Electrical wiring FAQs for manufactured & mobile homes: set #2.
This article series describes How to Inspect Mobile Homes or Manufactured Housing Electrical Wiring, Electrical Panel, and other Electrical Components for Defects: detailed procedures, defect lists, references to standards.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
These questions & answers about mobile home electrical systems were posted originally
at MOBILE HOME ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS or otherwise possibly at the bottom of this very article.
On 2023-02-25 by Dave
@InspectApedia Editor , Thank you for the fast response. I am going to just leave it as is and install a cover over the box light box on the outside and not take any chances because I need to get this done this week.
Thanks again for the response.
This is a great page with lots of interesting posts
Thanks again
On 2023-02-24 by InspectApedia Editor
Watch out: if you're not familiar with safe and proper electrical wiring you could be shocked or killed - get help before either of those occur.
My GUESS is that you see two wire sets running to the light because one of them brings power to the light and the other is connected to the light ON-OFF switch to interrupt or to make the circuit to the light.
On 2023-02-23 by Dave
I have a 1996 Palm Harbor Homes modular home and have to work behind the sheetrock in an exterior wall in the front of the home by the master bath and front door I see there are 2 sets of romex like wires that come into this wall area and go to the outside outlet and then they both continue up to the outside light
Is there a reason that both wires run to the light I wish to remove the light and need to know if the wires can be eliminated and have them both just go to the outside outlet?
Thanks for the help
On 2022-11-20 by InspectApedia (Editor)
By range hood I think we're discussing a kitchen fan over the range - maybe venting outside - or not.
Typically that'll be wired to a nearby electrical circuit that powers electrical receptacles.
Check to see if a GFCI receptacle has tripped OFF.
Check for at tripped breaker in the electrical panel.
On 2022-11-19 by Carrie
I have a 94 Clayton single wide and can't figure out where the range hood wiring is coming from no power to it it's hard wires
Good question.
If the wires bringing power to your building are No. 4 copper then the service is not intended to supply more than a total use (at one time)of 70A.
Electrical wiring guidelines assume that not every circuit in use at full capacity at the same time.
Luckily, having a smaller main breaker is a step in the "more-safe" direction. It's always safer to fuse at a lower ampacity than a wire might support. (It is never safer, with minor technical exceptions) to fuse a wire at an ampacity greater than the wire is rated to carry.
If you are seeing tripping of the 70A main breaker then perhaps the home's wiring has been expanded, and load added such that you need a larger electrical service.
Look also at the panel itself - it's labeled rating.
Then read
On 2022-11-06 by Tim
Why is there a 70 amp breaker in my panel box after adding it all up I'm over the 200 amp limit but the main question is the 70 amp breaker
That's actually a common installation practice. Dishwasher is turned on and off by controls on the dishwasher and there's no separate wall switch.
What led you to ask? Is there a problem that needs to be solved?
On 2022-09-05 by Richard
Why is my 1969 mobile home dishwasher hard wired?
No, at least not on the basis of one single fault. If the defect is found at a single connection such as a receptacle, and that connection is repaired, there may be no call for more-extensive re-wiring.
But given the cost of getting an electrician to come to your home to fix one small item, it'd be smart to ask her to check a few receptacles for loose connections and to take a look at your electrical panel to be sure there are no hazards there as well.
On 2022-07-18 by Janet
Would I need to rewire whole room if short is neat just one outlet mobile is 63 model so wiring is old
There's no single right answer nor hard and fast rule about how many electrical panels or breaker boxes are found at a mobile home.
But typically there are at least two, a main electrical switch or panel often mounted on a post outside the home where power is brought in, and a second larger panel with individual circuit breakers somewhere in the home. Sometimes those are combined at the single outside location.
On 2022-07-09 by Margie
How many breaker boxes does a 2014 mobile home have
@Brian maxey,
Thank you for the question about aluminum wiring and your mobile home.
we give some history of aluminum wiring.
You'll see that aluminum wiring was used in homes, including some manufactured homes in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in the United States.
So a home built in 1988 was made well after aluminum wiring was no longer being used for branch circuit wiring (lights, electrical receptacles, etc) in construction.
There could still be aluminum wire in its multi-strand form used on high-amperage circuits such as electric ranges, water heaters, and air conditioners. The risk of aluminum-wire-caused electrical fire in those circuits is less in that the circuits do not involve the large number of individual connections as would be found on lighting and receptacle circuits. But its' not zero.
Because these high-amp circuits are few and easy to find, your electrician can make sure that any such high-amp aluminum wire connections in your home (if there are any) are properly made with anti-oxidant flux and proper tightening.
On 2022-06-10 by Brian maxey
Does a 1988 Hollie Park mobile home have copper wire or aluminum wiring
Unfortunately there's no magic solution here.
An electrician needs to trace the circuit to find the open connection or broken wire.
Leaving this potentially dangerous as there may be a shock or fire hazard.
Perhaps you need a different electrician.
On 2021-11-01 by B.Schrieber
I have a 1965 Biltmore Double Wide and has been wo nderful for over Fifty years.Now I have two receptacles in kitchen one for refrig and one by stove not working.Had a electrician and he could not find where wires were as said one from refrig.Wires went up but could not find as took flour esent lightdown but could not find wire.
One by stove the wiring went down to floor and would have to takeinsulation underneath mobile home off to find i still concernedt. Was suppose to call me back but never did so told me to use heavy electric cord to run my microwave to good receptacle and it works and refrig plugged in another receptacle and works but
(Mar 13, 2016) Jay said:
I have a double wide older trailer and a leak in my breaker box. I have sealed the mast and everything is dry outside... Roof has dust on it even after the rain storm s we are having, mast and wires are dry also yet water is dripping down into the breakers .drip loops are in place.
Not making any sense of this.. Any suggestions would be great thanks.
Water will also enter an electrical panel THROUGH the service entry cable or AROUND it - for example a frayed service entry cable can pick up water and act as a pipe conducting it to inside the electrical panel, or leaks at the point at which a cable enters the meter box or electrical panel can send water inside of those enclosures.
See inspectapedia.com/electric/Electrical_Panel_Moisture.php
and also
see inspectapedia.com/electric/Electrical_Panel_Rust.php
for details about diagnosing and fixing water entry problems in electrical panels and meters
(Mar 25, 2016) Mark. said:
I am putting in a stovetop and oven that is separate.. the oven and the stove both have grounds but the cable running to them does not can I use a neutral as a ground?
No, Mark. Don't use the neutral wire as a ground - doing so is unsafe. I have several worries:
- any 120V circuits in the system (not all of the components are necessarily running at 240V) rely on the neutral wire
- ground wires should not normally carry current - only when there is an electrical fault.
- sending current on a wire used as a neutral and a ground means that at times the grounding system and grounded components (like a metal stove top part or oven part) become electrically live. THat means someone touching the stove could be killed.
I'd run a dedicated wire used only as ground wire. Check with the manufacturer's wiring instructions.
And as I"m obligated to say, if you are not trained and qualified to do wiring, you could get fried or burn the house down - those are reasons to hire an electrician.
(Mar 29, 2016) Dale Loftis said:
Is there somewhere I can find the way to hang a ceiling fan in a mobile home
Even though the roof structure of a mobile home is thinner than a conventionally-framed building, there will be roof supports. The fan bracket needs to mount to one of those structural members.
Watch out: if the ceiling in your home is not high enough to keep the moving fan parts well above anyone's head, a ceiling fan installation would be unsafe.
When choosing a fan, look for models that mount close to the ceiling and that do not include a light fixture: thus choosing a lighter fixture and one that might meet the headroom safety clearance requirement.
(Mar 29, 2016) Dale Loftis said:
Is there somewhere I can find the way to hang a ceiling fan in a mobile home
Even though the roof structure of a mobile home is thinner than a conventionally-framed building, there will be roof supports. The fan bracket needs to mount to one of those structural members.
Watch out: if the ceiling in your home is not high enough to keep the moving fan parts well above anyone's head, a ceiling fan installation would be unsafe.
When choosing a fan, look for models that mount close to the ceiling and that do not include a light fixture: thus choosing a lighter fixture and one that might meet the headroom safety clearance requirement.
(May 7, 2016) Pamela Kline said:
We have a 1991 mobile home,it lost power in living room and front bedroom
Check the circuit breakers (or fuses) in your main electrical panel. If the breaker has tripped you can try re-setting ONCE. If it keeps tripping something is wrong with the circuit or with something plugged into it. LEAVE THAT CIRCUIT OFF since repeatedly turning it on risks a fatal fire.
If the circuit breakers are all already ON (if you're not sure, switch the breaker to the OFF position and then back to ON), and the circuit still has no power, then a wire connection has been lost (has opened) or a wire has been cut or broken in that circuit. Leave that circuit switched OFF for safety and ask for help from an electrician who can find the fault and repair it.
(May 22, 2016) Anonymous said:
Charlotte what happens to the electrical wiring under a mobile home after flooding waters?
In any home, electrical wiring that has been under water is unsafe until it has been inspected and perhaps had several types of components replaced.
For example even if plastic-covered wiring itself appears un-damaged, electrical connections, splices, junction boxes, electrical receptacles, light switches have been wet and are at risk of corrosion.
(Aug 2, 2016) Tom said:
I was just informed by my hoa that the max size beaker allowed in my panel for the air conditioner is 40 amp. I looked andmy breaker is 50 amp. Is this a code violation? I live in a double wide mobile home.
Your HOA and you both could be risking a fire by following a general rule about air conditioner breaker size. A safer and more correct approach, in my opinion, is to select a circuit breaker size that is recommended by the manufacturer of your specific air conditioning equipment. YOu'll see the the required breaker size in amps given on the data tag attached to your air conditioner.
At OPERATING CONTROLS, A/C & HEAT PUMP you will see some rules of thumb for sizing AC and heat pump circuit breakers.
I found this article by searching InspectApedia for AIR CONDITIONER CIRCUIT BREAKER SIZE
(Sept 12, 2016) Renee Foust said:
Location of panel box in a mobile home
Usually inside near the heating system or water heater. A separate main power switch may be outside at an electric meter or pole.
(Sept 14, 2016) Bunny said:
Need help :-) please. I live in a mobile home on a rented lot and the main supply line was faulty under the ground coming into my home. They replaced the line yesterday but today, I'm trying to run the weedwacker and it keeps blowing the gfi outlet. I also found a few other outlets that don't seem to work.
My dryer now works but overheats before even drying one load. ( the 220 line was also faulty.) I never had any electrical problems before the line went bad and I need to know it the flucating current could have created theses issues? ? I am disabled and on a very limited income so cannot afford to fix these things if it was caused by the bad main line.
Ps..according to the electric comp. the 220 line was reading 17 and the 110 line had fluctuating numbers. When I originally notified the prop mgt company about the inital problem, they insisted that the electrical problem was on my end but thankfullly, the electric company was able to convince them, that the first problem was the main supply line.
That line was temporiarly installed yesterday but today I have more problems.
Watch out: I would turn off the main power and also stay away from the lot until you have a licensed electrician diagnose and repair the system.
I'm afraid that a damaged underground service entry cable can leak current or short hot to ground, risking killing someone EVEN if power is turned OFF at the PANEL. If you cannot get an electrician there promptly, call the electric utility company and ask for their help.
(Nov 1, 2016) Tammy said:
I live in a 1989 mobile we r having issue with the outlets in the front of home in master bedroom and both bathrooms not working we have changed all the outlets and still no electricity.
One outlet outside in the back of home not working either. All other outlets work. Can anyone help
(Nov 9, 2016) Stanley said:
Do wires must be in the pipes in mobile homes to meet today's codes and requirements?
If the wiring problem is elsewhere in the circuit than at the receptacles that you changed, such as at splices, in runs of wire that may be damaged, or in the electrical panel itself, then changing the receptacles won't fix the trouble.
An electrician would start right at the main electrical panel, finding the circuit involved, confirming that it is being given power at the breaker or fuse, and then tracing the circuit through the home to find the problem.
A simple test or two by a homeowner can sometimes find the trouble: check that the circuit breakers in the panel are all in the "on" and operating position, and if your home's electrical receptacles ("outlets") include GFCI type receptacles, check that all of those have been reset as one might have tripped off.
Local code compliance requirements are enforced by your local code officials. In most communities existing work in or on a building, PROVIDED it met-code at the time it was performed, is not required to be amended to meet building code improvements, changes, or updates, but new work IS required to do so.
Still, if your home's piping is unsafe or not functional then it should be corrected, regardless of building code enforcement. To fail to do so is to leave health and safety hazards in your home.
On 2016-12-10 by charles
I need to run power to my new single wide home I have my meter loop and 200 amp breaker on the pole and 200 amp box in the trailer.i need to go 175 ft will 40 40 20 direct burial wire be ok
On 2016-11-30 by Anonymous
power in some areas and not in others
On 2016-11-28 by TracyBear - the wiring in this trailer is crazy
I have a 1970s model mobile home that I inherited from my grandmother and the wiring in this trailer is crazy it runs to rooms off one circuit breaker on a few of the circuit breakers in my breaker box. I have learned if I plug in too many heaters it will trip the breaker.
I have no choice but to use wall plug in heaters because the furnace and the whole duct system under the trailer is messed up and I cannot afford to fix it at the moment so I was wondering if there is a way that I can fix the circuit breakers or if I need to have rewiring done or what is causing the problem
On 2016-11-26 by (mod) - when are ground and neutral allowed to be on same bar in electrical panel?
Main panel common.
Sub panel, improper.
On 2016-11-26 by rich
Is there any time when the neutral and ground are allowed to be on the same bar in the main panel. An older home (1980) has new panel installed approved by local building inspector (neutral and grounds on same bar)
On 2016-11-10 by (mod) - installing a doggie door on my mobile home - wiring nearby?
Best bet is to simply make a cautious opening from the interior side, removing just enough drywall to look. OR use a voltage sensor - search InspectApedia for TIC TRACER for an example.
On 2016-11-10 by Mike Malysz
I want to put in a doggie door next to my front door right side, i need to know ther arent any wires running vertical twenty inches off the floor....1994 redman 14x52 ft
On 2016-10-31 by (mod) - where to buy replacement circuit breakers for a mobile home?
Probably not. Most electrical panels in homes, including mobile homes, are national brand models such as Siemens, GE, Square D, etc. Any electrical supply store ought to be able to sell a compatible replacement circuit breaker for your panel.
Your electrician can simply bring one of the existing breakers to the electrical supplier or building supplier or even a local hardware store in order to match the breaker.
On 2016-10-30 by Angie
When a person changes out a breaker in a mobile home do you need to purchase the breaker from a moblehome home part store or can you replace it with a breaker that you get from home Depot or any electrical supply
On 2016-09-16 by (mod) - rat chewed electrical wires under my mobile home
Yes often; you may have to remove insulation to follow the wires.
Watch out for shock and fire risks.
On 2016-09-16 by rodney
are electrical wires exposed under mobile homes, i think a rat has chewed some wires.
On 2016-09-03 by (mod) -
Theresa I can't diagnose this problem by e-text: what you describe could be very unsafe, risking shock or fire if the problem is with local wiring, or it could be a problem starting with the electric company.
Check with your neighbors: if you're the only one seeing these outages then your electrical system is UNSAFE and should be shut down right away. An electrician will inspect for a loose wire, damaged wiring, damaged electrical panel or breaker.
On 2016-09-03 by theresa
How come i keep having ower outages some lasting inly a few seconds other times its like ten minutes
On 2016-08-25 by dale
I have a switch on my wall the turns an orange/red light on and off, I dont know what this means or what it is there for, I'm hoping you will know?
On 2016-06-27 by Anonymous - wiring diagram for a 1997 Holly Park Doublewide?
Where can I find a wiring diagram for a 1997 Holly Park Doublewide?
On 2016-06-24 by (mod) - Palm Harbor Homes contact information
Aw gee, Anon. Sorry but I don't know that detail;
I suggest asking the manufacturer of your home this question as they'll know exactly where their connections are made:
Palm Harbor Homes
15301 Spectrum Dr., Suite 500, Addison, TX 75001
The company's website has a contact page in which you enter your state and they'll give you help if you prefer web to phone.
On 2016-06-23 by Anonymous
I have a 1995 Palm Harbor double wide I need to know where the two halves are wired together so I don't make unnecessary Cuts in the insulation
On 2016-04-27 by Joe Clayton doublewide - installing a ceiling fan
I have 1997 Clayton doublewide. I want to install ceiling fan with light to switch. Wire in is different. IT HAS 1 WHITE CONNECTED TO 2 BLACK, AND 2 white connected to 1 WHITE. So why is light wired that way?
On 2016-03-13 by (mod) - accidentally shorted black wire to white wire and a light came on
WATCH OUT: you can be shocked or killed or set the home on fire messing with live electrical wiring. I understand (and succumb myself) to the DIY temptation but this is dangerous work.
I suspect that the hot wire to one of your switches is not live - that wire may be disconnected somewhere between the switch and the electrical panel, so when you simply touched another live wire to the switch you saw light. Happily you didn't see permanent darkness that comes with death.
I would prefer leaving such bad-behaving circuits off until a licensed electrician is on the job.
On 2016-03-13 by Tracy
I have two light switches in the living room and then a bedroom light and also the plug ends in the bedroom are not working and two plug ends in the living room.
I have checked the outlet for voltage and got 130 on meter and as I was checking them out I accidentally hit the black wire against the other light switch and the hall . Light came on .
On 2016-02-06 by (mod) - proper enclosure box for electrical wire splice
A splice may be permitted if the box is weatherproof and rated for outdoor use - check with your local building department.
On 2016-02-04 by Anonymous
I moved a double wide and my main feed wires are too short. Would it pass inspection if the wires are spliced in a pic junction box. I'm in Louisiana parish is Lafourche
(Apr 28, 2015) Anonymous said:
I have a 1997 Clayton manufactured double wide and the wiring is really not even consistant with a home.
The outlets are stuck into the sheetrock panels and not on studs and when trying to replace them the wiring seems backwards, complicated and stuffed....Why would they not stick to a home plan..
It is "legal" to insert a receptacle box through drywall without connecting it to a stud provided proper mounts are used so that the box is secure - doesn't wiggle around.
But if the wiring is improper or if the boxes are loose the system is unsafe and should be inspected by an electrician. Use my email found at our CONTACT link at page bottom to send me some photos and perhaps we can comment further.
26 August 2015 carol said:
Need to put wallpaper over kitchen outlet but after adding breadboard to drywall existing outlet is too deep. There is no box.
Is there something to use to correct this problem
Yes Carol, you want an electrical box extender.
See ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX TYPES where they are described.
(Mar 13, 2014) Mike Smith said:
I've managed to trip the main site fuse box while changing a ceiling light. All my trips were OFF and wiring safe when checked with a circuit tester & (stupid I know) by touching each wire. When the site electrician came he touched the neutral wire to the metal shed wall & there was an audible discharge & the trip activated. WHY?
If touching neutral to ground causes a short then the circuit to which the neutral is connected was live (and, happily, the shed is grounded)
This is a dangerous condition. The short needs to be found and repaired. Leave power off until that's been done.
(Apr 30, 2014) Theresa Dunn said:
We bought a used 1985 Columbia double wide. 3 bd room 2 bath. We have power in the kitchen, dinning room, and masterbedroom all in one front of the home.
In the livingroom we have 2 plugs with no power getting to them.
We also have in the area where the fireplace is no power in that room at all and then no power in the two bedrooms in the back of the house but between all those non working rooms is a bathroom where we have lights the recepticle for the electrical plug did work but it now has stoped working.
It worked when all those other places do not. Any help appreciated.
We are trying to get our grandkids from cps and this is why we bought the home in the first place and the people we bought it from said it was working when we bought it and it was a as is purchase, There was no way for us to check the power on the lot it was sitting
This article ought to help you out:
ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ID, MAP & LABEL - though you will most likely need help from an electrician.
(June 23, 2014) Renee said:
Hi, Regarding Mobile Homes:"Electrical meter & disconnect separate from the home, with own grounding electrode; therefore the panel in the home must be wired like a sub panel (isolate ground and neutral in the panel) with a 4-wire conductor that separates ground and neutral"
Reader Question: Are the ground and neutral required to be isolated if there is a separate/additional ground rod for the home panel?
Ground and neutral are always kept isolated in sub panels. Otherwise the ground circuit, not intended to carry current in normal conditions, becomes a current-carrying conductor in normal use - an unsafe situation.
(June 26, 2014) Anthony said:
I bought a 1989 Redman Bonanza mobile home about a month ago. The power connected about a week later and all plugs and switches worked every since. Yesterday, apparently a wire shorted to the duct work that runs down the center of the home and burned about a foot of the insulation off the wire.
This started a fire in the insulation beneath the floor and also burned a quarter size hole in the duct work.
My question is why did the breaker not trip immediately and prevent the fire? The breaker did trip at some point. Luckily I was there, able to locate the source of the fire(about a 4" flame) smoke and get it under control with no real damage. Has anybody else had a similar problem?
Thanks for the important electrical fire report. Need I'm glad no worse catastrophe occurred.
I suspect your home may have defective circuit breakers (is the panel an FPE or Zinsco brand?) or your home may be wired with aluminum.
Let me know.
(July 2, 2014) Sherry said:
We bought a 1988 double wide in December we have pretty much redone everything. It is on a full foundation with a two car garage underneath. Anyway our problem is we have a switch (which is in a double switch box) that does not work the one next to it does though.
The outlet below the switches does not work all other outlets in living room do work. One of the five outlets in our master bedroom also does not work. We can't figure out what else to do or try.
Thank you
Sherry, you can guess that there is an open wire connection or broken switch or receptacle electrically "up-stream" from the switch or the switched wires could be disconnected in the light or other fixture or receptacles that it's supposed to switch.
Our article on how to trace electrical circuits may be helpful:
Basically you follow the wiring to find the defect. If you know what's supposed to be switched look in that junction box too.
(July 29, 2014) Valerie said:
Where can I find the mating plug in a 2001 Clayton double wide home
If you are asking about replacing a defective mating plug check both electrical supply houses and online mobile home parts suppliers.
If you are asking where the mating plug is located from time of assembly, it must be left in a visible, accessible location, usually at one end or in the center of the crawl area near the mating beams or similarly in the attic space.
(Dec 17, 2011) Bill said:
This site has helped me. All the questions I had concerning mobile home entrance wiring were answered! Thanks.
(Feb 7, 2013) Corren said:
For Kristy: we had the same problem last month. We are also in the same situation with the landlord....
We moved in the trailer back in Sept 2012. From the get go we had electrical issues. Plugs not working...basically if it was electrical it may our may not work...plugs, switches, lights...
The first night we spent in the trailer,the main breaker blew for the first tune. If I had more than one major appliance on, it would blow. If I had one major appliance on and more than a couple of lights, it would blow.
We called the landlord. his response was,"Well dont have so much going on, trailers aren't made for all that". He did nothing....in dec it the main breaker blew one final time and would come back on when we reset it from the outside pole (what he had told us to do when the main breaker blew).
Long story short....after having to call the city (me), they had to replace the main breaker and pole.
Also had to replace the writing running into the trailer because it had broken underground. Do after the city, an electrician that worked for 20's park, and a different electrician that landlord hired the problem was finally fixed. The problem was two-fold....the pole was over 30 years old and rusted.
The second was all the broken writing. When the city came to look at it, they took the meter out because everything inside the breaker box was melted and burnt to crumbs INCLUDING the metal bracket that was holding the meter in.
Everyone said we are lucky to be alive because it didnt catch the trailer on fire. GET THE CITY INVOLVED IF YOUR LANDLORD WON'T FIX THE PROBLEM!!! I've got 3 small children and never would have moved here if I had known.
Repeating Steve's comment without the advertising link he included:
Bought some property in NY that I need to have electrical service routed to. I found a TT panel with a main disconnect as well as 30A & 20A receptacles already wired.
Now my question. If I mount this on say a 5-6 foot 6x6 on a concrete footing would I have any issues the electric co running service to it? Also, would I need an electrical inspection prior to having the electric company connect? - Steve 3/31/2013
You will need to mount the electrical panel to suit your LOCAL electrical inspector and state and local building codes. Your query doesn't include enough detail for one to have an opinion of its correctness or legality.
is there a list of codes to follow so when I re-wire my 1965 mobile home so as not to run into any set backs at the inspection? I already know about get rid of the aluminum wire,and use plastic not metal switch boxes and junctions, use 12/2 copper I just want to touch all bases so I don't have any more re-work than what is planned. - David East 5/24/12
David, specific electrical code regulations for mobile homes and manufactured homes originate in the U.S. in the National Electric Code but are in many if not nearly all instances further specified in state regulations that vary among the states. Below are some examples and citations. If none of these is your state let us know and we'll research it further.
Note that for the purpose of electrical wiring guides, just about every one of the documents I reviewed below assert that unless otherwise indicated (whatever that means) the term "mobile home" includes "manufactured home" - that is, for the purpose of regulating electrical wiring installation.
Definitions: Typically a "mobile home" or "manufactured home" wiring guide does not regulate electrical wiring specifications for modular construction. More about these definitions of types of housing and their differences can be read
In the article above and also at REFERENCES we include links to electrical codes and other electrical information sources for mobile homes and manufactured homes and campers.
I lost power to my 1965 trailer when i accidently shorted out the power to the house
Short circuit may have damaged wiring - this sounds unsafe, I'd trace out the circuit
I live in a mobile home park . Do i have to run conduit from the park supplied fuse box outside the trailer to my breaker box in the trailer. or can i just run conduit from the park supplied box to under my trailer as long as its burried .
then just cable to my breaker box with out conduit the rest of the way
The cable needs to be rated for outdoor exposure if above ground, and for being buried if underground; also we often find dangerously damaged electrical wiring outdoors where it is close to ground and not protected by conduit - hit by mowers, for example.
window air conditioner keeps blowing fuese's
Check for an overloaded circuit or a failing window air conditioner compressor
I woud like to know if there are electricians who understand modular home wiring because this repairman said it ws easier to go without electricity in 3 rooms than it would be to fix the problem, and I'd just like to know if this is accurate - Pamela O'Conner 6/15/12
Pamela, electrical wiring for a modular home must meet the same local, state, or national electrical code requirements as a stick built home or other residential buildings.
What's different is that each section of the home is wired at the factory. In a two-story Colonial modular we expect the home to be built of four sections, two for each floor. As the sections are set in place, the local builder,
OR the modular company's set crew simply have to join up gangs of wires for the four sections, and then, usually, the main electrical panel is a separate installation in a garage or basement, to which all of the modular section circuits are ultimately connected.
What can stump an electrician not familiar with modulars is that s/he may not know where or how to find the connectors that someone forgot to plug together as the sections were being set in place.
Call your modular manufacturer for help. Someone who knows the unit's plan and how it was wired should know exactly where the missing connectors are located - that way we don't have to cut large openings to go looking for the mistake.
I have seen connectors hanging loose, not connected, on occasion by looking down between the front and rear interior partition walls from the house attic.
In the worst case someone will have to make a strip cut of about 12" of drywall along one or more walls or ceilings to find the missing connectors and take those circuits to the panel.
Drywall is dirt cheap to buy and not expensive to install. Though it's a mess in a finished house to have to cut walls, then repair, tape, and re-paint.
That's why I'd start with the modular manufacturer.
Keep us posted, what you find will help other readers.
I bought a '98 Fleetwood Doublewide and found, in the living room, and all three bedrooms, that the lights / fans appeared to have been removed by previous owner. However, on inspection, it appears there's actually no wire in the ceiling, the shallow pie pans even had the knockouts still intact, and no wire ever run to the boxes. Then I noticed 6' tall basic surface raceway installed on the wall directly over a switched outlet in each room.
I'm guessing but, looks to me like previous owner rigged some lamp cord wiring of some sort run through the surface raceway over to suspended fixtures. My Reader Question: Is this factory arrangement? Did '98 code permit exterior raceway? I noticed in the owner manual ceiling fans were an "Option"...
does that mean that if the option was not purchased those rooms would not have been concocted to the electrical distribution (i.e. not even a drop in a box in each room)? I took the boxes out and looked up into the space in the trusses but I don't see any wires at all so I can't really tell if there's a wire coiled up there or not. Sure would appreciate any help.
Oh yea...if exeterior raceway and a suspended fixture was an option, is there an approved fixture (fan or light) to use in that configuration? - Mike 7/30/2012
Mike F.
Good grief what a disappointment. Or worse.
As you saw that all of the knockouts were in place in the ceiling electrical boxes indeed it appears that no wire was ever run to those locations. And your observation of the presence of surface mount conduit confirms that theory - and shows how the prior owner addressed the problem of missing electrical wiring.
But running lamp cord through conduit is not safe and not acceptable. Electrical conduit is designed to carry properly insulated and rated electrical wiring. Using lamp cord risks a short and a fire.
Exterior or surface mount electrical conduit can be perfectly legal but not if it is wired with the wrong wire type.
You can add a ceiling fan if there is sufficient overhead space and the fan gives enough clearance not to whack someone in the head when the fan is running. But the trouble and cost of routing wire through a manufactured home ceiling is too high - I figure you'll want to use surface mount conduit as was done for other circuits to get power to the overhead fan.
You will want to look closely at how the existing ceiling boxes are secured to the ceiling structure. If the box is screwed to structural members it's probably fine and a ceiling fan mount kit will adapt the fan to the box. If the box is not firmly secured to the structure the risk is that the whole shebang falls down on someone while running.
(Dec 13, 2011) Rob said:
I have a 1967 Airstream International planted in the backyard and want to run an extension cord out to it to run basic electric. It has 5 amber running lights and a porch light on the outside that runs on DC. It is completely gutted and I have access to the single wire from each fixture. What do I need to do to hook up the outside running lights to a power strip.Rob,
At your local electrical supplier or auto supply store or even at Radio Shack you should be able to pick up a small External AC to DC power converter (aka AC to DC Power Supply). What you need is a converter that will have high enough Amps output for the few trailer lights that you cited.
I used the term "External AC to DC Power converter or power supply because you don't want to have to buy a separate cabinet or case and do assembly. When shopping don't rule out existing computer or other electronic power supply "bricks" - just take a look at the DC Wattage output that the supply can provide.
If it's big enough you'll be OK. For just a few running lights and a porch light, most likely you won't even be drawing 10 watts, but to be on the safe side and to allow for expanded use of your power supply once you figure out how useful it is, I'd look at a unit with 35 watts or larger output.
Take a look at our ELECTRICAL home page (links at page top or page bottom) and you'll see an article titled DEFINITIONS of ELECTRICAL TERMS for help with AC, DC, Amps, and Watts.
Run a weather-resistant outdoor-rated extension cord from an outdoor GFCI protected receptacle over to the Airstream and inside it where it will be weather protected.
To that 120V (probably 15A) circuit, you'll plug in your AC to DC Converter. You'll then wire the DC output terminals to your Airstream lighting circuit.
If you're going to use this electrical supply system frequently you might want to put together a suitable plug connection feeding the DC powered circuit and a suitable connector on the wires that you run from the AC-DC converter.
For more permanent power conversion of an older Airstream or other mobile home or trailer, I'd look at what's offered by RV suppliers. Certainly I had no trouble retrofitting an AC to DC connector and power supply on an old slide-on pickup truck camper, thus allowing us to "plug in" to any 120V DC power source and run all of the DC devices in the camper.
(Sept 3, 2012) brent said:
I have a trailer previous owner took out the breaker box and cut wires to short what are my options besides completely rewiring it.
Brent, If the short-wire problem is on just one or two circuits usually you can use a metal junction box to safely contain an electrical wire splice so that you can extend the length of the too-short wires.
If the too-short electrical wire problem is for all of the wires it might be possible to move the electrical panel or breaker box enough so that all of the wires can reach it. If not you're going to need to install a large raceway or "bus" = basically a large electrical junction box to contain spliced-on additions to the wires to reach into the new panel.
(Jan 14, 2013) tim ferguson said:
can you tell me where the plug is on a double wide for plugging each half togather again after being moved?it is a 1989 fleetwood mobile home
Tim, usually I find the mating plug under the unit near one end and near the mating beam. In some construction the mating connector is in an accessible attic space. Electrical connectors should never be completely buried or made inaccessible.
(Feb 18, 2014) Roy Clark said:
Have a 98 Colony single wide, the master bedroom and master bath trips the breaker immediately after being set. You cannot reset it, I put a new one in, still does the same thing. I took every plug in and light switch out to try to figure out where the problem is, it does the same thing. How can I troubleshoot for a bad wire without current running to wires. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Watch out: you may have a dangerous situation that risks a fire or shock. If an individual breaker trips immediately most likely there is a dead short somewhere - as you suggest. But when the MAIN breaker trips that suggests that there is a large overcurrent inside the panel which in turn is not being detected and shut off first by one of the individual circuit breakers.
The safest thing to do is leave power off and call a licensed electrician. The electrician will probably start by a visual inspection beginning outdoors at the meter, continuing indoors at the panel and panel interior looking for obvious overheating or damage.
It might be helpful to know the brand of panel and breakers installed - use the CONTACT link at page top or bottom to send me some photos if you can.
There are some brands like FPE Federal Pacific Electric and Zinsco that have main breaker failures and burn-ups as well as individual breaker failures.
As I'm trying to explain, when the main breaker trips, unless the fault is in that breaker itself, the suggestion is that one or more individual breakers in the panel is not tripping when it should - or that there is an internal short or damage in the panel. Since you say you already installed a new main breaker (I can't imagine how you did that safely unless the utility company dropped power for you outside) the suggestion is that there is an individual breaker or panel or bus failure.
But for a non-electrician, even opening the panel by removing its cover can be quite risky. If you're not trained & experienced it would be safest to leave that alone.
Please keep me posted, and send along photos if you can. Stay safe.
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