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septic tankn being pumped (C) Daniel Friedman Septic Tank Pumping & Maintenance FAQs

Questions & answers about how & when to pump a septic tank

Questions & answers about the schedule for pumping out septic tanks:

This article describes frequently-asked questions that help explain when, how & why to pump septic tanks, cesspools, drywells and related systems.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Septic Tank Pumping & Maintenance FAQs

These questions and answers were posted originally at the home page for this topic is SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE - please see the table of recommended septic tank cleanout or pumpout intervals given there.

Article Contents


Septic Tank Pumpout vs Returning "Water" to the Tank After the Job?

How much water should be pumped back into the septic tank after it has been pumped for cleanout?

What % of water should be placed back into the septic tank, after being pumped? On 2018-08-04 by Gabe

by (mod) - NONE

Absolutely none. There is NO functional reason and no benefit to pumping water "back" into a septic tank after it has been pumped. Not ever.

The only benefit from that operation is a reduction in disposal cost to the septic pumping company - the septic pumper is reducing their expense by pumping the septic tank, charging you for it, and then un-pumping your septic tank.

Watch out: worse, because the septic truck's pump will have to be a grinder type pump to remove solids from your septic tank, there will be a very high percentage of fine dissolved floating solids in the liquid after pumping.

Unless the septic tank's "clear water" was actually filtered through a very fine particulate filter (slowing the job and increaing its cost and using equipment not normally found on septic pumper trucks), you risk creating a septic drainfield failure as those fine solids move out into the septic drainfield where they clog the soil.

Septic pumping company pumped 75% (of tank volume) "clear" water back into my septic tank

Hi Dan,
Thank You for your response. The Septic Company that I pumped clear water back into my 14,000 gal tank, about 75%.

He said that an empty tank will fill up faster and that he didn’t want to return in less than a year half. I don’t know what to do.
Thank You again On 2018-08-05 by Gabe -

by (mod) - Baloney from your septic contractor + The DANGER of letting the pumper return "clear water" back into your septic tank

That explanation makes no sense whatsoever. It is in fact patently absurd and in my opinion self-serving nonsense.

In normal use a typical septic system tank, after emptying, fills up with wastewater in a few days to a week. Figure 100-200 gallons of water used per day per occupant, figure a 1000 gallon tank or even a 1500 gallon tank and do the math.

There is nothing you need to do, and perhaps where you live there are no other septic tank pumping companies nearby.

See SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE based on time, occupancy, usage, tank size

There is nothing you can or need to do right now but you should schedule the pumping of your tank based either on the tables in the article I recommended, or else o actual objective data from actual measurements of the thickenss of sludge and scum in the tank - also described in this article series. That objective data is not normally obtained nor given to you by a septic pumper company nor can a homeowner safely do those measurements, that's why people rely on the tables instead.

Next time your tank is "pumped" insist that it be left empty.

Watch out: I warn again that The DANGER of letting the pumper return "clear water" back into your tank is that more-honestly it's not "clear water" it's septic effluent" from which the larger solids may have been removed, but the fine solids are now agitated and dispersed in high numbers thanks to the agitation and grinding action of the pumper truck.

Pumping fine solids BACK into the septic tank saves the septic pumper company money (reducing the amount they have to pay to dispose of the sewage they removed by reducing its volume) but it risks reduction of the life of your septic drainfield.

That's because filling a septic tank with fine floating waste ("clear water" is a misnomer) means that the fines are pushed out of the tank into the drainfield, clogging the soil and reducing the field life.

I would not accept that .

Should the septic tank be emptied completely?

Should a septic tank be conmpletely flushed out when pumped out, or should some waste be left in tank ? (Oct 25, 2014) Taz


Best practice is to empty the tank. If a worker leaves an inch that ought not be significant.

Watch out: but if the septic pumping company only pumps a fraction of the tank - say less than 90%, then the job is incomplete and in my opinion poor service that risks septic drainfield damage as well as more-frequent and more expensive septic tank pumping costs.

Watch out: an exception is for home made or some other cesspools or seepage pits that may collapse if they are pumped out completely. Actually they shouldn't be pumped out at all.


How Long Does it Take to Re-Fill a Septic Tank after Pumping?

How long does a septic tank get full if there's 8 households using it? On 2021-01-08 by Anonymous

by (mod)


Apologies: nobody can answer your question "how long does a septic tank get full" - which I take to mean "how long does it take for a septic tank to fill up?" . It's like asking how long does it take to fill a box of unknown size and of unknown inflow rate.

How big is the box?

But I can offer this explanation that may help you: in normal use a septic tank is always "full".

Septic tanks are the initial recipient of sewage from your building(s). Wastewater flowing into the tank pushes a like volume of sewage effluent (liquid without solids) out of the tank and onwards to the effluent disposal system: a drainfield or leachfield or treatment plant.

Please see details at



SEPTIC TANK SIZE for septic tank size tables, sizing guidelines & codes



Septic Tank Pumping Schedule for Part-Time Occupied Sites

Septic pumpout schedule for a seasonally-used camp

I have a camp with a 1250 gal. tank. It is seasonal, only used in the summer. We have shower, toilet and sink that empties in the septic. What schedule should I use to pump? (Sept 21, 2015) Bill said

Reply: how to calculate the septic tank pumping frequency for a part-time use building

Bill you can take any point in the septic pumping schedule table and then increase the length of the interval between septic tank pumpouts by making this reasonable-guess:

1. Choose the number of building occupants to find the proper line in the pumping shcedule. Also choose the table entry for the size of your septic tank in gallons.

2. Choose the number of months during a year that the building is occupied

3. Calculate the new pumping schedule by dividing the number in the table on this page by the fraction of the year that the building is occupied.


Household size = 4
Tank size = 1250 gallons
Table pumping frequency: every 3.4 years (Keep in mind it would be ridiculous to think that we can know precisely the conditions in an individual septic tank - these are general guidelines)

3.4 x 12 = 40 months between tank pumpings

Months your Camp is occupied = 4

Months in a year = 12

Portion of the year your camp is occupied = 6/12 = ..5 or 50%

Pumpout Schedule from Table / Portion of Year Occupied = 40 / .5 = 80 months

So, for another approach, a reasonable answer to septic tank pumping frequency for properties occupied only part-time would be to look in the table of septic tank pumping frequencies

at SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE and notice that for a 1000g septic tank and a property occupied by two people we'd pump the tank every 5.9 years or about every 6 years.

If you occupy a home just half time (6 montns / 12 months = 1/2) then just figure you want to pump half as often

half as often as 6 years would be 12 years.

I think to be safe I'd pump the tank now to start from a known condition.

Then I'd probably try pumping it again at 8-10 years at which time I'd check the sludge and scum thicknesses - and if they were minimal, pumping could be on that 12 year interval.

Watch Out: however - it makes sense, even if not pumping out the tank, to inspect it more often, perhaps every year or three - check for damaged covers, unsafe covers, lost baffles or tees, or signs that the tank is flooding or leaking. Because if you lose a tank baffle and never notice it for more than a decade you are also ruining the drainfield.

Septic Tank Pumping Schedule for an occasional-use Cottage

We have a cottage in Canada that is used for 6 weeks in the summer by 8 people and 4 weeks in the fall and 4 weeks in the winter by 2 people .

How often should we get out septic tank pumped out? We live in the Uk and have no prior experience with septic beds. We are very careful with not using bleach and only using biodegradable cleaning products. (Oct 16, 2014) Janet


Janet, if the tank has never been pumped out I'd have that done to assess its condition.

The pumping frequency you ask about could be calculated from the tables in SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE once we know the tank size.

We can adjust the septic pumpout frequency for properties occupied only part time, as we explain in that article as well as in some reader Q&A on this page, but

Without septic tank size data nobody knows what you've got so we don't know how often it needs to be pumped.

Start by having the septic tank opened, pumped, inspected, and then ask the pumper to measure the tank to give you its size of capacity.



Need septic tank pumping schedule for a retreat center

Septic tank(s) for a retreat center with irregular occupancy. Some people live on site continuously, but when a retreat comes for one to three weeks, the numbers may increase to around 15 - 30 people.

Old concrete septic tank has deterioriated, plan to replace with new plastic ribbed design tank(s).

Considering to put 2 or 3 tanks in series as a way to trap suspended solids.

Have years of data that show daily flow ranging 500 - 2000 GPD irregularly depending on occupancy. Considering to put 2000 gal. tank first, followed by a 2-compartment 1500 gal tank with the idea that most scum and sludge will be caught by the 2000 gal, then remnant caught by first compartment of the 1500 gal, then virtually all that remains caught by second compartment of the 1500 gal.

Not sure if this idea is correct because agitation in each compartment will be as the ratio of flow-through to the net free volume in the compartment, but it should still be better than just one compartment, especially as scum / sludge build up in the first compartment and reduce the net free volume there. Comments ? On 2021-05-03 by Bill

by (mod)

@Bill, thanks, those are thoughtful and interesting ideas about septic tank sizing for episodic large wastewater loads.

Watch out: both the septic tank size and drainfield size have to be large enough to handle the greatest surge of wastewater that your retreat center may experience. Otherwise your septic system risks failure exactly when there are the most people on-site.

At SEPTIC TANK SIZE you'll see a "Table of Required Septic Tank Size Based on Daily Waste-Water Volume in Gallons"

and noting that to avoid a septic failure your system has to be designed to handle peak wastewater inflow loads, you'd want 3200 gallons of tank capacity.

Less than that risks pushing solids into the drainfield;

Septic tank cascades, settlement chambers, septic outlet filters, all help with that concern.

But remember that your effluent disposal system - the drainfield - too, has to be able to accept that peak flow, OR you'd need to build a still much-larger septic tank tank capacity combined with a dosing system that accepted the inlet into holding tanks and then spread out the drainfield dose over a longer period.


You'll need an onsite septic engineer who can specify what should work for your site, to include information about your site size, space, loading rate and soil percolation rate.

by Bill - My question is about the best strategy for the septic tanks

Thanks. You will note that the tank capacity I described would be 3500 gallons, a bit more than 3200. I wanted to focus on the narrow question that I posed - is the multiple chambers strategy I described a good idea ?

I am well aware of the drainfield needs.

There are over 1200 feet of buried perforated 4" diameter pipe on gravel beds.

The soils were perc tested plus allowance made for more loading than I described.

My question is about the best strategy for the septic tanks, their arrangement, and number of chambers to keep suspended solids from leaving the tanks with the effluent. Any comments on that will be greatly appreciated.

by (mod)


As I'm trying not to pretend I know more than I do, Bill, forgive me for not being more-specific.

Sure, in concept, cascaded septic tanks help with separation out of solids - we see that design already in the use of single tanks with multiple compartments.

Each successive compartment collects sludge and scum, at a reduce rate from the compartments ahead of it;

When the septic tanks need to be cleaned it's the first compartment that always gets the most-frequent attention.

So in simple concept a series of septic tanks - that is, piped in series rather than in parallel, gives improved solids separation and settlement/separation of scum and sludge.

But to move beyond that simple and reasonable concept to quantitative specifics like volumes, settlement rates, cleanout frequencies, etc. seems to me very speculative; the physical shape, baffle design, and wastewater movement patterns in the tanks is surely important and surely depends on tank and baffle design specifics.

What are the recommend crust and sludge thickness to allow before having the septic tank pumped?

I have a 1000 gal tank and just had it pumped out. The crust was between 3" & 5" and the sludge was 10" t0 12". This was in a 2 year period (within a couple days). What is the recommend crust and sludge thickness to allow before having it pumped? (July 8, 2015) Bill said:


Bill please see SEPTIC TANK LEVELS of SEWAGE for a more detailed reply than I can type off the cuff



Effect of Pumps, Water Treatment, Disinfectants, or Filters on Septic Tank Pumping Schedule

Does having a sewage effluent pump to send wastewater to the drainfield affect septic tank pumping frequency?

I have read your site several times. Great, detailed information. I could not find anything on the septic pump tank. I asked the septic pump service if they also pumped out the pump tank in addition to the septic tank.

Their response was if the pump is working fine, they don't mess with it.

Should the pump tank be pumped on a regular schedule and what should be done? Or am I better off not messing with the tank with the pump components? Thanks for your advice! On 2017-07-18 by Sue

by (mod) -


I'm guessing that you are describing a septic system that pumps effluent up to a drainfield, and that the effluent pump is in a separate, or final chamber past the main septic tank. If inspection doesn't find a thick layer of sludge nor any floating scum in the pumping chamber - as should be the case - it doesn't need to be pumped.

If inspection does find sludge and scum in the pumping chamber then either there's a baffle missing in the upstream septic tank compartments or the system has gone too long without pumping. IN that case I'd have the chamber cleaned out.

Trailer park septic pumps run too much

If you have a trailer park and on weekends the pumps are pumping all day long what can you do so that the pumps don't run so continuously through out the weekend . (Apr 23, 2014) Anonymous


Anon, I don't know the design for the septic system you describe but it sounds odd to me for a pump to be running continuously. Perhaps the pump control has failed, or there is no pump, or the float broke so someone just leaves the pump on (burning it or them up ahead of time).

Or perhaps the inflow exceeds the pump capacity, or an outlet line is blocked.

Or perhaps there is surface water running into the septic system.

If none of those worries turn out to be the case then it sounds as if one would need a larger pumping chamber and/or higher capacity pumps, or both, so that the pumps could cycle less frequently.

Will Water disinfectants harm the septic tank?

have septic sys. with 1000 gal. holding tank. water softener that generates about 4 to 5 days. water has live bacteria. we run about 1/4 cup chlorine thru softener, and 1/2 cup to 200 gal water heater. am i running to much disinfectant to my system? On 2018-11-14 by

Reply by (mod): possibly

Dr kirsch

See a detailed answer to your question at


And also

Watch out: if your choice for the amount of bleach you run through your softener is not based on objective data you risk both health hazards and equipment damage.


Describes the proper procedure for sanitizing a Water Conditioner or water softener. The required amount of bleach is not arbitrary nor is there a single correct number.

Rather the bleach dose when sanitizing a softener depends on the resin tank size.

Also if you don't put the bleach in correctly you can have a devil of a time getting rid of the smell.

The article explains how to do that. Please take a look and let me know what you think.


Septic tank just pumped, what about septic filters?

I just had my septic tank pumped after living in new home for 10 yrs. After having it pumped, I am now reading about septic tanks. Should have done this first. I have a 1500 gal. tank,(has 2 lids)
live alone, with occasional family guests on holidays.

Only the inlet side was uncovered and pumped (took some time to locate) since this was the first time septic was ever pumped.

Man did not mention that other compartment should also be pumped as stated online. I also do not remember seeing a filter in the inlet side when he removed cover. His only comments were that it was normal.

My question is:

Should I have the out compartment checked, and should I have a filter installed, and can I wait 5 yrs. before I have this done again?

I haven't had any problems, never put grease down drain, and try to use detergent and paper that is recommended for septic. Would appreciate your help. Thanks much.
Connie (Sept 4, 2014) s



If the sludge and scum layers were not so full that the tech was worried about having pushed solids to the second compartment you're probably OK. Next time open and check both compartments.

A septic filter will extend drainfield life but will also require periodic removal and cleaning lest you otherwise find the tank outlet clogging and worse, see a sewage backup. If you're willing to do the maintenance it's a great improvement.


Is it necessary to pump a septic tank serving only the laundry?

I have two tanks; one regular (1000 gallons) and one for the laundry. Two people have lived in the house for 20 years; ages 78 & 74.

I have the regular tank pumped every 4 years, but have never had the laundry tank pumped. Is it necessary to pump the laundry tank? 31 March 2015 Don Stephens said:

Reply: we don't pump drywells - there should be no solids


Is your laundry "tank" a drywell or does wastewater flow out of it into a drainfield?

If the latter, it would be prudent to have it cleaned.

If the tank is really a drywell then you won't gain much by pumping as the clogging that occurs is in the soil surrounding the drywell bottom and sides

If you're unclear on this search InspectApedia for DRYWELL DESIGN & USES to see the difference between a drywell and a septic tank and a cesspool

Also take a look at GREYWATER SYSTEMS.

Watch out: Lint can clog a drywell; if you can include a lint filter at your laundry wastewater outlet you can extend the life of your drywell considerably.


Do we count two small septic tanks the same as one big one when deciding on pumping frequency?

Question on your chart on how often to clean septic. I have '2' 500 gallon tanks so do I use the '1000' gallon listing or just the 500 gallon.

The man who cleaned today said that the first tank is to collect solids which then flow to second tank which breaks it down further before releasing it as water. (Jan 15, 2015) Jack said:


Good question, Jack.

I would expect most septic designers to treat the system like a single 1000 gallon two compartment tank.,but look with care at the sludge and scum levels when the tank is pumped as I suspect you'll find the levels are high, requiring more frequent pumping than the 1000 g table would suggest.

If we knew more about your design I could vibe more confident. In particular, if virtually no solids flow into the second tank we need to pump the first one more often.

Are two 900 gallon septic tanks pumped at the frequency of a single 1800 gallon tank?

I have 2 tanks, each are 900 gallons - so1800 total gallons. Do I say my tanks are 1800 gallons or do I follow the 900 gallon guideline? Former owners did full dual-tank pump every 6 years and a one tank pump in between the full tank pumps every 3 years. So full pump, 3 years, one tank pump, 3 years, full pump, etc. I can't tell if that's the right method or not? On 2020-10-14 by John

Septic tank pumping schedule when there are multiple septic tanks at a property.


Thanks for a helpful question on figuring the septic tank pumping schedule when there are multiple septic tanks at a property.

As my much-admired inspector friend Mark Cramer (Tampa) says .... it depends.

How are the 2 septic tanks connected?

If each is receiving sewage from the building the each needs to be pumped as a 900 gal. tank.

If the two are connected in series and sewage flows just into the first tank while effluent flows out of the first tank and into the second one - a common design also referring to the second septic tank as a settling chamber,

then the first tank is pumped as a 900g tank - on that schedule, but the second tank will need cleaning less-frequently;

In that design you'd have the septic cleaning contractor inspect the level of sludge and scum in the second tank to determine when it's due for cleaning.



Septic Pumpout Service or Repair Work Quality Evaluation

Septic company proposes monthly maintenance after tank was pumped - why?

Septic company wants to schedule monthly maint schedule after it pumped tanks why monthly? On 2020-05-08 by Danny

by (mod)

What on earth are they going to do each month. Ask for specifics.

And what kind of septic system do you have installed? Some septic system types such as some aerobic septic systems do indeed require periodic maintenance,.

Septic pumping company doesn't want to wait for owner to come home

Hi, I was expecting the company that pumped my tank to call me and have me come home while they pumped it and kind of give me a report on the status of my tank. My wife and I moved into our house 2 years ago and have never had septic tanks before. Is it bad manner to call the company and ask for a status? They just left a bill in the door with the amount due. Thanks! (Nov 24, 2014) Nick



I can't blame the septic pumper for not wanting to lose money waiting around for someone to come home.

But indeed it's too bad you didn't get to see just what was done, including that the tank was fully pumped, inspected and found undamaged, etc. there is a lot about septic tank and field condition that an experienced pumper can discover during this job.

Most of those fellows do not give a written report but are glad to tell you if they saw any signs of trouble or if the tank is damaged or cover unsafe, etc. give the company a call and ask what they can and will tell you about what was done and observed.


How to Evaluate the Quality of Recent Septic System Repair / Pumpout

I had some work done recently and if I sent a picture of the work, can you give me an idea of the quality of work? BTW, I love your site. - Syd


A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that help accurately diagnose a problem. And certainly from a photograph alone one can't make a full nor accurate evaluation of the condition of a septic system.

That said, I'll be glad to look at your photos and if the initial Q&A is sufficiently modest I will reply pro-bono. Of course as you gave no information about the topic, I can't say in advance how much I can comment on the pictures.

Reader comment - follow up:

I appreciate it. I used the information extensively when I bought this house. It is what clued me into the FPE panel I had and why when walking on the floor above the panel, the lights would sometimes dim (the breaker for the water heater was loose and arcing to the bus bar). I replaced the panel, breakers, etc..

Here are the specifics: Built in ‘84, in TN 4 BR, 2 bath, split foyer. Just my wife and I live here. Previous owners had 5 kids. The washing machine is on a proper grey water disposal system. The dish washer will be added soon.

Here's the story.

What started out 2 Friday's ago with a day off, I called the honey wagon to pump the tank.

I have lived here for nearly 4 years and when I bought the house, the previous owners had the tank “inspected” and were informed that the tank did not need to be pumped. They lived here for 7 years and never had it pumped or checked. Now, the truck shows up and we start digging.

Turns out that its not possible that the people that the previous owners had check the could have.

The amount of dirt disturbed vs what I had to dig was way off. So the truck leaves and I dig a hole that is 5 feet deep by 4ft by 3 ft. By hand.

Fast forward to yesterday, truck comes back and we open the lid. This is when we find out that its approximately 2000 gal precast cement tank with 3ea 2.5x4ft hatches.

Apparently this is rather uncommon around here. Also find that the exit baffle is nearly disintegrated however still in place. There was not an input baffle, in fact, it was a pipe that just poured waste onto the surface. The scum layer was 5 to 8 inches thick. I do not know how thick the sludge was, I had to go to home depot to get some pipe.

Also, the input was right next to the output.

The driver pumped as much as he could (truck filled, he was expecting a 1000 gal tank which is common in this area), he got most the sludge and scum, 2/3 total volume removed.

He recommended that a piece of pipe 2 ft. long be added to the input and to add a 4 in pipe with a tee on it.

His method for installing the tee was to use PVC cement to a 2 ft long pipe, stuff the pipe down the output and secure with expanding polyurethane (great stuff) foam. You can see all of this in the picture.

The pipe leaving to the drain field is ORANGEBURG PIPE .

Here is what I think I know to be true: The tank was never correctly installed. I should have had the input moved and a tee or baffle installed. I should have asked him to come back to pump the rest of the liquid.

I need to replace the orangeburg pipe soon.

So here are my questions: Since the system has been running like this 27 years and not pumped in at least 11 (could be 27 as well), do you think ill get another 10, maybe 20 out of it? Since the tank is rather oversized and its only the two of us, I think its safe to say the system is not taxed that much.

We put a half gallon of spoiled buttermilk down the drain each month.

Thank you again for your assistance and for providing such an informative site with ACCURATE information. Feel free to use my picture of a hall of shame or whatnot. 

Reply: Buttermilk is not a useful treatment to add to a septic tank

About your note and photo - just in order of thoughts & your note:

7+4=11 years, probably longer than recommended for pumping the septic tank - see

2000 gal precast cement tank with 3ea 2.5x4ft hatches - probably a good tank, certainly decent size; if the liquid/sewage levels were normal then the tank is not cracked, damaged, leaking.

It would have been better to pump the whole tank out completely - we don't know really if the sludge was adequately removed from tank bottom, though it's possible for the pumper to probe and measure the sludge thickness that remained.

It was absolutely correct to add the tee at the inlet - it reduces sewer gas and sewage backflow into the incoming sewer line; I'm not experienced with using expanding foam to secure the tee

if it works both to hold the tee in place AND there is no groundwater leaking INTO the tank at that end, you're in good shape.

YOU SHOULD open the OUTLET end of the tank and be sure that there is an outlet tee in place - this is critical to avoid sending solids into (and ruining) the drainfield

ORANGEBURG PIPE : old, very old, questionable condition; I'd like to see any photos if you dig up any of that material.

If you find there was no outlet tee, combined with infrequent pumping and orangeburg pipe, you will want to be saving/planning for drainfield repair/replacement.

Inspect the septic drainfield area for wet spots, smells, evidence of failure.

Minimum steps:

  • make sure there is an outlet tee
  • inspect for evidence of field failure
  • plan for field replacement


  • finish pumping the tank; as you need to open it again to see the outlet tee side, that's an opportunity for the pumper to finish cleaning, though usually we see them pump from the center access if that's accessible
  • install a septic riser over the center access port so that on next pumpout schedule you can clean the septic tank without so much digging.

I can't for sure predict how much life remains - a lot depends on level of usage, soil conditions. I've mentioned the tee - a predictor of field failure if it was missing.

Buttermilk is not a useful septic system treatment, though it won't hurt anything. You don't need to treat the system and in fact some treatments are harmful, even illegal. See 

Reader follow-up comment:

I think I may have been misleading.  The input from the house is the 3 inch pipe towards the top of the picture (under the shovel). 

It originally was just a 3in 90 that poured onto the top of the surface.  The outlet is the field is the 4in tee. 

The input is now under the scum layer and does not have a tee.  My picture shows what should be the output, however, when installed it appears that the contractor put the input on that side as well.

Worms in the septic lines, treated septic system with yeast

Any reason for a leech to be in the house? Is that mean the system has failed Justinian1954 live on lake in texas. use to be a bed and breakfast. When we bought the owner said she pinned in 1994. She just but yeast in it since. the gray matter line is house filling up with huge trash cans of worms and ouder inside. (Oct 31, 2014) Anonymous



I don't know what "pinned in 1994" means. Yeast in septic tanks is useless and can be destructive, agitating the seawage and pushing solids into the drainfield, clogging it.

Your description of in-house components is unclear but sounds unsanitary and in most jurisdictions a violation of health code.


Signs that the Septic Tank Needs Pumping

Toilet bubbles after flushing. Does that mean it's time to pump the septic tank?

When toilet bubble after flushing, is this a sign to get septic pumped? (July 7, 2014) Joe

Reply: investigate for a clogged pipe or a failed septic drainfield: pumping won't fix these .


No not exactly. Or at least not necessarily: A bubbling toilet means that the drain is partly blocked or clogged - which could be due to a backing up septic tank.

Pumping the tank gives you a few days to a couple of weeks of "relief" until the tank is filled again. That's all. Pumping a septic tank will NEVER fix a clogged or failed drainfield nor a clogged outlet pipe if that's the problem.

A more complete explanation is given at


Toilets don't flush and sewage is backing up - does this mean the septic tank needs to be pumped?

My toilets are not flushing and my laundry tub in the basement is backing up(which happened previously when the tank needed pumped) but it was pumped in April 2013. I had a faucet leaking for about 6 months and was reading that that may cause it to fill up quicker.\

Could this be the case? Since April 2013 it has just been me living here. I'm 99% sure that they told me it's a 1000 gal. tank. Oona (Aug 17, 2014)


Oona what you describe sounds like either a sewer line blockage or a failed septic drainfield. A leaky faucet adds to the liquid load of a drainfield and might, if a LOT of water was entering the field, also have shortened its life, but I'd be looking for a blockage first, and a clogged, drainfield second.

Pumping a septic tank does not fix a clogged drain nor a failed drainfield.

Septic tank overflowed into the yard so we pumped it out

My grandparents had a septic tank growing up. I don't think they knew how often to have it pumped because one day it started overflowing into there yard. If they weren't in a rush to pump it before, they were then. It took about a day to clean up the mess and have everything back to normal. Bonobos Marcos said



Pumping when the system has backed up may give a day or three of relief but does not fix anything.

Has Our septic system soakbed or drainage field failed?

Hello, I recently purchased my home 1 year (Last Feb 2014) My fiancé and I are the only two who reside in the home. The home was built in 1989 and for the last 7 years only had 1 old lady living there alone. He husband died 7 years ago. When asked if she had the septic tank emptied prior to us purchasing the home she said she had it done 2 years ago.

Well this past august (6 months after purchase) we had a major back up into the home. My main bathroom shower and toilet backed up and overflowed. No other drains seemed to be affected at that time. I called Roto-Rooter and they came to pump the septic. The septic tank is a 1,000 gallon tank and was full all the way to top when they took the lid off.

He advised me that since he did not know how long it had been full like that, that my drainfield could be damaged and to keep an eye on it. He showed me where I could removed a lid to a pipe to aerate it if it backs up again.

Fast forward to a week before Christmas, the same thing happened. I went to the cap where he showed me and took it off, leaving it off the let air in.

This pipe was completely full of water. After approximately 5 hours of leaving the cap off and checking it every 30 min. The water went back down. At that time we began to use our water sparingly making sure not to do much at once like to many showers and laundry at the same time.

Then on Super Bowl Sunday, it happened again. This time when I went to take the cap off in the front yard it was full of water just like before; however, it was strictly laundry water. No smell or anything.

I have walked over the drainfield area and found no wet soggy areas nor have we noticed any foul smells since we had the septic pumped in august. I know without looking you can't properly diagnose my situation; however, does this sound like a drainfield issue and/or septic tank problem?

Any help you can give me would be so much appreciated. (Feb 17, 2015) Lauren said:



Pumping the septic tank regularly can extend drainfield life but it can never fix a failed drainfield. From your description I suspect either a failed drainfield or a partly blocked sewer linr.

A failed soakbed does not always show up as wet spots or smells.


Cesspool / Seepage Pit Pumpout Frequency

Cesspool or Seepage pit trouble vs pumping frequency charts

I replaced the septic tank and seepage pit March 2013, 1000 gallon, 5x26 seepage pit..... 2 adults 1 child occupancy.... plumbing started back up today?

According to charts I've seen it shouldn't need to be pumped for almost 2 years.... Could there be a problem with the installation? (Sept 5, 2014) Terri G said:



A seepage pit is not a septic tank. If you are combining tank and "seepage pit" that's called a cesspool. Search InspectApedia for "Cesspools" to read about that system and its properties and maintenance.

Watch out: not only will pumping a seepage pit or cesspool give only very short term relief (days or a week), it can be dangerous, even fatal if the cesspool is made of loose-stracked concrete blocks or lacks a safe cover: pumping can lead to a complete collapse of the cesspool - and someone walking nearby or over it can fall in: a quick and ugly death.


Effects of Yeast or Special Foods on Septic Tank Pumping Frequency

Metamucil or psyllium impact on septic systems

How does the use of Metamucil (psyllium) impact the frequency of pumping required? (Apr 20, 2015) Vern said:


Vern if you mean human consumption of Metamucil (psyllium) and thus its appearance in feces and thus sewage, I seriously doubt that there is any measurable impact whatsoever.

It's a harmless biological material that adds a bit of bulk to stools - not enough to explain a septic system failiure. Pump the tank on schedule and you'll be OK. So will the tank.

Septic contractor said to add yeast to our septic tank

Our current home is our first experience with septic. I just had tank pumped (750 gal) after about 5 years (2 people). The guy that pumped it said to add yeast occasionally. After reading your data even our "experts" are wrong. Glad we found your site. Next project may be taking garbage disposal out. On 2012-05-25 by Harry

- by (mod) - DO NOT add yeast to the septic tank: it doesn't help and may cause harm

Harry, adding yeast is NOT RECOMMENDED and can actually damage your system by causing agitation and forcing solids out of the tank into the drainfield. No septic tank additives are necessary for a properly working system, some are harmful, and in many jurisdictions are as a result, illegal.

We agree that a food grinder or garbage disposer unit adds solid load to a private septic tank; you can keep the unit, but would most likely want to increase the tank pumping frequency accordingly.

As you just had the tank pumped after 5 years of use, if you ask the septic pumper for details about the thickness of scum and sludge layers s/he found, that will give you a clue about whether or not you need to pump the tank more or less frequently.

Can a septic tank be installed backwards?

Have you ever heard of a tank bein put in backwards? On 2011-05-16 by m.s

by (mod) -

Yes I have heard of a backwards septic tank. To me that means that the septic tank INLET is LOWER than the septic tank OUTLET - that tank can not work properly and risks sewabe backup into the building.

But some septic tanks are indeed designed with a series of internal chambers intended to separate solids from the effluent before it is discharged to the drainfield. Depending on septic tank design, a final settling chamber may be smaller than the main waste-holding chamber.

So if the tank were installed "backwards" with wastewater flowing first into the smaller settling chamber, that would be a problem and the septic tank would not function properly.

More from Moderator

Thanks to Anon about "backwards septic tanks" - indeed the inlet and outlet tank baffles may be of different heights - the outlet baffle or tee extends deeper into the septic tank to help assure that it is clarified effluent, not floating solids and grease, that are pushed out into the drainfield. IN some septic tanks cast concrete baffles may indeed be of different heights at inlet and outlet.

At many septic tanks, however, that outlet tee height is set when the tees are inserted in place in the inlet and outlet ends of the tank during tank installation. In sum, the inlet and outlet baffles or tees are at different heights in septic tanks but the height difference may not be a fixed part of the tank itself - it depends on tank design and materials.

Thanks again to "Anonymous" for pointing out this important feature. What it means is that if your septic tank baffles or tees are "reveresed" with respect to inlet and outlet, you risk both clogging at the septic tank inlet end, and at the outlet end you risk allowing floating solids and grease out into the drainfield - shortening its life.


Thank you to our readers for their generous comments

Good Idea to Base septic pumping on number of actual building occupants

I love that you suggested to base your pumping schedule based off of how many people occupy your building.

We are trying to figure out when we will need to pump our septic tank, and it will be important for us to choose the right time, so we could avoid any issues.

When we build a schedule, I will be sure to consider how many people we have in our home. On 2019-12-13 by Jack

by Bill

BTW, I really appreciate the website, the info I find here and the recognition that rules of thumb aren't always suitable. I expect to come back and look at several of the topics. Best, Bill On 2021-05-03

by (mod)

@Bill, thank you so much for your generous comment. I worked hard on this material for many years so I'm particularly grateful when readers find it useful. And I particularly welcome healthy debate that helps us understand these topics better.

What a wonderful article to come across. I was just thinking the other day about septic tanks and how often they should be pumped. I will definitely use the information in this article and keep it in mind when it becomes time to get my septic tank pumped. - Daniel Cole





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