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LARGER IMAGE: unsafe septic tank cover discovered by simple exploration - we roped this area off and placed heavy plywood over the opening - it was by a children's play area.Septic Tank Cover FAQs

Q&A on finding, fixing, replacing & safety of septic tank covers

Septic tank covers, openings & access ports:

Here we provide a guide to septic tank covers, finding, types, and septic tank cover safety. Assuring the septic tank cover is safe. Where to look for the septic tanks, septic tank covers, or septic tank cleanout lids.

What are the types of septic tank covers, how do we assure the septic tank (cesspool, drywell, or seepage pit) cover is safe;

How deep is a septic tank cover buried, & do we find & remove septic tank covers?

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Septic Tank Covers

Round septic tank cover on riser - is the riser sealed to the tank? Is the cover safe? (C) MCThese questions and answers about septic tank covers or lids, repair, replacement, and most-important, safety were posted originally

at SEPTIC TANK COVERS - be sure to review that article.

Once the Septic Tank has Been Located How Deep is The Septic Tank Cover & Is the Cover Safe? Not necessarily. The cover in our photo is inviting a fatal fall into a septic tank or cesspool. Examples of accidents and fatalities at septic tanks are in a separate article: SEPTIC TANK ACCIDENT REPORTS.


On 2022-07-29 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - be sure the cover is properly sealed before backfilling


It's correct that concrete septic tank covers are imprecise, but if there are openings of any size, perhaps 1/2" or greater there are some concerns.

In my OPINION there are two problems to avoid:

- surface water leaking into and flooding the septic tank

- dirt falling into the septic tank

So you'll want the cover properly-sealed before back-filling.

Just how serious is the leak risks are depends on your particular site: surface runoff, soil type etc.

The first priority is that the covers must be SAFE - no risk of anyone falling into the tank.

On 2022-07-29 by Anne

We just had our very old concrete septic tank cleaned out by the same company who did it two years ago. The workers were not the same older guys. When they put the rectangle concrete lid back on, they did not get it to fit exactly in place. (The whole system is buried about three feet deep under soil- we dug it out before they came for lid access.)

There is a half inch gap between the edge on one side that dirt and moisture could get in. The worker pointed it out to me and said that we should cover it with a black garbage bag and refill with dirt because it is on correctly but needs to "settle" back into place by the weight of the dirt.

This doesn't seem correct to me- they guys last time did not put on a plastic bag. Should we call them back or try to maneuver it into place or is he correct in saying that very old (decades) concrete lids will just slowly settle into place from the weight.

He told me several times that it was normal and happens a lot around here that they don't fit back totally due to dirt movement while pumping.

I should point out that the lid does not even have a handle. You have to pry it out of the tank and then put it back by moving it around. It is a very heave slab about 14 by 24 inches.

On 2022-05-26 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - What do I do with an old concrete lid?

@L Odaniel,

Is it small enough that you cab break it into concrete rubble to put where it is useful?

On 2022-05-26 by L Odaniel

I had my septic tank cleaned out and a clean out installed. I was unaware they did not take away the old concrete lid that they replaced with the clean out. I did not realize it till after they left that they put it in some woods next to me which does not belong to me and the owner of that property is not happy.

Should the company not take away the old lid since they replaced it with the clean out lid. What do I do with an old concrete lid.

On 2021-09-13 by - contactor has septic tank lids of various materials - concrete, steel, polyethylene

@Roy Neal,

Any septic installation contractor in your country/city/province will have septic tank lids of various materials - concrete, steel, polyethylene -

Watch out: be sure your septic tank is protected right now: such that no one can step into or fall into it while you're looking for the right cover. Falling into a septic tank is often a quick death.

On 2021-09-13 by Roy Neal

Septic concrete clean-out lid 22in dis.. Where can I purchase?

On 2021-04-22 by danjoefriedman (mod)


First you want to insert an plug or seal in the hole.

On 2021-04-21 by Brian

Thanks for your help. Would it be appropriate to cover this area with more soil then?

On 2021-04-21 by danjoefriedman (mod) - debris leaking into the septic tank adds to clog and load risks

@Brian, it would concern me - debris leaking into the septic tank adding to clog and load risks, and groundwater leaking into the septic tank, adding to flooding and backup risk.

On 2021-04-21 by Brian

Is this opening in the concrete casing a concern? Should it be buried?

concrete casing opening (C) Brian

On 2021-04-15 by danjoefriedman (mod) - I want to replace deteriorated septic tank lid


If you made the measurement with the lid removed that'd be ID or Inside Diameter;

Else you measured the OD.

Watch out: having also had as well as inspected NY properties with round steel septic tanks, I fear you are

1. risking death if you fall into the septic tank - a steel cover can rust so think that it's easy for someone to step right through it - KEEP people away from the tank - I'm speaking from sad personal experience.

2. risking throwing good money after bad; A typical round steel septic tank was 500g or so and is way too small by any modern septic tank sizing guidelines; the result of a too-small tank is that it pushes solids into the drainfield, shortening its life and leading to still more-costly repairs.

3. also it's very common for the original steel baffles to have rusted off and be long-gone - allowing solids to flow into the drainfield, ruining it.

So even if your tank is big enough and if the body of the tank is not itself rusted through and shot, you'd need to assure good baffles at tank inlet and outlet.

Watch out: working alone or without expertise at a septic tank can be fatal: besides falling-in (a quick ugly death), workers simply leaning over the tank can be overcome with fumes.

On 2021-04-15 by richard

I have a house in NY with an older round septic tank. The lid has deteriorated and I want to replace it. It measures about 41 inches across. I cant remember if I measured it ID or OD so it may be an inch or so larger or smaller.

Any suggestions of who has lids this size or can fabricate to replace without total replacement. Sorry no photos as I am in NJ. Thanks

On 2020-12-31 by danjoefriedman (mod) - Leaving out cover screws risks future water damage to the control

Leaving out cover screws risks future water damage to the control, and in my view suggests a hasty careless job.

But the alarm sounding is more likely due to a failure to reset it or a stuck sensor float.


On 2020-12-31 by Corey

My septic alarm was going off so I had it pumped the tech told me everything was working fine but the alarm has still been going off. Noticed today he didn't put all the screws back into the covers only 3 on each lid.

Could that be causing air or something into the tank and causing the alarm to go off? The pump is working when I switch it to manual not sure if it's kicking on on its own though

On 2020-09-16 - by (mod) -


For safety see details at SEPTIC TANK COVERS

any local septic tank supplier will have what you need

On 2020-09-16 by NickS

I need to replace the top on my built in place septic tank. The opening is about 4’x8’... where can I get a new top, and what material should it be. The town also wants it covered in soil now so I’ll likely raise that section to f the back yard...

On 2020-09-14 - by (mod) -


You're right that sewer gas includes methane and can be explosive, but sewage pumps such as the one you describe are expected to be sealed against odors seeping into the room. I use a bit of silicone sealant around the opening.

On 2020-09-14 by Evelyn

We have a septic tank under our cottage in a little “room”. This tank has a Pump which pumps the water/sewage to another tank (just had that one pumped out). On the one under the cottage— the lid (1 3/4 inches wide) has 2 wires coming out of it. The holes where the wire is release sewage smell when we do laundry. The clean out person said to plug the wire holes and the smell will go away. I just want to make sure that there won’t be a buildup of gas inside the tank (could it explode?). Also, how would I plug those holes? The sewage cleaner had no idea. Thank you

On 2020-08-14 by JT

Should I seal the lid on a concrete septic system with concrete riser? Sometimes I get a smell out of the second lid outside, especially if the winds blowing. I have the system pumped out about every three years, and everything seems to be working correctly.

On 2020-07-29 by James Williams

I need to replace my concrete lid on my septic tank, 26" X 56" to put a riser on. Where can I get a pad or do you know where I can get one?

On 2020-07-15 by Anonymous


By a handle or by other means it is necessary to be able to remove the septic tank access opening cover for cleaning;
The access covers (usually two or more) also need to be absolutely strong and secure to avoid a child hazard or adult hazard of someone falling into the tank.

If you had your cover(s) replaced, the company probably threw out the old cover(s).

The lid must, as you note, seal properly to keep surface runoff and dirt from entering the septic tank, lest the tank or drainfield be flooded and damaged.

If there's not a good fit and seal the installer should fix that problem.

On 2020-07-15 by Diane

How can I get a square cement septic tank lid. What company makes these for a home or who can I call.

Working when I purchase a square cement septic tank third or cover? I thought I needed a handle So they brought me over a concrete square lid and that doesn’t quite seal the tank. They sealed it off with foam. Now I’m afraid that dirt and rain may get into the tank when the foam wears down?

How can I get a square cement septic tank lid or cover. I thought it was supposed to have handles so I asked the person feel cleaned out my septic tank if they had a lead would handle and they gave me a concrete handle and it doesn’t make quite a complete seal. They would not tell me where they put my old lid As I want that one back. My list is not supposed to have a handle but I wasn’t smart enough to know that.

On 2020-03-05 - by (mod) -


You may not have seen my reply at page top

OK so if the riser extends just 8 or 9" above the septic tank upper surface then it seems unlikely that you could have lost your yardstick unless it fell into the septic tank.

Ask the contractor to dig enough soil away so that you can see that the riser is (or is not) successfully sealed to the septic tank top.

Don't pay for the work until you are confident it's been completed properly.

PS: how is this cover supposed to be lifted? I don't see handles. And if it's light (it looks a bit thin and light) and could be lifted off too easily, say by a curious ten-year-old who could then fall into the tank, then it's not a safe septic tank access cover.

--- adding:

The riser is *sealed* to the tank top, not just set onto it - else surface runoff leaks into the tank.

If the top is not so heavy as to prevent casual removal - as by my example above - then it either is replaced by a heavier cover or provision is made to add bolts or other means to secure it to the riser so it can't be easily lifted off.

On 2020-03-05 by MC

Were you able to determine anything from the pictures, Danjoe? Your comment earlier about the weight of concrete considered to seal it or is there something else that should be done other than stacking the pieces.

On 2020-03-05 - by (mod) -

MC - find our discussion at the top of this page

On 2020-03-05 - by (mod) - review details to assure the septic tank riser is sealed to the tank and the cover is safe

OK so if the riser extends just 8 or 9" above the septic tank upper surface then it seems unlikely that you could have lost your yardstick unless it fell into the septic tank.

Ask the contractor to dig enough soil away so that you can see that the riser is (or is not) successfully sealed to the septic tank top.

Don't pay for the work until you are confident it's been completed properly.

PS: how is this cover supposed to be lifted? I don't see handles. And if it's light and could be lifted off too easily, say by a curious ten-year-old who could then fall into the tank, then it's not a safe septic tank access cover.

On 2020-03-05 by MC

Riser portion may be closer to 8-9 inches

On 2020-03-05 - by (mod) -


If the round cover completely covers the rectangular opening then it can be sealed to the top of the septic tank, or if necessary a riser can be set atop the tank, sealed to it, and the cover set atop the riser.

Buy if the cover is too small, such that the corners of the septic tank opening are open to the environment this is not a workable septic tank access cover and it needs to be corrected.

On 2020-03-05 by MC

Cover is about 1 and 1/2 inches thick. I was holding a metal yardstick for pic, I thought resting on tank top, and it disappeared. Not sure if it went into tank.

Round septic tank cover on riser - is the riser sealed to the tank? Is the cover safe? (C) MC

On 2020-03-05 - by (mod) - round replacement septic tank access cover for square hole


There are some concerns here:

1. If the cover is not properly sealed surface runoff during rain or snow melt can flood the septic system, causing septic failure or costly damage

2. If the septic tank cover is not properly fitted it may not be secure against movement - or displacement. If the cover is easy to dislocate then someone can fall into the septic tank - a quick and terrible death.

I can't say if your septic tank cover is adequate or not without more details. Perhaps you can post a photo.

But it's worth noting that the reason manhole covers are round is that it's the only cover shape that cannot be dropped through the cover opening.

On 2020-03-05 by MC - dropped my beveled square concrete cover into my concrete tank

*no attempt to seal it

Septic company dropped my beveled square concrete cover into my concrete tank. Came and replaced it with a round concrete riser about 6 inches tall and then a round concrete lid about 2 inches. My concern is that there was attempt to seal it. Does this seem adequate?

On 2019-11-25 - by (mod) -

What you suggest for modifying the clean-out opening for your septic tank is dangerous and most likely illegal where you live. Improper cover means if someone could fall in the tank which usually results in a quick and ugly death. Install proper cover or how the one that's their repaired.

On 2019-11-25 by JD

1,000 gallon tank with concrete cover that is about 15 - 18" below ground. Over time, 1 of the 2 inverted "U" hooks for pulling the cover up has broken off. Expect the 2nd one will go soon. Suggestions made by spetic company were:

- install a riser for $250 - too expensice a solution
- install a lag bolt with a hook on the end for $135 - possibility of its splitting the concrete cover, expensive

Are there other alternatives? I've been cosidering:

- 2'x2' paver just laid over the opening with a plastic trash bag over it so dirt does not seep down into the tank

Would this be strong enoguh to not colapse with 15 - 18" of dit and rock on top of it?

- Other suggestions?

Hoping for an inexpensive solution.


On 2019-10-11 - by (mod) -

I suppose that in an unvented system there could be a methane gas buildup that pushes off cap. I would think you would notice that.

On 2019-10-09 by Skippy

At our home, the septic cap cover has sometimes come off entirely on its own. Any possible reasons this threaded cap could come off on its own? Or is a culprit behind this?

On 2019-07-14 - by (mod) - tips for opening a septic tank cover

Septic tank access cover West Virginia (C) JonesGGreg

Trick #1 for opening the septic tank

Watch out

if the tank or cover collapse under you and you fall in you're dead in moments.

Trick #2:

Try a long pry bar like a 2x4 or an iron wrecking bar to pry up the cover - CAREFULLY

Let me know what you find

On 2019-07-14 by Greg Jones

At our summer cabin in West Virginia, we have an old Septic Tank that was installed in the late 1940's when the cabin was built. My father left no record if/when it was EVER cleaned out, so this is a priority for me. I dug out the top of the tank, but cannot lift off the cover.

(I'm hoping to have a Septic Cleaning guy come in the next day or two, but wanted to make sure it is accessible.) Is there some sort of trick to lifting it off, or do I need to uncover more than an inch of dirt around outer edge?

Any advice or help you can provide would be most appreciated. Thank you.

On 2019-07-03 - by (mod) -


Perhaps not but it would be helpful to see the photo in question, and critical as well to understand exactly what is meant by a "forced leaching field". Get specifics, tell me what those are, and we can comment further.

In general, a septic effluent disposal field that is seasonally under water is not working, contaminates the environment, and is illegal. So we need more accurate data about just what that "high water" really was.

On 2019-07-03 by Agent

We had a septic inspection done on a house and the contractor said that he could tell that there had been high water caused by torrential rains in the past in our concrete septic system.

He did a hydrostatic test and said everything performed fine, but recommend that we install a forced leaching field and would charge 8-12k. The evidence he gave of this "high water" was a black ring on the septic cover. He took this picture and sent it to us as proof. Are we getting taken advantage of?

On 2019-06-21 - by (mod) -

If a child could open a septic tank that's dangerous - a child or pet or adult could fall into an open tank and thus die.

On 2019-06-20 by Anonymous

The tops for the septic system are loose and can be picked up with 2 fingers.Is this normal or a safety hazard?

On 2018-09-14 by (mod) - tell me how to "jerry rig a tarp over my open septic tank"


The worry here is in this order

1. Injury or death: Watch out: without a proper and safe cover someone can fall into the tank and be injured or killed

2. Surface water leaking into the septic tank or system risks overloading the septic drainfield, destroying it and sending sewage into the local environment.

If you can jury-rig a cover, even using plywood and a tarp, that drains away from the pumping chamber

AND IF you can also fence off and keep people away such that there is no safety hazard, you could try that, but I suspect that the time, trouble, and cost of those will be about the same as buying a new concrete cover from your local septic supplier.

On 2018-08-16 by pam

I already have a riser on the one where the guys ticks the pump down to pump it. and I have another round concrete one which is over the sewage pump tank.

a guy came to rewire the pump and it works fine but i can't afford a riser for that one and now it's all exposed.

I guess what I'm asking (is probably what u can't legitimately give me) is a way to cover it now that that area is dug down onlya foot or so but rain and sand are going to get into it Jerry riggin like a tarp or a piece of plywood with a tarp i guess is what I'm asking

this is a ?. My concrete lid nobody is going to fall through it's just rain and sand is going to get in thru cracks do I put a tarp over it or bury it with dirt i couldn't afford a riser and now this lid is exposed.

I just want to replace the concrete cover to mysewage pump tank. there are cracks around the rim I can see into and dirt and rain can get in especially since I dug around uit for the riser I now cannot afford.

On 2018-07-09 by (mod) - cost for a septic tank lid vs cost to update a septic


$30. to $400. U.S.D. depending on the materials, size, and location.


There is no reasonable, reliable answer to your question as we don't know anything about your septic system, condition, materials, country and city of location, nor local requirements. Cost could range from nothing to complete septic system replacement. In most areas of the U.S. that could be $15,000 to $40,000.

On 2018-08-19 by Miranda burdette

How much would coast to take a 1970 sewer/septic system up to date to pass inspection

On 2018-07-09 by Anonymous

I need an iron or steel, 18, 20, or 24 inch lid with riser,
How much it cost.

On 2018-04-27 by (mod) - an in-secure septic tank lid can cause death

Typical septic tank cross section - W. VA cited in detail in this article at InspectApedia.comLaura

An insecure septic tank lid can lead to death if some kid or some other worker removes a lid and falls-in to the tank.
So a secure lid is important.

Find the source or brand of septic tank, contact the manufacturer, and ask them directly how the lid should be fastened.

In West Virginia the septic design standards / code for general septic tanks do not specify anything about the septic tank cover nor whether or not it can be buried.

West Virginia septic design standards 6.20. Alternative and Experimental Sewer Systems. DO specify the following:

6.21.k. The wet well shall have an access manhole of twenty four (24) inches or greater in diameter. The installation of the manhole shall be level with or above the ground surface and the cover secured.

This is the only place that the "above ground" rule appears in the current code.

You will see by the sketch I include, excerpted from WEST VIRGINIA ES-52 INDIVIDUAL & ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM DESIGN STANDARDS ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET (I give access to that link below)

that your state shows the septic tank access cover buried.

So I would be very grateful if your septic contractor who insists that the top of the septic tank access cover must be above ground would be kind enough to tell us where he found that information.

You will find links to copies of current septic tank and septic system design standards and codes for West Virginia

On 2018-04-26 by Laura

Recently purchased house in Jefferson county wv.. this past spring new tank and field were installed before purchase of house.

New tank lid is above ground and during summer of 2017 myself and several contractors smelled sewage around the lid area..

2 of us went up on roof to smell roof pipes and there was absolutely no smell as I put my nose into the pipe and inhaled deeply...

plastic tank lid only has 3 screws in the lid and septic installer assured me only 3 are needed.

Looks like there is more holes available for tapping. When he/septic guy came out he couldn't smell anything.. also said tank lids are no longer allowed to be covered over in WV. Is all this true..

also I did have home take tank lid off to make sure the gasket was there.. it was.

On 2018-04-12 by (mod) -


You can check with local septic tank providers about pre-fab tank covers of the size you need, but I'm doubtful since you describe a nearly square cover - most septic tanks are rectangular and most tank covers have two openings to provide access - not what you're seeking.

More likely you'd need a custom-made reinforced concrete cover.

See also WELL ABANDONMENT PROCEDURE - unless the well is filled with clean fill there is risk of back-contamination of the local water table.

On 2018-04-12 by Carolyn

We have an old water well that is very dangerous. We have knocked the sides down to ground level and need to place a cement cover over it. We need a 7ft x 8ft cover. Do they make a septic tank cover that size and if so would it be strong enough (reinforced) to do the job? And where would we find one that size? Thanks

On 2018-03-19 by (mod) - the dogs removed part of our septic tank or control covering

The dog ate my septic tank - well part of it (C) NTNT

Please find your question and our detailed reply at the end of the article SEPTIC TANK COVERS - I moved the discussion there to permit more space. Let me know what questions remain.

On 2018-03-18 by NT

Our dogs removed what appears to be a part of our septic which was covering wiring. Where can I fine a replacement?

On 2018-03-13 by Zuleima Moreno

Looking for A concrete septic tank lid in Houston tx

On 2018-01-31 by (mod) -


Use the picture frame icon to the right of the comments button to attach a photo of the situation and perhaps we can comment further.

On 2018-01-29 by Mike C.

Thanks for the advice. I am heading down that road now.

On 2018-01-29 by (mod) -

I would look for a local septic tanks fabricator or mason contractor who could make a safe, steel reinforced cover to your measurements with appropriate lifting handles

On 2018-01-29 by Mike C.

I have an old but functioning septic tank that has a large 40.5" od 36" id measured at the flats of the octagon tank access. Yes, the tank itself has an octagon access to the holding tank. No riser, just cement. It has passed inspection every year for many years but the original, 200lb cement access cover cracked the last time it was removed for inspection and now I need a new ventilated cover.

Does anybody know where I can find a cover or cover adapter/riser that will fit this large octagon access? I have tried all the companies found by google, yelp and so on.

I don't want to have to make my own cover out of wood and steel/aluminum. That would be a pain in the neck and I'm a disabled vet that has a hard time doing things like that now.

Short of finding some fabricator to make me a custom cover is there another solution?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

On 2017-12-2 by (mod) -

Simplest would be to check with local septic suppliers once you have the measurements for your septic tank opening. But be careful of fiberglass cover may be too easily removed by children which would make for a very dangerous situation.

On 2017-12-26 by velma howell

i ment to say a septic tank lid perfer a fiber glass

i am looking for a place to buy a septic tank perfer a fiber glas lid

On 2017-10-07 by K Brooks

My septic tank has an exposed concrete lid. My guess is about 5’x6’ and it needs to be replaced. My husband is going to frame it out and pour it, I just have been searching the internet to figure out if that’s all it needs or if there’s more to it... thanks in advance!!

On 2017-10-07 by Joanne

My septic tank has 2 square is only 6 inches from surface while the second one is 24 inches from the surface...we are unable to remove the cement lid and afraid if forced the steel handle may break...need some advice on how to "unstick" the 21" square cement cover...thanks.

On 2017-05-13 by (mod) -


Typically, because the components are heavy, concrete septic tank producers will be located not far from where you find concrete septic tanks already installed.

I'd call local septic contractors to ask for suppliers who can then probably provide a new concrete septic tank lid or cover that you need. That will save having to build one of reinforced concrete onsite.

On 2017-05-13 by Anonymous

I am looking for a cement slab 100cm by 50cm , or a complete cover 6 foot by 4 foot to cover my septic tank which is the old cement kind.

On 2017-03-27 by (mod) -

Sorry I'm unclear what you need. If your tank is concrete it will want a solid and safe concrete top - from a concrete septic tank supplier.

I think you may be asking about installing septic tank risers - large round pipes placed over the septic tank openings and then covered with their own caps - and sealed at the tank top: this gives access to the tank cleanouts from grade level. Those too are provided by septic tank suppliers.

On 2017-03-27 by Gloria

I just put a new fieldline pipe...I have 1000 gal tank is to low where can I find a top for my tank..I have a square cement block..small....I live in the country...these tank been here 20 years.I have to dig up the dirt to get to the tank lid..thank you

On 2016-09-02 by (mod) -

George in SEPTIC TANK COVERS you 'll find a live link to the answer in detail in this sentence

For information about septic tank cover strength & vehicle loading, information that also applies to cesspools, drywells and similar structures,

On 2016-09-02 by George

I should add that I have 3 stacked with a total of 18 around the the cover. This was needed to bring it to grade.

What is the amount of weight that the tank hold. Reason is that I installed 4in x 7in x14in sold concrete blocks around the corner cover and need to verify that this is not to much weight?

On 2016-07-01 by (mod) - block off access to unsafe septic tank covers or lids

PHOTO of a septic seepage pit collapse when a truck drove over it.Watch out:
Rope off the area immediately: if someone falls into a septic tank it usually means a very quick death.

That said, it sounds as if you have an old round steel septic tank. Not only do covers rust out and ultimately collapse, but tank baffles rust off (fouling the drainfield and shortening its remaining life), and tank sides and bottoms rust through - meaning new tank time.

At the very least you want to keep people away from the area, and hire a septic contractor to expose the lid, remove it or its remains, then inspect the condition of the tank and its baffles; when you tell me what's found we can have a joint opinion on repair vs. replace.

On 2016-07-01 by Sam

I have a 6 foot round sewer tank and lid in my back yard 2 feet underground recently i parked a camper on top of it for about a week and i noticed the wheel sank about 8 inches

i pulled the camper front and there was a hole in my yard i dug some more dirt away and realized there was no lid on my tank do they deteriorate over time or was it just not made for that much weight or did i have a faulty lid and why did the whole lid just disappear and how do i fix it

On 2016-06-27 by (mod) - many septic contractor foul-ups

What a mess. This is a question you need to discuss with your attorney. In particular look at the contract of sale to see who is responsible for what. If the seller was responsible for giving you a properly installed, working septic system, then that may be where your recourse lies.

This is a question you need to discuss with your attorney. In particular look at the contract of sale to see who is responsible for what. If the seller was responsible for giving you a properly installed, working septic system, then that may be where your recourse lies.

On 2016-06-27 by Cindy

We bought a house back in April and the previous owner had hired a septic company and they said that he needed a whole new tank and lines. Well, it was the start of a nightmare. It took them 2 months to get it done.

They first put in the wrong size tank (too small), then had to hire someone to lift it out and then put in a larger one (concrete).

They destroyed all of our landscaping and now we have a huge area with just hard dirt (we live in Arizona).

They never covered up the covers of the septic tank (we actually have 2 covers plus the vent pipe). They never came back with dirt to cover them up. Should they have? Aren't they suppose to?

Also, they wanted more money from the owner. They quoted a price before they started the job. I assumed he paid that.

When they made the mistake with the tank, the septic co. wanted to charge more but the previous owner said he wasn't going to pay any more money. He since moved out and we moved in and now we are stuck with this issue. What are my rights in this situation. I came from Massachusetts and they have much stricter laws then Arizona.

On 2016-06-20 by (mod) - be extra safe about septic tanks when a property is sometimes unattended - locking cover


It makes sense to be extra safe when a property is sometimes unattended;

if your septic tank covers are light enough to be removed by a child or mischief maker you can either have a heavier concrete cover installed or fabricate across bar that locks into U-bolts cemented into the cover top. I don't think it should be necessary to replace the whole tank cover.

(Simply buying an add-on septic cover won't solve the locking problem as that doesn't provide a mechanical connection to the body of the septic tank cover.)

On 2016-06-20 by Edwin Davies

We have holiday cottages and would like a locking system for our septic tank.

On 2016-05-22 by Denise

I have a 4" PVC pipe, clean out opening, in the grass, about 4-5 feet away from a 12"-15" black cover. I believe one or both of these are my septic tanks clean out or access ports.

The black covering lands right in the middle of my front door walkway and the concrete has broken to pieces all around the black covering. I'm wanting to repair the concrete section, (4'x5'). Questions: why and what are these 2 openings for; is it necessary to have both; can I lay the concrete over the black covering or do I need to keep that opening accessible?

If I build a form to make a concrete covering to go over the black cap, is there a weight restriction for the covering? Also, the concrete covering I would build would be approximately 12"-15" diameter and 2" thick. Is this thick enough for people to walk on?

On 2016-05-22 by (mod) -

If the lid is not shut and easily moved the tank is not safe as someone can fall in, dying quickly. It may need replacement with a safer lid.

Superficial surface concrete loss less than 1/2" may be unimportant as long as there are no leaks into or out if the tank.

On 2016-05-17 by Cue

I have a concrete septic tank and the lid has shifted so it is not short on one side and overlaps the other..

i can see the concrete has been cracked and eating away in one spot Also there are a couple of placeson the top of the tank where the lid sits that are not smooth.(missing a little cement).. what should i use to fix it ? Should

On 2016-04-19 by (mod) -

Contact your local septic contractor: you should be able to find a generic access opening cover that overlays the opening and is heavy enough to be child safe - or can be locked down

On 2016-04-19 by brandon

Im trying to fin a 21.5 inch cover for a friend but I can't find it anywhere

On 2015-06-17 by (mod) -

What is dangerous about Anonymous' advice is the possibility that a potential buyer, realtor, or anyone else among the increased traffic of people walking about on a property for sale results in a death when someone falls into the septic tank.

On 2015-06-17 0 by Anonymous

find a new buyer, have it put in your sale he is buying the property as is where is. i would not go there. it has not been a problem for 17 years. if this buyer has a problem let him open it once he owns the property.

On 2015-06-02 by (mod) -


In my OPINION I would not hesitate to have the tank opened, inspected for safety, and if fill is needed, have that done. Just consider the perhaps unlikely but terrible event of someone walking over the septic tank and falling in

- often a fatal event and not something I'd tolerate. The risk is greater when you have the public coming onto a property for sale. The cost to open and check should be trivial, less than 1% of the value of a home for sale in North America.

Consider it a cost of sale expense that provides safety and also puts your buyer at ease. If a significant problem or expense is found, disclose that and decide with advice from your realtor and attorney how you'll consider that in negotiating the sale price.

If specific problems are found or questions arise don't hesitate to ask us for further help.

On 2015-06-02 by George

I am selling my home and I have an abandoned septic tank in the backyard (somewhere.) I have lived here for 17 years and it was abandoned before I bought the home in 1998 back in 1974.

I checked with my local health dept and sewer authority for any paperwork about the abandonment but was told back then (1974) they did not archive that paperwork but did tell me it had to be properly abandoned before the sewer was hooked up.

But that does not count. So now the buyers want me to reopen the septic tank and have it verified that it was properly closed. Is this routinely done? And who does this? And is there some terminology for this procedure? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Question: how to reduce septic tank opening to install riser and lid

(Oct 28, 2014) deb said:

i have a concrete septic tank built in 1960. Mandatory municipal inspection are requesting a new lid. presently the openof the is 2 feet by 4 feet and covered by a huge slab of flagstone. im not sure how to reconfigure the opening to make it smaller so that i can install a poly lid and possibly a riser


I agree that a 4-foot septic tank opening dimension is probably larger than needed.

Deb: you'd need to overlay and seal to the existing septic tank top a pre-cast concrete slab, reinforced and of same thickness as the septic tank lid, leaving a standard septic tank access opening size over which you can install a riser and new lid.

Be sure that the new septic tank lid is child safe as well as of adequate strength to avoid collapse hazards which can be quite dangerous.

Before doing anything, I'd ask an experienced septic installer to inspect the tank for safety and adequacy as the odd sized opening might indicate some home made and possibly unsafe system,.

Question: report of septic tank lid collapse

2 Jan 2015 Anonymous said:

I purchased my home 15 years ago. The previous owner connected to a sanitary sewer system when it became available bypassing the septic tank.

I heard a loud thump recently and upon investigation found a rectangular hole 2 feet by 3 feet and about 5 feet deep. It is in the general location of where the septic tank should have been .

Could the old tank lid have collapsed?i If so, can I just cover up the hole? There seems to be only water in the hole. No sewage or effluvia is present


Watch out:  indeed this sounds like a dangerous septic tank collapse - which can be fatal if someone falls into the septic tank. It also sounds as if the tank was not properly abandoned - by emptying, cleaning, and filling with sand or other suitable material.

Properly a tank is abandoned following procedures at SEPTIC TANK ABANDONMENT GUIDE

Question: how easy is it for a child to open a septic tank

(Mar 28, 2015) Anonymous said:
How hard would it be for a child say around 5 yrs old to open a lid on a septic tank? Or could a child that small even be able to lift one? How much does each different type of lids weigh?



If a septic tank access cover is not heavy concrete or is light but not secured to the tank then a child can lift the lid, fall in, and die.

Septic tank access lid weights vary significantly depending on their material; plastic lids, wooden home-made lids, makeshift lids, slabs of slate and other improper or unsafe covers I've seen are easily lifted by a child.



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