This page provides questions and answers discussing fiberglass or other fiber concerns with some readers who suffer serious physical and possibly mental distress from Morgellons Syndrome.
This article series describes Morgellon's Syndrome, a collection of complaints that people believe are traced to unidentified fibers or "bugs" on or in skin, secretions, and their environment.
We include descriptions of the complaints, case histories, and references to additional details about the different types of particles commonly found in the indoor environment.
Our page top photograph shows a lab photo of ordinary human skin cells, along with some animal dander, fabric fibers stained with acid fuchsin.
There are no unusual fibers, bugs, nor other anomalies in this example.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Our photo of an acute skin rash (left) provided by a client was diagnosed as contact dermatitis, not Morgellon's Syndrome.
These questions and answers about Morgellons Syndrome and skin irritations were posted originally
at MORGELLONS SYNDROME - be sure to review the authoritative research and findings given there.
Watch out: these questions and answers make clear that many people suffer from un-diagnosed or un-resolved skin related irritations that might be ascribed as "Morgellons".
The suffering is genuine, but five decades of experience with this issue also have taught us to emphasize that sufferers should first be guided by their personal physician who may, if she considers it useful, refer the patient on to a specialist in skin ailments, dermatology, environmental related illness, or other specialists.
There is no scholarly or authoritative research that would agree that fiberglass or similar fibres emerge through the skin from inside the human body.
What if you have what appears to be fiberglass in your skin, but no one else in your home has it?
What if you have what appears to be fiberglass in your skin, but no one else in your home has it?
I also have these black, what appears to be little wood pieces that get in my skin, that I believe are another form of fiberglass, and my doctor thinks I’m delusional and a dermatologist I saw thinks I have a sleeping disorder.
What do I do then?? My email is: On 2018-04-12 by Teresa Isle -
Reply by (mod) - Advice for addressing irritating particles on the skin
I have sympathy for you and everyone who has commented in this article series and who describe all sorts of suffering often focusing on skin irritations and related anxiety or sleep disorders.
Concerning the differences you report between what's on or "in" your skin (it's not really "in" the skin) and what's reported by others in your home I have the following OPINON:
Because the moistdure and other surface properties of skin vary among individuals, it would be no surprise if the skin of some people in an environment pick up more dust particles from that environment than do others.
And it is also reasonable to infer that environmental dust can include skin irritants.
It is also understandable that both discomfort and anxiety about skin irritations might contribute to sleep disorders.
However it would be quite odd for you to be the only person in your environment who has any occurrence whatsovever of the particles that you believe are on your skin.
You could easily confirm by physical test samples and lab analysis what is or is not on your skin.
Watch out: however that you don't draw false conclusions.
Having examined thousands of buildings and a still-greater number of environmental samples in our laboratory I assure you that normal household dust is dominated by fibres and skin cells. Most of those fibers are normal fabric fibers such as cotton and linen shed by fabrics in the environment such as carpeting or curtains or bedding or clothing.
I will always fine some fiberglass in indoor dust as well.
Only if I found unusual levels of fiberglass in indoor dust would I consider it appropriate to look further for that particle source.
At the end of the day you should
1. Find doctors whom you trust
2. Listen to your doctors and take their advice.
What if it is not coming from your skin ? I did a "UV" light test and found odd fibers.
I hope this does not [annoy you] but what if it is not coming from your skin ?
I got a UV flashlight and looked a the fibers they are like no others seen in house dust. They fluoresce under UV that means they are likely petroleum based synthetic and more flexible.
They have smartdust and this might be a form of smartfiber and you are a TI and the stalkers dusted your house with smartdust/fiber and you are allergic. 95% of the locks in America can be opened with a bump key.
Check and replace if necessary. Hepa vacuum clean inspect with UV oh check your car with UV, after replacing my locks they attacked my car. On 2018-01-28 by Jon -
Reply by (mod) - many materials will flouresce under "black light"
Thank you for the interesting remark Jon, but I don't think you're quite correct. The range of materials that will fluoresce under UV light is significant.
You should take your concerns first to your doctor
I not only have these fibers all over my house but also in my clothes! I know where they are by the sounds they make! Advice?
I not only have these fibers all over my house but also in my clothes! I know where they are by the sounds they make! I have exception all hearing,but when I hear the sound( say coming from a bunch of things I got out of my closet) I take my tape ,see these black dots,thread looking things and other things, put the tape over them and look at them with a microscope!
Or I hear them in my chair! Or wherever! I could hear them,like a snap or click sound! It is quite terrifying when its coming from different places at the same time!
I know this does sound delusional, but its true and I pray to God it isn't! I also don't know what good it is to put clothes in plastic bags! They get right through,I find!
What is really strange,since this started,I have weird things going on which I can't explain! Its like something I can't see -- I really find it hard to explain but these oily looking blobs appear on my counters,floors,sinks!
That is really terrifying! They just appear,2-3 times a day! I don't know if it has anything to do with the other or not. But what in heavens name could that be?
And why? It only happens when I'm alone. I and my daughter,want me out of here! I'm just afraid I'll take this morgellons with me! I don't know what to do! Any advice? On 2017-10-13 by Betty Latke
Reply by (mod) - fibers from the environment don't make noise - it is entirely normal for there to be fabric fibers on the skin and in the air and dust in your home.
Betty, what you describe is not at all likely to be a problem from fibers in the environment. They're not audible.
You are probably hearing something else, perhaps static electricity if you're in a dry environment.
Be reassured: it is entirely normal for there to be fabric fibers on the skin and in the air and dust in your home.
Fibres are shed by carpets, curtains, bedding, clothing, and a host of other fabric materials. They are one of the domiant particles in normal indoor house dust and are not generally a problem for most people.
However some fabrics such as wool can be irritating to some people, particlarly those with specific wool-allergies.
And other particles that might be in house dust such as abnormally high levels of dust mite fragments and fecals, roach or other insect fecals or particles, mold spores, etc. can be an environmental concern.
Be sure you consult your doctor about your concerns.
On 2017-11-17 1 by jason - The noise comes from my recliner if i rest my ear to it.
@Betty Latke,
I experience same thing. The noise comes from my recliner if i rest my ear to it.Funny you brought thst up. Fibers are in my clothes and airborne in my apartment
Is fiberglass "magnetic" or does static electricity draw it to your skin?
is this thing magnectic does this draw more dust and fibres towards you when your out and about or if you are around anything that is electrical? On 2017-08-05 by Anonymous -
Reply by (mod) - is there something "magnetic" that draws fibers to you around electricity
Static electricity, which is quite normal indoors, especially in dry weather, can indeed move dust particles and might cause them to adhere to some surfaces.
Static electricity in textiles is not completely understood but enough is known to explain a consistent working theory (Ballou 1954).
An electrical charge results from pressure or rubbing contact of the textile against other surfaces followed by a separation of the textile from the surface.
Atmospheric conditions such as humidity and possibly temperature then determine whether a "spark" of discharging electricity occurs between the fabric and the surface as they separate.
Static electricity is also used in electrostatic air cleaners and other devices to remove dust from the environment.
Doesn't trust her doctor - How many people would believe you if you told them that 3 headed animals exist and that you have seen them?
Your physician is the last place you want to go.... You go seeking help and they ask you if you want Xanax. What??? They tell you that you seem anxious. Hell yes you are anxious, and its not because you have or ever had anxiety. It is because you are experiencing something that makes you look and sound insane.
After years of suffering you become exhausted from continuously fighting for your sanity. This is real!! I have no Idea what it is or where it comes from all I know is that it is crippling not only physically but emotionally and psychologically. For me I was healthy, happy, and very active with no medical problems at all. One day my shoulder began to hurt I thought I tore my rotator cuff. MRI was normal after a year of pain it went away only to show up in my elbow all. Ortho said I had tennis elbow. One year later the pain was gone in the right elbow but now was in the left elbow. shortly after that it was both hands.
Incredible pain, swelling, vascular issues, cyanotic finger nails. Told I had Raynaud's along with impingement of ulnar nerve in bilateral elbows and carp tunnel. Surgery was advised. A few days prior to surgery I woke up with knee pain, ankle pain and swollen blue feet. Hummmm let me guess, Tarsal Tunnel Too? needless to say I cancelled the surgery. 3 months later I could barely get out of bed. Rheumatologist tested for everything. All blood tests normal, all x rays normal. So I am now labeled Crazy, attention seeking, Drug seeker, psychosomatic, stressed out..... and more.... No help for me
. I had the luxury of lying in bed crying in pain for months. No use in going to MD or hospital for help because the symptoms were so scattered and changing constantly it does appear I am not in my right mind. I hear myself speaking, I am aware it sounds crazy. Welcome to the Twilight zone. Next my memory began to fade. I would get lost while driving, could not figure out simple math equations, or recall words. I had to drop out of NP school because I could not focus or remember things.
My life was destroyed. I lost everything I had worked my entire life for not only materialistic things but friends and family. No one wants to hear it anymore. I realized if I wanted to survive I had to do it on my own so I changed my diet, became vegetarian, no more processed food and no GMO's. The pain began to fade slowly. I began detox herbs and para cleansing and I was able to function with tolerable pain. I was able to work again and tried to rebuild what I had lost. But now the Skin!!! WTF???? I was doing great and woke one morning with what I thought were hives itching like crazy all over my body. Everywhere. That lasted for 2 days.
Then the lesions showed up that was over a year ago and are still here. As of today it has reached my scalp and face. My hair is falling out and my eyebrows are gone. I look like a cancer patient. I find black specks all over my house.
After I take a bath the tub is full of back speck and hair like fibers that are baby fine. White crystal or acrylic hair all over my forehead. I took pictures and kept some of the things that came out of my skin because they were so strange I wanted to get an opinion on them. I wanted someone else to see it Proff that I am not nuts.
That seems to backfire on people with this issue. I came to find out that doing something that made perfect sense to me, was called "match boxing" and that is a sign of being delusional. Hummm!!! If you found a fossil or a fish or animal with 3 heads would you take it and have it examined?? or would you leave it and say " that's nothing to be concerned about" ?.
How many people would believe you if you told them that 3 headed animals exist and that you have seen them?
Not many, but if you had proof and could show them they may take you seriously or at least take a look at what you are saying. Sounds logical to me! Its a shame when people save a sample or take it to a physician it is frowned upon and considered illogical. I am so disgusted with the healthcare system and the so called medical profession at this point. I seriously do not believe that millions of people all over the world share the same delusion. This deserves some attention and serious research. I consider this a serious crime against humanity.
Millions of people made to suffer in silence, alone and in pain left with only their imagination and web MD to figure out what is eating them alive. Shame on our Government!!!! Shame on the CDC!!!!! Shame on the physicians, hospitals, and the FDA!!!!!!
Shame on the Nay Sayers for increasing or suffering x1000 and causing millions to become withdrawn and suicidal.... Shame on you all.... I sincerely hope this never happens to you. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. We live in a nightmare every day and there is no end in sight.
I guess my take home message to all of those who think this is not real is just because you can't see it doesn't mean it is not there. We can't see gravity, but it is there.... Good things come from knowledge, Evil things comes from ignorance.
Love and Peace to all other suffers you are not alone.. On 2017-07-16 by Mary -
Reply by Moderator - find a doctor you trust, taker her advicve
Mary, if you don't trust your doctor, ask for a referral or find a doctor you trust.
On 2017-07-30 by Lorraine - got help from a tropical disease specialist
I went to a tropical diseas specialist and was prscribed worked..finally...a cure.
On 2017-08-13 by Deeebeee
A cure? Abilify? All the Dr said by giving you Abilify is that it is all in your head! Abilify treats schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and such.On 2017-10-08 by Hope this helps
I have experienced similar symptoms , don't feel hopeless things get better not completely but there are things you can do to help with this ,I have personally found a lot of comfort in rubbing alcohol . I got a spray bottle and started spraying my house , my body , my car and and I showered my self with it
I put it in my hair put a plastic bag on my head let it sit for a while and it has gotten a little bit better but not completely if you continue doing this with the alcohol it will be manageable but I feel your pain there is nobody you can turn to everyone will think you are crazy but I know it is really hard just try to stay positive it will get better you need to clean and everything with alcohol then vaccine your carpets .
It also imbedded its self in your clothes but try not to wear things that you used to wear when it was really bad and then eventually try to start throwing things out little by little and it will work slowly I am still fighting it it is terrible but it will help .
Reply by (mod) - desperate moves like plastic bags on the hair are not recommended
Watch out: Some "home remedies" can be dangerous, even fatal.
Hope and other readers: do not fail to consult your doctor for advice.
Watch out: NEVER put a plastic bag over your head - you can die from suffocation.
Micky Malloy <>
to editor
Please help me.
Been suffering for a very long long time.
Do you know anywhere I can contact ? Because I was placed and subjected to a very harmful OSB BOARDS when I bought a home the HOA accused me of being in VIOLATIONS, not disclosed to me I placed all funds as my down payment on the home so I didn't want to be heavily fined by the HOA. I find out later the DENIED SELLERS a PERMIT to have built a extra bedroom halfway wrong. SELLERS ABANDONED HOME. I tried to do myself what HOA EXPECTED me and threatened me to finish and fix.
Unknowingly I had been getting extremely close to, and hammering next to, and painting it. OLD WEATHERED OSB BOARDS that pierced fine asbestos fibers and splinters everywhere in my flesh.
It's been over 3 years and it's still pouring and popping out of my skin including my entire FACE.
Pleading for anyone to help me.
All the DOCTORS at the ER HOSPITAL thinks I'm seeing things, and won't believe a word I say nor help me at all after 12 different visits the 1st by ambulance.
And have hired 3 ATTORNEYS who took my money and did nothing.
As the REALTOR my first point of contact and SELLERS, the HOA and HOA MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND the City's residential building codes and PERMIT approval office who also DENIED SELLERS PERMIT to have built. NEVER was CURED before my occupancy sat for almost a year and never corrected. As they all walk away UNSCATHED WITHOUT A a scratch and charged me for fees I'd paid NONE of them get hurt nor consider what they'd done.
I am a woman, who is not married, single, I have no children, and my family has passed away. I have no one to consult with nor anyone I can trust to be honest with me.
I desperately seek help.
AFTER reading on your website on OSB and how STRANDS are made as coarse as possible, placing strongest thicker in core middle part of each BOARD when made and then using their finer THINEST some as paper rag and ASBESTOS along with toxic CHEMICALLY BASED treated and sprayed with PESTICIDES POISENS. Making this a CARCINOGEN of an abundance of deeply injected strings STRANDS of this OSB into my entire body, every part has SCARS including my entire FACE.
AFTER reading on this website it clearly says since WOOD is a cellular product used, and then says it is reproductive.
I am so scared for my life as these wounds wont quit appearing and popping out extremely painful hard some light and some dark chunks of debris out of my skin.
Every time I feel or believe I've overcome this ongoing catastrophic serious problem, it reappears. NOT even any of the DOCTORS antibiotics help. Only until I'm off it this rash comes back.
I have had to nurse myself, spent thousands of dollars on hygiene Neosporin, topical, withdrawing selves to bring up and out foreign objects in my skin.
The best thing so far is HEMP OIL and Cocoa nut SHEA BUTTER products. But it keeps appearing elsewhere on unexpected places from and on my entire body's skin. INCLUDING my FACE, breasts, nipples, BELLY, legs, arms, wrists, hands, fingers, KNUCKLES, elbows, back, shoulders, neck, butt, ANKLES, tops of my feet, and all has left me with bodily SCARS.
I am so scared and have no one to talk to, no one who will listen, no one can nor will understand me. BEEN suffering and severe pain not to mention DEFAMATION deformation, too long and have neglected my own selves personal health, my 2 dogs, an have been displaced from a home.
AFTER many injuries I went to city building permits office paid to get copies on SELLERS history, says on letterhead the HOA and the City DENIED SELLERS PERMIT and said the area can JEAPORDIZE anyone who may get near the areas of, giving SELLERS 6 MONTHS to cure.
But no one did their fiduciary duty, jobs TITLE only hid from me what they all knew they were placing me in harms way. I have had to spend countless time, day and nights, every waking moment of mine, trying to help myself from what I was intentionally placed in danger of.
NO ONE can ever nor will imagine what I've been going through, tweezing, pushing, working on my skin and entire body to help and heal myself. I did nothing to deserve this.
I had even exclaimed to the real estate agent during my tours that how extremely ALLERGIC type and kind of person I was and am. I told her there better not be anything I can be ALLERGIC to in or around the home. Knowing at that time why I made such an abrupt statement to her, and I do have PROFESSIONAL WITNESSES to back my every word.
In addition to not realizing at the time when I closed on the home that the real estate agent did not show me, nor disclose to me, nor had me sign anything or document awareness of possible lead paint, or ASBESTOS or
FORMALDEHYDE existing in or outside of the home in any way.
I'm shocked to smithereens that they all knowingly, intentionally, not disclosed to me, AIDED AND ABETTED SELLERS, not placing any LEIN on the sellers home, the people who created the dangerous DEFECTIVE homes house before any new occupant.
Which is a required by FEDERALLY GOVERNED HOA BYLAWS and CC&R'S OR COVENANTS which NONE of was provided to me prior, during nor after the sell of that house to me. BYLAWS require HOMEOWNERS who ever created the DEFECTS, or problem, are who are to be responsible for the entire finalized certified approval of for any remodeling, construction of, building of, and any removal of left over toxic materials left on the property. After my 1st catastrophic injury, which was a DELAYED RESPONSE REACTION SKIN DERMATITIS, I find truth out of hidden from me purposely.
The LAWS REQUIRED the HOA to have used their own INSURANCE as a LIABLE COMPANY and their own FCS MANGEMENTS INSURANCE to have hired out their own licensed contractor to legally go inside the home of whatever it may be that they know of, that the entire 7 HOA BOARD COMMITTEE MEMBERS had knowledge of, to use their liability insurance companies funds or their own set aside HOA emergency funds, BYLAWS say they can go on that property to have it fixed and for the community, the aesthetics, safety, health, and welfare to keep up maintenance on to later add those costs onto the sellers home, by placing a LEIN on the home of who ever created the DEFECTS. BEFORE OCCUPANCY! AND this is what the first paragraph reads on the
As my belief is, what I know are the reasons why an HOA was ever created for from the beginning.
NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW exactly what I've been going through.
I WAS so sick from exposure to that home I HAD to sell and move away. Then that real estate agent embezzled more than half of my equity, leaving me HOMELESS, and still displaced from my home.
Something NO ONE should ever have to be subject to the first week after purchase of a I thought retirement home.
5 DAYS AFTER CLOSING the HOA began TAPING DEMAND and threat letters onto my front door without leaving any ones contact name to get a hold of, and when I did finally reach an HOA person they claimed they did not know any thing about what I was saying, nor did they know about any of these many letters TAPED to my door, only after I'd leave the home, for me to find upon my return.
Makes them guilty to what's happened, and after 2 months and the HOA BOARD MEMBERS WHO SAW MY ENTIRE BODYS OPEN WOUNDS, every single one of the 7 COMMITTEE MEMBERS QUIT! Fact; makes them QUILTY, ALONG WITH my first point of contact REAL estate agent who knew, because her answers to my questions about why SELLERS painted hand RAILING black of all colors the HOA would approve, REALTOR called it a DECK. When she knew SELLERS built halfway abandoned base floor of their requested to build and ad on to the outside of the home an extra bedroom that they all signed the DENIED SELLERS PERMIT.
Giving them 6 months to cure before any occupancy.
As the sellers abandoned the home after getting DENIED, and the man spouse who built and constructed what they left, rolled away in a wheelchair from the chemicals and toxic materials he'd been handling and used to construct what they left defective and comple deceit towards my knowledge of truth.
I WAS an am innocent remarkably how others wrong doing goes away without punishment of any kind, no fines, no liens, they all walk away without any consideration as to what they've cause me to have a lifetime for the rest of my life I have to deal with their errors, their lies, their orchestrated plan intentionally placed upon me. OF which I am suffering massively for in ultimate amounts of ways.
And for that real estate agent who told me so many other false information I cannot begin to mention all those other FRAUD claims she made to me. How can people live with themselves after such DECEIPT and coerced RIGGED, planned, statements as a group together because none of them wanted nor desired to act to ethical codes enforced, nor wanted to act PROFESSIONALY, nor did any of the employed employees workers, voted for took an oath to act to do their own jobs responsibly like any responsible person is liable for doing.
Pleading for help ?
GOD as I have prayed and have an ocean of tears to show for it.
I continue to pray that there will come to me a positive impact on me and my life and EXISTANCE where I can live, heal, and help me in any charitable ways !
Instead of such greed ! I have experienced and horrifying trauma caused to one's self.
I PRAY for positive answers and help for me and my 2 dachshunds doggies.
I BEG of you and for any answers or legal honest sincere help for me.
Truly, Michele Micky Malloy
If I don't answer leave a message I will call back.
Only to blame me innocently as I began moving in had been rubbing up next to walking by vacuuming next to along with repairing.
Call me 435 862 8947
Reply: Oriented Strand Board is a wood product. OSB does not contain asbestos nor fiberglass
OSB or Oriented Strand Board is a wood product, and as such does not contain asbestos nor fiberglass nor much else but wood and glue.
If something in your home was making you sick, it is almost certainly not directly the OSB itself.
But stress and anxiety are themselves health concerns. You might want to read about and discuss with your doctor
You can read about OSB sheathing at
You can read about formaldehyde hazards
On 2017-06-08 by Anonymous - start by checking with your doctor
The place to start is with your doctor
On 2017-06-08 by Sharon Rosenhahn - It is not in our heads.
It is not in our heads. Cannot take pictures of what is in our heads. I have pictures of all the fibers, pepper like granules, white stuff that falls off my head onto my face. It lands places and almost impossible to get off surfaces unless use pure ammonia. I have a picture where on of the fibers has the white stuff on it like it carrying it. All these are related somehow.
We had such an infestation problem at apartments where I am they did a professional top to bottom extermination in my apartment and I believed when I saw a red bump I had scabies not know where the hell I'd get those. I used a girl's pillow and started itching. I took a picture thought it was a scabies but it might be lice. Where would I get that?!!!
I treated for lice, all bugs, threw out my couch, covered bedding in mattress covers, cleaned top to bottom and much more. I'm at the end of my rope. I saw the white particle fall onto my face again. I saw and took a picture of a black line speck thing working it's way toward my nostril. I have pictures of all these.
On 2017-05-22 by (mod) - It is very difficult to sort out mind-body health effects, and moreso if there are irritants in the environment.
You have our sympathy. It is very difficult to sort out mind-body health effects, and moreso if there are irritants in the environment.
In my field and lab experience, while we can find irritants in many environments, very often the particles that people see themselves and that they find frightening, when examined under a high power microscope are not so scary: skin cells, fabric fibres, house dust. Particularly when people report a very wide range of symptoms and complaints as in your note, in my OPINON (as I'm not a doctor),
the place to start is with your general physician - your primary doctor; she may in turn suggest further consults for you. It is really important to find a doc who listens to you and whose opinion you trust.
You can also consult by referral to a physician who specialzes in environmental medicine and you can find such docs using the EXPERTS DIRECTORY link at the top of any InspectApedia page.
I would prefer avoid an expensive investigation of your environment itself before you have advice on that from your doctor. Ask to what extent the symptoms and complaints you have are likely to be aggravated by environmental considerations.
On 2017-05-22 by Sohopeless
I have been dealing with this issue for almost two years now, it first started out it seems after I slept with my window open a few times like I've done a million times before, First I started to feel something jump or land in my hair and I have very think long hair, I would feel a crawling sensation in my hair so I would wash brush it comb, but at night it would be the same feeling "crawling''. then the nightmare seem to spiral out of control over night, I felt what seemed like bugs crawling all over my face inside my ears climbing inside my nose all over my body my private parts, biting, stinging on the bottom of my feet , literally where I would have to rip my shoe off to see what was there but after all the investigating I would see nothing. Then after freaking out I calmed down and decided to fight back but at what?? I started to notice there white lint looking fibers,
That's the best way I can explain it in my and on my cotton laundry and black night stand I tried everything from lice treatment , to natural treatment, and it seemed to piss this species off and they have gotten bigger , I see these white cotton, black hair looking, grain of salt fiber glass feeling insects if I can call them that, when I do certain activities they seem to get really excited and start crawl all over me inside my everywhere on my body, I need help some days all I do is cry one day some of them crawled into my eyes where I literally felt like I had someone scratching my eyes out ,and I'm the only one that is getting attacked in my home, every time I would try and get it out it would crawl in further they have the ability to lay themselves flat on your skin and scalp especially when you try to remove them showing three times a day doesn't help my skin sometime feels as if its on fire with these invisible most of the time bugs they have grown and I notice them flying around but never see where they land but can feel them land, no one believes me, until one day my sister came over and they seemed to attack her to but now she isn't at my home she is not getting attacked.
One day I was light a candle and all of a sudden I had like a hundred of these things flying in my nose down my throat chocking me I can feel them in my chest I know I'm going to end up dying from these insect or what ever it is, I am getting sicker and sicker I am totally infested regular bug spray doesn't help it pisses them off I read something about nanobots , I just don't know where to turn I went to the emergency room late one night because I was at the point where I was going to kill myself because I am at the end of my rope, I finally got some courage and decided to clean everything out of my place but it didn't help they came back with a vengeance they are everywhere at my job in cars on the city bus everywhere there are airforce planes that fly over my house everyday and night for years I thought I had bird fleas but these things now look little cotton balls they have the ability to change or some of them are black, I do need to change my diet I eat a lot of sugar I try and find information on the internet for help at first, these cotton looking bugs are shiny like glitter sometimes and in your body they morph themselves into these soft clear worms like creatures or substances if you smash them between your fingers and they stretch, saliva or sputum doesn't stretch like that, I don't feel good I am tired all the time my chest and heart hurts and I every morning I wake up with theses things all over me in my nose ears mouth and I cant go on anymore it seems as if im the only one being afflicted this I need help am so so so so tired of trying to live with this is there any cure? these things are everywhere I took a piece of tape put it all over my skin and pulled it off it doesn't look like normal dry skin it look like white fur, and didn't even have the in print of my skin on the tape, am just so over whelmed.
On 2016-10-28 by (mod) -
Thank you for the opinion, Calin. The article MORGELLONS SYNDROME and its references and citations offer a range of un-biased and expert research and views about Morgellon's, often described as a syndrome but thought by some people, for some cases, to have an actual pathology producing the same or similar symptoms and complaints.
On 2014-09-10 Calin Mircea Gascu said: There is a mysterious skin disease that appeared recently in the world. Some call Morgellons.
Re-posting a reader's OPINION without disallowed link
9/10/2014 Calin Mircea Gascu said:
There is a mysterious skin disease that appeared recently in the world. Some call Morgellons.
There is a mysterious skin disease that appeared recently in the world. Some call Morgellons. So far nobody knows an effective remedy for it. The so-called mystery is the fact that they have not found so far causation of illness, due to which we get sick.
For that Morgellons is not a skin disease. Morgellons is not a mental illness. Morgellons is not organic disease . Morgellons is not a contagious disease. Morgellons is not an infectious disease. Morgellons is not a disease caused by chemicals. Morgellons is not a disease!
What is Morgellons?
Morgellons is a normal reaction of the body to some extremely dangerous factors. Morgellons is a warning sent by our body. He warn us that the colored beads and cheap is not good.
I found those harmful factors and I removed. After that I began to recover my lost health. After 90 days of the removal case, my skin is recovering day by day. See photos in the gallery. True skin disease but not limited to attacking any living tissue. Doctors around the world are overwhelmed. For those reading on the Internet the strangest explanations. From aliens, conspiracies, chemical agents to one who helped "design" disease. I read them all. The real cause of this reaction is as real and present with us. Located in close proximity to each of us. Know that you pay to have Morgellons?
I know very well what I say.
On 2013-03-14 by (mod) - to get help try to focus your comments to your doctor
Your message is more than I can comprehend, but it sounds as if you are worried about an infestation by unidentified or uncertain insects.
Why don't you ask a local pest control company to send a technician to inspect the home, identify what pests are present, explain, if there is an infestation, what is its cause and what should be the treatment?
About your concern for insects attacking your skin - that is a question to discuss first with your physician.
Keep us posted.
On 2013-03-14 by sue - bug bites on my skin
hi im sue, i moved back to my dads house after mom had died, this place was beyond trashed. within 2 weeks of moving here and cleaning, my skin went nuts. i went to 2 derms, one biopsy came back bug bites, the other i didnt understand one word of, lol, but docs are stumped. but this i know. i love cleaning, first off, any challenge accepted, but dads (87yrold) room is like a snow globe after 2 days of deep cleaning. when its dusty he coughs, i break out. i have video of these love things flying around with no window open.i think its a new species of bug.when i did take 2 'samples' ( i did not carve from my skin, i picked it off with simple scotch tape) one came back a type of wasp, one a type of arachnid. neither santa barbara county ca. had seen before. the spider looking ones seem to hitch a ride on the yellow tiny flower shapes seeds of the tree next door. i have a toy microscope, its a toy, but its enough to see what my eye cant.what i know to be true is when i would clean places like garage cabnets that folks stored tons of photos in, so i put it all into space bags. they ( buggys) seems to be able to live in back of wood cabnets, any old books/photos, wallpaper. i think that when i clean i am simply disturbing their happy little home so they attack.i also think they may be using us as host to lay eggs, because they act like a scabies mite. permethrin stops the crawling feeling instantly ( i dont do drugs) and i also know that if i have to garden, clean an area i do clean everyday, i wear rubber gloves and wrap sports wrap around my arms, the i dont get bit..
what made me think bugs was my skin biopsy that had said 'looks like bug bites' ( im bug food, a delicacy apperently) but when i see dust that doesnt fall and land, but flys around, its a new kind of bug. im sure of it. its not the govt, its no conspiricy, its mother nature!
is there a way i can send a video of them flying around? i keep the place too clean to allow anything to sit for 2 weeks, but may i get your opinion on the bugs thing? thanks
On 2013-01-29 by (mod) - check with your doctor before trying a self-cure
The complaint you describe is not something we can guess-at by web posts or email and certainly we can't identify dust by just a person's question.
In MORGELLONS SYNDROME we describe typical contents of house dust.
It makes sense to me to take your concern first to your doctor. Ask him/her for an opinion about your skin complaints as well as about what might cause them and what actions or treatments might help you. I advise against costly building investigations or building tests before you have that basic advice.
On 2013-01-07 by Concerned sufferer - strange white powdery substance that seems to be everywhere I go.
I am suffering from a strange white powdery substance that seems to be everywhere I go. It started when I moved into a very old house that has liquid seeping out of the walls. Every time I would get near it, it would spray on my skin and clothing causing extreme burning like acid. The weird thing is it doesn't leave a mark most of the time just sometimes it leaves a small red sore or scratch.
Regardless to the fact no one believes me, it is causing my skin to tear and I just want to find a cure to destroy it.
Even though my family and husband see it and see the holes it's putting in my stuff and theirs, they seem to come up with a guess to what it is.
That stuff is ruining all my clothes giving me one infection after another and it contaminates all my food when I open container. My feces even has red plastic looking things in it and white particles which is the exact stuff I'm finding all over my vehicle and home. What is it? When will I ever be able to live a normal painless life?!
I am a Morgellons Sufferer, how would you feel about analyzing my fibers? [I am attaching a ] slide show of 3 different samples, at least you can see the "hair" inside the bag. I have [uploaded] a video on youtube. I took the images with a hand held QX5 Microscope.
All images are the "things" that came out of my skin.
I had the bugs in my skin, but I didn't have a microscope then. I've heard of some 20 pathogens involved in Morgellons.
Fungus is believed to be one of them. - G.P.
Follow-up: G.P. from Melbourne writing. I hope you don't mind me contacting you again. You may recall I mentioned I am a Morgellons Sufferer, how would you feel about analyzing my fibers? See slide show of 3 different samples, sorry the photos are so poor, best I could do. At least you can see the "hair" inside the bag. I have a video on youtube;
I took the images with a hand held QX5 Microscope. All images are the "things" that came out of my skin. I had the bugs in my skin, but I didn't have a microscope then. I've heard of some 20 pathogens involved in Morgellons. Fungus is believed to be one of them.
I took a look at your photos, but I cannot identify anything that is diagnostic or useful from those images other than to comment that I saw what appear to be hairs (and possibly other fibers) stored in plastic bags.
Your QX5 microscope, while useful for general fiber examination at up to 200x, is unlikely to be adequate to the task of both fiber and small particle identification both because of limitations of the equipment and because training and experience in particle identification are important.
To examine and identify fibers or small particles, including fungal spores, insect fragments, or non-fungal debris, requires both proper forensic training in the type of particles being examined and training in microscopy, including the use of high powered light and polarized light microscopy, typically from 400x to 1200x.
Unfortunately examining hairs or fibers at low power is probably not reliable nor diagnostic.
You should of course discuss your symptoms and concerns with a physician who is expert in environmental medicine.
And if the physician obtains medical samples from skin surface or sub-surface areas and that need identification, in addition to medical lab examination, a particle or forensic lab might then be of service. - DF
GP there are not pathogens (including fungus) reported by medical experts to be at the root explanation of Morgellon's Syndrome. But indeed people suffering from these complaints need to find an experienced, expert dermatologist or similarly qualified physician who is familiar with the complaints, literature on the subject, and methods of treatment.
Please help me find someone. what ever is coming from my 35 year old carpet has entered me and coming out of my face and has cause my entire skin to hang.
i filed a violation of health and safety with the attorney general against the owner. all my property is ruined and she has never come to see the sludge when i called her in august. her reply to them said nothing related to any charges just rambled on me needing help. my social worker confronted her and said the carpet is a health hazard and needs to be replaced.
The owner tore into her with outrageous lies and will not replace the carpet. I was told by the assistant attorney "that was foolish to tell your social worker-that's your best witness". i can't even look at myself. the hair on my face doesn't grow now. I'm 67 and she want's me out and constantly using my disability report against me.
I have doctors letters negating her slander remarks which were filed also filed. it has become so aggressive and I'm scared. the health departments are worthless. thank you. - Jason 5/17/2012
l am having some serious mold issues I think and it is creating problems between me and my husband. We had a roof leak that went on for quite awhile it came through my textured ceiling and my husband just knocked down the big lump it made on the ceiling and patched the roof but the mold itself was never cleaned. I then started finding these little black specks on my clothes.
My husband said it was just lint. I started breaking out with sores all over my body wherever my clothes touched. I ended up getting a bacterial staph infection. Well I was told that was what I had.
I keep finding lots of dust build up and a fine powder substance on the furniture and when I wipe it it is green. I also was cleaning my skin and was exfoliating and the stuff coming off me was green.
Could this be mold on my body? When I put on my clothing if there is any black specks on it my body will immediately start itching and burning wherever the black specks are touching. I am getting clothe out of my dresser drawer and they are covered in these black specks. we do not have any bugs have already been checked out for that.
My wood paneling in my living room is turning black in places and then it will rot through in some places.
Could mold be causing all these things. Also the things I find on my clothes I have to pull them off with tweezers . Its almost like they are deeply imbedded in the clothing. It has eaten holes through my clothes. And the fine powder substance was all over my duffle bag and had 4 holes all the way through it. I need someone to explain this to me so I can explain it to my husband. He refuses to believe we have a mold problem.
If you could let me know something as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated I am concerned for me and my children's health. - A.D.
I am writing to you because I have been experiencing disturbances of a, as of yet, un-determined source.
These disturbances wake me from sleep at night, sometimes with a shimmying type of sensation, though nothing around me is obviously moving. Sometimes I have difficulty falling asleep and feel uneasy (NOTE: this does not happen to me when I sleep elsewhere, other than my apartment. And, I am a good sleeper, usually falling asleep when my head hits the pillow.
And, I can sleep through construction.) Over time I become dizzy and or disorientated, not to mention sleep deprived. My heart rate seems sometimes affected. My ears can hurt, and once almost felt as if the eardrum would rupture. The nature of these disturbances do not include any obvious "sound".
And, might not be normally detected if one weren't trying to sleep or rest. I wonder if these are electrical type charges, or of a sound nature that is outside the normally audible ranges. - RLT - 6/16/11
For most of these sufferers and similar readers, you want to find an experienced, expert dermatologist or similarly qualified physician who is familiar with the complaints, literature on the subject, and methods of treatment. In my experience the best place to start is with your own physician who knows you and your medical history. Ask him/or her for an appropriate referral.
Fragments of something,and a large amount of dust keeps flying around in our house. Please we need some kind of help.
The problems we are having are getting worse,and we could really use some help. Could you tell us who you think may be able to help us. The biggest problem we have is,all this extra heavy dust fibers,and other fragments of possibly some kind of insulation, being on the inside of our house. We don't really know for sure what it is, or what is causing it.
We have had a few people look at it,one of the contractors thought that the heating and cooling system may be starved for air,with not enough air returns going into the system. We had one additional air return temporarily put in to see if it would help. At first that did help,but now over time of a few weeks,it's getting bad.and continues to get worse each day the way it seems.
I have sores all over me.Soon as I get one healed up,another takes it's place.Our inside dog is also getting sore spots on her,and she constantly scratching at her feet,and bottom side. We have always put Frontline on her and never had any problems in the past with any kind of fleas,or other bugs. I have kept some of the fragments that I have found on myself,and on furniture in our house,and off some of our clothing.
If we could get someone to check this stuff out,and tell us what it is,it may help us in finding out where it is coming from,and how to fix our problem. - K.G. 8/2/12
We sure do need some kind of help. We are at the end of our rope and don’t know what to do .
We have been having this problem for way over a year. There is some kind of fragments of insulation possibly and other kinds of fragments that are floating around in our house and we don’t know what it is, and we don’t know for sure where it is coming from. We keep finding these fragments and a large amount of dust is always on everything.
My self have sores all over my body from this stuff, and our dog is always scratching, and licking her legs, and, feet, her back end. My husband is a farmer he isn't in the house very much.
Therefore he doesn't have all the sores like I do. I am disabled from a car wreck that I had back in 1981. I have had over 15 back operations, and I am in the house all the time.
My dog is also in the house all the time. We are both in this stuff all the time.
We have a extra large amount of a whitish dust, and other small fragments of stuff that we don’t know what it is. We have had our ducts looked at, and they said they looked good. We also have had a house inspector come to the house to check it out. He said he didn’t know what it was, or how it is getting in the house.
We have had several contractors come and inspect the house. They also didn’t know what this stuff is for sure, or where this stuff is coming from. It almost has to be connected to our heating, and cooling system.
We have had some problems in the past with this new system we had put in back in around 2003.
We had 3 tornados hit us last spring , and it seems the problems started getting a lot worse after that .Some of the contractors that we had in to look at the house .They thought that the heating and cooling system he have may need some more return air registers put in. They hooked up one additional return air register to see if that would help. That did seem to help some, but we still had stuff floating around in the house.
After about 2 weeks it started getting worse again. It is now bad, and seems to be getting worse. We don’t know what to do anymore. I’m at the end of my rope. We were going to try to send some samples of this stuff in but, we don’t know how much it will cost us for each sample we send in . We would appreciate any help you can give us. - K.G. 8/9/12
From your note it seems that what might be helpful would be a more careful site inspection and perhaps a few dust samples that are examined to help you confirm that there are abnormal dust or particle levels, identify harmful or irritating materials that might be present, and track down the source of the material - since cleaning without fixing the source is just a short term Band-Aid.
To that end you might try contacting some of the inspection professionals in your immediate area, or take a look at
MOLD & ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTORS is a directory of mold consultants, mold inspectors, people who perform mold testing, and who can prepare a mold remediation plan - a mold cleanup plan to guide the mold remediation contractor
MOLD CLEANUP COMPANIES is a directory of mold remediation (mold cleanup companies) who might, IF APPROPRIATE, do some extra high level cleaning in your home
As for mailing settled dust samples, an easy way to collect a sample of settled dust for lab characterization is to use the procedure
at TEST KIT for DUST, MOLD, PARTICLES: INSTRUCTIONS. Choose a horizontal surface that has a week or two of settled dust on it, located in a room where you spend a lot of time.
One sample of representative dust, or a sample of settled dust along with a second of the material you suspect of being a problem should be enough for a competent forensic laboratory to determine if there are unusual particles in the sample as well as what the dominant particles are.
In some cases we will accept and process up to four dust samples at no fee (pro bono) for people in your situation but our lab is on assignment out of the country for several months, so you'll need to use a different forensic laboratory.
I do not recommend spending significant amounts on "testing" nor on inspections of the home before you have consulted with your doctor and perhaps also have had a referral to a suitable medical expert.
I have just read an entry under 'Morgellons Disease or Morgellon's Syndrome'
It certainly reflect the views of psychiatrists and doctors who never went much further than what they learned at medical school. It totally fails to give a balanced picture of the issue. Indeed, in the bibliography used to illustrate the item, all listings refer to psychiatric sources!
Whilst some who claim to suffer from this disease are actually suffering delusional parasitosis (the whole thrust of the entry), there are hundreds of thousands who have very real clinical conditions. In this respect the article is highly incorrect especially about the emergence of the fibres. It claims they are from clothing or the environment.
It simply is not true. There is plenty of clinical evidence showing fibres emerging from beneath the skin. They have also been analyzed, completely disproving support for comments in the article.
I am not a doctor but a sufferer who has met and spoken to researchers and medics working at the cutting edge in this field. I am also a journalist with a scientific background. I do hope you will amend the entry as it is not only misleading and highly biased but could lead to people being unable to seek real treatment that would alleviate their symptoms. Such items also serve to inhibit funding for vital research too.
I would be delighted to help you with any further information. - B.R. 12/26/2012
Thank you for your article critique and remarks about Morgellon's syndrome - it helps us realize where we need to work on making our text more clear or more complete. That said, here are some things to consider:
We have examined both environments (air, dust, materials, HVAC, mechanicals, IAQ etc) in buildings where an occupant has complaints that resemble those associated with Morgellon's Syndrome as well as examining in our forensic laboratory samples from skin, hair, even some bodily secretions, to check for the presence of the fibers and particles described by complainants.
In no case have we been able to detect fiberglass nor other fibers (nor biological creatures such as bugs) actually erupting from within body tissues as sufferers describe.
We have detected clothing and other fibers stuck to the exterior surface of both skin and skin lesions in areas of scratching, scabs, etc.
A cross-sectional analysis of those samples we've examined did not find evidence of a source of fibers emanating from the body interior.
We also have some experience with neurologically-induced itching and skin complaints and have in some cases observed skin irritations, even severe lesions that resulted from an individual whose discomfort led to repeated scratching. Itching reactions can also be drug induced, such as as a side effect of some pain-killers and narcotics.
Given our combination of direct (if limited) experience, forensic investigation experience, lab results, and literature review, we are compelled to refer our readers to the most authoritative sources we can find, and have done so for Morgellon's Syndrome as well as other topics discussed at InspectApedia.
We understand with sympathy the frustration that arises when dealing with a frightening or troublesome complaint that lacks a clear explanation as to its root cause, and thus can understand the ensuing temptation to assign a particular cause regardless of the research and expert opinions to the contrary.
In our OPINION, people should indeed seek expert diagnosis & appropriate treatment when suffering from any complaint, but at the same time we should be cautious about over-confidence in our own self-diagnosis or in explanations which cannot be verified by empirical evidence and good science.
So on that point we absolutely agree: people who are suffering from Morgellon's Syndrome-like complaints (or for that matter any other medical complaint) should not hesitate to seek expert advice, starting with their own physician who knows their medical history &c., and pursuing their complaint with experts in appropriate fields as needed.
Our own editorial guidelines prefer the most un-biased and most-expert sources we can find. If you can provide test results, physician statements, competent lab test results, or citations to authoritative and unbiased research on Morgellon's Syndrome that we have missed, that we will review and as appropriate add to those citations as we certainly welcome such contributions.
InspectAPedia is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided free to the public - we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website.
We are dedicated to making our information as accurate, complete, useful, and unbiased as possible: we very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions for our web articles. Working together and exchanging information makes us better informed than any individual can be working alone.
(June 9, 2014) r. potter said:
I am permanetly disabled from living in a rental from 81 to jan 92. the miscarriage and asthmay-so bad there were many ER trips and must use a machine to breathe began at that house. every sense in my body and husband's was destroyed from vision, dental, hair permanently falling out, balance, my MRI has at least 15 leisions in it.
We are in constant pain 24/7. I have daily constant migrainesfrom this place there's tons more. 35+ dr.s took my money but did nothing to help me. I was in mid 20's & didn't want to ruin their wallpaper when we moved in to get the white stuff off the walls. Chronic fatigue set in after we moved. I lost my job and any hope of owning my own home. am on ss disability and must be tested. the last 22 years have been wasted in my bed 'cause I can't get up to shoer when I wake up till perhaps 6pm if its a good day. I have 5 good ones a year, maybe. How can I sue for this damage. I was a High school athlete with much promise in life.
Now am 59 an suffer so. my email is I don't know if they still own it but they had insurance when they rented us a house they said was safe. Can I find out if there have been mold repairs there. I have proof I lived there when I say I did. There was somthing black outide of the wall with the white stuff .
A young actress names Brittany Murphy & her husband died from this. So many times I wish I had too but I believe in justice and for the last 9 years have been trying to find out what made me so sich . Many drs "experimented on me" by giving me things I didn't need. I'm now off them and can think more clearly. A month ago it all just clicked. I had been a professional person and now don't have energy to do my laundry.
MY husband has most the same complaints as I such as numb hands that are p0ainful. He has no insurnace he can't afford it. I know the pain. The strongest pain pills do nothing. can I sue? I', so injured and its their fault. please respond. Tress is a big key and we never have enough food. We aren't the type to take handouts. justic
(June 9, 2014) r. potter said:
I don't have money to even find out the level of toxins in my body. There is no one who can help us with money. I'm someone who really needs help from some one I can trust and won't let me down. I missed the best years of my life, when my children were growing up because I was in bed crying from pain. My life was ruined.
My last vacation out of yown was 30 years ago for 4 days. There are 5 grandchildren who've never met me. I hate living in so. cal. because now I'm tempreture sensitive and long to live in santa cruz or a place so much colder
. I smell the exhaust frome every car in O.C. because my smell has been affect. I can't cook one meal or be around it cooking or I throw up. I need to live where I can just smell air and see a couple hills and trees.
I know no one in Oregon but would gladly move there but no money to move. I hate living but don't believe in taking my life.I / we suffer so much. please can you help me? I really need compassion, I never get it.
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