POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about the parameters included in a standard VA or FHA water test designed to include checking for pesticide contamination.
This article explains the general classes of water contaminants covered in a Standard VA FHA, Pesticides drinking water test.
This article series describes the types of water testing available, outlines common water test fees,
describes the details of what parameters are included in various water test options, and gives
advice to assist you in deciding what tests to order.
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Standard VA FHA- water test parameters - how to check for pesticide contaminants in drinking water
This article lists a set of standard water test parameters for property buyers or owners who want to be more thorough than performing only a simple "coliform" or "bacteria" test (all that most banks require) but who do not have reason to test for more specific water contaminants.
One might take this approach after obtaining
knowledge of property history, site inspection, conversation with neighbors, or check with a local health department.
The parameters selected in this test group will meet all VA (Veterans Administration) or FHA (Federal Housing Administration)
requirements for water potability. Be sure to review actual parameters with your home inspector or laboratory: parameters and costs vary.
The parameters selected in this standard water test group will meet all VA (Veterans Administration) or FHA (Federal Housing Administration)
requirements for water potability.
Be sure to review actual parameters with your home inspector or laboratory:
parameters and costs vary.
WATER TESTING ADVICE for home buyers
and building owners: water contaminants, water test procedures, well shock procedures, preventing drinking water
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
[1] Drinking Water from Household Wells - PDF, U.S. EPA, Original source last retrieved 2/13/2013, original source:
WATER PUMP REPAIR GUIDE an specific case offers an example of diagnosis of loss of water pressure, loss of water, and analyzes the actual repair cost
Endocrine Disruptor Exchange, Dr. theo Colborn (also see Our Stolen Future). From that website: The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, Inc. is the only organization that focuses primarily on the human health and environmental problems caused by low-dose and/or ambient exposure to chemicals that interfere with development and function, called endocrine disruptors. ... TEDX's work focuses on the endocrine system, which is the exquisitely balanced system of glands and hormones that regulates such vital functions as body growth, response to stress, sexual development and behavior, production and utilization of insulin, rate of metabolism, intelligence and behavior. Hormones are chemicals such as insulin, thyroxin, estrogen, and testosterone that interact with specific target cells. The interactions occur through a number of mechanisms, the easiest of which to conceptualize is through a lock and key arrangement.
Giardia exposure limits for drinking water: see is the current regulatory exposure limit (your minimum target for
Health Effects of Chemical Contaminants in Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency,
Hydrogen peroxide: Wikipedia on history of use of hydrogen peroxide: Information on Hydrogen peroxide as a sterilant is in Wikipedia at HO2 has been
used for a long time, including by vaporization for sterilizing freeze dryers.
Hydrogen Peroxide warning: US FDA Warning about drinking hydrogen peroxide: This article cites a 2003 entry in Journal
of Food and Science on using Hy.Perox to sterilize vegetables, referring to E.coli - NOT to Giardia.
Iodine: "Do Iodine Water Purification Tablets Provide an Effective Barrier against Cryptosporidium parvum?", Starke, Jeffrey A., Bowman, Dwight D., Labare, Michael, Fogarty, Elizabeth A., and others, Military Medicine, 25 October 2001 [possibly a later version of this article appeared in 2005 -DF] medicine/milmed.htm
Ohio State University article on the concentration of chlorine necessary to act as an effective disinfectant, and the effects of the water's pH and temperature: See for details.
US EPA: list of drinking water contaminants: see
UV light: This patent application for UV light sterilization Lists good references on water
purification for Giardia et als
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Crystal Clear Supply provides portable ceramic water filter purifiers and portable reverse osmosis water treatment equipment - see
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Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
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