Electrical wiring FAQs for manufactured & mobile homes: first of a collection of questions and answers about troubleshooting electrical wiring in manufactured homes or mobile homes or trailers.
This article contains questions & answers that assist in electrical diagnosis & repair for mobile homes, manufactured homes, doublewides, trailers and RVs. We include diagnostic questions & answers about manufactured or mobile home electrical system defects, troubleshooting, repairs, codes.
Mobile home electrical panels, wiring, lights, switches: inspect & repair. Safety and building codes for mobile homes
This article series describes How to Inspect Mobile Homes or Manufactured Housing Electrical Wiring, Electrical Panel, and other Electrical Components for Defects: detailed procedures, defect lists, references to standards.
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Found here: diagnostic questions & answers about manufactured or mobile home electrical system defects, troubleshooting, repairs, codes. Mobile home electrical panels, wiring, lights, switches: inspect & repair. Safety and building codes for mobile homes.
These questions & answers about mobile home electrical systems were posted originally
at MOBILE HOME ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS or otherwise possibly at the bottom of this very article.
Photo: mobile home crossover wiring switch connector - if loose or damaged, an occasional source of lost power in one side of the home.
On 2023-08-17 by InspectApedia Publisher (mod) - kitchen lights out in Clayton doublewide
@Ronald teel,
For safety - avoiding risk of fire or shock - I would leave that circuit breaker OFF until the open or bad electrical connection is found and repaired.
Often the installer runs hot + netural + ground from the panel to the light fixture(s) and there in the electrical box she might interrupt the hot wire, sending a pair of wires down to the light switch so that the switch can turn the light on and off.
So the first place an electrician might look would be at the light fixture itself and the wiring in its electrical box.
If no trouble is found right at the light fixture then she'll follow the procedures at ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ID, MAP & LABEL https://inspectapedia.com/electric/Electrical_Circuit_ID.php
to trace the circuit to or from the electrical panel to find the failure.
On 2023-08-16 y Ronald teel
I have a Clayton double wide the kitchen lights went out I checked breaker it is okay I have no power at light switch
On 2023-05-28 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - no power in some rooms of a trailer home
@Donna locklear,
It may be helpful to look at the home page for this topic (you are on the FAQs page) where there may be more information for you.
A common electrical issue is related to the crossover connectors in mobile homes and this is discussed here:
Please let us know if you have additional questions after taking a look at those articles.
On 2023-05-28 by Donna locklear
No power in the 2 bathrooms no power in a bedroom
On 2023-03-18 by InspectApedia Editor (mod) - desktop computer won't power up in mobile home
Into the electrical outlet you might 1st try to Plug in a lamp that you know was working when it was plugged in elsewhere.
If the lamp works then the problem is your computer or its power cord.
If the lamp doesn't work then you need help from an electrician who can repair the outlet where there may be a burnt or loose or damaged electrical connection.
On 2023-03-18 by Sao
SAO (no email)
I live in a mobile home and when plugging in a desktop computer it won’t power up. All of my other things plugged in for the same room work fine (lights, tv, cable box, phone). Someone said the home has an electrical problem. What should I do? Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.
On 2023-03-11 by InspectApedia Editor (mod) - outdoor GFCI receptacle failed on mobile home
We don't have a clue about what caused that outdoor GFCI receptacle to "burn up" but "burned" syggests to me that the device itself was not able to interrupt current to prevent overheating and burn-up, so it's quite possible that wires or additional devices "upstream" between the receptacle and the panel were damaged.
You'll want to start at the panel, tracing the circuit, and inspecting every device and accessible wire for damage or signs of overheating.
Naturally, in most-common electrical wiring practice of daisy-chaining devicesd, everything electrically "downstream" from the burned-device will also be off if the receptacle itself isn't getting power.
On 2023-03-10 by Jim
I have a 1996 modular the outside GFI burned and I replaced it. Problem I'm having I have no power to GFI now. I have a hor circuit coming in to a j bon out of j box but everything else is dead post 5 outlets and back porch light any suggestions
Please see our article at
Also ask your electrician to confirm that both of the incoming power leads to your main electrical panel are live and properly-connected.
Let us know if you have additional questions.
On 2022-12-17 by Rodney
My double wide has half power and the other half has no power please help me
Thank you so much for posting that electrical power loss diagnostic suggestion
"Electric water heater backends current to an electrical panel"
it's not one that I had come across, and it's very helpful.
On 2022-12-13 by Juliet
@Kenneth, if you have lost voltage on one incoming line of the 220v in the panel, when the water heater breaker is on it can cause voltage to travel from the one leg of 220v in the panel that has voltage on it thru the water heater element & back to the panel thru the water heater breaker, back feeding 110v to the other leg of the panel buss bar thus putting 110v on the other circuits.
Turn the water heater breaker off & then check to see if you have 220v across the two incoming lines & main breaker. I think you've lost one leg of the 220v on a main breaker or the incoming line from the meter box.
@Timothy Larrison,
Start by finding the GFCI device that might be tripped: push-buttons on a GFCI electrical receptacle (Outlet) OR a GFCI circuit breaker.
Often a bath receptacle might get GFCI protection by being wired downstream from another GFCI device such as in another bathroom, or even (not good practice) in a kitchen.
Have you found the breaker in the panel for the bathroom circuit? Switch that fully OFF then switch it back on.
If there is a wiring error or broken connection, you may find that pushing the RE-SET button on the GFCI doesn't work - it won't re-set. If that's the case there's wiring damage (maybe in the receptacle or on the bath circuit) that needs inspection and repair by an electrician.
Keep me posted.
On 2022-12-03 by Timothy Larrison
Nephew claims plugged in electric heater in bathroom, said it blowed the GFCI, so went got a new one, replaced it nothing, no power in bedroom where electric box is located, and nothing in the bathroom, I've checked everything I can think of any thoughts,,,,,, thanks
I suspect the panel is damaged or mis-wired.
Power to breakers on one side of the panel is perhaps being fed through the water heater breaker instead of from the incoming power source on that side.
A bad crossover connector could also be involved but I don't think that alone would explain the situation that you describe.
Any of those is unsafe.
You should get help from a licensed electrician right away.
Let me know
- what the electrician finds
- the brand and age of the electrical panel
- if there is any aluminum wiring
- the building age & location
Please also post a photo of the panel showing the breakers
On 2022-10-18 by Kenneth
Why would half my power go out when i shut the breaker to my water heater off
I wouldn't start replacing receptacles as, except for one bad one that's early in the circuit) that's probably not the issue.
The most likely cause is an open wire connection early in the circuit that feeds the devices that are not working.
Follow the wiring from the panel, or try having your electrician check the connections at the first outlet (receptacle) in the string (probably closest to the electrical panel).
Of course if there's a switch in the circuit that could be the issue too.
Watch out: if your home has aluminum wiring there is another larger safety and fire issue - let me know.
Let me know what you find.
On 2022-08-01 by Carli
I’ve been living in a late 70’s single wide, half the outlets in living rm do not work and dining room same side. As well as liv rm ceiling lights. I checked breaker, nothing blown, I checked outlets wiring, as well as multimeter tested. No power coming to outlets. Have any idea why my lights and half room has no power? Should I try replacing outlets?
That sounds as if a circuit is overloaded or the whole electrical panel is overloaded or too many devices (lights, receptacles) are on one circuit, causing a breaker to trip.
RE-set the tripped circuit breaker in the panel and try plugging in the A/C unit on a different circuit.
On 2022-07-31 by Khyrah
I am living in a single wide mobile home currently, and when we plugged in an air conditioner (much needed because of the heat), the entire seems to have gone out. Multiple lights down the hallway and
What kind of noises are you hearing?
Sun could be heating siding or other building components that could be making the noise?
On 2022-06-28 by JWise
I have a 2003 manufactured home, lived here 4 years. When the house heats up from the sun, the wiring starts making sounds. I have had the electrician here many times over 4 years and can fine nothing. At different times I have smelled burning. Had the AC guy here yesterday and found nothing wrong.
I'm sorry to say this because I know it's very inconvenient but I'm afraid that what you describe sounds rather dangerous as if your electrical wiring has been damaged and is unsafe.
The safe way would be to leave everything turned off and have an electrician go over the whole electrical system for safety starting up the panel. Please keep me posted
On 2022-05-22 by MariaM
I live in an older model mobile home, I believe 85. Everything started with a fire outside, an item was burned but the breaker switched. We stated noticing when a few storms would pass our refrigerator, stove & microwave & a few ceiling lights would turn off.
An electrician came out & cut the extra wiring that was outside that got burned(from fire). Everything was fine for a couple of weeks then my water heater gave out and water got everywhere(water heater is behind wall where my stove is).
When that happened our problem came back where my refrigerator, stove, microwave & ceiling lights would go out during storms but would not jump.
As of now we had electrician cut outside wiring affected by fire and have replaced the switch (for kitchen area) from breaker box. When we turned power back on from electrical panel we noticed you could hear a strong current from main switch & sub feed but didn't jump nor hasn't. I'm still loosing power...
@Russell Miller,
I guess I need to have more detail.
I was responding to the part of your question stating . ".... but there’s too many wires to hook to one outlet? What should I do? ..."
I took that to mean you couldn't make all the necessary connections by using terminals on the receptacle device.
as there are some safety concerns if you're trying to use those "push-in" back-wired receptacle devices.
On 2022-04-04 by Russell Miller
All I did was change the outlets exactly the way they had been replace before?
On 2022-04-04 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
@Russell Miller,
You need a bigger electrical box to accommodate the splices using a twist on connector.
On 2022-04-04 by Russell Miller
I’m rewiring a mobile home I’m finished and now they’re telling me that I can’t plug in a 14 gauge into the back of a 14 gauge plug but there’s too many wires to hook to one outlet? What should I do?
On 2022-03-25 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
@Todd whetstine,
Please tell us the year and model of your trailer, so we may be able to be of more help.
On 2022-03-25 by Todd whetstine
Where can I find the wiring blueprints or lay out for a specific trailer house
I agree that what you're being told is a bit confusing.
If the light circuit problem were in the electrical panel, since a number of lights are all on the same circuit, the would ALL go off or on together.
Therefore the problem with your light is perhaps
- in the wire or splice from a junction box or another light that brings power to the specific light that's not working properly
- the bulb socket or light fixture itself or the wiring connections inside the light
On 2022-02-10 by Suzanne
I am trying to fix a problem with the driveway light that have to be connected with all the others because they all come on and shut off together.
The HOA has given several notices to replace the bulb I did but it still won't work. Called HOA they said the breaker is in my breaker box. It's not. Isn't it on their breaker box since they are connected?
On 2022-01-23 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - clothes dryer causes house lights to go off - overloaded circuit
@Seth kahl,
It sounds like there may be an overloaded circuit or even improper wiring in the home.
Either that or absolute fact that disturbing the clothes dryer makes other lights go off suggests that there's a problem in the electrical panel itself such as a loose old corroded or burned connection.
Because there can be a risk not just of electrical failure but fire or shock it would make sense for you to get some help from a licensed electrician and whose investigation will probably start right at the electrical panel.
To let us know what your told is that will help other readers.
On 2022-01-23 by Seth kahl
I'm trying to work on my family's older mobile home. Sometimes the lights turn off. When we open the dryer that's running a light in a room turns off. Please help me.
On 2022-01-21 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - chirping smoke detector
Possibly your hard-wired smoke detectors also include an internal battery, intended as a backup, and that battery is sounding a "lost power" or "sensed smoke" alarm.
On 2022-01-21 by John
Removed all four hard wired smoke detectors and getting chirping every 15 seconds from the ceiling. Why?
On 2022-01-20 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - microwave trips circuit breaker
Watch out: NEVER simply connect an "unknown" electrical wire end to anything: we have no idea if that wire is intended to carry current, serve as a ground serve as a neutral wire, nor do we know where it goes nor where its other end or connections are. The risks are fire or electric shock. Better to screw a twist-on connector onto the wire end or tape it securely to keep it safe until it's identified.
When you lose power in half of a doublewide home, I look to be sure the breaker panel has nothing tripped off, then I find and check for a loose or open crossover connector between the two halves of the home.
On 2022-01-20 by Christa
Have 1996 double wide. Half the house (hallway, bathroom, bedroom) all same side of house not getting power. Kitchen works but microwave randomly trips breaker
Upon inspection found several fuses in the box burned through on back side and the metal bracket they attach to burn badly. Replaced every breaker in box.
Found a black wire (hot) hanging not attached to anything. Husband attempted to connect to nearest breaker it trips every time.
Trying to get electricity back on to entire house and figure out where this loose black wire goes.
On 2021-11-06 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - electrical power to the heating furnace in a 1964 Ambassador single wide mobile home
Sounds right, keep me posted.
On 2021-11-06 by Stacie
That's what we are going to have to do. Trying to find the best way to get the darn furnace working soon! Thank you for the quick response.
On 2021-11-06 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - 1964 Ambassador single wide mobile home furnace power wiring
Often the heating system will have its own electrical circuit.
And there may be more than one shut off switch, one for emergency in the living area and then maybe one at or on the furnace itself.
Your electrician should simply trace the circuit from the electric panel or follow the wires from the heating system backwards to the panel to find all of the components and switches.
On 2021-11-06 by Stacie
In a 1964 Ambassador single wide mobile home, how does the furnace get it's power?
The hot water heater is under the cabinet next to the kitchen sink. It seems there is a wire/plug going underneath the cabinet and hot water heater that appears to be separate from the other wiring and maybe just for the furnace.
We had to upgrade the oil tank, then had the furnace serviced but we can't turn it on without tripping the breaker.
I have an electrician apprentice in the house and he's somewhat confident in his abilities but before we can even see what to fix, it would be helpful to find out how this was originally supposed to be set up. We suspect that over the year, some careless rigging has led to our current dilemma.
On 2021-09-10 by inspectapedia.com.moderator (mod) - how to hook up a simple single light switch
@Mona livingston,
Watch out: Never simply connect up electrical wires when you don't know what they are; you could cause a direct short circuit or a building fire.
For your specific case there are a couple of things to do to figure out the wires.
An electrician will first establish whether this is the only switch for the light or whether there are other switches. If there are multiple switches then the wiring is different - each switch has an extra wire connected to it.
Those are called 3-way switches.
That could explain why you have more wires and you expect at a given location.
You should not assume that all of the white wire should be twisted together and you risk causing a short-circuit. fire. injury or shock to yourself or worse.
Instead, each wire needs to be identified.
The way I might start to do that would be to go to the fixture and find the two wires that actually bring power to fixture and connect the other side of the fixture to the neutral wire and I might connected them together -- with power off -- and use an electrical testing device to find continuity between the other ends of those wires.
That would let me identify the wires that go directly to the light fixture.
Watch out: I can't recommend that you continue this project without help from an electrician because I'm concerned that you could be shocked or killed.
But you should indeed take a look at
LIGHT SWITCH WIRING DETAILS for general familiarity with how light switches are wired
On 2021-09-09 by Mona livingston - the white wire was hot, not the black wire
So Im trying to hook up a simple single light switch and there are three black wires which one of the Black wires is hot and I know which one is hot and 3 white wires and 3 ground so I twisted the 3 ground together and hooked them up to the ground screw on the switch and
then I twisted the 3 white wires and put a pigtail on it then I left the black wire alone that was hot and hooked it up to the top screw on the switch and then tied the other two black wires and pigtailed it with a extension to switch.
On the bottom screw so when I turn it on the other end where there is supposed to be a light have one white one black and one ground as I tested it both black and white were hot so I played with the white wires and hooked each one up and one way neither white or black ran hot to where the light went another way the white was hot and not the black
help I can't figure it out I've tried every way I can think of and I can seen to get it where the black wire is the only one hot and not reversed or whatever
[Photo above]
On 2021-08-14 by inspectapedia.com.moderator (mod) - 1981 Citation 25 foot motorhome TV cable hookup location
Gee I wish I could help you but since the side TV cable connection on a building is usually something that's added after it has been constructed, the addition being made by a local cable TV Company employee, I can't give you a location that is defined by the brand and model of home.
However it's often the case that the TV cable comes to the home following the same route as the electrical service.
So the place to start looking is at the electric meter outside of the building.
If you know what a cable connector looks like you see that it's trivially easy to spot.
You will typically see a small metallic box of a few inches across with coaxial cable connectors on it, and a fat black or white coax wire incoming wire connected to that box.
On 2021-08-13 by Gail
Can you tell me where the exterior cable TV connection might be on our recently purchased 1981 Citation 25 foot motorhome? Thank you.
On 2021-06-15 by inspectapedia.com.moderator (mod) - Clayton Doublewide electrical box gets hot & breaker trips
@Christy gribble,
Watch out: It sounds to me as if there's a wiring error which is unsafe and risks a fire.
The only safe course of action, I'm sorry to say, is to leave the offending circuits turned off and to get help from an electrician
She will trace the circuit to find out where the wiring errors are and can then make the necessary repairs.
On 2021-06-14 1 by Christy gribble
Also some outlet was changed to regular one that had test bottom in kitchen and master bath does that make a different
Hi I have a 1995 double wide made by Clayton's homes.. electrical box gets hot some time . All at once breaker blew we flip it back on and half the outlet don't work in master bedroom maybe ever orther one side .
Living room and one of extra bed rooms on one wal. Spare bathroom lights do not work . Not does our fan and light in master bedroom and living room . Kitchen and laundry room and orther room all work . Sorry it 3 bedroom 2 bath . Thank please help I can afford a election
On 2021-04-14 by (mod) - troubleshooting turn signal and backup lights on a vehicle
And I've had that problem on a car or truck invariably I found that I either had a nicked, shorted wire that we're shooting to the metal body or ground of the vehicle or had swapped two wires that needed to be corrected.
Careful use of a voltmeter can track down exactly what's going on.
On 2021-04-14 by Collin - step on brakes, back auto lights go off
whenever I hit the brakes the the lights in the back turn off if I make a left turn signal the right light in the back turns off and the left light gets brighter how do I find this short or what is going on
On 2021-03-11 - by (mod) - how many watts is the electrical power in a 1975 mobile home
You need a 20 amp circuit to support that Appliance.
(Amps = Watts divided by Volts)
Or 2200 / 120v
On 2021-03-10 by Loxi
How many watts in an older, 1975, mobile home? It's a 2 br 2 bath & 1300 square ft.
I need to know if I can safely use an air fryer & Insta-Pot. I'm told they require 800 to 2100 watts of power. Thank you
On 2021-01-30 - by (mod) - Where is the electric box in a 1995 Cavalier Mobile home
Sorry Wanda, I don't know.
I am guessing you mean the main electrical panel, not the electrical boxes that contain electrical outlets and switches.
Typically the panel is indoors, perhaps in a closet or utility area, or outdoors on a standard or post or near the electric meter.
On 2021-01-30 by Wanda
Where is the electric boxes in a 1995 Calevlier Mobile home
On 2021-01-24 - by (mod) - pellet stove fan slows or speed and microwave doesn't work if I turn on a light switch
Watch out: I'm worried that you may have a partial short circuit that could be quite dangerous. Let's get an electrician out there.
On 2021-01-23 by Paul moore
Well I was wondering what may be making this happen if I turn a light switch on or off on any circuit it will make my pellet stove fan slow or speed up an my microwave dosnt cook like it should wen other things are on if I use my welder in my she it effects my nabor lights badly to a power guy said it could be a bad transformer on the pole or is it something in my wireing
On 2021-01-18 - by (mod) - wiring a clothes dryer in a mobile home
Forgive me Joe but I don't understand the abbreviations in the question.
If we are discussing a 220V clothes dryer, then there will be 2 "hot" wires - 120V each, either black and black or black and red.
Watch out: when using aluminum multi-strand wire on high current circuits: poor connections can lead to overheating and a fire; the aluminum needs to be abraded under antioxidant flux and to be connected and properly tightened at the correct connectors. And in no case should you be using single solid strand aluminum electrical wire in residential circuit wiring.
On 2021-01-18 by Joe
My mobile home has a b/r b/w b and aluminum wire at the dryer plug which are hots
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