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Earthquake damaged bulding (C) Daniel FriedmanTexas Home Inspectors

Directory of Certified, Licensed Home & Building Inspectors

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    Home & Building Inspector Directory for Texas

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    A home inspection or building inspection license is mandatory and indicates legal compliance in many U.S. States & Canadian provinces. 

    A home inspector certification, when supported by education and testing requirements such as membership in ASHI, CREIA and some other professional associations is voluntary and indicates professionalism and expertise.

    We recommend that you use an inspector who has the necessary home inspection experience and education, has passed a national home inspector's certification exam with real test-content, and who subscribes to professional (and State) Standards of Practice and to a similar Code of Ethics.

    This website provides directories of licensed or ASHI, CAHI, CREIA, FABI, TAREI, RICS, or other Certified Home Inspectors (requirements may vary by state) lists home inspectors who provide building and property inspections for home owners and home buyers, and who can be easily reached by email or web page.

    Many of these property inspectors are also termite inspectors and can offer radon inspection and testing, water testing, and septic system testing. Some also offer environmental tests for mold, bacteria, toxic gases, odors, HUD, VA, FHA inspections, new construction inspections, and other building diagnostic services.

    LINK EXCHANGE INSTRUCTIONS: Licensed/Certified Building Professionals add or update your free listing.

    Texas Directory of Home Inspectors

    CONTACT US to add your listing to the state directory list of Licensed and or Certified Home Inspectors in Texas - Texas licenses home inspectors


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    TX Barry Adair TREC 4563 Graland TX 75042 home inspectors, 214-328-8331; + Infrared Thermographer, Commercial inspections, EIFS inspections, Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro & Nationwide Inspections
    TX Allen Anderson PREI #4428 Dayton, TX 77535, 936.336.0336 Houston / Beaumont / Sugarland / Galveston / Conroe, Certified Home Inspector - ASHI Member
    TX Grant R Bell TREC 22 Arlington, TX 76005 home inspectors, 972 670-2681, investigation of unusual buildings and problems; code development re: catastrophic failures. ASHI TAREI member.
    TX James Brandon Brown # 26354  Kerrville, TX 78028 home inspector,  940-229-4438
    TX Steve Carter Houston area 281-444-9121 281-807-3570
    TX Matthew Colia TREC 23331 mcc@
    Weatherford, TX 76085 Home inspector, 682-262-4687
    TX Steve Duffey TREC 403113 Mission, TX Texas 78574 home inspector, 956-432-7168
    TX Frank English TREC 10403 Missouri City Texas 77489 home Inspector, 713 825 4513 serving Houston & 25 mile radius.
    TX J. Pat Farrell P.E Houston, TX 77025 home inspections & engineering services, Tel: 281-444-9580 + commercial inspections

    Kenneth W. Flournoy

    TREC 20169

    Bullard, Texas 75757 home inspector, (903)316-7859,

    TX Charlie Harden TREC 22595 512-577-5989 Lexington, Elgin, Rockdale, Caldwell, Bastrop, Austin & surrounding areas

    Randy Hooser

    TREC 6865 McKinney, TX 75070 home inspectors  (214)558-9746

    Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex, Flower Mound, Frisco, McKinney, Plano, Southlake

    TX Murry January TREC-1762 Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
    TX Steve Jolly TAREI & NAWT College Station, TX Texas Home Inspector List: 979-777-9401
    Serving the Brazos Valley
    TX Justin Joseph TREC 20562 Dallas, Texas home inspectors - 972-897-6371, professional home inspections in Dallas, TREC Instructor, Insurance Adjuster, Texas Department of Insurance
    TX Kent Keith TREC 7413 Dallas / Fort Worth Home Inspector - 817-705-3200, INACHI TAREI
    TX Joseph W. Keresztury . Schertz, Texas 78154 South Texas - 210-559-3236 San Antonio, Schertz, New Braunfels, Bulverde, Boerne & surround - Commercial, Construction Management
    TX Nolan E. Kienitz TREC 7095 Plano, Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex 972-922-2111 Texas, Certified ASHI Member
    TX Mark Kissee Tx Licensed Krugerville, Texas 76227 home inspector, 469.438.7928, DFW and North (Red River) area
    TX Kenneth Larson TAREI Austin TX 78748, 512-751-5199, surrounding communities, energy audits
    TX Tom Leahy TREC 10412 Arlington Texas 76001 home inspectors,  682-429-8026,
    TX Brad Leland TREC 5229 La Porte, Texas 77571 home inspectors, 281-794-9102
    TX Jeff Linam TREC 20880 Granbury,TX. 76049 home inspector, 817.999.4561
    TX Jeff Lineberger P.E. PE@SATX.RR.COM Texas, 866-440-0003, ICC Residential Combination inspector, structural, civil engineering, forensics, environmental consulting
    TX Aaron D. Miller TREC 4336 Garland, TX 75044 home inspector, Tel: 214-616-0112
    TX Art Neidich TREC 10546 Ferris, Texas 75125 home inspectors, Tel: 214-734-2632
    TX Bryon A. Parffrey TREC 7408 Houston Dallas Austin San Antonio Texas home inspector, Mr. Parffrey operates an Inspector Trec Approved School for home inspectors in Texas 281-558-4100; NACHI, ICC, GHBA, Radio am700 Talk Show
    TX Lucas Parish TREC #: 20646  Austin, TX 78753 home inspector, Tel: 512-786-8340, + termite inspections, Austin TX and surrounding areas
    TX Shawn Patterson TREC# 25769 Austin, TX 78736 home inspectors, Tel:  512-842-7609
    TX Robert Peterson TREC 105 Austin TX 78748 - 512 282 0455 - home & termite inspections - Austin Tx metro area
    TX Timothy Pope TREC 7494

    Leander, TX 78641 home inspectors, 512-751-5100 - Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock, Georgetown, Leander & all of Central Texas. Also thermal imaging.
    TX Rudy Ringel  TREC 3983 Dallas Fort Worth 972-562-3396 Structural
    Structural / Mechanical / Termite / IAQ / Mold
    TX Korey Robertson TREC 9136 Denton, Texas 76210 home inspector, 940-595-0641 Serving all of DFW Metroplex, Lake Cities, Denton, Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, & surrounding cities & counties
    TX Greg Mangiaracina San Antonio, TX 78232 home inspectors, 800-793-2776, home inspection franchise operator
    TX Don Robinson Houston home inspector 713-664-1264
    TX Rick Thitoff TREC 9143 Crosby TX - 281-851-1480 Houston, Baytown, Crosby, Highlands, Mont Belvieu, Huffman, Kingwood, Humble, Woodlands, Dayton, and Liberty
    TX Thomas R.Turner Houston & surrounding 800-205-4040 281-480-8737 - Licensed Professional Engineer - P.E.
    TX Thom Walker TREC 4489 Corpus Christi, TX Home inspector: 361 774 7182,  fax 866 697 8180, Nueces, San Patricio, Live Oak, Aransas, Bee, Kleiberg, Jim Wells counties, statewide for Residential over $1Million, commercial inspections,  and or IR inspections. Also TAREI, IR, Level 1, NAW
    TX Robert Welch TREC 9292 Pearland TX 77581 home inspectors, 281-216-1171
    TX Mark Willis TREC Rhome TX 76078 home inspectors, 817-312-0274, also prelisting & new construction inspections - greater Dallas-Fort Worth area

    Home Inspectors in Other Countries or U.S. States

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    If you are a certified building professional, a licensed professional (in states which provide licensing), or if you hold other appropriate professional certification or membership you can be listed here by sending the information listed


    Directory listing submissions are welcomed by professionals whose services are appropriate for our readers.

    There are no listing fees & no conflicts of interest.

    The content at this website is provided by InspectAPedia® as a public service and without any conflicts of interest. This directory receives no support from any third party such as any home inspection or real estate firm or product or service provider.

    We reserve the right to list or not list individuals or companies and to provide notice of consumer compliments or complaints.

    We reserve the right to list or not list professionals including attorneys, home inspecctors, licensed electricians, environmental inspectors, industrial hygienists, oil tank experts, physicians, mold testers or mold inspectors, roofing, septic system, and other professionals such as home & building inspectors and to provide notice of consumer compliments or complaints.


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