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Lichens growth on an asphalt shingle roof (C) Daniel FriedmanPhoto-guide to Lichens Damage on Roofing Surfaces

Lichens formation on building roofs: why do lichens grow on roof surfaces? Do lichens harm the roof surface? How should we remove or prevent lichens growth on building surfaces?

This article describes and provide photographs of lichens growth that occurs on buildings and in nature and we provide advice about handling lichens growth on roofing surfaces.

We provide photographs of lichens growth on roofs help identify these substances in nature and on buildings. Microphotographs of algae, lichens, moss, mold: high magnification views of algae, lichens, moss, mold to 1200x detail characteristics of these organisms.

What is the difference between moss and algae or moss and lichens? Do they affect buildings differently? Comparing asphalt shingle damage from lichens with asphalt shingle damage from moss growth. We provide photos and text to help distinguish among algae, lichens, moss and mold growths on any surface.

We include links to references useful in the identification of algae, moss, lichens, and mold. Our photo at page top shows moss on an asphalt shingle roof.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

What does Lichens look like on buildings, in nature, and in the microscope?

Lichens on a roof (C) Daniel FriedmanHow do I Recognize Lichens on a Building?

What does lichens growth look like on an asphalt shingle roof and how do we distinguish this material and its effects from algae, moss, or other roof problems?

Lichens on an asphalt shingle roof in New York (left).

Our photo (left) shows blue-green lichens covering a significant portion of the roof surface, and below we provide closeup photographs showing just what lichens does to the roof surface if you try to remove it

Lichens, one of the most hardy growth organisms found in nature, can grow in harsh conditions. Lichens is often found growing on roof shingles, especially asphalt and wood shingles as we show here. Lichens may even grow on some window glass.[1]

What is Lichens?

Lichens on rock in Boca de la Canada - central Mexico (C) Daniel FriedmanLichens is an admirably tough symbiotic organism made up of two partners, typically an algae (usually a green algae or Chlorophyta, less often a cyanobacteria)

and a fungus (usually an Ascomycete, occasionally a Basidiomycete). [2]

The fungus (the microbiont half of the lichens duet) obtains nutrients out of the surface on which the lichens is growing (quite often stone) as well as primarily out of the organism's contact with air.

The algae (the phycobiont) provides photosynthesis to the duet.

Lichens on hot dry rock in Mexico (left)

Our photo (left) shows lichens growing on sun-baked rock in Boca de la Canada in Guanajuato - central Mexico.

Lichens not only grow in almost every environment on earth, they have some useful functions as a source of perfume, dye, or medical compounds.

Nevertheless, most people don't enjoy seeing lichens on their building, and as we describe here, lichens may shorten the life of some roofing materials.

Lichens growing on rock in Iceland (C) Jennifer Church at left we illustrate lichens growing in a very different climate - in Iceland. Photo courtesy of J. Church.

Don't be mistaken by our beautiful lichens photos of this symbiant growing on rocks and roofs.

Lichens on cold damp rock in Iceland (left).

Lichens also is widely found growing on organic surfaces such as trees, leaves, and on occasion wood trim on buildings, and perhaps surprising to some, even on plastic or PVC building siding and trim as well as on aluminum siding and windows.

Unlike a pure fungus or mold, however, lichens does require sunlight in addition to nutrients. LIchens needs small amounts of moisture but can tolerate extended periods of extreme dryness or "dehydration".

That may help explain why unlike moss, sun exposure and dry conditions won't stop or prevent its growth on a building roof or wall while moss would be less successful in such locations.

Is lichens on a roof as much of a problem as moss?

Yes and no, as we discuss below.

Photograph of lichens growth on asphalt shingles (C) Daniel Friedman

Because lichens growing on a roof surface does not have as much thickness of body as moss, it will hold less water on the roof surface and is less of a wear factor than moss.

Our photographs (above and below) show lichens growing on an asphalt roof shingle in situ (above left). In the photo where our pen is inserted for scale (above right) we had "picked" the spot of lichens gently and flipped it over.

Photograph of lichens growth on asphalt shingles (C) Daniel Friedman

Our pen points to the hole left in the asphalt shingle as the lichens had such a good grip on the mineral granules that when removing the lichens it brought some of the roof protective coating along with itself.

If you click to enlarge the photo at above right you'll see the actual mineral granules from the shingle adhered in the "roots" of the lichens.

Moss Damage Compared with Lichens Damage to Roofs

Moss damage on an asphalt shingle (C) Daniel FriedmanOur photographs below show a Two Harbors Minnesota asphalt shingle roof with heavy moss and lichens growing on the same surface.

You can see that comparing the loss of mineral granules where we have gently lifted off moss (below left) and where we used a knife blade to gently lift off lichens from the shingle surface (below right), both growths have loosened the mineral granule coating and exposed the organic shingle substrate in a similar fashion.

Notice that both roof photos show that both moss and lichens are happy to co-exist on the same shingle surface.

Our photo shows testing where moss was lifted off of the shingle, and at right, cup lichens was pried off of the roof using the tip of a knife blade.

Because moss is a thicker growth on roof surfaces, we suspect that its ability to hold water and moisture on the roof surface is greater than that of lichens.

So in some circumstances and climates, moss damage may be as severe or even more severe than lichens damage to a building roof, and we suspect that the degree of moss or lichens damage also varies by roofing material, with still more severe moss and water damage on wood shingle roofing.

If we have only lichens growing on a roof surface we would be less quick to try to clean it off since lichens not only has a tighter "grip" on the roof surface but the cleaning process for lichens risks doing more harm than good to the roof surface.

Removing the protective granules from an asphalt shingle or mineral-granule coated roll roofing surface is going to reduce the future life of that roof covering.

Moss damage on an asphalt shingle (C) Daniel Friedman

Moss and lichens are more than a cosmetic issue on many kinds of roofing materials - asphalt shingles, roll roofing, wood shingle roofs, wood shake roofs.

By holding moisture against the roof surface lichens but more so moss speed the wear of the asphalt shingle surface in freezing climates by increasing frost damage to the mineral granule coating on the shingles.

How to Remove & Prevent Lichens Growth on Building Roofs, Siding, & Trim

Reader Question

Lichens & stains on PVC roof trim & tiles (C) PWWe have these deposits on the roofing tiles that seem to have spread onto the outside loft dormer window sills and sashes which are PVC.

This looks very unsightly as its dark grey against white PVC.

I was trying to identify what it is from your site info., but I’m not sure. It adheres quite firmly to the PVC in places, but can be scraped away.

I’ve included a picture for you, taken through the (opened) window.

What do you think it is and how do I get rid of it (from the windows)? I would be grateful for any help/advice. - P.W. 8/17/2013


The roof tile and PVC trim deposits about which you inquire and show in your photo are undoubtedly lichens.

Although personally I'm enchanted by the toughness and beauty of lichens, I have to agree that agree lichens growing on your home's roof fascia and trim is unsightly.

I don't usually see it on PVC - but lichens is the most hardy stuff imaginable - it's found worldwide, very often on stone as well as on many asphalt shingle roos, worldwide on stone, and sometimes on plastic, PVC, and aluminum siding, wood, and trim.

Unlike its presence on asphalt roofing, lichens on clay or plastic roof tiles, even on slate, is not likely to cause rapid damage nor have a large effect on roof life. But as your photo illustrates, it can be unsightly.

Lichens on a basketball net, Two Harbors MN (C) Daniel Friedman

Our photo above, showing thick lichens growth on a basketball net in Two Harbors, Minnesota illustrates that lichens can grow on a variety of materials besides rocks, roofs, and tree trunks.

Options for Removing Lichens from Building Surfaces

You could physically remove or clean the lichens-infected building surfaces using scrubbing and a TSP substitute outdoor cleaner such as deck cleaner, taking care not to let runoff drain down and stain building siding. But the lichens will probably return as apparently it likes the chemistry of your PVC trim.

In some circumstances a power washer is used to remove lichens, but I'd be careful of that approach too as blowing high pressure water into building materials or openings can create costly, hidden damage, even mold contamination.

I am reluctant to advise painting the trim with a fungicidal-treated paint as you'd convert a no-maintenance surface to a recurrent need for repainting.

How to Clean Off & Prevent Future Lichens Re-growth on Building Surfaces

Lichens Removal/Prevention on Stone, Slate, Similar Surfaces: Cleaning & Using Biocides

Richardson and also Young et als. have written about the control of lichens growth on stone (presumably for the benefit of art, artifacts, and grave sites) and performed tests using Quaternary ammonium formulations and Tri-n-butyltinoxyde. [3][4][5]

Richardson points out that keeping the surface dry can reduce or prevent growth through use of an "external water repellant treatment" such as silicone resin water repellant coatings. He warns however that a toxic biocidal treatment is needed to eradicate existing lichens growth. The biocide chosen should not be one that itself harms the surface or material to which it is applied.

Examples of other problems (besides those listed above) that may arise using a biocide include

For practical help in lichens prevention on buildings we looked to experts in cemetery cleaning & maintenance. Cemetery experts recognize that the water-trapping effects of lichens on stone surfaces can lead to frost and other deterioration of gravestones and monuments. [7][9]

Copper or Zinc Strips or Flashing can Prevent Lichens and Moss growth on Roofs

Some other measures that resist or retard moss growth also work for lichens - changing the chemistry of the host surface so as to create an imbalance between the algae and the fungus.

For example you'll notice in some of our roof lichens photos that no lichens grown on the roof slope below areas where there is copper flashing; it appears that the copper oxides washing down over surfaces below retard both moss and lichens growth. So cleaning followed by some strategic placement of copper strips might work for you.

Copper plumbing boot flashing kills moss and lichens below (C) Puentes

Above, this photo by Arlene Puentes illustrates how the copper salts washing down from this copper plumbing vent boot flashing prevented moss and growth on the roof of an older New York home.

Lichens Removal/Prevention on Plaster, Wood, & Similar Surfaces

Lichens growth diagnostic questions

Is there a correlation between the lichens growth and sun or shade or moisture levels? Often I see more lichens growth on roof surface areas that are moist and shaded, though indeed lichens is tough stuff - and is found all over the world even under very hostile conditions like rock surfaces in northern Norway or sun-baked rock surfaces in central Mexico. Certainly lichens tolerates sunlight and hot dry conditions where moss will not grow.

Is there a correlation between this growth and different plastic products on the building exterior. I suspect that your PVC components are of a particular chemistry that's part of the problem. For that reason, a call to the manufacturer, getting a technical person who's interested rather than a stonewalling "customer service person" might be instructive.

Reader follow-up:

Thanks for your response. I managed to remove the deposits using soap and water and a piece of scouring pad (that you use to clean pans etc). It was a bit difficult reaching the outside window frame, but I managed it in the end.

I’ve attached a photo taken through the open window. There’s a section of flashing (probably lead) just below the sill, and you can see more deposits on the tiles below it. The rest of the roof (away from the dormer) is not affected.

Hope that helps - P.

Research: Lichens on Buildigns

Contributor Thanks

Thanks to Arlene Puentes for photo contributions above on this page



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2018-08-21 by (mod) - spray-on roof cleaner

A spray cleaner that contains an algecide or fungicide may kill off lichens and some of that dead lichens may wash off of the roof.

Take care not to spray bleach that then runs down and stains lower roof areas or the building siding below.

On 2018-08-21 by Terry

Will Spray and Forget Roof Cleaner or Wet and Forget kill lichens and are they safe for roofs?

On 2018-04-04 by (mod) -


It's not likely that lichens would be found growing on an indoor surface; more likely it's a fungus, ie. mold. I can 't assess the damage from a brief e text; you want to find and fix the leak source; large areas of contiguous mold (> 30sqft) merit professional remediation .

On 2018-04-04 by Mitzi

Jelly lichen is growing in a corner inside my house. How bad is this ? What shld i do? Any advice ?

On 2017-12-30 by (mod) -

John, can you show us some sharp photos? Use the ADD IMAGE icon next to the Comment button.

On 2017-12-30 by John Farman

I have just notices, on the concrete tiles of my lower roof, hundreds of small white circular growths about 2 inches in diameter. I ve never noticed them before and they look really unsightly. Can you tell me what they are and whether they can be removed.

On 2017-05-05 by Rusty - Webspinner insect problems in Perth

Hi from Perth Western Australia,
One problem that i am going through at the moment is an infestation of insects called Webspinners. My glazed clay tiled roof has a good amount of lichen on it and also a population of these insects that spin a web tube on the battens and beams under the tiles and come up to feed on the lichen.

They sort of look like an earwig and are an insect called Embioptera. Another side effect of lichen, is if you have a low pitch roof with tiles on, the rain water can be slowed down by the lichen and build up to cause leaks, this is a problem i am going through as well in the back area of my home.

It was built around WW2 when there was building supply shortages and is a little dodgy in some areas.

On 2017-02-01 by (mod) - insurance coverage dropped due to lichens


Forgive me but this sounds absolutely absurd.

First there is no evidence that six shingles with lichens growth correlate with a measurable change in roof life, leak risk, storm protection - at least not until some dope aggressively scrubs the shingles to try to remove the lichens, thus damaging the roof.

Rather than waste hours arguing and documenting with people who have perhaps zero interest in client service, reasonability, and roof data on lichens, I would replace the six shingles, take a photo of the repair, and send it to your insurer with an appropriate salutation.

On 2017-02-01 by Martin

My insurance company is threatening to drop my coverage because I have less then six shingles with lichen located 2-4 inches wide. How can I remove the existing situation? I'm confident on preventive measures for the future. Thanks

On 2017-01-19 by (mod) -


I would stay away from any aggressive physical cleaning: lichens clings very strongly to the roof surface - assuming you're talking about asphalt shingles or asphalt-roll roofing. Pulling it off pulls off granules and destroys the roof.

Products like Moss-Be-Ware discussed at are also successful with lichens.

Lichens can be successfully prevented or at least minimized (depneding on climate) by choosing an algae/lichens-resistant asphalt shingle product when re-roofing. I also have had good success by installing metal strips high on the roof: metal salts washing down the roof also are toxic to both algae and lichens that like to grow on roof surfaces. You can see this effect for yourself, unequivocally. Just notice those areas on a lichens-covered roof where lichens is NOT growing. Typically you'll see its below metal flashings.

See this photo of a wood roof:

found in this article: MOSS on ROOFS - at

I hope you'll read through the articles in this roof stain/algae/lichens/moss discussion that begins at STAINS on ROOFS

On 2017-01-19 by Bill

I have a lichen problem on my roof that has motivated me into looking into the best way to get rid of the lichens and to prevent future development. I have yet been able to physically see or talk to anyone who has addressed a way to prevent future development of lichen.

I live in south eastern Massachusetts and I am seeking information to help with my problem. I will be installing a new roof soon and would like to get it right the first time. I have read about strips of zinc or copper. Does anyone have any experience with this method?

On 2016-05-23 by (mod) - removing lichens is difficult since it tends to bite onto its growth surface


I agree that removing lichens is difficult since it tends to bite onto its growth surface pretty hard; pulling it off by any means may damage the surface, even simple scrubbing with plain water and a stiff brush. But you can try that. Keep in mind that it will recur as the conditions that caused it to grow will remain;

Sure you could try coating the siding with a preservative stain but those too have chemicals that you may not want leaching off into the waterway;

Check with your local envrionmental protection agency (That's the Ministry of Environment in BC at ) to see how they feel about installing copper flashing along roofs or walls; the copper salts running down a roof or siding are very effective at killing off and preventing lichens growth - if you're patient.

On 2016-05-23 by Susanne

I own a float home on the ocean in a protected bay off the coast of British Columbia. We had lichen growing on the wood siding. I want to remove it safely and then repaint/restain. As i am in an environmentally sensitive area, i don't want to use a product that can run off and hurt the waterway.

Is my only choice a stiff brush, phosphate free soap and water? Once i clean the surface, is there a paint or stain product you would recommend that will help repell the lichen?

Question: OK to roof over lichens?

(Apr 23, 2012) ken said:
All i like to know is if i can roof over a roof that has lichens.


Yes as long as you are roofing over a dry surface and the roof surface is rather flat. If there are thick lichens (or moss) growths that make an uneven roof surface you may want to remove those.


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Roof Stain Diagnosis, Repair, Prevention Articles

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LICHENS on ROOFS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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danjoefriedman (mod) · Jan 31, 2021


Thank you for your comment.

I agree that lichens are beautiful and very interesting.

But in our current enviroment of "fake news", now more than ever it is important to distinguish between "OPINION" and researched, authoritative fact.

Even experts who love lichens and write about them include commentary on the damage lichens growth can cause to buildings and other materials. E.g. see

Brodo, Irwin M., Sylvia Duran Sharnoff, and Stephen Sharnoff. Lichens of north America. Yale University Press, 2001.

Having inspected, researched, written, taught, and been reviewed on roof life and roof life factors for more than 50 years, I must respectfully disagree with your OPINION that lichens are harmless on roofs.

Lichens are very common on roof surfaces of many types, and do have an impact of roof life. A bit of easy, empirical, evidence is simply to observe the dislocation and disruption of the roof's protective mineral granule coating - its protection from UV wear - where lichens are growing.

Separately, and as we warn in this article series, lichens are considered by some building owners as a cosmetic "defect" (though I agree that I like how lichens looks) - and you'll read that we warn people of even far more severe roof damage should they try aggressive methods (power washing for example) to remove such lichens from a surface where they don't like it.

We've got both research on the effect of lichens on roofs (cited in this article series) and also, from plenty of people who don't agree with you (that lichens are harmless on roofs), numerous patents of methods to prevent or remove lichens growth on roofs; I'll add a few more here.

Pena-Poza, Javier, Carmen Ascaso, M. Sanz, Sergio Pérez-Ortega, M. Oujja, Jacek Wierzchos, Virginia Souza-Egipsy et al. "Effect of biological colonization on ceramic roofing tiles by lichens and a combined laser and biocide procedure for its removal." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 126 (2018): 86-94.
Abstract excerpt:
Biodeterioration damage is an important issue in conservation and restoration of built heritage, especially when ceramic materials are used. Biological colonization of ceramic roofing tiles by lichens is a common phenomenon.

Spencer, David, Laurie Anne Spencer, and Mark Edgson. "Shingle inserts and method for eliminating and preventing growth of algae, moss, or lichens on a roof." U.S. Patent 9,103,124, issued August 11, 2015.

Spencer, David. "Shingle Insert Strips And Method For Eliminating and Prevent Growth of Algae, Moss, or Lichens on a Roof." U.S. Patent Application 13/329,729, filed August 2, 2012.

Berdahl, Paul, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen Levinson, and William A. Miller. "Weathering of roofing materials–an overview." Construction and building materials 22, no. 4 (2008): 423-433.

There is also interesting research on the effects of "soiling" on roofs' solar reflectance, a factor in building energy cost management.

Sleiman, Mohamad, Thomas W. Kirchstetter, Paul Berdahl, Haley E. Gilbert, Sarah Quelen, Lea Marlot, Chelsea V. Preble et al. "Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance–Part II: Development of an accelerated aging method for roofing materials." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 122 (2014): 271-281.

It's worth adding that the impact of lichens on roofs depends also on the roof material; I've tolerated lichens on metal roofs and on rubber or EPDM roofs without significant wear effect much longer than we can, for example, on wood shingle roofs where moss and lichens hold water on the material, prevent or slow drying, increase rot and deterioration of the roof material, and shorten the roof covering life.

Niemiec, Stanley S., and Terence D. Brown. "Care and maintenance of wood shingle and shake roofs." (1988). is an example of older research pointing this out, though there are newer versions of this article · Jan 31, 2021

Shhh.... Guys read a book about lichens. Lichens are very beautiful, interesting slow growing organisms that cause very little or no damage to the substrates (roof tiles / rocks / trees / earth ) they adhere to. They do not have 'roots' and they are not plants but mostly fungi. The 'glue' themselves in various ways to their substrate. The tiny amount of inorganic material that they may incorporate is trivial compared to the natural weathering from the slightly acidic rain (carbonic acid etc.from atmospheric CO2/nitric acid from nitrous oxide pollution etc.). Your house will have long collapsed before the lichens have 'worn' your roof tiles or shingles away. If anything their presence will prevent water freezing on your roof (if that's an issue to you) because lichens hate ice and go to a lot of trouble to make sure that there is no liquid water inside them (it would freeze and break the organism especially the algal partner!) So the top surface is generally hydrophilic (they need water for the algal photosynthesis but they need a gas filled interior if the algae aren't to drown so the inside is hydrophobic. (As for the theory that water will gather under lichens -- I cannot find any evidence to support that.) In my experience some people dislike them because the think they look untidy..., and there is always someone around to con them that they need to do something about it before their house falls down!


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