Gas meter clearance distance questions & answers:
Answers to common questions about the required distances between a gas meter and building walls, decks, fences, and other building features, openings, or appliances.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
These questions and answers about distances between a gas meter and other building or site features were posted originally at the topic home:
GAS METER CODES & CLEARANCE DISTANCES - be sure to see the clearance spacing tables given there.
Photo: gas meters along an alley in Tucson, Arizona in the U.S. must be protected from vehicle impact.
The Q&A on this page have been organized by topic area with regard to gas meter clearance distances. Various tables that give details for these areas can be found at the topic home page noted above.
In NC how much clearance needs to be provide around a gas meter. I want to install a screen and need to know how far setback requirement is. I tried looking for Dominion Energy and can not find anything however Duek Power says 3 feet radius and other images I have seen on line say 3 feet as well. Also how close can shrubs be planted next to a meter. On 2023-05-14 by Jim
Moderator reply:
At the home page for this topicat GAS METER CODES & CLEARANCE DISTANCES
we give required clearances for gas meters from different building features as well as from landscape features such as shrubs.
For a screen, in general, you will want 3 feet of clearance allowing for enough working space for maintenance and service needs.
Your local building inspector is the final authority however. You can check with them to be sure of what is required or allowed.
Reader question: what can the gas company require me to do in moving my meter
I live in Oklahoma. My local gas company came out today and said we had a leak in the yard. They then turned off the gas and told us they would not turn it back on until it was fixed. Their "solution" was to move my gas meter from the property line to up against the house and they would take care of everything to the meter.
All I had to do was have an above ground connection point. This would involved drilling a hole in the wall into the crawl space. If we did not go along with them, then they would not turn the gas back on. I only have two appliances using gas.
The oven/stove, which I could convert to electric, and the central heat, which was just replaced three years ago.
I feel like I am getting scammed or at least taken advantage of here. I contacted the retired operations manager for the gas company and he said it was code to move it to the house. I can't find anything that says that. I need some answers. Winter is coming and I don't want to shell out another $5000 just to switch out my central heat and air. On 2020-09-17
by Brian
Mod reply: let the gas company incur the majority of the expense
Perhaps I don't understand the situation correctly but it sounds to me as if the gas company is agreeing to do the expensive part of the repair which is moving the metre to where should be and replacing an underground pipe that was leaking. I would be happy with that solution.
What is the clearance for a gas meter to the ground? The gas company wants to dig a hole around the meter about 8"-10" deep and said it's got clearance. The problem is water fills the hole and gets into the basement. On 2023-04-18 by Dan
Mod reply:
At the home page for this topic
The first table of gas meter clearances given tells us
Gas meter clearances to finish grade (soil surface)
Bottom of gas meter to finish grade 6 inches
Bottom of gas line shut-off to finish grade 8 inches
Fuel line connection location (at meter top) to finish grade 32 inches to 46 inches depending on gas meter model & meter type (size or capacity)
Digging a hole might meet that clearance but at expense of basement water entry UNLESS you
1. install roof gutters and downspouts to keep water away from the building and keep those maintained
That downspout in the left of your photo looks rather marginal - maybe not getting water away from the building?
2. slope surface grade away from the excavation.
What's that white plastic box almost touching the meter? If that's an ignition source it too may be too close.
Also, is that a white electrical wire running down the wall and right into an un-sealed hole in the wall? If so that's another possible source of building water entry or at least water into the wall.
In the state of California, how high above the finished grade does a main gas valve have to be? If it is at ground level and corrodes due to excessive moisture and breaks when an attempt to shut it off , who is responsible for the cost of repairs? The homeowner or the gas company? On 2023-03-03 by Paul
Mod reply:
See this
GAS METER LOCATIONS & CLEARANCES - CA PG&E [PDF] Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
F. 12. (a) Gas meter locations must be 78 inches high and allow for a minimum clear and level working space of 3 feet in front of the meter; width depends on meter size and the number of meters.
Prohibited locations include
In contact with the soil, in a depression below general ground level, or where potentially corrosive materials are likely to contact the meter set.
In any location that does not provide the required working space. The height dimension is 6 feet, 6 inches of clearance above ground and the depth dimension is 3 feet of clearance in front of the gas meter.
Meter sets must not be installed in contact with the soil, in a depression below general ground level (curb meters are an exception), or where potentially corrosive materials are likely to contact the meter set.
The potential for accidental electrical shunting of the insulating fitting must be minimized.
Reader question: Can patio concrete abut the gas meter?
My neighbor has built a 30 ft x 14 concrete patio. The concrete comes up to the gas meter (photo attached). This is a mobile home park, and our units are close together. He is a snowbird. On 2021-04-18 by Linda F Brison
Was he supposed to have a building permit to construct this 30' x 14' concrete patio? It also covers the piping to the outside water for his unit. (photo attached). thanks.
Mod reply:
@Linda F Brison,
About your questions I don't know the country and city of your location but in most cities a building permit would have been required along with some inspections to make sure that the Mechanicals are being handled correctly and safely.
Reader question: How close can the fence be in front of the meter?
A 6 foot tall regulation cedar privacy fence is being built. can I go in front of gas meter with a window in fence? or does it have to be on the out side of fence? and what distance is fence required to be from gas meter? On 2021-02-19 by steve doulton
Mod reply:
Working distances around the meter need to be maintained, as specified
Reader question: Minimum lateral distance from a gas line can I set a fence post?
What's the minimum lateral distance from a gas line can I set a fence post? On 2021-02-11
by snip
Mod reply:
At GAS PIPING DEFECTS you'll find the table for
Gas Piping Clearance Distances
No surprise, you won't see "fence posts" listed as a gas piping obstruction or code detail in the model building codes.
but in the table I recommended you'll find
Gas piping clearance underground to structure:
No contact, maintenance space, damage protected
1211.1.1 Clearances. Underground gas piping shall be installed with sufficient clearance from any other underground structure to avoid contact therewith, to allow maintenance, and to protect against damage from proximity to other structures.
In addition, underground plastic piping shall be installed with sufficient clearance or shall be insulated from any source of heat so as to prevent the heat from impairing the serviceability of the pipe. [NFPA54: 7.1.1]
Reader question: How far from the side of my gas meter can I put my fence?
How far from the side of my gas meter can I put my fence?
This is on Vancouver Island, Nanaimo B.C. On 2020-04-15 by
Thanks, Len
Mod reply:
You will find clearances from buildings, obstructions and other site features at the home page for this topic where we also discuss "working distance" around the sides and front of a gas meter.
On that page in a table titled "Gas meter clearances to Landscape features, soil depths, soil cover"
you'll find
Landscape features like shrubs or fences:
3 feet clear to front of meter
2 feet clear to either side of meter
Please take a look.
Reader question: distance from gas meter to fence
Can I move my fence to where the gas meter would be behind the the fence. I live in Wichita Falls Tx.
Currently the fence is behind the meter where it had open access for its meter readings. I was wanting to build a new fence and not have to remove it due to the gas company not be able to read the meter or violate some code.
The customer service line is not open for til Monday. I was trying to get it done today while I'm off. Thanks On 2016-07-09 by Jason Smith
Mod reply:
Jason this is a question to take to your gas supply company.
Issues I can forsee include:
1. some idiot driving a fencepost through a utility line causing a catastrophe
2. making it impossible to visually read the meter. Some systems use a transponder and meters are read remotely, requiring only occasional direct visual access.
Let me know what your gas company says. Meanwhile don't move the fence nor drive posts nor dig into ground before you also know what utilities such as buried gas lines need to be avoided, and where they are located.
Reader question: When did gas meter codes come into effect?
Does anyone know when the 3' clearance from a "Gas meter regulator vent clearance to electrical devices such as switches, electrical receptacles, power disconnects" (and electric utility meters) came into effect? Has it always been so? There are a lot of violations of this in Northern New Mexico.
Was it just never enforced? When we connect solar to the grid or do a service upgrade they want us to comply most times, although a lot of time it is "grandfathered in" as well. On 2020-10-2 by David
Mod reply:
Building codes have been around in some form for nearly 100 years but enforcement is always varied by town, individual inspector and for other reasons. I was not able to find a specific date for New Mexico's first building code adoption. But you can certainly contact the NM authorities to ask directly:
Construction Industries Division
CID - Santa Fe
2550 Cerrillos Road - 3rd Floor
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
(505) 476-4700
CID - Albuquerque
5500 San Antonio Dr. Suite F
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
(505) 222-9800
CID - Las Cruces
505 South Main Street, Suite 103
Loretto Town Center
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
(575) 524-6320
In my OPINION, if we find an unsafe or poor construction practice it usually makes sense to correct it first and worry about grandfathering second.Reader follow up:
I agree we should correct any unsafe condition, but what is safe in this case seems to be a matter of opinion. All of these gas regulators are outdoors and though the utility has a rule about their meters needing to be 3 feet from the regulator, the enforcement is spotty, especially in existing homes.
The only time I see it causing a problem is if the meter is taken out under load causing an arc and the gas from the regulator is somehow contained in the area, but how can it be contained if it is outdoors?
" All portions of a gas utility distribution system up to the outlet of the meter are regulated by 49 CFR Part 192, under the U.S. Department of Transportation. These regulations require a three-foot clearance from indoor meters to sources of ignition, but have no comparable requirement when the meter is located outdoors.There is also misunderstanding about the term 'source of ignition.' Electrical equipment is a source of ignition if it creates an arc or spark during operation. Electric wiring and junction boxes, for instance, are not considered sources of ignition. But most switches, panelboards, relays, and other devices that can create an arc when operated are treated as ignition sources.
"The National Fuel Gas Code Handbook," in its discussion of the above cited gas meter clearance, states that electric meters (except those that incorporate switching relays) are not considered a source of ignition. In summary, the three-foot clearance cited in the National Fuel Gas Code is not directly applicable to the clearance between gas and electric utility meters."
- reply: LP gas danger outdoors
Watch out: LPG unlike natural gas, is heavier than air and in still air conditions will pool and can explode.
Thanks for the discussion. We welcome your criticism, content suggestions, or questions.
Question: Distance from gas meter or regulator to a window
Hi -- I would like to add a front uncovered porch directly adjacent to the gas meter (see photo). If I built a bench and pop out section giving 3' clearance would I have any issues? On 2020-01-06 by Conrad K
Mod reply:
Conrad if you can meet this specification you'll be in compliance:
Distance from gas meter or regulator to a window: 3 feet in any direction horizontally or vertically to the featureReader follow up:
thanks for the response! The original design is to replace the window in the photo with a door and bring access to the middle of the house (of course where the meter is located) instead of far to the left.
Will the distance from the meter to the door be another issue I need to look at? Just to be 100% clear.. the meter has to be 3' away from any door or window?
Reply: gas meter clearances when building a porch over a gas meter
Sure, the clearances are given
Including to doorways.
Local codes may vary from the national or model codes cited here.
Question: Gas meter distance to building openings: Doors, Foundation Vents, Windows
My gas meter is near the main entrance door. My question is how far the door from it should be? On 2019-07-22 by Sachindevji
Our home page for this topic GAS METER CLEARANCE DISTANCES
Gives you working clearances
including from doorways, building corners, etc.Please take a look and if that leaves you with any questions don't hesitate to ask and we'll take it from there.
Question: Gas meter clearance to foundation vent
The gas meter was installed directly in front of a crawl space foundation vent. The vent was there when the gas line and meter was installed. A home inspector now says that the vent has to be covered and sealed. Is he correct? On 2016-09-22 by Jack G.
Mod reply: gas meter in front of a foundation vent
Interesting question, Most likely he's entirely correct, and is using the same AGA sources you see in the article
- take a look at the table there and you'll see crawl space vents are included along with clearance distances.
Reader question: 2 ft. required clearance distance of gas meter to hose hook-up
Originally had concerns of the functionality of the water hose directly above the gas meter. Hose won't be able to connect.
But now will this be a safety issue? Does this mean that the water spigot needs to be two feet away? On 2021-03-31 by LV
Mod reply:
@LV, correct; as you'll see
a spigot or "hose bibb" should be at least two feet away from the gas meter, as measured in any direction.
Reader question: Gas meter distance to A/C or Heat Pump (ignition sources)
What distance should you keep an ac/heat pump away from gas meter in New York State? On 2020-05-16 by Tony
Mod reply:
Take a look at all of the distances at
and also consider that in addition to avoiding a potential ignition source (such as a sparking electrical relay in the condenser/compressor unit), there are working space requirements for both the compressor-condenser unit and for the gas meter.
Reader question: Distance from sump pump to gas meter
My plumber installed a sump pump and ran the 2" line out my rim about 12" away from the gas meter. If this is buried and sealed, will I be in compliance? On 2016-10-27 by Tyler
I think so, Tyler, but the proper authority, the only one in fact who has final word is your local building code or building plumbing inspector. Let me know what she or he says.
The worry is probably mostly one of access space or arcing motor hazards
Are there any codes against a natural gas line crossing an electrical service conduit.
Thank You On 2021-05-12
by Dj
Mod reply: Rules for gas meter or gas piping clearance from electrical wire or conduit
@Dj, thank you for the question about rules concerning gas and electric lines crossing.
A gas line is allowed to cross an electrical conduit.
If those are buried, digging around needs to be done by hand within 2 feet to avoid risk of damage.
In any event it's your local building code compliance inspector who is the final legal authority and word on the question.
Adding a exterior gas line for an outdoor grill. The line will come off the meter and run parallel to the house. I am also tapping into an exterior outlet to run electrical to the outdoor grill kitchen. I read the table where it calls for a 12" vertical clearance between gas and electrical lines.
Electrical will be housed inside conduit. The electrical conduit will intersect the gas line at a perpendicular angle. My question being, is it ok for the electrical conduit to pass by the gas line so that I can then bury the electrical conduit 12" below the gas line that will be more superficial to the surface, or are the lines not allowed to pass each other that way? Thanks! On 2021-04-05
by Chris
Mod reply: gas line is allowed to cross an electrical conduit
Typically a gas line is allowed to cross an electrical conduit. If those are buried the digging around that needs to be done by hand is within 2 feet to avoid risk of damage. In any event it's your local building code compliance inspector who is the final legal authority and word on the question.
A lady just bought abandoned house next door.
I informed her I was building a fence around our property line which begins at the wood fence area. Gas company informed us and her about the clearance issue for meters .
She told us she'd have her meters moved but gas crew said she took them aside and said she'd rather not pay to have them moved.
Is there any way I can make her move this meter so I can continue to build my fence on my property line On 2021-03-06 by Jross
Mod reply:
@Jross, your local building code inspector, plumbing inspector, and the gas company will all want to enforce gas meter clearance requirements;
It is possible that no one will require your neighbour to do a thing about the location of her gas meter hookup point until she or someone new wants to actually have gas service (and thus a meter) installed at the building.Your personal effort to "make her move her gas meter" may not be the best approach. Start with your local building officials.
Watch out: And meanwhile, never build or add to a property something that would violate building codes, particularly where there would be a life-safety hazard.
That gas meter location might meet the 3 ft. minimum clearance distance to the electric meters, but it would certainly be too close to the building window.
Can I get the codes and distances for gas and electric box in a mobile home park. On 2020-05-27 by Steve
Mod reply:
We have collected a number of mobile home codes and standards at
found by searching for "mobile home codes"
But your *local* building code compliance inspector is the final legal authority on clearance distances for gas (what - piping, meters, appliances?) and electrical components (meter, service drop, etc). - so you will want to note the country and city of location of the mobile home park and then contact your local building department too.
Question: Need to run electric line from breaker box to sub panel outside to entry spot in foundation
I need to run electric line from breaker box to sub panel outside to entry spot in foundation there is a gas line already there can I run the enclosed wire next to gas line what would be the min distance from gas line? On 2019-11-19 by ernie
Mod reply:
See the details about gas meter clearances to electrical components in the table titled
Gas Piping Clearance Distancesat GAS PIPING DEFECTS
You'll see that ordinary circuit wiring isn't considered an ignition source but panels are.
Question: Gas meter clearance from electrical box
is there any gas meter vent that can be install within 12 inch to the electrical disconnect box. On 2017-05-03 by Said Mosmer
You need to be 3 feet away from the electrical box
Your local plumbing inspector or gas company might, however, allow you to extend the vent piping to that safe distance from the electrical equipment.
Reader question: Gas meter clearances from deck or porch
I want to build an 8 x 8 composite deck adjacent to my entry porch. The deck will be approximately 3.5 foot high. I will be able to step from my entry porch to it. I have a gas meter on that side of the house.
How much distance do I need from the pipe that leads from the meter read with elbow connection into the house. I live in a manufactured home so the pipe runs under the skirting to the other side of home.
Someone told me I need 3 feet from the side of that pipe and I don't quite make it. It would be accessible to a technician if it were to be repaired or replaced. Thanks. On 2019-04-12 by Mary
Mod reply:
Please take a look at the table titled:
Gas Meter Clearance Distances Below Balconies, Entrance Platforms, Decks & Porches
Reader question: What is the required distance around the meter in the state of VA
I saw the clearances around building structures, decks, etc. but i was wondering the distance around the meter in the state of VA. For example i will have a deck that will not sit high enough to cover the meter, so what is the clearance i need around it because i plan on having the deck built around it
I was told when i called columbia gas VA that as long as they can service it and understand that if there is a leak that the deck will be ripped up to work on it. I am just wondering the distance AROUND it not above or below. Thanks On 2019-06-25 by Chris
Mod reply:
To be sure we're talking about the same meter clearance distances please see the data at
and let me know if you need more help.
Reader question: Gas meter distance from a balcony or deck or porch
I'm building a deck and the gas meter is is against the house where the deck is running. What is the clearance needed to build the deck around it? On 2017-04-10 by Jason
Mod reply:
In the table at GAS METER CODES & CLEARANCE DISTANCES seeGas meter clearance distances below balconies, entrance platforms, decks & porches
Reader question: Distance from access ramp to gas meter
I have an existing church with that would like to put a handicap ramp on the exterior of the building.
I have an area of 7'-6" wide with a natural gas mater that will be aside of the proposed ramp run.
The width of the ramp is 3'-6" and the farthest part of the meter protrudes from the building 28".
The ramp will have a 34" high hand rail (no guard required).
This leaves 1'-8" from the front of the meter to the edge of the ramp/handrail. What would the minimum clearance in front of the meter need to be? On 2017-02-24 by Jasin
Mod reply:
I don't consider the meter a hazard to ramp users provided guardrails protect it from any possible impact and provided you don't have a dope helping you who cuts a gas line while digging for the ramp support posts.
To be proper you should follow the clearances for gas meters given above at
Gas meter clearance distances below balconies, entrance platforms, decks & porches
I am worried that you may not be giving adequate clearance around the meter front for future maintenance or repairs, and more important, for safety there must be easy access to the gas line shutoff that one normally finds at the meter.
How close to the gas meter can i legally install a water heater? Both would be outdoors in a well ventilated area. On 2020-05-25 by Steve Parsons
Mod reply:
Thanks for the question, Steve.
Gas meter clearance distance to domestic or residential water heater:
Using the "distance to sources of ignition" table in the article above I'd figure 3 ft. PLUS any additional working space required by either the meter or the water heater.
Here's an excerpt;
At least 3 feet, per NEC 110-26 & NFPA 54-National Fuel Gas Code for premises-owned gas meters.
Question: Gas meter distance to water heater, pool heater, building heating furnace or boiler
Can you install a water heater next to the gas meter if so what's the legal distance it has to be away from the meter. On 2020-07-18 by Wes
Please see the distances given at the topic home page: GAS METER CLEARANCE DISTANCES
and let me know if that leaves you with any questions.
The house were renting has a gas line in the basement with 120 V cable sitting right on top of it? Is this dangerous? I feel it’s super unsafe and I’m not running my heater until I find out. Can anybody answer my question please On 2020-12-18 by Marie
Mod reply:
The published electrical clearances for gas meters are given in a table above titled
Gas meter clearance distances to electrical panels & meters (outdoors)
Also see
Gas meter clearance to sources of ignition
A separate table titled
Gas Piping Clearance Distancesat GAS PIPING DEFECTS
gives what's published for the piping itself.
Please take a look, Marie.
Reader question: Gas meter distance to cooking stoves, grills, any flame source
We are renewing kitchen units. The gas meter is in a kitchen unit which is directly next to the cooker point. Is this allowed? On 2016-04-19 by darren (see our reply below)
Question: Distance from gas BBQ to gas meter
How far must my natural gas BBQ be from the natural gas meter? On 2020-04-22 by Roy (see our reply below)
Question: gas meter distance to charcoal wood smoker
Can I use my charcoal/wood smoker on the same side of the house where my gas meter is? It would be about 15-20 feet away. On 2016-07-12 by Susan K (see our reply below)
Question: gas meter to furnace
What is the clearance between the gas meter and vent on a high efficiency furnace On 2016-10-04 by Dan (see our reply below)
Question: gas meter distance to a fire pit
How far from a gas meter is safe to have a portable fire pit? Neighbors have a fire pit going and there is a gas meter directly across from it. The fire is in between trailers that are approx. 15 feet apart in a trailer park. On 2017-04-11 by Me (see our reply below)
How far does a fire pit need to be from gas meter. On 2020-09-15 by Marandy (see our reply below)
Question: neighbor is building an open flame fire pit less than 3 feet from gas meter.
My neighbor is building an open flame fire pit less than 3 feet from gas meter. Also there is a line that runs from that gas meter underground to other meters in neighborhood which this fire pit is being built over top of. Is this safe? If not, who do I notify? On 2020-09-19 by Diana (see our reply below)
Moderator reply to all the above readers: distance from gas meter to any flame source or source of ignition
There are clearance distances between a gas meter and flame sources or other hazards, so I'm nervous about what you describe.
Some building officials will "grandfather" an indoor gas meter provided that its regulator vent is piped to the outdoors.GAS METER CODES & CLEARANCE DISTANCES
has all of the common clearance distances you'll find in the model codes; you won't find "fire pit" nor most other very specific flame or ignition source equpment mentioned explcitly in the gas codes but you will find "sources of ignition" - typically 3 ft.
But if it were my property I'd want to be much further away than that. After all, a fire pit not only makes a lot of heat, it can send off sparks. You want to be at least 3 ft. (OPINION) from the greatest distance to which a fire pit spark or coal or ignition source might fly.
In the table giving gas meter clearance distances you will see
"Gas meter clearance distance to open flame barbeque or cooker or to an incinerator or other open flame device" = 3 ft.
Watch out: "portable" means "movable" means that the clearance distance could easily become unsafe. I'd also worry about not just open flame but the possible effects of high heat on a gas meter or on nearby gas piping.
There may also be fire safety concerns about the distance of the portable fire pit to nearby structures such as the trailers themselves. Ask your local building department or fire department for a fire safety inspection.If the flame source or ignition source is on a neighboring property rather than your own, I'd ask the local building or plumbing inspector and/or fire inspector to take a look at the safety of the installation.
Had a generator installed. Instead of them puting the gas line protected by the wall and generator. They stuck it out in the yard where it can be tripped over or run over by a mower who is not paying attn.
This is very dangerous I assume and they just fixed a leak on it today. Please look at this picture and please let me know if this is a code violation. On 2023-03-14 by Gary
Mod reply:
Your local building official is the final legal authority on code questions and I can't say for sure what that person would rule, but in my opinion that regulator needs to be protected from a lawn mower etc by a bollard or similar system.
Question: A new meter on the side of my neighbors house is about 16in. from my driveway - seems unsafe
DTE installed a new meter on the side of my neighbors house which is about 16in. from my driveway this seems unsafe. On 2021-06-22 by jerry
Mod reply:
I agree with you.
In addition to the gas meter clearance distances given in the page above, tell us who and where "DTE" is, (your country and city of location might help), and let's see if we can find DTE's own specifications for gas meter installations and clearance distances from various site features.
In addition, you and your neighbour should reviewGAS METER PROTECTION BOLLARDS
since in the event that the Amazon delivery truck rolls into the gas meter and sets off a gas leak and subsequent natural gas explosion, both homes and occupants could be in serious danger.
Can gas meter stick out from a corner. On 2019-09-22 by Terry
Most likely yes, Terry BUT the meter might need protection bollards if it's in an area where it could be run-into by my mother or a similar driver.
I sold my mothers Mobile Home, gas meter is as you go into her door but below it. Park owner says I need to have it moved away from the front. It's not PG&E meter it's the parks meter. Do I need a permit to move it. Park manager is a very mean person. On 2016-07-03 by Cecelia Lucido
Reader question: gas meter to mobile home
I am the manager of a mobile home park in northern Alberta Canada. my question is how far from the existing natural gas line/meter can a mobile home be placed.
The service line is appox 6 feet out the end of the mobile secured to a fence line. This places the service approx. 2 to 2 1/2 feet from the meter hook up. On 2016-10-12 by Donna
Mod reply:
You don't say where you live, so we cannot even guess at what codes apply to you regarding gas meters and gas piping. In any case usually permit questions are usually a local building code matter.You need to call your local gas company OR your local building department to ask their advice as well as ask a recommendation for who can handle this job as making a mistake could be dangerous.
If the meter belongs to the park, it's not clear to me that a park tenant should or even legally could move their meter.
Gas company wants to move my meter from inside my basement to outside, it would go directly in front of my house which I do not want. Do I have to let them do it? If there are no clear areas to do it can they make me remove items such as a hose bib or a generator plug etc to accommodate the meter? I dont see a problem with leaving it in my basement where its always been. I am in Massachusetts On 2024-01-24 by Mark
Moderator reply:
With all due respect, the fact that you, yourself, don't see a problem with a gas meter and piping installation does not mean that there is in fact no problem.
Your gas company knows that a gas meter that is located indoors and that can vent indoors is unsafe, risking venting explosive gas inside a building that can blow the structure up, killing its occupants.
That's why they want to move the meter.
And yes that company has legal authority to insist that their installation be safe and code-compliant.
You could
1. offer to pay the additional cost - which I suspect would be substantial - to route gas piping around your building to enter from another side so that the meter could be at the side or back of the home
2. ask the company if they would find it acceptable to leave the meter indoors but add piping to route its local vent to the building exterior. This is not as safe as moving the whole meter but might work in some installation circumstances.Reader follow up:
@InspectApedia Publisher,I understand the reasoning for wanting to move it, my issue is really that by the above guidelines there is no place on the front of the house to put the gas meter without violating 1 or more of the rules.
The front of that part of the house which is L shaped is about 13' wide. In the center the irrigation system and backflow come out of the house, there is a generator hook up, an exterior wall mounted outlet and a hose bib.
Installing a meter anywhere would cause a conflict. The left and right of this L shape are paver walk ways that lead to the front and rear doors.
Keeping all the above rules in mind I don't see an area on the entire outside of my house that would accommodate a gas meter taking into account, the electric meter, HVAC intakes and exhaust, AC compressor, doors and windows the house just was not designed with placing a gas meter outside in mind.
I didn't realize extending the vent was an option Ill ask about that.
Do let me know what your gas company says. In an upstate New York home, Central Hudson was okay with that alternative solution that I mentioned.
My natural gas service line currently runs along the wall of my house across my patio. If I close in the patio, do I have to move the line or can I just enclose it in the new room? On 2021-07-10 by Sandi
Your gas company and plumbing inspector usually will want the gas meter and its vent to be outdoors; on occasion an inspector might permit it to remain indoors provided its vent is piped to the building exterior.
Gas piping, provided it's properly installed, routed, protected from damage, and is the proper material, can run inside of buildings.
what are the clearance requirements between a gas pool heater and electric A/C unit? On 2021-06-01
by Stuart Glazer
Mod reply:
@Stuart Glazer,
and specifically the section on "Closest recommended clearance distances for A/C or Heat Pump Compressors". Let us know if you have more questions.
Recently noticed Comcast cable entering mother-in-laws house wrapped around the gas line.
Is that ok ? On 2021-05-19
by John
Mod reply:
It's certainly possible that there could be an unsafe condition such as cables that are pulling on gas piping or cable routed.So it could form an electrical short between actual electrical wiring and the gas line, but in general co-axial cables carrying TV or Internet service are not electrically live and are not particularly hazardous.
It may be that you were describing sloppy work however.
Person disconnects the outlet of a gas service meter from the house piping , what must be done prior to turning on gas service meter ? On 2021-03-17 by Ajay
@Ajay, the piping gets reconnected by someone trained in making gas connections and thus avoiding leaks.
Then the connections are tested for leaks. The gas company may also want to inspect the installation.
Our gas company recently replaced our meter and upon reconnecting found a leak. We replaced all the gas line to our house.
When it came time for city inspection we were told it failed because the gas meter needed to be connected to the electric meter. Has anyone heard of this before? On 2020-06-22 by Justin
Reply: probably refers to proper electrical grounding
I certainly find that a baffling claim myself.It's possible that the inspector was trying to tell you that there is an electrical ground missing for the gas piping or meter. You need to ask him to speak more clearly in a way that a human being can understand.
I am asking about a black iron gas line in a basement is this pipe allowed to touch a furnace single wall exhaust pipe. On 2020-02-05 by Jeff
Mod reply:
Jeff the gas piping distances we know from codes & standards are in the article GAS METER CODES & CLEARANCE DISTANCES in the table titled
Gas meter needing repairs Gas Meter & Piping Clearance Distance Codes & Specifications
Beyond that it's up to your local code inspector.
In my OPINION while I certainly don't like a gas pipe or anything else rubbing against the heating system exhaust flue, it'd be a gas leak or pipe damage that'd be the first concern.
Can a residential gas line pass over a basement egress window next to the wall or must it be buried at some distance around the window well? On 2019-10-20 by Bill Fallesen
Bill, That's not a constraint I've seen, ... so as long as you're not obstructing the egress in any way I'd expect your code officer will be ok with the routing
How often are gas companies required to replace a gas meter in the state of Ohio? On 2019-04-09 by Bob
I have not found any indication that there is a regular, calendar-based requirement for a gas company to replace gas meters. The meter will be replaced if the company finds that it's damaged, obsolete, or unsafe: a condition that may be discovered when the meter reader visits the site or when another official or a plumber or homeowner reports a gas meter concern.
If you have a concern with the safety or condition of your gas meter you should contact your gas company immediately.
The Ohio Public Utilities Commission can be contacted at
(800) 686-PUCO (7826)
(614) 466-3292 (in Columbus area)
7-1-1 (TTY-TDD)
(614) 752-8351
Mailing Address
180 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Directions to the PUCO
Media Contact
Matt Schilling
(614) 466-7750
When putting a garage right next to another building how far away do i have to put the garage. the gas meter is right in between the existing building and the new garage. how far do i have to put the new garage from the gas meter. On 2017-02-18 1 by eric
Mod reply:
The final answer is going to be from your building and zoning departments.But certainly besides giving a 10 foot or more clearance for future work/excavation/repairs, you need to be very sure that excavation or work for constructing the foundation of your garage doesn't cut into, affect, or build too close to or over a buried gas line without first building department approval.
Hitting a gas line while digging for a footing for your garage could literally be a once in a lifetime, final experience.
Are tenants in a multi-family residence required to have unrestricted access to their gas and/or electric meters which are located in a utility room with all the meters for the building? 2017-01-04 by Jerry
Mod reply: The NEC code sections 110.26 and 240.24 discuss access to the electric utility room & gas metering equipment
The NEC code sections 110.26 and 240.24 discuss access to the electric utility room, but do not appear to require unsupervised tenant access
In fact 110.26 describes access by qualified persons to equipment behind a locked door is acceptable.
In the case of this building only the gas meters are in the utility room; electric meters are located on the outside rear of the structure and are accessible to tenants without restriction.
It is my opinion that access to an otherwise code-compliant utility room may be via a locked door accessible on reasonable notice to a designated person--- manager, Management Company, building supervisor or owner-- for access to inspect the gas meters. I have not found a requirement that direct tenant access to the front of that locked door via a dedicated stairway is required.
How far does a radon system coming out of a home need to be from a gas meter in the city of ST Paul MN. On 2016-02-11 by Anonymous
Mod reply:
There is no relationship between gas meters and radon mitigation or testing systems other than giving standard gas meter clearances for access and maintenance.
How close can interior framing be to a gas meter? On 2016-01-31 by John
Reply: clearance from finished walls given in tables mean add 1/2" to allow for drywall when measuring to framing
John, the gas meter clearances in this article series are typically from finished wall surfaces. Add 1-2" to your framing to allow for finished materials.
How close should a gas meter be to rubbish and storage . On 2015-08-26 by Dave
Mod reply: NYC Fuel Gas Code Appendix E on BBQ distance to gas meter
Quoting the NYC Fuel Gas Code Appendix E as an example that has some helpful language:
3. Gas meter rooms, when provided, shall at all times be kept clear of all rubbish; and shall not be used in any way for storage purposes, including material or equipment of any kind.A legible sign reading “Gas meter room—
No storage permitted” shall be permanently and conspicuously posted on the exterior of the meter room door, except that the sign may be posted on the interior of the meter room door in Occupancy Group R-3.
The lettering of such signs shall be of bold type at least 1 inch (25 mm) in height and shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility. The lettering and background shall be of con- trasting colors.
Where gas meters and related equipment are not located in a separate room but are located in an open floor area, no combustible material shall be stored or kept within 5 feet (1524 mm) of such equipment; nor shall the gas meter be within 3 feet (914 mm) of any heating boiler or sources of ignition and, except Occupancy Group R-3, there shall be a physical barrier required if the room is also used for storage purposes or the like.
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