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Federal Pacific Electric Stab Lok FPE breaker panel after testing Federal Pacific Electric Panel Tests Indicate Failures

Most-recent FP & FPE & UBI Failure Rate Test Data

Independent tests of FPE Equipment: October 15, 2000, Poughkeepsie, NY. Tests by an independent forensic engineer confirmed failures of circuit breakers in a Federal Pacific Stab-Lok® residential electric panel that was contributed by a homeowner.

Replacement FPE Stab-Lok® circuit breakers are unlikely to reduce the failure risk of this equipment. We recommend that residential FPE Stab-Lok® electrical panels be replaced entirely or the entire panel bus assembly be replaced, regardless of FPE model number or FPE year of manufacture. We do not sell circuit breakers nor any other products. 

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Recent Federal Pacific Electric, Federal Pioneer & UBI Failure Test Results

Federal Pacific Electric Stab Lok FPE breaker ok after testingFollowing a recap of where to find the most-recent FPE and FP Stab-Lok panel and breaker and replacement FPE breaker test results, we include the results of testing of an FPE panel contributed for independent reliability testing.

This test, a subset of the entire UL 489 Standard, is intended to determine proper electrical circuit breaker function in response to overcurrent.

40-Amp breakers were tested at 135% of rated load and should trip within an hour. 20-Amp and 15-Amp breakers were tested at 200% of rated load and should trip within 2 minutes.

Question: Where is the most-recent published data updating findings on the FPE Stab-Lok® ® Hazard?

I am writing to see if you have published data from the NJ condo study showing increased failure rate with FPE Stab Lok panels and breakers. - D.H., a NACHI home inspector in Washington State

Reply: Most-recent FP FPE UBI & related Circuit Breaker Failure Test Results & Field Failure Reports


Thank you for asking about updated status on FPE (Federal Pacific Electric) Stab-Lok® ® hazards. Because of publication restrictions and rules imposed by IEEE, we have cited but not published the contents of the most important recent study that contains updated and authoritative research on the FPE hazard.

See most recent or particularly-useful FPE and related circuit breaker reports in the following pages:

Federal Pacific Electric Test Performed on Homeowner's FPE Breaker Panel

The breakers in this Federal Pacific Stab-Lok® panel were tested according to the Underwriters Laboratories UL Standard UL 489 calibration test.

This test, a subset of the entire UL 489 Standard, is intended to determine proper electrical circuit breaker function in response to overcurrent.

40-Amp breakers were tested at 135% of rated load and should trip within an hour. 20-Amp and 15-Amp breakers were tested at 200% of rated load and should trip within 2 minutes.

Federal Pacific Electric (FPE Panel) Test Results

The FPE panel tested contained 19 circuit breakers.

10% (2 out of 19) of the Federal Pacific Electric Stab-Lok® breakers in the panel tested failed to perform properly. In the electrical industry, the failure rate for non-trip breakers is virtually zero.

Photographs of Federal Pacific Electric Panel Tested


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