How well do drainfields treat septic effluent how long do septic drainfields last?
This article focuses on how the septic drainfield treats residential wastewater, lists factors which determine the effectiveness of a septic leach field in treating septic effluent, and explains life expectancy and basics of onsite wastewater treatment processes - an explanation of the basics.
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What Factors Determine Drainfield Effectiveness in Treating Septic Wastewater or Effluent?
Wastewater treatment is "The process of removing pollutants and pathogens from wastewater, discharging the water to the environment where it is recycled, and disposing of the byproducts of the treatment process." [Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Burks & Minnis, cited below.]
The treatment of wastewater achieved by soils in a properly working and properly designed drainfield (for example at proper flow rate,
soil characteristics, total area and treatment time, and proper depth to achieve both aerobic and anaerobic processes) can achieve
onsite treatment level 2 (OTL-2).
While texts commonly cite soil depth to limiting conditions (such as bedrock or impermeable clay)
and soil percolation rate (water flow rate through the soil), I add these additional practical considerations that are also determining
influences on the ability of a drainfield to treat wastewater to make the following list:
Septic Drainfield size
in relation to total wastewater load - the total square feet of area available (and presuming that piping is properly installed parallel to slope lines etc.)
Condition of drainfield piping: tipped D-boxes, broken connections, clogs forcing effluent into only a portion of the system
Soil percolation rate or soil porosity,
influenced by both starting soil conditions and age of the drainfield as it may become clogged by grease, solids, or salts which have escaped the septic tank.
such as bedrock, impermeable clay, etc, and soil depths which may limit the presence of aerobic bacteria (this is why cesspools probably do not treat effluent - only anaerobic bacteria are likely to be active at the soil depths equal to the typical bottom depth of a cesspool.)
Drainfield loading rate:
how often and in what quantities does wastewater arrive at the drainfield - how much time does it have to process effluent. This factor is in essence a re-statement of the percolation rate factor to add consideration of the level of usage of the system.
Drainfield loading effluent management:
[added by df]: how much solid waste of what size is carried into the soakbed or drainfield? A broken septic tank outlet baffle, missing septic tank tee, or failure to pump the septic tank often enough to give adequate EFFLUENT RETENTION TIME, as well as mis-applications of septic tank additives can all result in passage of solids into the septic soakbed or drainfield. The result is rapid soakbed clogging and reduced septic system life.
Soil compaction:
the extent to which drainfield soils have been compacted by vehicle or other traffic.
the extent to which certain plants have been installed or permitted to grow over a drainfield can affect its ability to dispose of water by evaporation, or the extent of root clogging.
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Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies, Anish R. Jantrania, Mark A. Gross, Taylor & Francis 2006. Wastewater treatment levels
are given for various system designs including conventional septic systems [this text p. 9]
Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Bennette D. Burks, Mary Margaret Minnis, Hogarth House 1994.
"International Private Sewage Disposal Code," 1995, BOCA-708-799-2300, ICBO-310-699-0541, SBCCI 205-591-1853, available from those code associations.
"Manual of Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines for Onsite Sewage Systems," Ontario Reg. 374/81, Part VII of the Environmental
Protection Act (Canada), ISBN 0-7743-7303-2, Ministry of the Environment,135 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 Canada $24. CDN.
US HEW, MANUAL of SEPTIC TANK PRACTICE [PDF] 1975, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Servicve, original source:
Manual of Septic Tank Practice, US Public Health Service's 1957, reprinted in 1963, 1967, 1969 and in a 1975 edition given just above.
SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY VS USAGE in Daily Gallons of Wastewater Flow, calculating required septic tank size, calculating septic tank volume from size measurements
SEPTIC TANK/SOIL-ABSORPTION SYSTEMS: HOW TO OPERATE & MAINTAIN [PDF] - , Equipment Tips, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8271 1302, 7100 Engineering, 2300 Recreation, September 1982, web search 08/28/2010, original source:
Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies, Anish R. Jantrania, Mark A. Gross. Anish Jantrania, Ph.D., P.E., M.B.A., is a Consulting Engineer, in Mechanicsville VA, 804-550-0389
(2006), Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies.
Outstanding technical reference especially on alternative septic system design alternatives. Written for designers and engineers, this book is not at all easy going
for homeowners but is a text we recommend for professionals--DF.
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Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
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