Ozone O3 Exposure Standards, Chemical Effects of Air Cleaners on Indoor Ozone Concentration
POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about exposure limits, Ozone PELS, Ozone TLVs & effects of exposure to Ozone gas
Ozone gas exposure standards & exposure limits or PELs:
This article describes allowable standards for exposure to ozone such as gases produced by ozone generators or ozone air purifiers and including the use of ozone gas generators for mold remediation.
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Ozone O3 Gas Exposure Limits & Exposure Standards
Ozone is a very strong oxidizer. As it oxidizes a substance ozone will literally destroy the substance’s molecule.[15]
Ozone is widely promoted by ozone generating equipment companies and cleaning services for use in indoor building environments to deodorize, disinfect, "kill" mold, and for "general health". Ozone generators are also promoted for use to reduce the level of airborne particles, pollen, animal dander, and allergens, ostensibly to improve indoor air quality for asthmatics and people with allergies.
While there are some important uses of ozone (such as for medical disinfection under controlled conditions), in general this is an idea which ranges from bad to dangerous in the home, and it is not recommended by the U.S. EPA nor other experts/agencies whose data we have reviewed.
General ozone exposure limits - PELs & TLVs
O3 - NIOSH REL: C 0.1 ppm (0.2 mg/m3);
O3 - OSHA PEL™: TWA 0.1 ppm (0.2 mg/m3), as we reported at GAS TOXICITY LEVELS
O3 - OSHA TLV: 0.1 ppm, American Conference of Government al Industrial Hygienists & Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA.
O3 - U.S. EPA 0.070 ppm - source: U.S. EPA, "2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone", [PDF], retrieved 2017/08/19, original source: https://www.epa.gov/ozone-pollution/2015-national-ambient-air-quality-standards-naaqs-ozone.
Table of Ozone Gas Exposure Effects, Risk Factors, & Standards & Limits
Ozone Gas Exposure Effects, Health Risk Factors, Limits & Standards
Health Effects of Ozone
Factors that Increase Health Risks from Ozone Exposure
Ozone Exposure Standards
Asthma aggravation or asthma attacks due to ozone exposure
Airborne ozone concentration increase means increased exposure indoors
US FDA Ozone Exposure Generation Limits: ozone output of indoor medical devices shall be no more than 0.05 ppm.
Chest pain due to Ozone exposure
Longer exposure times to ozone may increase some health effects
OSHA Ozone exposure limits (apply to workplace exposure to ozone): workers shall not be exposed to an average concentration of more than 0.10 ppm for 8 hours.
OSHA PEL™ for Ozone: TWA 0.1 ppm (0.2 mg/m3)
PEL = Permissible Exposure Limit
Loss of lung capacity or lung function due to ozone exposure
Higher rate of respiration - breathing faster - may increase the health effects of ozone exposure, such as exercising in an area of high ozone concentration, or people (such as infants and pets) who have a higher natural respiration rate.
NIOSH Ozone exposure limits: upper limit of 0.10 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time expressed by NOISH as
NIOSH REL for Ozone: C 0.10 ppm (0.2 mg/m3)
REL = Recommended Exposure Limit and "C" = Concentration
(This is a recommendation).
Lung irritation / respiratory infection risk due to ozone exposure
Pre-existing conditions can increase the risk of health effects of ozone exposure such as people suffering from asthma or COPD.
U.S. EPA Air Quality Standard for Ozone: in the United States, the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (atReferences or Citations ) for ozone is a maximum 8 hour average outdoor concentration of 0.08 ppm
Lung infection due to ozone exposure
Shortness of breath due to ozone exposure
Throat irritation & cough
Ozone TLV
Threshold Limit Value
Threshold concentration level for Ozone
At this level or below, injury is not expected in an industrial setting over an 8-hour work-day exposure
This "threshold" ozone gas exposure level is accepted by the American Conference of Government al Industrial Hygienists (and is called the Threshold Limit Value by that organization) and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA.
For ozone, that "threshold" concentration is 0.1 ppm.
So long as concentrations are kept at or below that level, injury is not expected even in the most sensitive workers so long as their exposure durations coincide reasonably well with or are less than the 8 hr/day, 40 hr/wk regimen.
Notes to the table above
The columns in this table are separate subtopics and do not cross-correlate with one another.
Examples of Sterilization Effects Achieved by Ozone Processes & Exposures1
O3 Ozone Concentration Level in liquid solution
O3 Ozone Exposure Time
Bacteria / Pathogen
% Sterilization Effect
10 mg /M3
20 minutes
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg)
99.99 %
8 mg /M3
10 minutes
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia
0.5 ppm /L
5 minutes
Influenza A virus
4 mg /L
3 minutes
0.25 mg /L
1 minute
Ape rotavirus SA-H & Human rotavirus type 2
0.13 mg /l
30 seconds
40 ug /L
20 seconds
Salva bacteria E coli ms2
0.6 ppm
10 minutes
S. salivarius
98% Elford et al. (1942) [15]
0.6 ppm
240 seconds
S. epidermis
Heindel et al. (1993) 99.4% [15]
0.4 ppm
pX174 (virus)
99.9% De Mik (1977)
Notes to the table above
1. Original source: adapted & expanded from Trump Electronics [14] Trump Electronics produces integrated ozone & water recovery systems including clothes washing machines that make use of dissolved (in water) ozone.
2. [15] Laurence Franken, M.S., "The Application of Ozone Technology for Public Health and Industry", Nov. 2005, Food Safety & Security at Kansas State University, Kansas State University, Website: http://fss.k-state.edu, web search 10/12/12, original source: http://www.emo3.com/files/Laurence%20Franken,%20Kansas%20State%20University.pdf
Note: This paper is sponsored by EcoQuest International [Copy on file as Ozone_Applications_Franken_KSU.pdf] Excerpt:
Studies conducted by Midwest Research Institute (Huebner, 2003), using 0.05 ppm also showed reductions in five different pathogens. Reductions is Escherichia coli, Staphyloccus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, and Penicillium chrysogenum populations were between 30% and 70%, following 6 to 24 hour exposure. Reductions of Candida albicans were even greater at 90%.
Common Applications of Ozone
Please see the Ozone applications listed at CONTINUE READING just below.
Laurence Franken, M.S., "The Application of Ozone Technology for Public Health and Industry", Nov. 2005, Food Safety & Security at Kansas State University, Kansas State University, Website: http://fss.k-state.edu, web search 10/12/12, original source: http://www.emo3.com/files/Laurence%20Franken,%20Kansas%20State%20University.pdf [Copy on file as Ozone_Applications_Franken_KSU.pdf] - Note: This paper is sponsored by EcoQuest International
Ozone has been used for many years by professional cleaning and disaster restoration companies. These professionals utilize ozone to disinfect sick houses, destroy mold, mildew, fungi, or smoke from fire damage. Research has found that ozone levels of less then 9 ppm are necessary for sick buildings or profession disinfection (Khurana, 2003). These low level ozone applications have been found to be effective at reducing populations of bacteria, fungus, and viruses.
A study by Boeniger (1995), found that ozone air cleaners are a potential health risk if used at high levels indoors. Current ozone technology manufacturers seem well aware of this health risk and have worked to improve the science to make ozone safer for use indoors. For example, a photo-hydro-ionization (PHI) cell developed by RGF Environmental Group, Inc has been designed to not exceed the recommended Federal safety limits for ozone (0.04 ppm) in an occupied room.
Ozone has been found to be an excellent disinfect and deodorizer, especially for treatment of water (Chiang et al., 2003)
How to Assess Risk of Harm or Injury from Ozone Exposure
Reader Question: I work with ozone generators - how can I see if I have injured myself
After reading this I got very nervous since I work with ozone generators a lot. How can I see if I have already caused myself too much damage to have bad long term affects? Is there a way to get tested? - Josh 11/30/11
Reply: 3 Steps to Assessing Possible Harm from Exposure to Ozone Gas O3
Josh, by no means do we advocate panic about ozone, but rather we caution about the importance of distinguishing between long and well-established valid Ozone O3 applications whose effectiveness is accepted and well documented and other O3 applications whose effectiveness is questioned or perhaps completely refuted by experts. And we note a third category of ozone issues arising from over-dosing or over-exposing environments or people. Details are
To answer your question more specifically, that is, have you been injured by ozone exposure, a topic on which I am NOT expert, I can but suggest:
Consult with your personal physician about your concerns and any complaints that s/he might think are O3 related; if that consult leads to a concern, your doctor will refer you to an appropriate specialist for interview, and examination. Ozone itself is highly volatile and while it has been detected in urine of people that's only for immediately-recent exposure; otherwise, the ozone itself is likely not to be detected but if there has been an injury, that may be diagnosed.
Obtain data about your workplace (or other) exposure to O3 (ozone) including the frequency, duration, and concentration of ozone to which you were exposed, and provide that information to your physician.
Compare exposure to the Ozone TLV: Take a look at our first table above, where you can read about the TLV or "Threshold Limit Value" for ozone exposure.
For ozone, the TLV concentration is 0.1 ppm (0.1 parts per million of ozone in air). It is reasonable to conclude that as long as the ozone concentration to which you have been exposed has been maintained at or below that level, injury is not expected as long as your exposure durations coincided reasonably well with or were less than the 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week regimen.
See OZONE TESTS for methods for testing for the level of exposure to Ozone Gas
Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
we have been running our ozone air purifier at a high rate and are experiencing symptoms
We have a new air purifier with an ozone cycle option. We didn't know any better and have been using the cycle at a pretty high rate in our home and at our office for a week. Experiencing symptoms. Have we done permanent damage? - Jerry 2/9/12
Jerry, you don't say what ozone symptoms you have been experiencing nor how we can conclude a sure relationship between ozone exposure and those complaints; but a thoughtful answer to how to decide if you've been injured by ozone exposure is in our notes to Josh found just above.
Beyond personal ozone exposure questions, remains the question of whether or not you are or have been overdosing your home with high levels of ozone sufficient to cause secondary oxidation, damage, or odor problems involving the building surfaces, materials, and furnishings. If you don't smell obnoxious odors the answer is probably not. Details about the ozone oxidation problem are
OZONE EXPOSURE STANDARDS at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
U.S. Clean Air Act - large PDF - epw.senate.gov/envlaws/cleanair.pdf
"Ozone-Generating Air Cleaners and Indoor Air Chemistry" , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, original document is available at: epa.gov/appcdwww/iemb/ozone.htm
"Ozone Generators that are Sold as Air Cleaners", U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, original document is available at: epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html "EPA reviewed a wide assortment of this literature, including information provided by a leading manufacturer of ozone generating devices. In keeping with EPA's policy of insuring that the information it provides is based on sound science, only peer reviewed, scientifically supported findings and conclusions were relied upon in developing this document."
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) 1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 402, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 872-5955 www.aham.org provides information on air cleaners on their AHAM-certified Clean Air Delivery Rate site at www.cadr.org AHAM conducts four certification programs for each category - room air cleaners, room air conditioners, dehumidifiers and refrigerator/freezers. The air cleaner certification program is known as AC-1.
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M: 15901628456 Email: info@trumpxp.com, personal email to editor 10/12/2012
[15] Laurence Franken, M.S., "The Application of Ozone Technology for Public Health and Industry", Nov. 2005, Food Safety & Security at Kansas State University, Kansas State University, Website: http://fss.k-state.edu, web search 10/12/12, original source: http://www.emo3.com/files/Laurence%20Franken,%20Kansas%20State%20University.pdf Note: This paper is sponsored by EcoQuest International [Copy on file as Ozone_Applications_Franken_KSU.pdf] Provides the following additional citations:
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