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Photograph of mossy growth on asphalt roof shingles Photo-guide to Identification of Algae, Fungus, Lichens, Moss on, in or Related to Buildings

Algae, Lichens, Moss on buildings: What's the difference?

This article describes and provide photographs and microscopic photographs of algae, moss, lichens, or fungal growth that occurs on buildings and in nature.

We include links to references useful in the identification of algae, moss, lichens, and mold. Our photo at page top shows moss on an asphalt shingle roof.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

What does Algae look like on or around buildings & Algae under the microscope?

Photograph of green algae on a building

This article series tells readers how to identify, evaluate, remove or prevent stains on building surfaces.

Black stains due to algae

Algae often appears on organic and even inorganic surfaces of buildings and in nature such as on the asphalt roof shingles in this photo.

Black algae stains can also look a lot like extractive bleeding shown in this separate article on EXTRACTIVE BLEEDING on SHINGLES which can appear on asphalt roof shingles.We think that extractive bleeding on shingles is not common while dark algae-based stains on roof surfaces are very common.

While algae is the most common source of black or green roof stains on shingles, when the staining or bleeding appears to run down the roof from individual small points or "spots" this may be something other than a fungal growth or soot: it may b e extractive bleeding or "bleed through" on shingles.

The presence of algae on the roof is an indicator that this roof area is in a shaded spot where you may want to be alert for development of moss or other roof problems, but the level of damage from algae is probably low, even less than that caused by lichens. Avoid any aggressive cleaning methods that might damage the roof surface.

See ALGAE STAINS on ROOFS and also STAINS on ROOF SHINGLES for a more detailed discussion of bleed through or extractive bleeding as well as black algae stains on roof shingles.

Green stains due to algae

Algae stains on concrete (C) Daniel Friedman

Green stains that are algal growth also appear on buildings including on shingles, siding, and even on masonry walls, sidewalks, planters, and retaining walls: stone, concrete block, and concrete. If you see flat green stain on a building exterior and that is not producing any plant-like raised growth it is likely to be an algae.

Watch out: on walks and decks algae makes for a dangerously slippery surface when it is wet. Details are at SLIPPERY STAIRS, WALKS, ROOFS.

Also see STONE, STUCCO & BRICK CLEANING METHODS for details about cleaning and prevention of algae or moss growth on outdoor and other surfaces.

Green algae contamination on cleaning fabrics used in a car wash is illustrated and discussed separately at ALGAE CONTAMINATION at CAR WASH

What does Algae Look Like Under the Microscope

Algae under the microscope (C) Daniel Friedman

Examining a surface or tape lift sample of green "something" on a building surface by using an optical microscope can often quickly tell us if the green stain is biological and is algae, or if it's something else.

Algae under the microscope has a distinctive appearance that easily distinguishes it from moss, lichens, and mold, as we show here. This microphotograph of algae was made in our lab while examining a sample sent to us from our friend and mold lab expert Sue Flappan.

The original algae sample was collected from a concrete sidewalk using simple adhesive tape.

What does Lichens look like on buildings, in nature, and in the microscope?

Lichens, one of the most hardy growth organisms found in nature, can grow in harsh conditions. Lichens is often found growing on roof shingles, especially asphalt and wood shingles as we show here.

Photograph of lichens growth on asphalt shingles (C) Daniel Friedman Photograph of lichens growth on asphalt shingles (C) Daniel Friedman

Our photographs (above) show lichens growing on an asphalt roof shingle in situ (above left). In the photo where our pen is inserted for scale (above right) we had "picked" the spot of lichens gently and flipped it over.

Our pen points to the hole left in the asphalt shingle as the lichens had such a good grip on the mineral granules that when removing the lichens it brought some of the roof protective coating along with itself.

If you click to enlarge the photo at above right you'll see the actual mineral granules from the shingle adhered in the "roots" of the lichens.

See LICHENS on ROOFS for details about the causes, effects, and prevention of lichens growth on roofing surfaces.


Lichens on Painted Metal - Cars:

Heavy lichens growth and probably some mold on the surface of a car (C) anonymous reader

Above: this picture by an reader, shows a car that has an extensive lichens and mold growth on its hood.

Click to enlarge the image and you'll see the blue-green lichens colonies on the car's hood and headlights. The black spots could be an algae or a mold (fungus). We'd need to see a sample in our lab to know which.

What does Moss look like on buildings, in nature, and in the microscope?

Moss growing on any roof surface will be more severe on roof sections that area shaded and exposed to periodically damp cool weather conditions.

The presence or absence of much sunlight on a roof surface is often a determining factor in the amount of moss or lichens growth (more sun, less moss and lichens.

Mossy roof shingles (C) Daniel Friedman Mossy roof (C) Daniel Friedman

Moss and lichens are more than a cosmetic issue on many kinds of roofing materials - asphalt shingles, roll roofing, wood shingle roofs, wood shake roofs. By holding moisture against the roof surface lichens but more so moss speed the wear of the asphalt shingle surface in freezing climates by increasing frost damage to the mineral granule coating on the shingles.


Moss under the microscope (C) Daniel Friedman

What Moss Looks Like Under the Microscope - photos

It's easy to see the plant-like structure of moss fragments, as our photograph (left) demonstrates.

This moss sample was collected from a basement wall: we suspect that the damp conditions that produced this moss growth on the building wall also increased the risk of a mold problem in the same structure.

For an identification guide to mosses we include some resources below at Reviewers.

For an extensive catalog of methods for preventing algae, moss, or lichens growth on roofs see How to Prevent Moss, Lichens & Algae Growth on Roofs.

See Black Stain Removal & Prevention for advice on diagnosing, cleaning, and preventing algae stains on roofing.

Online Guides to Types of Stains on Building Surfaces:

Algae at a lake shore traced to failed septic system (C) Daniel Friedman

At STAIN DIAGNOSIS on BUILDING EXTERIORS we list types of stains, contaminants or discoloration seen on building exterior surfaces by stain color & appearance, by building location or material, and by stain cause

. We distinguish among the following stuff that may stain or be found growing building roofs, walls, or other surfaces, with extra focus on asphalt shingle roofs as well as other roofing materials such as wood shingles, wood shakes, roll roofing, and even slate or tile roofs. Some of these types of roof stains or discoloration are only cosmetic in nature, while others may indicate growths that are likely to reduce the roof covering life.

At STAIN DIAGNOSIS on BUILDING INTERIORSwe list types of stains found on or in building interiors by stain color & appearance, by building location or material, and by stain cause.

Our photo above shows algae formation in a fresh water lake near a failed septic drainfield.

see SEPTIC FAILURE SPOTS where we describe where effluent typically shows up when the disposal field is failing, including causing algae blooms in nearby waterways.


Continue reading at ALGAE STAIN TEST METHODS or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

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ALGAE, FUNGUS, LICHENS, MOSS COMPARED at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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Kathleen · Apr 12, 2023

There is an explosion of fungus appearing on four homes in our neighborhood! All of the homes have been sided with Hardie Plank siding within the last five years. All of the fungal growth is appearing on the sunny side of the homes! We live on the coast in the Pacific Northwest, about three blocks from the ocean. How can we destroy this fungus and prevent damage to our siding?

InspectApedia Editor (mod) · Apr 13, 2023


To give you reliable advice on outdoor mold growth on your Hardie Plank siding I'd want to know a bit more about the buildings.

It is indeed a bit unusual that the mold growth is appearing only on the sunny side or most-extremely on the sunny-side of homes.

What's the relationship between house facing direction and other factors such as

- prevalent wind direction

- direction of oncoming moisture from the ocean three blocks away

And, can you post some photos (one per comment) that let me see

- the whole side of the home and its surrounds

- a close view of the fungus (mold) on the siding?


How old are the homes involved?
Has the siding been re-painted?

I can suggest some simple cleaning that includes a disinfectant or dilute bleach but I'm concerned that if it's not done properly, including quick and thorough rinsing the result can be ugly bleach streaks down siding.

And if we don't understand the cause of the mold growth, cleaning alone won't prevent its recurrence.

Anonymous by private email (mod) · Sept 1, 2022

Re-posting by private email

Last winter I noticed a black spot on the caulk in the corner of this window (where the wood, vinyl and Sheetrock meet)

This summer I noticed this. It is a hard (not soft) growth. What is this, and how should I treat it? Thanks for a response. - SA by private email.

[Photo stored in our /mold/ subdirectory]

InspectApedia-911 (mod) · Sept 2, 2022

@Anonymous by private email,

I can't say from the photo what that is - could be a fungus - more-likely if there has been moisture or a water leak into the nearby walls.

Below is another example of the fruiting body of a mold (fungus) growing indoors

discussed at "Brown Mushrooms Growing On or In Buildings & Building Materials" found in


If this is indeed leak-related, there is a significant probability that there is more mold damage, and/or rot or insect activity nearby in the wall, ceiling, or floor cavity, depending on where water has passed.

It's worth both removing the material you can see and inspecting the nearby wall cavity for leak and water damage.

Keep us posted and we'll take it from there.

Also take a look at

MOLD CLEANUP GUIDE - how to clean up mold or remove mold in buildings.

Judy · Dec 5, 2021

This fungus is growing on my shingle house near the ocean. What is it and how do I control it?

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Dec 5, 2021


I am preparing a very detailed step by step reply

that you will see - at the moment still in draft form - at


danjoefriedman (mod) · July 30, 2016

Not directly, Geno.

Algae and moss are completely different organisms. Algae won't create ground moss.

Geno · July 30, 2016

will algae from a pond help to create the typical ground moss if placed in a pot or on soil ?


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