Independent tests of FPE Equipment: October 15, 2000, Poughkeepsie, NY. Tests by an independent forensic engineer confirmed failures of circuit breakers in a Federal Pacific Stab-Lok® residential electric panel that was contributed by a homeowner.
Replacement FPE Stab-Lok® circuit breakers are unlikely to reduce the failure risk of this equipment. We recommend that residential FPE Stab-Lok® electrical panels be replaced entirely or the entire panel bus assembly be replaced, regardless of FPE model number or FPE year of manufacture. We do not sell circuit breakers nor any other products.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Following a recap of where to find the most-recent FPE and FP Stab-Lok panel and breaker and replacement FPE breaker test results, we include the results of testing of an FPE panel contributed for independent reliability testing.
This test, a subset of the entire UL 489 Standard, is intended to determine proper electrical circuit breaker function in response to overcurrent.
40-Amp breakers were tested at 135% of rated load and should trip within an hour. 20-Amp and 15-Amp breakers were tested at 200% of rated load and should trip within 2 minutes.
I am writing to see if you have published data from the NJ condo study showing increased failure rate with FPE Stab Lok panels and breakers. - D.H., a NACHI home inspector in Washington State
Thank you for asking about updated status on FPE (Federal Pacific Electric) Stab-Lok® ® hazards. Because of publication restrictions and rules imposed by IEEE, we have cited but not published the contents of the most important recent study that contains updated and authoritative research on the FPE hazard.
See most recent or particularly-useful FPE and related circuit breaker reports in the following pages:
Note: CPSC staff advises electricians, homeowners, home inspectors and real estate agents to read and interpret the following press release carefully.
The press release announces that the Commission closed the matter without making a determination as to the safety of FPE circuit breakers or the accuracy of the manufacturer’s position on the matter.
The Commission advises consumers to take the safety precautions noted in this notice with all circuit breakers and fuses.
You can obtain copies of this report from IEEE as well as copies of earlier or later studies.
Jesse Aronstein, Ph.D., P.E., and Richard Lowry, Ph.D., "Estimating Fire Losses Associated with FPE Stab-Lok® ® Circuit Breaker Malfunction", IEEE ESW-2011-29, Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Jan.-Feb. 2012,
An updated version of the original paper, possibly available from Dr. Aronstein, identifies the name of the defective circuit breakers - information that was not identified in the published version due to conference rules. Abstract:
Abstract - A method is presented for connecting small branch
circuit breaker functional test data to statistical fire loss data.
Test results are presented for field samples of a particular line
of circuit breakers that have an abnormally high defect level.
The test results are then utilized in combination with available
electrical fire statistics to estimate the annual number of fires
and consequent injuries, deaths, and monetary loss associated
with the defective breakers.
An estimate is then made of the
reduction of injury and loss that can be achieved by
encouraging replacement of the defective breakers. The role of
the electrical safety community in promoting
replacement of the
defective breakers is discussed.
In my OPINION the Aronstein/Lowry IEEE-published study is an important update on the FPE hazard. It establishes the FPE Stab-Lok® hazard to a new higher level of certainty across the entire product line, and concludes that "... there are substantial fire losses due to the defective operation of FPE Stab-Lok® (R) circuit breakers.
The Aronstein/Lowry report found failure rates confirming those documented in earlier FPE Stab-Lok® studies and it cites the considerable body of failure data that has been produced since the CPSC closed its investigation in 1983. Importantly, Aronstein/Lowry also conclude that defects exist across the entire FPE Stab-Lok® ® circuit breaker product line (rather than just the specific breaker types originally investigated by the US CPSC).
The study also recaps more recent legal history of the FPE Stab-Lok® breaker product, citing the 2002 New Jersey class action lawsuit in which the judge ruled that the manufacturer of FPE Stab-Lok® ® breakers committed fraud over a period of many years by applying UL-labels to circuit breakers that did not meet UL product testing standards.
The decision drew principally on the company's own documents, but public documents also indicate that FPE lost their UL listing when deceptive testing and labeling of breakers was discovered (see our citation of press reports - FPE EXXON SCANDEL Article [web page] published at
In sum, the recent Aronstein/Lowry study is a call-to-action to the U.S. CPSC to finally make a clear warning to both the electrical trades and the public concerning the FPE Stab-Lok® ® hazard.
The breakers in this Federal Pacific Stab-Lok® panel were tested according to the Underwriters Laboratories UL Standard UL 489 calibration test.
This test, a subset of the entire UL 489 Standard, is intended to determine proper electrical circuit breaker function in response to overcurrent.
40-Amp breakers were tested at 135% of rated load and should trip within an hour. 20-Amp and 15-Amp breakers were tested at 200% of rated load and should trip within 2 minutes.
The FPE panel tested contained 19 circuit breakers.
10% (2 out of 19) of the Federal Pacific Electric Stab-Lok® breakers in the panel tested failed to perform properly. In the electrical industry, the failure rate for non-trip breakers is virtually zero.
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