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Automatic water feeder on steam boiler (C) Daniel FriedmanVXT-24 Steam Boiler Water Feeder Valve

Contact, Manuals, & Diagnostic /maintenance Q&A about the Hydrolevel VXT-24 water feeder valve

FAQs about the Hydrolevel VXT-24 water feeder valve on steam heating boilers:

Shown & Discussed here: the Hydrolevel VX-24 24-volt programmable water feeder valve for steam boilers. This automagic water feeder is described by the manufacturer as a universal control that can be used with virtuallyt any type of probe or float type low water cutoff control found on steam heating system boilers.

The VX24 is programmable: the technician can set the make-up water feed volume, timing, and other features. The control includes both an under-feed protection to add more water than programmed if necessary and a lock-out to prevent flooding of the steam boiler.

Reader questions & answers about the VXT programmable water feeder valve & how to contact the valve's manufacturer for installation & maintenance manuals, valves, parts, repair advicve.

These articles provide diagnostic, repair & maintenance questions and answers about the various types of manual and automatic water feeder valves used on steam heating boilers, including questions and answers about when and how to add makeup water to a boiler, questions on keeping the proper amount of water in a steam boiler is a critical function for both safety and to avoid damaging the boiler itself, and questions on leaky or mal-functioning water feed valves.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

VXT-24 Steam Boiler Water Feeder Valve FAQs

Hydrolevel VXT-24 programmable water feeder for steam boilers at

On 2021-02-02 by (mod) - The VXT water feeder is reading 515, 517 and 518. What does that mean?


The VXT’s built-in feed counter records the number of gallons that enter the boiler during automatic feed cycles or if the FEED button is pressed. That's what you see in the normal digital display of the device.

On 2021-02-02 by David Perry

The feeder is reading 515, 517 and 518. What does that mean

On 2020-05-10 - by (mod) -

If you go to the home page for this topic... at
Continue reading
Above, you'll find links to the VXT installation instructions

I don't see there any mention of position.

On 2020-05-10 by Darryl

Can the vxt-24 by installed on it's side instead of up right

On 2020-04-03 by (mod)


Just above we give links to PDF files of instructions for the VX water feeder - take a look at the codes given there and let me know if that leaves you with further questions.

On 2020-04-02 by Janet

My vat programable water feder is reading 042 is that number okay?

On 2019-09-08 by (mod) - why is our VXT-24 automatic water feeder turned off?

Lost power to VXT-24 water feeder control (C) anonAuto

I think it would make sense to start by tracing the wiring and power supply to make sure that the control is receiving power.

On 2019-09-08 by Automatic water feeder is powered off?

I went to check on the two boilers in my apartment building.

One is running fine including water feeder is on. However the other boiler water feeder is just powered off?

What wold it just be powered off? I never touched it. Also, previously it never seemed to fill for a while beyond the counter number 4 and now its just off. What does this mean? I just had this installed 2 years ago.

On 2018-09-29 by (mod) - 408 code on Water Feeder


I don't know but will see if i can find the 407 code.

With the brand and model for your water feeder we could try looking up that error code.

Also if you have the manual the error code will be there.

On 2018-09-29 by Deucey

What does code 407 mean

On 2018-04-03 by (mod) - feed counter on the VXT water feeder

The digital display on a VXT water feeder is a "feed counter" reporting the amount of water fed to the boiler, accurate to +/ 15% at pressures between 20 psi and 90 psi.

So it's not a danger indicator.

However if your boiler is feeding water at an increasing rate, that's a problem: there's a leak or a steam vent problem somewhere.

On 2018-04-03 by Barry

What number is considered dangerous on my vxt

On 2018-01-14 by (mod) -


The VXT’s built-in feed counter records the number of gallons that enter the boiler during automatic feed cycles or if the FEED button is pressed. That's what you see in the normal digital display of the device.

On 2018-01-14 by Eliot sussman

What does the number mean on my vxt24 water feeder

On 2018-01-03 by (mod) -

You would expect the water feeder number tho go up with use.

The VXT’s built-in feed counter records the number of gallons that enter the boiler during automatic feed cycles or if the FEED button is pressed.

On 2018-01-02 by Luis

The numbers on the water feeder keeps rising it whent from 29 to 32 now it on 35 shud i b worried

On 2017-12-29 by Anonymous

My water feeder was displaying LOC. I turned the unit off and back in again and it reset and is now working. My question is if I did not manually reset the unit would it have reset by itself?

On 2017-10-06 by Evan

Hi have a 1 pipe steam system and an auto feeder, just not sure what amount of water refill is normal, and when should you be concerned?

On 2016-12-04 by kiwan

err on display

Question: VXT-24 automatic water feeder from Hydrolevel - how to wire up

I just installed a VXT-24 auto water feeder from Hydrolevel company in the make up water line on a Pennco steam boiler. It has a Mcdonnell LWCO and its a gas fired unit. I'm having trouble getting power to auto feeder. It is a millivolt system. Do i need a transformer? I'm not a wiring or controls guy, can you please help - Dan G

[Click to enlarge any image]

Illustrated here, the VXT water feeder as sold by a number of online suppliers as well as at local heating and plumbing supply stores.

Excerpt from the company's product descriptin for the VXT-24 and VXT-120:

Upon a feed signal from low water cut-off, the VXT feeder delays (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes) to allow condensate to return to boiler. If make-upwater is required after the delay period, the VXT will initiate a feed cycle.

TheVXT can be set to feed to the level of the low water cut-off or can be set from 1 to 5 gallons to raise the water level above the cut-off to the normal operating level. The digital feed counter tracks all water fed into the boiler including water added using the Manual Feed Button. - source cited below.

Reply: you need a 24VAC Transformer for the VXT-24V. The commercial VXG-120 uses 120VAC (line voltage).


Yes, the Hydrolevel VXT-24V automatic water feed control for steam boilers is designed to be powered by a 24VA transformer.

That wiring detail should be in the installation instructions that came with your unit - if not, I'd check with Hydrolevel and ask for an installation guide. If you can't find the installation guide you can also send us our email (see our CONTACT link at the ARTICLE INDEX the bottom of this article ) and I'll send you a copy.

WATCH OUT: The particulars of how your control should be wired up depends on your boiler and the control it is replacing. Hydrolevel shows the wiring connections for quite a few control replacements, McDonnell Miller, Honeywell, etc.

Contact Hydrolevel at P.O. Box 1847, New Haven, CT 06508 Tel: (203) 776-0473, or at hydrolevel [dot] com

Reader follow-up:

thanks, the wiring diagram that came with the feeder matches the mcdonnell LWCO. i guess my problem is that i cant find where the power is coming from. the only wires that come into the unit is from the thermostat upstairs. it goes to the honeywell pressure switch, the gas valve, and LWCO. where do i wire the transformer from? thanks for the quick response. - Dan G.


Yeah Dan, I should have mentioned that sometimes the low voltage transformer that is powering HVAC controls, thermostats, even doorbells can be hidden away in a closet somewhere, or in a ceiling.

Look for an electrical junction box with a small transformer mounted on it. Also look at other controls on your heating systems - some other controls may include a LV transformer that can be used to power more devices.

Start by tracing those physical wires backwards from the LWCO - just keep following them.

Reader follow-up: thank you, you've been a big help. appreciate everything

Question: VXT water feeder digital display reading meanings

(Nov 28, 2014) Kathe said:
My VXT water feeder usually has a reading around 190. It is now 344. What does this mean?



The digital display on a VXT water feeder is a "feed counter" reporting the amount of water fed to the boiler, accurate to +/ 15% at pressures between 20 psi and 90 psi.

The VXT’s built-in feed counter records the number of gallons that enter the boiler during automatic feed cycles or if the FEED button is pressed.

When the number is increasing abnormally that suggests a problem: a leak somewhere or something causing abnormal water usage.

I'm not sure what your numbers mean, because I don't know if someone has been re-setting the counter or not. If the counter is never re-set the number would be cumulative. Hydrolevel suggests that the counter be reset each time the boiler is serviced.

the VXT water feeder is used on steam boilers and is produced by Hydrolevel, in New Haven CT, USA, Tel: 203-776-0743, Web: - the company points out that excessive water usage shortens boiler life - it's time to ask for help from your steam heating tech.

Hydrolevel has some recommendations for the amount of make-up water that should be going into the boiler, but that number needs to be matched to a specific boiler and installation.

VXT-24 Water Feeder Maintenance

Excerpting from Hydrolevel's advice about servicing and maintaining the VXt-24 (contact information & document cited in this article)

Clean Strainer: The Feed Valve Strainer should be removed and cleaned annually.

Check Feeder Operation: Feeder operation should be checked annually during boiler servicing to ensure proper operation and feed amount.

WARNING Water Damage Potential: In hard water installations, the strainer should be inspected during annual cleaning for mineral build up. If significant, the solenoid valve (sold separately) should be replaced to ensure proper operation. Excess mineral build up can impede valve operation with the potential for overfilling the heating system and causing water damage in the living space.

Record and Reset Feed Counter: The feed counter should be checked annually. If the feed amount falls within the recommendations provided in the table above, record this amount on the card provided and press the reset button (DISPLAY RST) on the bottom right corner of the circuit board. Note: If the feed amount significantly exceeds the recommendations above, the system should be checked for leaks by a qualified technician. 

Question: Trouble with & questions about the Hydrolevel VXT-24 programmable water feeder valve

(Dec 3, 2015) Rama said:
My VXT programmable water feeder started making noise. I don't know why, I'm very new to this, any help would be really appreciated

(Jan 7, 2016) Eric said:
Can you use a VXT-24 to feed a millivolt steam system? If so, HOW!

(May 19, 2016) Louise J said:
I had a VXT programmable water feeder installed two years ago to automatically feed water to the boiler for oil fired steam heat furnace. What do the numbers in this feeder's box mean? When the unit (along with a new cut off valve unit) was installed, it read 66 in that box.

It has risen now to 70. The water level in the glass tube has never been as high as the level I used to fill it manually before the system was installed. I would like to know if the rise in those numbers is a sign of something not working right?

The flush out valve is opened weekly or no more than every two weeks until water runs clear. It DID have one incident when the water would not turn off from filling boiler and had to hae repair man at that time to clean and reset.

That was one month ago.The little box at that time read 66 and now reads 70, concerned!

2016/09/27 tess said:

I have a vxt automatic water feeder that won't shut off amd keeps humming. The readout sais L90..from what I've read there arethings I can do to troubleshoot before calling a repair man.What do you think it means and how do I do this?

Reply: Basic troubleshooting for the Hydrolevel VXT-Automatic Water Feeder Valve


If it was feeding water that's normal.

Watch out: If the water is not visible in the sight glass shut the boiler off immediately

Call your heating service company


Tess, check the instruction sheet for your water feeder, or if you don't have one, you can pick up a copy from Hydrolevel. 126 Bailey Road • North Haven, CT 06473 • Phone: (203) 776-0473 • FAX: (203) 764-1711 •

Here are some diagnostic excerpts for the VT-24:

Diagnostics / Trouble Shooting for the Hydrolevel VXT-24 Programmable Water Feeder for Steam Boilers

WARNINGTo prevent electrical shock or equipment damage, power must be off during installation or servicing of the control. To prevent serious burns, the boiler should be thoroughly cooled before installing or servicing control. Only qualified personnel may install or service the control in accordance with local codes and ordinances. Read instructions completely before proceeding. 

A small indicating light in the lower right hand corner of the digital feed counter illuminates whenever the low water cut-off is calling for a feed. The light remains on for the duration of the call from the cut-off regardless of the mode the feeder is in (delay, feed or lock-out). The light turns off when the cut-off is satisfied and stops calling for a feed.

If LOC appears in the digital counter, the safety lockout feature is activated. This feature engages only when the feeder completes two consecutive feed cycles and the low water cut-off does not re-energized the burner. The
feeder can be reset by briefly interrupting power to the heating system. Important: The following trouble shooting steps should be taken to determine the cause of the lockout condition before restoring normal operation.

1. If the boiler is overfilled, the low water cut-off is not functioning properly. Using the manufacturer’s instructions, check the low water cut-off operation.

2. If the boiler is in low water:

a. Check boiler and return piping for leaks.

b. If no leaks are detected, check to determine if the flow of the feeder is restricted. Check isolation valves around feeder to ensure they are fully opened. Remove and clean the Feed Valve Strainer.

c. Check the feeder setting to ensure that it is set to feed adequate water in the event of a low water condition.

If ERR appears in the digital counter, more than one or no delay or feed button has been selected. See Step 4 and Step 5 for DELAY and FEED setting instructions.

The feed delay feature is designed to prevent boiler flooding by allowing time for condensate to return to the boiler prior to feeding. If the returns and vents are in good condition, the 2-minute factory setting is usually sufficient. If for any reason condensate takes longer to return to the boiler (such as old return lines or long horizontal runs), a longer delay setting should be selected. 

LWCO Setting: The VXT feeder is shipped in the LWCO feed setting. When operating in this setting, the VXT will feed only until the low water cut-off re-energizes the burner circuit (or a maximum of 5 gallons). This will restore boiler operation, but on some applications may only be enough water to satisfy the minimum requirements. If additional water is needed to reach the boiler’s normal operating level, the 1-Gallon to 5-Gallon settings should be selected using the instructions below. DO NOT USE LWCO SETTING WITH SAFGARD MODEL OEM-24TD. 

1 Gallon to 5 Gallon Settings: When the 1 to 5 Gallon settings are used, the feeder will continue to feed until the cycle is complete, regardless of when the low water cut-off is satisfied. These settings should be used only when the LWCO setting does not provide adequate water to restore the boiler to a normal operating level.

Use the following instructions when choosing these settings:  [See Detailed Instructions that vary depending on the type of cut-off control installed - Ed.]

If the digital counter is flashing, the meter has “rolled over” (exceeded 999) representing an excessive feed amount for most applications.

Check the system thoroughly for leaks. If no leaks are found, check to determine if the make-up waterline is restricted. Check feed valve strainer for blockage or heavy build-up of debris.

Reset Feed Counter (see above) once problem is resolved.

Hydrolevel for VXT Water Feeder Valve Instructions, Manuals, Contact, Parts, Repairs

Watch out: To prevent electrical shock or equipment damage, power must be off during installation or servicing of the control. To prevent serious burns, the boiler should be thoroughly cooled before installing or servicing control. Only qualified personnel may install or service the control in accordance with local codes and ordinances. Read instructions completely before proceeding.

Retail prices for the VXT-24 vary from about $200. USD to $500. USD depending on the supplier and source.


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Anonymous · Jan 28, 2025

Feeder is blinking 106, what does this mean?

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Jan 28, 2025


The digital display on a VXT water feeder is a "feed counter" reporting the amount of water fed to the boiler, accurate to +/ 15% at pressures between 20 psi and 90 psi.

The VXT’s built-in feed counter records the number of gallons that enter the boiler during automatic feed cycles or if the FEED button is pressed.

Take a look at the feeder manual. Links to PDFs are above on this page and more complete details are at



Anonymous · Oct 30, 2023

New feeder. Won't feed water to boiler.

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Oct 30, 2023


I suspect the watrer feeder is debris or scale clogged.

Some repair steps are in the water feeder manual -depending on your specific water feeder brand and model you'll find the IO manual as a free PDF download

at STEAM BOILER WATER FEEDER VALVE MANUALS - list of water feeder valve IO & Troubleshooting manuals.

I'd start there.

Keep me posted and we'll discuss further as needed.

Anonymous · Oct 30, 2023

Feeder won't feed manually with feed button.

Lynn Domenici · Jan 3, 2023

It appears that more water than should be is in my boiler and this is the number that's flashing on the feeder... Is there an error with the feeder itself is there a quick troubleshoot or do I need to call a serviceman?

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · Jan 4, 2023

@Lynn Domenici,

You're right that when the Hydrolevel VXT water feed counter is flashing that is a sign of excessive water usage. Here is what the company says about the flashing display:

If the digital counter is flashing, the meter has “rolled over” (exceeded 999) representing an excessive feed
amount for most applications. Check the system thoroughly for leaks. If no leaks are found, check to determine
if the make-up waterline is restricted. Check feed valve strainer for blockage or heavy build-up of debris.
Reset Feed Counter (see above) once problem is resolved.

So if you don't see an obvious cause of high water usage such as a leak you'll want to call your service company to ask for a more-thorough investigation. In addition to the causes listed by the company, I'd look, perhaps second (after cleaning the strainer) for a problem with the steam system condensate return piping. Clogs in the condensate return to the boiler can cause both excessive water usage, and, when the boiler cools down and condensate finally returns, the boiler may be over-filled.

You are commenting on the FAQs page - our home article about water feeders is WATER FEEDER VALVE, STEAM - topic home,

but right above on this page. you'll also find free PDF downloads of the instruction manual for your water feeder - so if you don't already have that, you should download a copy.

"VXT RESIDENTIAL Model VXT-24 Programmable Water Feeder for Steam Boiler", [PDF] Installation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting Instructions" [PDF] (2014) Hydrolevel Company,

By the way. you can re-set the error flashing counter by turning the system's power off for a minute, then back-on.

Jess · Dec 24, 2022

My vxt-24 water feeder is blinking. It started blinking reading 980. I reset it by turning off the power to it in the fuse box but it’s still blinking. Any suggestions or causes to what could be going on??!

InspectApedia (Editor) (mod) · Dec 24, 2022


Here is what the VXT-24 Manual (available as a PDF download above on this page) says

If the digital counter is flashing, the meter has “rolled over” (exceeded 999) representing an excessive
feed amount for most applications.

Check the system thoroughly for leaks. If no leaks are found, check to
determine if the makeup waterline is restricted. C

heck feed valve strainer for blockage or heavy buildup of debris.

Reset Feed Counter (see above) once problem is resolved.

Feed Counter

The VXT’s built-in feed counter records the number of gallons that enter the boiler during automatic feed cycles or if
the FEED button is pressed.*

To determine how much water has been added to the boiler since the last service, the
counter should be checked, recorded, and reset each time the boiler is serviced.

The counter reset (DISPLAY RST) button is located in the bottom right corner of the circuit board.

amy · Mar 22, 2022

programmable water feeder VXT-120 is blinking 311, what does that indicate? Thank you-

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Mar 22, 2022


IF this is a brand new installation it's possible that the wiring is incorrect and your VXT has been hooked up with reversed polarity.

Did you try re-setting the control?

Press the reset button (DISPLAY RST) on the bottom right corner of the circuit board.

The digital output on the Hydrolevel VXT display normally is a water feed count.
The two other common VXT displays are

Err = If ERR appears in the digital counter, this indicates that more than one or no delay or feed button has been selected. See Step 4 and Step 5 for DELAY and FEED setting instructions.

LOC = If LOC appears in the digital counter, this indicates that the safety lockout feature is activated. This feature
engages only when the feeder completes two consecutive feed cycles and the low water cut-off does not re-energized the burner. The feeder can be reset by briefly interrupting power to the heating system. Important: The following trouble
shooting steps should be taken to determine the cause of the lockout condition before restoring normal operation.
1. If the boiler is overfilled, the low water cut-off is not functioning properly. Using the manufacturer’s instructions, check the
low water cut-off operation.
2. If the boiler is in low water:
a. Check boiler and return piping for leaks.

b. If no leaks are detected, check to determine if the flow of the feeder is restricted. Check isolation valves around feeder to ensure they are fully opened.

c. Check the feeder setting to ensure that it is set to feed adequate water in the event of a low water condition

Did you try re-setting the control?

Press the reset button (DISPLAY RST) on the bottom right corner of the circuit board.

If you don't have it the IO manual for your water feeder is given above on this page as a PDF download, or directly at

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Mar 22, 2022


Continuing: otherwise, a flashing display on the Hydrolevel VXT probably means the counter has rolled-over.

If the digital counter is flashing, the meter has “rolled over” (exceeded 999) representing an excessive feed
amount for most applications. Check the system thoroughly for leaks. If no leaks are found, check to determine
if the make-up waterline is restricted. Check feed valve strainer for blockage or heavy build-up of debris.
Reset Feed Counter (see above) once problem is resolved.

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Jan 17, 2022

Because we don't know anything about your building I'm really sorry to say that any answer we give you would be so basedon speculation as to likely be wrong.

Well of course the installation manual for your water fender valve will recommend initial settings., a water feeder valve's requirements depend on the rate at which your particular building's heating system is using water. It's a great question to ask your service tech who is familiar with your particular installation.

Cindy · Jan 17, 2022

I have my vxt-24 water feeder number at 24 is that good? Every year the number goes up? What should it be for a small one family house

Tanya · Nov 1, 2021

My contractor and I decided to move my boiler to a different place as my basement is getting remodeled. My VX feeder was reading about 128 which I felt was high as the boiler wasn't turned because it was still warm. But about three weeks later it read 328. I live in a single-family home, no washer/dryer yet. Why would my reader be so high? (mod) · Nov 1, 2021


Perhaps a factor was that the entire system was drained and refilled in the course of relocating the boiler.

Angel · Oct 18, 2021

My VXT 24 water feeder is flashing 'hh0'. If flashing means that over 999 gallons of water have fed through - what does the hh0 indicate? (mod) · Oct 18, 2021


I think the Hydrolevel VX24 display of "hh0" is not translated - at least it doesn't appear in the company's consumer literature. It may simply be lighting all of the available display elements.

Instead, it's the flashing that's important.

Here is what the Hydrolevel Vx-24 instructions say about a flashing indicator light display

If the digital counter is flashing, the meter has “rolled over” (exceeded 999) representing an excessive feed amount for most applications.

Check the system thoroughly for leaks. If no leaks are found, check to determine if the makeup waterline is restricted.

Check feed valve strainer for blockage or heavy buildup of debris.

Reset Feed Counter (see above) once problem is resolved.


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