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Vermiculite insulation in this attic ceiling may contain asbestos fibers. Asbestos in Vermiculite Building Insulation

Vermiculite identification, hazards, mangement, testing

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Vermiculite identification photos, hazards, history, advice: what is vermiculite insulation, how is it identified, & what should be done about potential vermiculite-asbestos hazards ascribed to Zonolite ZAI attic insulation?

This article series explains how to recognize vermiculite building insulation that may contain asbestos fibers.

We provide photographs and descriptive text of asbestos insulation and other asbestos-containing products to permit identification of definite, probable, or possible asbestos materials in buildings.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Vermiculite Building Insulation: properties, uses, asbestos content

Vermiculite Insulation particles (C) Daniel Friedman

This article permits visual identification of vermiculite insulation; we include our own as well as US EPA photographs of various forms of vermiculite insulation to assist in recognizing vermiculite in buildings.

We describe the history of vermiculite insulation, the asbestos hazard that may be present depending on which vermiculite insulation product is present, and how asbestos is identified in vermiculite insulation.

We give the history of the Libby vermiculite mine, its purchase by WR Grace Corporation, the asbestos-related bankruptcy filing, asbestos abatement cost claims & filings & the current ZAI settlement trust that may assist building tenants or owners with vermiculite removal costs.

We also list other, including current producers of vermiculite insulation.

This document assists building buyers, owners or inspectors who need to identify asbestos materials (or probable-asbestos) in buildings by simple visual inspection.

Watch out: vermiculite from some sources contains asbestos and can be an asbestos dust hazard in buildings. Details about the asbestos content in some vermiculite insulation products is found in this article.

Article Contents

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What is vermiculite insulation & where is it used?

Vermiculite insulation still in the original bag in this attic ceiling may contain asbestos fibers.Vermiculite is a mineral (hydrated laminar magnesium-aluminum-iron silicates or hydrated phlogopite or biotite mica) from the phyllosilicate group. Vermiculite looks somewhat like mica in that it includes shiny flat plates of material that can be separated.

Vermiculite has a wide range of uses in industry, construction, packaging, insulation, packaging, even animal feed.

Building owners of older structures that had little or no attic insulation are most-often familiar with vermiculite that was poured into attic floors as a loose-fill insulating product.

In some buildings vermiculite may also have been blown into previously-uninsulated wall cavities.

See VERMICULITE LOOSE FILL Attic Insulation May Go Unrecognized as a Potential Hazard

In addition to its use as an insulation product and in construction as a masonry fill, a cavity fill, & in concrete blocks, vermiculite is added to soils in horticultural applications and to cement to make a lightweight concrete swimming pool base.

In contemporary building construction (2016) vermiculite is used in lightweight concrete and it has been widely used in spray-applied fireproofing. Spray-on fireproofing takes advantage of the light-weight and fireproof properties of vermiculite.

Older spray fireproofing that also used vermiculite may have employed Libby Amphibole Asbestos (LAA) from the Libby Montana mine: a vermiculite source that contained asbestos in several forms that we list later in this article.

After 1991 spray-applied fireproofing that uses vermiculite would not be expected to use Libby-Montana vermiculite, so it would not be expected to be contaminated with asbestos. Pure vermiculite would not contain asbestos.

Vermiculite is also used in special applications such as industrial filters [17], in ceramics (ground & exfoliated, bonded with calcium silicate to form an unfired insulating layer), as a heat resistant component in brake linings (Yun 2010) and even as a treatment for oil-contaminated waters (Mysore 2005) and as a dessicant (>Spitze 1942).

And as we illustrate below, vermiculite insulation can show up as an insulating layer in many products such as a ceiling light fixture.

Details about the properties of vermiculite are


Also see ASBESTOS STYROFOAM PANELS where we discuss WR Grace / Zonolite Styrofoam panels that were sometimes combined with asbestos materials.

Vermiculite Loose Fill Attic Insulation - a Potential Hazard

Vermiculite found on closet floor - now look up (C) David Grudzinski

These photographs by David Grudinski illustrate a potential asbestos hazard that merits further investigation.

Vermiculite found on closet floor - now look up (C) David Grudzinski

Loose-fill vermiculite from the attic of this home was found falling through a ceiling opening into the occupied space below.

A cursory inspection of the attic showed fiberglass insulation in the attic floor. The vermiculite was below the fiberglass.

Attic loose fill vermiculite found under fiberglass: test for possible asbestos contamination (C) David Grudzinski

We cannot assert that this is an asbestos hazard but it might be. Common-sense advice would include:

Home inspector David Grudzinski provided more vermiculite insulation photographs now found

at VERMICULITE LOOSE FILL Attic Insulation May Go Unrecognized as a Potential Hazard

Vermiculite insulation: falling into home from loose beaverboard / fiberboard ceilings

Hazards from falling loose-fill vermiculite insulation (C) David Grudzinski

These photos illustrate another home in Rhode Island with Vermiculite. A 1952 Colonial in North Smithfield RI. I tend to find Vermiculite in older homes of the older less developed towns on the outskirts of the state. In this case, Vermiculite was filled in the rafter bays after "Beaver board" was nailed to the underside of the rafters.

Hazards from falling loose-fill vermiculite insulation (C) David Grudzinski

In this home, the homeowner was unaware, and the realtors had no knowledge of the issue.

Recent renovations to the home have caused the Vermiculite to be disturbed and the product is spilling out of the home. The bath fan is adding further potential contamination by blowing the product around in the attic.

I took the time to explain the concerns to the buyer and shared the information about the Zonolite Trust which offers grants for mitigation.

Watch out: As many are unaware, testing for Asbestos under PLM has proven unreliable with Vermiculite. The fibers are too random among the mass of vermiculite in the homes.

Hazards from falling loose-fill vermiculite insulation (C) David Grudzinski

The Zonolite Trust has been testing for Barium as a marker to confirm the product in fact was mined at the Grace mine in LIbbey . - David Grudzinski, cited above.

Which Vermiculite Insulation Products Contain Asbestos? Does All Vermiculite Contain Asbestos?

Vermiculite insulation photograph for identification (C) Daniel Friedman

Vermiculite building insulation might contain asbestos

Our vermiculite insulation photo (left) from the attic of a home in New York state, shows how you might spot the presence of vermiculite insulation even when most of the attic floor has been covered-over. You'll also notice that while most of the vermiculite insulation particles in this photograph are silver-tan or silver gray, some dark fragments are also present, as well as incidental debris.

Does All Vermiculite Contain Asbestos


Libby Amphibole Asbestos mined at the Libby Montana site until 1990 was formed in the Triassic period (225 million years ago) and contained tremolite asbestos as well as other forms of asbestos including winchite and richerite, two forms of fibrous amphiboles.


Most of the vermiculite in the currently operating vermiculite mines (listed below) was formed 1.5 to 3 billion years ago in the pre-Cambrian and Archaen periods.

See this VERMICULITE MSDS from Schundler[17]

How is Asbestos Identified in Vermiculite Products?

Fibrous tremolite -Walter McCrone McCrone Research

While an expert lab test using polarized light microscopy may be needed to identify the specific type of asbestos fiber, or to identify the presence of asbestos in air or dust samples, many asbestos-containing building products not only are obvious and easy to recognize, but since there were not other look-alike products that were not asbestos, a visual identification of this material can be virtually a certainty in many cases.

Also see ASBESTOS DUCTS, HVAC a field identification guide to visual detection of asbestos in and on heating and cooling system ducts and flue vents.

Also see Micro-Photographs of Dust from the World Trade Center collapse following the 9/11/01 attack. Links to U.S. government and other authoritative research and advice are included.

Non-fibrous tremolite - Walter McCrone McCrone Rersearch

Walter C. McCrone, at McCrone Research Institute published detailed procedures for identifying asbestos by microscopic examination, and identifying which type of asbestos is in a material.

His text and microscopy courses taught at McCrone Research and subsequently at McCrone Institute provided methods for identifying fibrous and non-fibrous asbestos in a wide range of materials.[12]

Dr. McCrone's photograph of fibrous tremolite asbestos is illustrated at above left. Like many minerals and some other particles, asbestos, including tremolite asbestos, can occur in both fibrous (above left) and non-fibrous (below left) forms.

Current Vermiculite Mines & Companies Providing Vermiculite Insulation

Chinese vermiculite from the Leijie Trade Co., Ltd.

Above: Chinese vermiculite from Leijie Trading Co.

Vermiculite mining operations are found world-wide but the largest currently operating vermiculite mining operations continue in

Some Current Producers and/or Vendors of Vermiculite Products

Contemporary Uses of Vermiculite Insulation

Research on Asbestos in Vermiculite & Vermiculite Insulation Asbestos Management

Plastic bag used to package Zonolite Vermiculite insulation - (C) MoraisShown here: a plastic bag used to package Zonolite Attic Insulatin - Vermiculite insulation that is treated as presumed to contain asbestos; photo courtesy of InspectApedia reader Candace Morais (2023/12/27) and posted originally


Contributor & Technical Review

Identify Vermiculite Insulation - Photographs, Description, Properties

Vermiculite insulation small particles (C) Daniel FriedmanThis topic has moved


Watch out: while it is certainly possible to identify a material as vermiculite or vermiculite insulation by examining it with the naked eye or by examining photographs such as those on this page, one cannot determine whether or not vermiculite contains asbestos simply by looking at it with the naked eye nor by comparing photographs of the insulating material.

To absolutely identify asbestos content in vermiculite microscopic examination using polarized light (PLM) is necessary.

See ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST if you need to have an insulation sample tested for asbestos.

Vermiculite Insulation Identification Photographs


Watch out: vermiculite insulation was not only poured into attic floors but also into building wall cavities during insulation retrofit projects.

Particularly in older balloon-framed buildings, vermiculite could be poured from the attic right into wall cavities extending all the way to the building foundation top. Vermiculite was also often poured into hollow-core concrete block walls.

Munn & Steele Vermiculite Insulation, Siscoe Vermiculite Mines, & Mica-Fill Vermiculite Insulating Products

Moved to MUNN & STEELE VERMICULITE, MICA-FIL, Siscoe Vermiculite Mine

Unidentified Vermiculite Insulation Photographs


Vermiculite Insulation Identification Images from the US EPA & Other Sources


Hazards from Incidental Exposure to Vermiculite

This topic is now


Vermiculite & Vermiculite Mining & Uses

Uses of vermiculite were explored as early as 1824 by Webb, appearing the very next year in Robinson's catalog of American minerals. (Robinson 1825).

Please see details about the history of vermiculite


Properties of Vermiculite Insluation

Moved to a new article at VERMICULITE PROPERTIES

What to Do About Vermiculite Building Insulation

This topic has been moved.


The best way to minimize your risk of amphibole asbestos exposure is to avoid disturbing vermiculite-based insulation in any way. If vermiculite-based insulation is contained and not exposed to the home or interior environment, it poses very little risk.

Zonolite Brand Vermiculite Insulation, ZAI (Zonolite Attic Insulation) Dust & Tremolite Asbestos Hazards

This discussion has moved to


Watch out: Depending on the mine from which this mineral-based insulation was obtained, vermiculite insulation may contain asbestos fibers (including tremolite asbestos) and could present a hazard in buildings, especially if disturbed during renovations.

As we discuss at our notes on other loose-fill insulations such as mineral wool or cellulose, any building insulated with loose-fill or spray-in insulation may benefit from the ability of these loose materials to fill gaps and openings more uniformly than might be found if sloppy workers are careless about installing insulating batts.





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