FAQs about Indoor air handler or blower unit for A/C or heat pump or furnace systems:
Q&A on AHU or air handler unit / blower unit troubleshooting and repairs.
This article series explains how to inspect & repair the indoor components of air conditioners and heat pumps: the air conditioning system indoor air handler units, blower units, or AHU's, (also called fan coil units) including the air conditioner blower fan, the indoor cooling coil or "evaporator coil", air conditioning system filters, and the causes, cures, and prevention of air handler leaks that lead to rust, damage, and mold contamination in the air conditioning system.
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These questions & answers about the indoor air handler fan / blower unit were posted originally
at AIR HANDLER / BLOWER UNITS - home. Be sure to see the diagnostic and repair advice that begins there.
The FAQs on this page pertain to the blower fan found in the indoor air handler or "blower unit" used to provide forced cool or warm air conditioning and/or heating in buildings.
Is it possible for a mouse to get into the air handler and cause the fan motor to get off balance and stop working?
Ours started making a loud noise and our ac tech says a mouse must have got in it and caused the fan to get off balance which caused the problem. I find it hard to believe that could happen. On 2018-05-26 by Steve
by (mod) - Yes, off-balance fan cage damages fan bearings
Yes indeed, though it's a heck of a ride for the mouse.
Once the blower and air handler unit AHU have been cleaned and perhaps sanitized, I'd check the motor bearings. If the blower fan was off balance enough it could have damaged the bearings.
Blown fuses (3A) on the air handler control board? Carrier Model CD3BXA036000AAAA made in 1995 repeatedly blows the fuse on the control board. I replaced the thermostat, disconnected one of the wires to the blower motor, but still have the problem.
The Red LED light on the board begins to flash after the fuse has blown. Any suggestions would be appreciated, I have limited electrical knowledge, but I do have a voltage meter and can generally troubleshoot or component replace. Thanks (May 18, 2014) Gary Matthias
Blown fuses on a control board often take you to a faulty control or control board itself; check the obvious: loose or damaged wires; hard-starting motors, burnt relays, contacts.
on the air handler door safety switch , would like to know what volts is suppling the switch and where thanks. 1 Nov 2014 Anonymous
Reply: proper blower door safety switch voltage, installation, replacement, repair
Usually a furnace or air handler blower door safety switch carries 120 volts. The switch is connected in series between a relay in the air handler that operates the blower fan and a terminal on a control circuit board in the unit. The switch is not powered independently. It's power comes through the circuit board.
You'll be able to see this by following wires from the blower door safety switch back into the air handler.
WATCH OUT for dangerous shock hazards. Be sure all power to equipment is off before touching any switches, wiring, etc.
Replacement blower door switches are easily obtained for your air handler by brand and model via your local HVAC supplier, from the manufacturer, or often online. Some safety switches will work properly on several air handler brands and models.
I add that the blower door switch is an important safety feature that helps avoid chock or chopped-off fingers or worse. Be sure that your replacement switch is properly mounted so as to be reliably operated by the blower compartment door(s) - the switch opens- cuts off power - when the door is opened, and is depressed in to close and permit power to the blower when the door is properly closed.
Be sure that your replacement switch is properly mounted so as to be reliably operated by the blower compartment door(s) - the switch opens- cuts off power - when the door is opened, and is depressed in to close and permit power to the blower when the door is properly closed.
If a air handler is installed in the attic, should the unit be sealed so it doesn't suck in dust particles from attic insulation? Should an HVAC company inspect attic blown in insulation if the house was built before 1975? (Feb 20, 2015) Valerie said:
as long as there is adequate return air being taken from the occupied space of the home, the air handler ought not be pulling dust from the attic. Ask your HVAC techs to confirm that return air is adequate .
You can also inspect the air handler interior for presence of attic insulation dust.
But yes I'd use foil tape to seal any leaks.
Anonymous said:
Is it worth replacing the metering device coil of the air handler vs replacing
Replacing the air conditioner or heat pump refrigerant metering device usually means replacing a capillary tube or thermostatic expansion valve (TEV).
That's a discrete part that's reasonable to replace rather than replacing the whole system provided the rest of the system is in good condition.
So in sum, it depends on the equipment age and condition. What does your HVAC service tech say?
On 2017-07-01 by Kenneth Wood
Very great information thanks
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