Microphotography - how to focus the digital camera through the microscope:
How to obtain sharp, in-focus photographs through the microscope using a low-cost digital camera.
The purpose of this paper is to help microscopists photograph, store, and use digital microphotographs using modern digital cameras and transmitted-light microscopes.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Discussion focuses on selection of cameras adapt well to microscope eyepieces or trinocular heads, and on camera settings and procedures to obtain best quality photographs. We also discuss image resolution and size settings and make recommendations. Cameras used as examples in this paper include the Nikon Coolpix series 990, 995, and 4500.
[The photograph at page very top is one of our earliest attempts at photographing Aspergillus sp. using lacto phenol cotton blue stain. Even a beginner can obtain very good microphotographs with just a little care. The photograph shown here is of one of our stereoscopic microscopes in use for making digital photographs.
The techniques discussed in this paper work well with digital cameras and any type of microscope, low power stereo zoom to high power forensic polarized light microscopes.]
PAAA 2005 Symposium, University of Tulsa, Tulsa Oklahoma - June 2-5, 2005 - updated 11/19/2023, 02/23/2009, 2015/10/25
Note: the latest version of this document can be found at InspectAPedia.com/Microscopy/Digital_Photography_by_Microscope.php
last update 20 August 2007 © Daniel Friedman All Rights Reserved
Hold the camera dead still against the eyepiece while shooting; the rim of the camera lens should press against your eyepiece sides, so you're not scratching anyone's lens. Or use a standard lens mount that replaces the eyepiece, or use a microscope with a trinocular head and mount your camera there.
Focus your microscope on your slide for best image Try shooting first through the eyepiece that has a reticule or other scale - you'll see the camera sometimes focuses on the scale rather than the image but at times, if the particle is close to the scale in depth this gives sharp results;
Try now shooting the same image through the other eyepiece - one with no scale mounted in it - forces camera to focus on the particle - which we put in the center of the field. Also we set this eyepiece on our microscope to "0" image adjustment since we think the camera would not prefer to have to focus through the correction we otherwise set for our own eye.
Test Images for evaluating image resolution:
you may already have images on file suitable for this purpose. we use slides of diatoms or radiolarians - particles which have very fine detail and sharp edges. One can also purchase slides specially prepared for this purpose (but they are expensive.) we tried using our stage micrometer but other images have finer detail.
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