In contrast with that deck that was in good condition, at page top and again below we illustrate an older synthetic or composite deck board product that has failed.
While we knew that this entry deck at an upstate New York home was in bad shape, just how horrible it was was not completely apparent until demolition was begun during a home renovation.
The composite decking shown at left was installed directly over a pre-existing and rotted deck structure - not a smart idea.
This composite deck board photo shows that the deck actually collapsed during work on the structure, revealing rotted wood structure over which the deck boards had been added as a "repair".
Luckily no one was injured.
Don't do this.
Below is another composite deck board failure where the board was run wild past the end of the stair stringer at the entry to a Two Harbors, Minnesota lumber supplier.
Trex Mold & Color Fading/Variation Class Action Settlement Information
A 2009 class action lawsuit recoreded as Mahan, et al. v. Trex Company, Inc. Case No. CV 09-00670-JSW United States District Court for the Northern District of California - asserted that the company's composite decking, essentially a combination of plastic and wood, was defective.
TREX Warranty Claims Website: This awkward link will connect you to the current Trex Warranty Claims page - OR you can contact Trex at 1-800-BUY-TREX (1-800-289-8739)
or by mail to:
Trex Company, Inc.
Consumer Care
2500 Trex Way
Winchester, VA 22601
You can see the court decision in detail by searching Google Scholar for the case as we cited it above.
While typical descriptions of the case describe issues with mold and discoloration, the softening and breaking of synthetic decking such as we illustrate above on this page is much more serious as such failures are in our OPINION unsafe.
Research on the Durability of Composite & Synthetic Lumber Reports on Freeze/Thaw, Moisture & Temperature Effects
Reader Question
4/11/2014 Bill C said:
We are about to replace a front porch and we are considering using composite boards. do you know of any manufacturer that we should avoid because of poor results and durability?
Bill, it's a topic worth some research, and indeed there have been a number of studies of the durability of composite lumber or "synthetic" lumber. Just above you can see illustrations of some early composite lumber that didn't fare so well.
Current suppliers of composite and plastic decking materials are listed along with their contact information
Experts from a variety of fields including the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, the wood composite manufacturers, and the plastics industry have studied important synthetic-deck board and other composite lumber properties & durability including the structural strength, fire resistance, weathering, color fading, and other properties as well as studying the usefulness of protective coatings on these products.
A scan of recent research suggests that the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on composite lumber as well as effects of moisture, high temperature, and possibly sunlight seem to vary more by the mixture of composite ingredients than to point to a specific brand.
Pilarski and Matuana conducted some important research into the durability of wood-flour composite lumber in 2005 and 2006, listed in the citations below. Note this conclusion:
The loss in stiffness of the composites was statistically significant after only two freeze–thaw cycles, regardless of both the wood species and content. Conversely, the strength of the composites was not significantly affected by five freeze–thaw cycles at lower wood flour contents (50 and 75 phr).
The deleterious effects of the freeze–thaw actions on the strength of the composites became apparent at higher wood flour content (100 phr) after only two freeze–thaw cycles for maple flour and five freeze–thaw cycles for pine flour.
The property loss was attributed primarily to the water portion of the cycling, which appears to have led to the decreased interfacial adhesion between the wood flour and the rigid PVC matrix. - Pilarski (2005)
That we need to read studies of composite lumber performance with care and to make note of just what ingredients are in use is evident in a very different finding by Ronald Wolfe and Agron Gjinolli in a February 1999 USFPL research report.
A pilot study was conducted to assess the potential for using southern pine particles
derived from construction waste to create a cement-wood composite suitable for exposed
structural applications. Panels fabricated from copper chromium arsenate (CCA)-treated
as well as untreated particles were cut into individual samples and tested for freeze-thaw
durability, strength, and toughness.
Results support the premise that these composites
can be designed to meet the requirements for highway sound barriers. The results also
show that these composites have energy-dissipating properties that could have special
applications in structures where impact and dynamic load are a design consideration. - Wolfe (1999)
As a point of comparison with composite lumber typically used for deck or ramp boards, we report here as well on Green (2003) who examined the comparative effects of humidity and temperature on solid sawn lumber and (wood) composite lumber (LVL and LSL) used as structural members.
The effect of temperature on MOR of solid-sawn lumber is independent of grade. Composite lumber is more sensitive than solid-sawn to change in strength due to thermal degradation. The difference in MOR between species and product types may be less at low humidity levels than at high.
The total effect of temperature on MOR can be estimated by adding the reversible plus the permanent effects. Available literature suggests that the wood used in attics of residential construction is not likely to experience significant accumulation of exposure at temperatures ≥66°C over the life of the structure. - Green (2003)
Finally you might want to take a look at Douglas Gardner (et al)'s research on the use of protective coatings for composite wood products, Gardner et als. (2001 & 2003) and at Stark & Gardner (2008) USFPL from whom we quote just below.
Wood - plastic composite (WPC) lumber is promoted as a low -
maintenance, high - durability product (Clemons, 2002). However, after
a decade of exterior use in the construction industry, questions have
arisen regarding durability. These questions are based on documented
evidence of failures in the field of WPC decking products due to such
impacts as polymer degradation (Klyosov, 2005), wood decay (Moms and
Cooper, 1998), and susceptibility to mold which negatively impact the
aesthetic qualities of the product.
The industry has responded to
problems associated with first - generation products by improving WPC
formulations. Manufacturers have also made great strides in making more
reasonable claims and in educating consumers on the proper care and main
tenance of WPC products to maintain the aesthetic quality of the surface
Research groups throughout the world are working toward a
fundamental understanding of WPC durability that will help improve
and/or identify new strategies for protecting WPCs. WPC durability will
continue to be an important subject regarding the use of these products
in building construction and other related applications in the field. ...
The work summarized here suggests that controlling moisture is the key
to not only decreasing losses in performance due to moisture absorption
but also increasing weathering performance and resistance to biological
attack. . - Stark (2008)
Later work by Morrell, Stark et als (2011) continues this investigation. They conclude:
It is clear that the wood in WPCs must be protected
from both biotic and abiotic damage; however, it is equally
apparent that technologies are available to achieve this
goal. As these products continue to evolve, we should
expect to see increasingly durable materials that over
come the biological, moisture, and UV factors to produce
materials that retain their appearance. - Morell (2011)
Webb (2011) writing in Pro Sales Magazine and later re-published online warns:
Wood and plastic typically make up roughly 85% to 95% of the ingredients’ total weight. Most of the wood consists of cast-offs from flooring factories. And except for virgin PVC flakes, all the plastic had a previous life as well. WPC and PVC manufacturers work constantly to get reliable streams of raw product, but if the wood flour has a different mix of species or the recycled plastic shipment was heavier on low-density polyethylene film, the manufacturer may need to adjust its formula.
... “It’s not a highly repeatable process,” says Tom Gramlich, chief operating officer of TimberTech, which makes composite and PVC decks, porches, railing, and trim. “Every night, our operator is fighting a different set of circumstances than the night before.”
... In fact, the testing protocols that companies use to justify their 25-year warranty claims are getting questioned.
... Well, since 2004, seven wood-plastic composite manufacturers and suppliers have faced lawsuits related to a host of problems, including fading and color changes, slippery surfaces, shrinkage, swelling, and mold. In at least two of those cases, a supplier and reseller were accused along with the manufacturer.
References & research on the durability of composite lumber, decking, trim
Bolin, Christopher A., and Stephen Smith. "Life cycle assessment of ACQ-treated lumber with comparison to wood plastic composite decking." Journal of Cleaner Production 19, no. 6-7 (2011): 620-629.
Excerpt: An alternative to treated lumber decking is wood plastic composites (WPC). WPC is produced by many manufacturers using differing formulas and manufacturing processes. The first uses of WPC as decking were in the early 1990s (Youngquist, 1995).
Generally, WPC manufactured for the U.S. market is composed of thermoplastics and wood flour, although proportioned amounts and additional fillers vary considerably between specific products (Clemons, 2002). The WPC product has approximately the same dimensions as, and is generally used interchangeably with, ACQ-treated lumber for decking surfaces.
Typically, WPC decking is installed over a framework of treated lumber, since WPC does not have the material properties needed for use as joists, posts, or ledgers.
Bowyer, Jim L., Rubin Shmulsky, and John G. Haygreen. Forest products and wood science: an introduction. No. Ed. 5. Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Bowyer, J., K. Fernholz, J. Howe, and S. Bratkovich. WOOD-PLASTIC COMPOSITE LUMBER VS. WOOD DECKING [PDF] Dovetail Partners Inc (2010): 3.
Excerpt: WPC products [Wood Plastic Composites], on the other hand, have many of the same limitations as wood in exterior uses, a reality that requires a dose of caution for anyone considering their use. Moreover, a robust life cycl assessment indicates that WPCs have substantially higher environmental impacts in comparison to a naturally durable wood product such as western red cedar.
While WPCs may be made completely, or nearly so, from recycled content, the overall environmental impact of WPC products is nonetheless large as compared to impacts linked to traditional solid-wood decking products.
Clemons, Craig M. "Woodfiber-plastic composites in the United States–History and current and future markets." In the Proceedings of the 3rd International Wood and Natural Fibre Composites Symposium; Kassel, Germany, pp. 1-7. 2000.
English, Brent. "Wood fiber-reinforced plastics in construction." Proceedings of Forest Product 7286 (1996): 79.
English, Brent W., and Robert H. Falk. "Factors that affect the application of wood fiber-plastic composites." Forest Product Society: Madison, WI (1995).
Fabian, Thomas Z. "Fire performance properties of solid wood and lignocellulose-plastic composite deck boards." Fire Technology 50, no. 1 (2014): 125-141
Falk, Robert H., Colin Felton, and Thomas Lundin. "Effects of weathering on color loss of natural fiber thermoplastic composites." In Proc. of the 3rd International Symp. on Natural Polymers and Composites, May, pp. 14-17. 2000.
Gardner, Douglas J., Cihat Tascioglu, Magnus EP Wålinder, B. Goodell, D. D. Nicholas, and T. P. Schultz. "Wood composite protection." In Current knowledge of wood deterioration mechanisms and its impact on biotechnology and wood preservation. Symposium at the 221st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, California, USA, 1-5 April 2001., pp. 399-419. American Chemical Society, 2003.
Green, David W., James W. Evans, and Bruce A. Craig. "Durability of structural lumber products at high temperatures. Part I. 66 C at 75% RH and 82 C at 30% RH." Wood and Fiber Science 35, no. 4 (2003): 499-523. Abstract
Background. The effect of temperature on properties can be separated into reversible and permanent effects. The National Design Specification (NDS) provides factors (Ct) for reducing properties for reversible effects but provides little guidance on permanent effects.
Objectives. The primary objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of prolonged heating (permanent effect) on the flexural properties of solid-sawn and composite lumber products exposed at 66°C and 75% relative humidity (RH) and at 82°C and 30% RH. A second objective is to determine how to estimate total effects.
Procedures. Solid-sawn lumber, laminated veneer lumber (LVL), and laminated strand lumber (LSL) were heated continuously for up to 6 years.
After each exposure period, the lumber was conditioned to room temperature at the specified RH and then tested on edge in third-point bending. Some lumber was also tested hot at 66°C after 48 h of exposure and after 3 years of exposure.
Results. After 3 years of continuous exposure at 66°C and 75% RH, solid-sawn Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF) and Douglas-fir retained about 72% of their original modulus of rupture (MOR) and southern pine about 47%. For the first 2 to 3 years of exposure, changes in MOR of LVL were similar to that of solid-sawn SPF and Douglas-fir. After almost 6 years of exposure, SPF retained about 67% MOR and LVL 26% to 49%.
The MOR of LSL was more sensitive to duration of exposure than was the MOR of either solid-sawn lumber or LVL, with a residual MOR of 47% after 28 months. After 21 months at 82°C and 30% RH, solid-sawn lumber retained 50% to 55% MOR, LVL 41%, and LSL 45%. For all products, modulus of elasticity was less sensitive to thermal degradation than was MOR.
Conclusions. The effect of temperature on MOR of solid-sawn lumber is independent of grade. Composite lumber is more sensitive than solid-sawn to change in strength due to thermal degradation. The difference in MOR between species and product types may be less at low humidity levels than at high.
The total effect of temperature on MOR can be estimated by adding the reversible plus the permanent effects. Available literature suggests that the wood used in attics of residential construction is not likely to experience significant accumulation of exposure at temperatures ≥66°C over the life of the structure.
Keywords Lumber, laminated veneer lumber, laminated strand lumber, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, long-term temperature exposure
Ibach, Rebecca E., Craig M. Clemons, and Nicole M. Stark. "Combined ultraviolet and water exposure as a preconditioning method in laboratory fungal durability testing." In Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Woodfiber-Plastic Composites, Forest Products Society, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 61-67. 2003.
Karimi, Ali Naghi, Mehdi Tajvidi, and Sara Pourabbasi. "Effect of compatibilizer on the natural durability of wood flour/high density polyethylene composites against rainbow fungus (Coriolus versicolor)." Polymer composites 28, no. 3 (2007): 273-277.
Kim, Jae-Woo, David P. Harper, and Adam M. Taylor. "Effect of wood species on water sorption and durability of wood-plastic composites." Wood and fiber science 40, no. 4 (2008): 519-531.
Kirkpatrick, J. W., and H. M. Barnes. "Biocide treatments for wood composites–A review." The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Doc. No. IRG/WP (2006): 06-40323.
Klyosov, Anatole A. Wood-plastic composites. John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Abstract: Wood plastic composites (WPCs) are being increasingly used as alternatives to wooden decks. In the present
study, it was verified the potential loss of stiffness of WPC deck boards as a result of moisture intake. It was
also assessed the importance of moisture intake in the fulfilment of serviceability limit states.
For these purposes,
three different types of commercial WPC decks were studied, with high (WPCH), medium (WPCM) and low
(WPCL) expected mechanical performance.
Different experimental designs were followed to simulate full expo-
sure to outdoor conditions and the effect of possible internal stress due to differential shrinkage and the swelling
behaviour of fibres and the matrix.
The results indicate a high loss of bending modulus of elasticity due to water
absorption (between 40 and 50%) and shrinkage/swelling movements (between 22 and 29%).
This level of stiffness loss has a direct impact on ensuring the compliance to the serviceability limit states.
A strong negative linear
relationship between water absorption and the loss of bending stiffness was established, which can be a helpful
tool to assist manufacturers in defining the application rules and ensuring the expected service life of their
Malvar, L. Javier, David E. Pendleton, and Robert Tichy. "Fire issues in engineered wood composites for naval waterfront facilities." SAMPE Journal 37, no. 4 (2001): 70-75.
Abstract As concern about resource conservation has grown, research efforts have increased to develop materials out of rapidly renewable constituents, to assess their life cycle environmental impacts, and to predict their service-life performance.
Assessing time-dependent material property deterioration, often a concern for polymers and their composites, is essential to evaluating the viability of novel materials to serve as lower environmental impact replacements for conventional materials.
However, research in methods to combine environmental impacts from production and material deterioration is limited. In this research, a durability-based service-life model was used to assess and incorporate composite deterioration into life cycle environmental impact analyses.
The inclusion of composite deterioration under differing temperature and moisture conditions in these analyses typically resulted in higher volumes of material needed to serve the desired function compared to volumes needed to satisfy initial design requirements, leading to a change in environmental impact.
While this concept falls in line with the classic definition of material efficiency, namely improving mass yield for materials, the results of the life cycle impact assessment showed with certain process modifications lower environmental impacts could be achieved even in cases where more material was being used. These findings indicate that design decisions must account for application-specific requirements and consider environmental impacts concurrently with material deterioration.
Morrell, Jeffrey J., Nicole M. Stark, David E. Pendleton, and Armando G. McDonald. "Durability of wood-plastic composites." In Tenth International Conference on Wood & Biofiber Plastic Composites and Cellulose Nanocomposites Symposium, Forest Products Society, Madison, Wisconsin, ISBN, pp. 978-1. 2010.
Pilarski, Jeanette M., and Laurent M. Matuana. "Durability of wood flour‐plastic composites exposed to accelerated freeze–thaw cycling. II. High density polyethylene matrix." Journal of applied polymer science 100, no. 1 (2006): 35-39.
Pilarski, Jeanette M., and Laurent M. Matuana. DURABILITY OF WOOD FLOUR‐PLASTIC COMPOSITES EXPOSED TO ACCELERATED FREEZE–THAW CYCLING. PART I. RIGID PVC MATRIX [PDF] Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology 11, no. 1 (2005): 1-8. Abstract: This study examined the effects of accelerated freeze–thaw actions on the durability of wood fiber-plastic composites. Rigid PVC formulations filled with various concentrations of wood flour (both pine and maple) were processed in a counterrotating twin-screw extruder and exposed to cyclic freeze–thaw actions according to ASTM Standard D6662.
Freeze–thaw cycling was also modified by omitting portions of the test (either the water or freezing) to verify whether or not moisture was the primary cause for property loss. The durability of exposed samples was assessed in terms of flexural properties, density, and dimensional stability.
Scanning electron micrographs of unexposed and freeze–thaw-exposed samples were taken to qualitatively evaluate the interfacial adhesion between the wood flour and PVC matrix. The experimental results indicated that the density was not affected by freeze–thaw cycling.
The dimensional stability was also relatively unaffected, although greater wood flour content exhibited greater dimensional change. The loss in stiffness of the composites was statistically significant after only two freeze–thaw cycles, regardless of both the wood species and content.
Conversely, the strength of the composites was not significantly affected by five freeze–thaw cycles at lower wood flour contents (50 and 75 phr). The deleterious effects of the freeze–thaw actions on the strength of the composites became apparent at higher wood flour content (100 phr) after only two freeze–thaw cycles for maple flour and five freeze–thaw cycles for pine flour.
he durability of both maple and pine composites was assessed by testing the flexural properties and density.
Mercury intrusion porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy were also used to evaluate the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and wood flour before and after exposure to accelerated freeze–thaw cycling. Freeze–thaw actions had no apparent effect on the density of the composites after exposure, regardless of the wood species.
The results of this study indicated that accelerated freeze–thaw cycling has a significant impact upon the durability of HDPE composites filled with 50% of either maple or pine wood flour.
Rangaraj, Sudarshan V., and Lloyd V. Smith. "Effects of moisture on the durability of a wood/thermoplastic composite." Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 13, no. 2 (2000): 140-161.
Schwarzkopf, Matthew John, and Michael David Burnard. "Wood-plastic composites—Performance and environmental impacts." Environmental impacts of traditional and innovative forest-based bioproducts (2016): 19-43.
Smith, W. Ramsay, and Qinglin Wu. "Durability improvement for structural wood composites through chemical treatments." For. Prod. J 55, no. 2 (2005): 8-17.
Stark, NM; Gardner, DJ 2008. Outdoor durability of wood-polymer composites. Wood-polymer composites. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing, Ltd.; Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2008. Woodhead Publishing in materials (2008). Stark, N. M., and D. J. Gardner. "Outdoor durability of wood-polymer composites." [PDF] retrieved 4/12/2014, original source:
Stark, Nicole M., and Laurent M. Matuana. "Coating WPCs using co-extrusion to improve durability." Proceedings of coating wood and wood composites: designing for durability, Seattle, WA, 23e25 July (2007).
Stark, Nicole M. "Effect of weathering cycle and manufacturing method on performance of wood flour and high‐density polyethylene composites." Journal of applied polymer science 100, no. 4 (2006): 3131-3140.
Stark, Nicole M., Laurent M. Matuana, and Craig M. Clemons. "Effect of processing method on surface and weathering characteristics of wood–flour/HDPE composites." Journal of applied polymer science 93, no. 3 (2004): 1021-1030.
Tascioglu, Cihat, Barry Goodell, and Roberto Lopez-Anido. "Bond durability characterization of preservative treated wood and E-glass/phenolic composite interfaces." Composites science and technology 63, no. 7 (2003): 979-991.
Tellnes, Lars GF, Gry Alfredsen, Per Otto Flæte, and Lone Ross Gobakken. "Effect of service life aspects on carbon footprint: a comparison of wood decking products." Holzforschung 74, no. 4 (2020): 426-433.
Webb, Craig, "What's In this Stuff? Composit and PVC Decking", Pro Sales Magazine, 6/10/2011, retrieved 8/10/14, original source:
Wolfe, Ronald W., and Agron Gjinolli. "Durability and strength of cement-bonded wood particle composites made from construction waste." Forest Products Journal 49 (1999): 24-31. Abstract: A pilot study was conducted to assess the potential for using southern pine particles
derived from construction waste to create a cement-wood composite suitable for exposed
structural applications. Panels fabricated from copper chromium arsenate (CCA)-treated
as well as untreated particles were cut into individual samples and tested for freeze-thaw
durability, strength, and toughness.
Results support the premise that these composites
can be designed to meet the requirements for highway sound barriers. The results also
show that these composites have energy-dissipating properties that could have special
applications in structures where impact and dynamic load are a design consideration.
Wolcott, Michael P. "Wood-plastic composites." Encyclopedia of materials: Science and technology (2001): 9759-9763.
Deck & Porch Industry Associations
American Wood Preservers Association (AWPI)
California Redwood Association
Deck Industry Association
Forest Stewardship Council
Information on certified tropical hardwoods
Rainforest Alliance, Smartwood Program
Information on certified tropical hardwoods
Southern Forest Products Association
Southern Pine Council
Western Wood Products Association
Western Wood Preservers Institute
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
[1] Steve Bliss's Building Advisor at helps homeowners & contractors plan & complete successful building & remodeling projects: buying land, site work, building design, cost estimating, materials & components, & project management through complete construction. Email: Steven Bliss served as editorial director and co-publisher of The Journal of Light Construction for 16 years and previously as building technology editor for Progressive Builder and Solar Age magazines. He worked in the building trades as a carpenter and design/build contractor for more than ten years and holds a masters degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Excerpts from his recent book, Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction, Wiley (November 18, 2005) ISBN-10: 0471648361, ISBN-13: 978-0471648369, appear throughout this website, with permission and courtesy of Wiley & Sons. Best Practices Guide is available from the publisher, J. Wiley & Sons, and also at
[2] Decks and Porches, the JLC Guide to, Best Practices for Outdoor Spaces, Steve Bliss (Editor), The Journal of Light Construction, Williston VT, 2010 ISBN 10: 1-928580-42-4, ISBN 13: 978-1-928580-42-3, available from
[4] Mark Morsching, Everflashing, Tel: 800-550-1667, Email: The Everflashing product comes in G-185 and Stainless Steel and is intended for use with treated lumber with copper in it. Everflashing produces a variety of specialty flashing products including flashings for use with decks at deck ledgers and deck perimeters.
[2] Manual for the Inspection of Residential Wood Decks and Balconies, by Cheryl Anderson, Frank Woeste (Forest Products Society), & Joseph Loferski, October 2003, ISBN-13: 978-1892529343,
[5] Claudia Hudson, Asheville NC, Tel: 828-252-0644
Email: . Ms. Hudson is an SEO copyrighter / content writer. She has provided background research and text for InspectApedia's articles on deck and porch construction methods & procedures. April 2013.
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Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.