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Earthquake damaged bulding (C) Daniel FriedmanNorth Carolina

Certified, Licensed Building & Home & Building Inspectors

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Home & Building Inspector Directory by U.S. State

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A home inspection or building inspection license is mandatory and indicates legal compliance in many U.S. States & Canadian provinces. 

A home inspector certification, when supported by education and testing requirements such as membership in ASHI, CREIA and some other professional associations is voluntary and indicates professionalism and expertise.

We recommend that you use an inspector who has the necessary home inspection experience and education, has passed a national home inspector's certification exam with real test-content, and who subscribes to professional (and State) Standards of Practice and to a similar Code of Ethics.

This website provides directories of licensed or ASHI, CAHI, CREIA, FABI, TAREI, RICS, or other Certified Home Inspectors (requirements may vary by state) lists home inspectors who provide building and property inspections for home owners and home buyers, and who can be easily reached by email or web page.

Many of these property inspectors are also termite inspectors and can offer radon inspection and testing, water testing, and septic system testing. Some also offer environmental tests for mold, bacteria, toxic gases, odors, HUD, VA, FHA inspections, new construction inspections, and other building diagnostic services.

LINK EXCHANGE INSTRUCTIONS: Licensed/Certified Building Professionals add or update your free listing.

North Carolina Directory of Home Inspectors

CONTACT US to add your listing to the state directory list of Licensed and or Certified Home Inspectors in North Carolina


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Email Address


NC Jeff Achterberg NC Licensed Shallotte, NC 28470 home inspector, 910-575-6757 office 920-217-8410
NC Scott Bachman Maiden, NC 28650 - 828-428-8505 828-729-7293  Cell, Charlotte, Lake Norman, Gastonia, Hickory, Statesville and all communities in between

Bruce A. Barker

NC Licensed

Cary, NC 27512 Home Inspector, North Carolina, 919-322-4491, ICC R5, BPI, Level 1 Thermography, Tile Roof Installer, Chair ASHI Standards Committee

NC Joe Funderburk NC Licensed   Hickory Grove SC 29717 Home Inspector - 803-925-1502- upstate SC and the Charlotte area of NC. NC Lic. #: 2240 / SC Lic. #: 1736
NC John Gainey Calabash NC 28468 home inspector - 910-579-0023, 910-579-1514-FAX, Wilmington NC Ph# 910-791-7177, 888-838-0718, Grand Strand - Wilmington NC - Myrtle Beach SC since 1992, Environmental Testing, H2O, Energy, air, water, lead, thermal imaging, mold, radon - 3 inspectors
NC Grady Harrington . Winterville NC 28590 252-916-5784 Home inspections in Pitt, Greene, Wilson, Edgecombe, Martin, Beaufort, Craven and Lenoir counties in North Carolina
NC David Johnson NC Licensed 704-778-1353 Charlotte North Carolina Metro Area
NC David G. Jones NC License #93 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Home inspector, Tel: 919-933-6842, ASHI Member
NC Bruce A. King York SC 29745 Charlotte NC area / Rock Hill SC home inspector, 704 301-3207 -  803 417-2116 - Construction Phase, warranty, pre-sale, new home - NACHI, NCLHIA, PAHI
NC Paul E. King Fort Mill, SC 29716 / Charlotte, NC 28277 - 704-467-7328 - 803-547-1880 704-307-2537-Fax - structural, mechanical, environmental (mold, IAQ, radon, VOC) Stucco/EIFS, Pool, & Thermal Imaging
NC Preston Sandlin NC Licensed Charlotte, NC, 28271 home inspectors, (704) 542-6575
NC Jon Strout NC Lic #3338 Raleigh, NC, 27627 home inspectors, 919-757-7651, radon testing, water quality testing, thermal imaging. Raleigh triangle to Fayetteville/ Ft. Bragg
NC Jon Supler Research Triangle Area 919-676-1171 919-676-1173 fax
NC Kenneth Tabak Chapel Hill, NC. 27514 Residential & Commercial Inspections, water, mold, condition, costs & profitability of re-sale / rentals
NC Ron Wells Chapel Hill, NC 27515 home inspectors: Tel: 919-968-4981, Cell: 919-302-2652 License Number: 75 - Mr. Wells is a technical contributor to®
NC John Woodmansee Winston-Salem, NC 27106 home inspector, 336-768-5992, All 13 counties of the Piedmont Triad & Southern VA - Radon, Carbon Monoxide Analyst, National Comfort Institute


Home Inspectors in Other Countries or U.S. States

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If you are a certified building professional, a licensed professional (in states which provide licensing), or if you hold other appropriate professional certification or membership you can be listed here by sending the information listed


Directory listing submissions are welcomed by professionals whose services are appropriate for our readers.

There are no listing fees & no conflicts of interest.

The content at this website is provided by InspectAPedia® as a public service and without any conflicts of interest. This directory receives no support from any third party such as any home inspection or real estate firm or product or service provider.

We reserve the right to list or not list individuals or companies and to provide notice of consumer compliments or complaints.

We reserve the right to list or not list professionals including attorneys, home inspecctors, licensed electricians, environmental inspectors, industrial hygienists, oil tank experts, physicians, mold testers or mold inspectors, roofing, septic system, and other professionals such as home & building inspectors and to provide notice of consumer compliments or complaints.


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