Attic expansion tanks or header tanks for hot water heating systems:
This article describes open or atmospheric-pressure expansion tanks sometimes found in the attics or on upper floors of older homes. Where an attic expansion tank is installed the boiler may depend on the expansion tank and its overflow for safe pressure release. Such systems are less safe than modern hot water heating systems that include a pressure and temperature relief valve right at the heating boiler.
We discuss how to identify, inspect, repair or replace an attic expansion tank. We also discuss the risks of leaks at an attic expansion tank and we include suggestions for improving the safety of the heating boiler and piping to which these tanks are connected.
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Attic expansion tanks and pressure relief systems for boilers:
Don't confuse an old heating system attic-mounted expansion tank like the one shown here for a water tank storage tank or a range boiler.
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The heating system expansion tank will be connected to the heating system radiators or basement boiler and may have a simple overflow pipe to permit excessive water (or system pressure) to spill outside.
Overflow from attic expansion tanks that are open to atmospheric pressure typically run outside to a roof gutter and drain system (risking freezing and blockage in some climates) or the tank may be connected to a building drain.
Some attic expansion tanks were intended to be drained manually if needed and may not be piped to a drain.
The expansion tank shown at left includes a water level sight gauge that could be used by the heating service technician in adjusting the hydronic heating system pressure and water level.
Watch out: Systems which rely on a remote attic-mounted expansion tank are less safe since than a boiler that has a pressure and temperature relief valve mounted right on or at the boiler.
A concern with any pressure/safety device that is remote from the vessel that it protects is that the safety device could become blocked, clogged, or otherwise unsafe without anyone in the building noticing the trouble. The result can be a very dangerous explosion.
It's an easy fix, usually, to just add a relief valve on or at the boiler.
In fact we often find that even though an attic expansion tank may still be connected to the hot water heating system, a technician has already added a temperature/pressure relief valve at the boiler.
We have on occasion found that the whole boiler has been replaced with modern equipment but nobody noticed that an attic expansion tank was still connected to the system.
Below: this brass (?) expansion tank, also sporting a sight gauge, is installed in a Nazareth Pennsylvania home built in 1890, photo courtesy of home inspector Lawrence Transue.
The tank still contained water, as you can see in its sight glass. [Click to enlarge any image]
Below we see a vent pipe that allowed any expansion tank overflow to drain out through the building wall.
This expansion tank and vent probably served a heating boiler located in the building's basement.
Below: another of Larry's antique heating boiler expansion tanks and a photo of the coal-fired boiler that it served: located in the garage of a Pennsylvania home.
It's unusual to see a sight glass on an "expansion tank" - leading us to post that the tank in Larry's photo may have been intended to monitor the water level in a small coal-fired hydronic heating systm.
At below left is a small wooden box lined with galvanized metal found in the attic of an historic home in Vermont, in New England.
This header tank was quite small, certainly not large enough to be used as a water supply cistern. Its piping was incomplete, making clear that it had been abandoned.
It is probable that this was used as a hot water heating system overflow tank in an older home. Follow the piping to understand the design and function a component like this. I observed this attic receptacle while inspecting the Justin Morrill Smith Homestead in South Stratford, Vermont in the U.S.
This small open water tank handled both thermal expansion and boiler feed water for a hot water heating boiler, serving as its overflow system.
It was described to me [DF] by the building curator as a cistern but is much too small to function as a water storage system. It appears to be receiving water as an overflow system - notice the arched raised pipe feeding into the box and the lower drain line.
In modern installations header tanks are usually covered, possibly by plastic or in newer installations the whole header tank and its cover may be made of fiberglass or plastic rather than tin lined wood as in my photo. But all header tanks will be open to atmospheric pressure.
Our photo above illustrates an older-style thermal expansion tank serving a heating boiler. This is NOT a header tank. Closed, un-vented expansion tanks will be usually located quite close to the heating boiler, above it, typically in the ceiling.
And those tanks are a closed, pressurised container with the sole job of accomodating expansion in the hot water heating system during heating cycles. Such tanks are always connected to a system protected by a pressure/temperature relief valve.
A header tank is usually open to atmospheric pressure and is also used to add fill water to the heating boiler when needed.
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In most heating discussions and sources a header tank is in essence an expansion tank (to accommodate expansion when the boiler and heating system are operating and hot).
Unlike a closed-system, pressureised "expansion tank", a header tank is open to atmospheric pressure (thus it has to be located on the highest floor above the heating system and its radiators and piping, and unlike a closed expansion tank the header tank is also often used to fill the heating boiler when makeup water is required. .
A header tank may be filled automagically when more water is needed, using a float-type valve shown in the Newark Copper Co. header tank that we have illustrated above.
Or the tank may be filled only manually. that's what that manually-operated ball valve is for.
Opening the ball valve, in a conventional header tank plumbing set-up, will feed water through the header/expansion tank and into the boiler. You should not normally have to add water to a hot water heating boiler but might need to do so after servicing.
You will see these pipes connected to a header tank:
We might find a header tank in the loft of an older building where there will also be a cold water storage tank. Header tanks are more-common in the U.K. than in the U.S. or Canada, leading me to ask if your system is located in the U.K.
Watch out: un-vented cylinders, in not properly installed and protected, are dangerous. Un-vented cylinders must be fitted by a certified installer. An improper installation of an un-vented cylinder risks a boiling liquid vapor explosion - described
True cisterns are larger and can be read about
Modern replacement header tanks are costructed of copper, stainless steel, or plastic and are sold in sizes from 18L to 55 litres. The size of header tank you need depends on the total voluem of hot water in the combined heating system boiler, piping, and radiators.
Harwood Associates in the UK has a brief web article on header tanks. Web article:
There that company notes two warnings:
1. Watch out for modifications to the original piping layout - someone who doesn't understand the operation may have changed pipes incorrectly
2. Harwood add that on some hot water heating boiler systems using a header tank the cold feed and vent pipes may be combined as one or even just have a cold feed pipe. This only acceptable if the boiler manufacturer says so in their literature.
Watch out: an attic expansion tank that leaks can damage ceilings and living area below, can cause costly mold contamination in a building, and might ultimately lead to loss of heat in the building's upper floors.
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I've been scouring the Internet trying to get a little knowledge before a handyman comes over here. I am a 65-year-old woman whose husband who could do everything had a stroke 9 years ago.
We live in a 90 year old house with radiators, and oil burner and an expansion tank in the attic. I noticed a wet spot on our ceiling upstairs and I've been in the attic (ugh!) a couple of times trying to see where it's coming from.
My husband kept trying to tell me the bottom of the tank, but I could see the wood around the pipe going out the roof was damp (and only there was damp) so I told him that's where it was and not at the bottom.
He wasn't even up there to see anything!
Photo at above: top of the attic expansion tank.
Well, I put an old towel and a bucket under the damp roof section and figured it was ok until we could get a roofer here. But the wet spot on the upstairs ceiling got wetter rather than dryer. I just went up there and really looked around and it IS leaking at the bottom of the tank! What are the chances?
Photo at above: leaks at the bottom of the attic expansion tank.
It's just a bead of water hanging off a rusty old nut or something that's at the bottom of like two tubes about a foot long running down the side of the tank.
I was looking at that nut and thinking something tells me this isn't going to be as easy as taking off that nut and putting on a new one. Is it? I love my old beautiful house my husband rebuilt room by room over 25 years before he had his stroke. I can't bear to have anything in it damaged. But we also don't have the money for a whole new heating system. And I LOVE the radiators.
Can you give me any direction at all? I have a roofer who knows "a little bit about everything but is no expert" coming tomorrow to do something about the roof and look in the attic for me. I didn't even read your whole article. Only enough to know you were talking about exactly what we have in our attic.
Please tell me -- if you know what I'm talking about, can something like that just be fixed or does this sound like a whole new expansion tank? And is that even possible? Is it expensive? Are we talking about a whole new heating system? If you wouldn't mind calling me, I would be so appreciative. My number is 845-561-8051. I couldn't believe it when I saw you are in Poughkeepsie! We live in New Windsor. What are the chances? - D.H.., Poughkeepsie, New York 12/3/2014
Chances are you by no means have to replace the whole heating system just because the tanks leaking but there are some safety questions about pressure relief valves and the actual cause of the leaking that we will want to discuss.
I can see some helpful things about your boiler thanks to the photos you've sent along.
I'll say more when I've seen your photos of what's going on in the attic.
Reader follow-up:
I'm just sending these to show where it leaked at the roof when I overflowed the system to fill it a couple weeks ago. So we have to fix that, too. But it's been raining all day and snow melted over the weekend and it didn't leak in the bucket I put up there at all.
I do know we need to get that fixed, too, though, because when I just went up there I could see a speck of daylight through the rafters there.
I also wanted you to see what the top of the tank looks like. Totally dry.
Thank you for your email about the boiler. We have a guy who services that every year who I absolutely LOVE. I totally trust his judgment about everything. But the last I talked to him I didn't realize it was leaking at the bottom, too, but I did ask if we needed it fixed or replaced if he did that.
He said, "I try not to." I have a list of questions for you and now even more after your email, but I'll let you look at these and then ask. Do you ever talk to people over the phone?
As luck would have it, my hairdresser told me she has an awesome plumber, and she called him while I was there and asked him to help me if I called, and he said he would. Is this something any plumber can do? It's so old. Do you have to be familiar with old stuff like this?
I like the idea of just bypassing it and getting that other thing you talked about. About how much would a job like that cost -- time and material? Just roughly to the nearest hundred?
From your photos of the attic expansion tank it's clear that the tank has rust-perforated at its bottom - the main leak that is visible in the photo at above left.
The corrosion on the steel rods on either side of the sight glass suggest that the sight glass assembly has been leaking for quite some time as well, but at a slower rate.
For safest heating system operation most likely your heating service technician will want to eliminate the attic expansion tank and install the appropriate expansion tank and safety equipment right at the heating boiler.
Watch out: Do not poke at the corrosion on this tank or it is likely to leak faster, causing more water damage to your home. And don't try to move the tank or disturb it before the heating system has been drained sufficiently to remove water from the expansion tank itself.
Let us know what you are told and let us know what other questions arise.
I have no idea how that other address got in my address book. So a plumber was just here and I told him all your concerns about the boiler. He looked it all over real good and said it looked great.
I asked about everything -- especially the soot. He said it looked like old soot stains but that everything looked really clean and it's a great system and he had one in another house he lived in and he would never change one like that if he had one again. He looked it all over real good inside and out. It's cast iron.
He's going to cap off the expansion tank upstairs at the pipes going to it in the basement and take the pipe out of the roof. Then we'll get that hole repaired for good. And he's going to just leave the old tank up there.
And he said there isn't enough damage up there that we would ever have to worry about mold or termites or carpenter ants. He said he can tell it hasn't been leaking that long and it really isn't that wet. It will dry up fast once the leak is taken care of.
And he's getting a new expansion tank and hooking it right to the boiler in the basement. I don't know what it will cost yet, but my friend said he doesn't rip people off. And we have to do it, so whatever it is, it is.
So he agreed with everything you said. :) And I felt very confident in him and was relieved that our furnace service guy has been doing a good job, because I like him so much
. I gave him the opportunity to do the job, but told him somebody told me about a really good plumber yesterday if he doesn't want it. He wasn't offended at all and said, yes, call him, because he doesn't like doing those kinds of jobs if he doesn't have to. He confirmed everything you told me, too.
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to give me your expert advice. - D.H., Poughkeepsie NY 12/4/2014
The image shown at left is also an insulated tank found in the attic of a California U.S. Home - this is not an expansion tank. Expansion tanks in attics are not usually insulated. This tank was. Read about it
In identifying old steel tanks found in building basements and attics, also see
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Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2018-01-16 - by (mod) -
Please see the EXPANSION TANKS article at Continue Reading
On 2018-01-16 by William
I am looking for information on what type of expansion tank I should use for a system I will be installing, I am going to install a Ideal Arcola cellarless coal boiler in my shop. I am having trouble finding the right type of expansion tank.
On 2016-03-23 - by (mod) -
Yes, Ron,
You'll need to cap the old piping to the old expansion tank if you don't remove it completely. Often complete removal would require plumbing pipe removal down to the point of feed up to the attic, often a top floor radiator close to that location. The expansion tank and TPR valve are sized to meet the building and boiler.
On 2016-03-23 by Ron
on a gravity heat system, can I remove the expansion tank in the attic, and install one at boiler location, and a TP valve on the boiler?
I have an older boiler system in my home, the cylinder steel expansion tank blow out two days ago. I am trying to research if I need to find a similar tank or can I put a bladder type expansion tank in. thank you for your help. Btw the expansion tank is (was) in the attic. - A.P. 10/29/2015 by private email
Typically older-type attic expansion tanks (please see ATTIC & ANTIQUE EXPANSION TANKS, HEATING ) are replaced with a smaller Amtrol tank at the boiler. Take a look at
EXPANSION TANKS to see how to proceed with the newer expansion tank type.
You'll need to remove the old tank and cap off pipes going to it - preferably in the basement to minimize the risk of leaks elsewhere in the building.
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