FAQs on repairing outdoor compressor/condenser unit error codes for A/C or heat pump or furnace systems.
This article series explains how to inspect & repair the outdoor components of air conditioners and heat pumps.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
These questions & answers were posted originally
at AIR HANDLER / BLOWER UNITS - home - be sure to see the diagnostic help given there.
My fault code keeps coming up with a rotation error On 2018-07-31 by John
Reply by (mod) - Compressor Startup or Rotation Error Diagnostic Flowchart - Samsung Error Codes E461 and E467
The flowchart given below helps diagnose Compressor Startup and Rotation Error Codes E461 and E467.
Typically a "rotation error" pertains to an air conditioner compressor motor, and often the first diagnostic step is a power-on reset of the system.
But knowing not a shred of a microdot of information about your system, I am flying more blind than Mr. Magoo.
Start by looking at the compressor unit, note the brand name, then look at the data tag and note the model number and serial number. Then find the service manual for your specific model and there you will find a table of error codes and names as well as the recommended diagnosis and repair steps.
Or see MANUALS & PARTS GUIDES - HVAC for help downloading the manual for your unit if you don't already have one.
Above is an EXAMPLE page diagnosing rotation error codes for certain Samsung split system AC models.
Adding: if your unit had a power surge or lightning strike a motor may be running backwards.
Continue reading at COMPRESSOR / CONDENSER REPAIR - topic home, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
Or see CONDENSER FAN RUNS BACKWARDS FAQs for Q&A about the spin direction of the outdoor compressor/condenser unit fan.
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COMPRESSOR CONDENSER MOTOR ROTATION ERROR CODE FAQs at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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