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Furnace or heating boiler flue gas spill switch installation detail (C) adapted from Field Controls Spill Switch # SSK cited & discussed hereFlue Gas Spill Switch Installation

Spill switch hookup, wiring, locations, sources, manufacturers

Hookup procedures for flue gas spill switches to detect backdrafting at gas or oil fired heating equipment.

In this article series we explain the installation, function, & troubleshooting Flue Gas Spill Switches and we provide a Guide to inspecting Furnace or Boiler Flue Gas Spill Switches on gas fired equipment such as heating boilers, warm air furnaces, water heaters.

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Flue Gas Spillage Detector Switch Installation & Sources

Photograph of a flue gas spill switch sensor

Watch out:  thermal switches and flue spill detection switches are important safety devices that are intended to reduce the chances of fatal carbon monoxide poisoning in buildings where gas-fired heating equipment is installed.

If you are not trained to make a correct and safe installation of these devices hire a licensed plumber or heating equipment technician who is so qualified. Making a mistake could kill someone. Here is a typical warning from a boiler installation manual:

Failure to follow all instructions can result in flue gas spillage and carbon monoxide emissions, causing severe personal injury or death. - Williamson-Thermoflo GSA Installation Manual Part Number 550-110-738/0319

Watch out:  Because most flue spillage sensors detect heat rather than the specific gases that might be emitted from the heating equipment the safety switch must be matched to the equipment.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Photo: I'm holding the wire connecting the flue spill detector (at the left end of the wire) to the water heater gas valve (not shown).

Field Controls, for example, offers such devices. The term usually used is "thermal switch" or "thermal switches for oil fired heating equipment".

These flue gas spillage devices sense heat, must be selected for the proper fuel and application (or else your system would be unsafe as it'd not be properly protected), and are sold in both manual reset and automatic reset spill switch sensor switch forms.

Flue gas spillage or thermal switches also vary by their response time. You may have trouble with a too-fast-acting switch if in normal operation there is a brief burst of heat from a barometric damper - as happens on some oil fired heating equipment.

Field Controls Thermal switch models include FTS-4, FTS-6, GSK250-M (for steam boilers), GSJ0160-M for draft-induced furnaces, and about eight other models. You'll see that it is essential to choose the proper thermals sensor switch.

Question: where do I connect a spill switch on a gas fired water heater?

Field Controls SSK-1 Flue Gas Spill Switch EXAMPLE Instructions (C) WATCH OUT must be installed by a qualified service technician or fire or explosion could result2019/11/18 Anonymous asked:

Where do I tie in a spill switch for a gas hot water heater?

Somewhere on the gas valve?

This Q&A were posted originally


Reply: simple installation instructions for flue gas spill switch controls


Watch out: if you are not trained and qualified to work on gas heating equipment don't do it as you could cause a fire, explosion, or death.

Yes the flue gas spill switch mounts at the gas vent draft hood and on a water heater, its wires connect to a special connector installed at the gas valve. The installation kit will contain a connector that is installed between the existing themocouple end and its connection point on the gas valve.

Wires from the spill switch are then hooked up to terminals on that connector.

Below as a downloadble PDF are example details adapted from the Field Controls SSK-1 or SSK-2 thermal switch installation instructions.

Case 1: Flue gas spill switch connects at thermocouple mount on gas fired water heater

Field Controls TCA-1 Thermocouple Adapter (C) InspectApedia.comBecause water heaters are not operated by an external wall-mount thermostat sporting thermostat wires but instead are controlled by a thermostat built into the water heater body (with no external thermostat wires), to hook up a flue gas spill switch to a water heater a different approach is used.

On a water heater the thermocouple at the gas valve on the water heater is removed; then a special connector or "junction block adapter", also referred to as a "thermocouple circuit" or a "thermocouple adapter" (shown here) used with the spill switch installation kit, is installed at the thermocouple mount on the gas valve, the thermocouple is then connected to the connector, and the spill switch wires also are plugged into the same connector.

A bit above on this page is a sketch showing those details.

Just above is a photo of the Fields Control thermocouple "circut" or junction block adapter.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Watch out: you may not find this junction block adapter in the box with the spill switches you've purchased. It has to be ordered separately.

Some Flue Gas spill switches like the Field Controls switch SSK-shown below will remain OFF until manually reset.

Here is what Field says about installing this type of control

Kit form of GSK-3 or GSK-4 generally used on millivolt water heaters. Can also be used with 24 VAC gas furnaces or boilers.

Kit includes (2) GSK style Thermal Safety Switches, (1) 12-gauge Jumper Wire and (1) 6 ft. length 12-gauge lead wire. SSK-3 switches not supplied with switch enclosures. TCA-1 or TCA-2 Thermocouple Adapter required for 30 millivolt applications.

Before and after adding this safety control on existing appliances, an installation inspection in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code 54, Z223.1 Appendix H should be performed and a combustion analysis is recommended to determine the operating condition of the appliance.

Case #2: for heating furnace - flue gas spill switch connects in series to thermostat wire

Furnace or heating boiler flue gas spill switch installation detail (C) adapted from Field Controls Spill Switch # SSK cited & discussed here

The actual connection of the flue gas spill switch wires can vary but a typical connection wires the switch in series with one of the thermostat wires that connect between the thermostat and terminals on the gas valve that in turn turns opens to provide fuel gas to the gas burner.

(Because the spill switch may affect the small current draw (amps) of the thermostat circuit, it may be necessary also to adjust the heat anticipator in the room thermostat - if one is provided).

Spill Switch Installation Guides & Manuals

Flue gas spill sensor test procedure adapted from Tjernlund - citation in article (C) InspectApedia



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


Flue gas spill switch installation kit sold by Zoro cited & discussed at InspectApedia.comQuestion: The thermal couple adapter on the flue gas spill switch doesn’t fit my model.

2020/04/29 Anthony said:

Is there another way to install a spill switch? The thermal couple adapter doesn’t fit my model.

Illustration: a flue gas spill swithc installation kit distributed by Zoro, cited


Moderator reply:

Thanks for a helpful question, Anthony. Apologies that I'm chicken to bet your life on a guessed-answer.

Let's start by identifying the brand and model of your gas fired heating appliance.

Then we can find the manufacturer's technical help support line and give them a call to get an authoritative answer.

FYI, yes, there are indeed add-on flue gas spillage safety switches, typically relying on wiring in to the electrical wires controlling the gas burner operation. Click on any of the several Field Control flue gas safety switch installation guides given as downloadable PDF files at the end of the article above on this page.

Check with your manufacturer about approval.

Below is a typical flue gas installation switch kit



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