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Table of typical sound levels in decibels dB (C) J Wiley & Sons Best Practices Steven BlissNoise Exposure Standards: OSHA, Religious Buildings, WHO Guidelines

Noise complaints & noise level guidelines for churches, mosques, synagogues

Guidelines & standards for noise levels in religious buildings:

Here we describe noise exposure level standards for the workplace and for churches, synagogues, and mosques.

This article weries discusses how to identify noise or sound complaints that may be health or age-related. This article series discusses noise and sound source diagnosis and control: how to inspect, diagnose & cure noise or sound problems in buildings. Information is provided about auditory (hearing), visual, historic, or other clues of building condition that explain various sounds heard in buildings.

Our page top table of relative sound levels (left) is from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction (Steve Bliss, J Wiley & Sons) , by Steven Bliss, courtesy of Wiley & Sons.

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Noise Exposure Standards

OSHA Table G-16 Permissible Noise Exposures in the workplace - at cited indetail in this article

Below on this page we provide free PDF downloads of noise & sound levels & exposure guidelines from various authorities.

Question: Is there a noise standard for mosques ?

Radwan Almasri said:

Is there a standard noise standard for mosques ? best regards Radwan Almasri

Thank you very much

- this question appeared originally at AIR-BOUND HEATING SYSTEMS



While there may be acceptable noise level standards in some Muslim documents describing requirements for mosques, I have not found them.

There are, however, general noise exposure guidelines developed by various agencies that are helpful standards for noise exposure.

In the United States, The government’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) publishes recommended sound levels for employees in the workplace.


Choosing shorter noise or sound exposure intervals since it's not likely that most worshippers are going to be in a mosque for more than three continuous hours per day, the following sound level exposures are permissible for the lengths of time indicated:

See the complete noise standard at OSHA NOISE EXPOSURE LIMITS STANDARD 1910.95 [PDF] OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210 USA, Tel: 800-321-6742 , Website, retrieved 2018/06/12, original source:

Standards, Codes, Guides for Noise Levels

Some individual churches, synagogues, and mosques have local noise policies. Examples are below along with more-general noise exposure guidelines, codes, and standards.


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NOISE EXPOSURE STANDARDS, CODES, GUIDES at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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