How to perform the outdoor steps of a septic system loading & dye test:
This septic dye test procedure article provides the outdoor checks to be made during a Septic Loading and Dye Test of the function of
a septic system, focused on condition of the effluent disposal section, also known as a leach field, seepage pits,
drainfield or drainage field.
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Septic Test Procedures: what to do outside the building
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What should we look for, do, & report about outdoor conditions during and after a septic inspection, loading & dye test?
Trace the sewer pipe, if possible, from the point of apparent exit from
building to locations of apparent or plausible septic tank and absorption
system. Clues such as depressions, rectangular or circular tank outlines,
mature trees crowded together and larger open areas may indicate where
components could possibly have been installed. (Excavating equipment may not
fit among large old trees; very rocky areas may not hold septic components.)
Examine the absorption area for signs of trenches, such as sunken parallel
lines. Do this before starting the test, during the test, after the test,
and up to five days after the site inspection (an added service or an admonition to
the client) since it is possible in odd cases for effluent to appear on a property
days after the initial test. Fortunately, in cases of a failed or marginal system
this procedure often shows breakout in 20-30 minutes.
Dyed effluent usually appears in 20-30 minutes on a failed
system but can take up to five days to show up.
If at a building inspection suspect wet areas are observed I recommend a dye test
even if one was not previously requested. When wet areas are not found (or created by running water into the septic system) on the property
being inspected, dye tests may still be performed to meet requirements of some lenders.
Note the locations of and distance to well, trees, pools, additions to the building, driveways,
etc. that might infringe on the tank or absorption area.
Examine all site areas including property boundaries that could reasonably be reached by drainfield extensions, nearby streams, ponds, storm drains, edges of mound systems, edges of banks,
rocky areas, steep slopes near the septic fields
Check storm drains and site drains at the property - sometimes septic effluent is leaking into or has even been directed into these improper septic effluent disposal destinations, such as we found in this driveway drain
Do not probe the soil over suspected septic tank locations by using methods that could damage the equipment. Heavy
wrecking bars, for example, can puncture a steel or fiberglass tank cover or break a plastic drainfield line.
When the ground is snow-covered, walk a grid pattern across the drainfield area to watch for septic dye appearing just at the bottom layer of the snow cover.
Here you can see our red septic dye appearing in the snow where we scuffed the surface of the snow-covered area.
When the ground is snow covered and near a wet or swampy area, check the wet area for the appearance of septic dye - actually check here in all weather conditions, but snow cover can actually make it easier to find septic dye breakout provided the ground is not frozen solid.
These pages are part of our SEPTIC DYE TEST PROCEDURE for testing septic system function.
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Septic Tank/Soil-Absorption Systems: How to Operate & Maintain, Equipment Tips, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8271 1302, 7100 Engineering, 2300 Recreation, September 1982, web search 08/28/2010, original source:
"Manual of Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines for Onsite Sewage Systems," Ontario Reg. 374/81, Part VII of the Environmental
Protection Act (Canada), ISBN 0-7743-7303-2, Ministry of the Environment,135 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 Canada $24. CDN.
Manual of Septic Tank Practice, US Public Health Service's 1959.
Mark Cramer Inspection Services Mark Cramer, Tampa Florida, Mr. Cramer is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors and is a Florida home inspector and home inspection educator. Mr. Cramer serves on the ASHI Home Inspection Standards. Contact Mark Cramer at: 727-595-4211
John Cranor [Website: / ] is an ASHI member and a home inspector (The House Whisperer) is located in Glen Allen, VA 23060. He is also a contributor to in several technical areas such as plumbing and appliances (dryer vents). Contact Mr. Cranor at 804-873-8534 or by Email:
SEPTIC TANK/SOIL-ABSORPTION SYSTEMS: HOW TO OPERATE & MAINTAIN [PDF] - , Equipment Tips, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8271 1302, 7100 Engineering, 2300 Recreation, September 1982, web search 08/28/2010, original source:
Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies, Anish R. Jantrania, Mark A. Gross. Anish Jantrania, Ph.D., P.E., M.B.A., is a Consulting Engineer, in Mechanicsville VA, 804-550-0389 (2006). Outstanding technical reference especially on alternative septic system design alternatives. Written for designers and engineers, this book is not at all easy going for homeowners but is a text I recommend for professionals--DF.
Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Bennette D. Burks, Mary Margaret Minnis, Hogarth House 1994 - one of the best septic system books around, suffering a bit from small fonts and a weak index. While it contains some material more technical than needed by homeowners, Burks/Minnis book on onsite wastewater treatment systems a very useful reference for both property owners and septic system designers.
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.