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FAQs on Stopping Roof Turbine Noise Problem

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about diagnosing the source and finding the cure for noises or sounds in or around buildings and their systems

Frequent questions & replies help in diagnosing & curing building noises.

Questions about building noise control, tracking down wierd building sounds, soundproofing, or just diagnosing what the heck is making that sound?

This article series includes catalogs of types of building noises & sounds, common sources for each of these noises, & methods of sound or noise control in buildings during construction or as a building retrofit.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Find & Stop Noise or Sounds in Buildings -#6

Raccoon outdoors on a downspout (C) Daniel FriedmanThese discussions of finding and curing the source of noises at, in, or around buildings were posted originally

at NOISE / SOUND DIAGNOSIS & CURE - topic home. Be sure to see the suggestions found there for diagnosing and stopping aggravating building noises.

On 2020-01-27 by (mod) - Would sewer noise/vibration change with temperature?


I agree and I'm sorry that it can be difficult to find a suitable expert and can do Residential noise source analysis work. The commercial guys not only are going to charge commercial estés, but they may in fact not be familiar with residential construction.

For that reason sometimes I find success by finding the local home inspector who is a bit Advanced.

You can try the page top experts directory and call home inspectors in your area to discuss your concerns and to see if it sounds as if such a person can help you.

On 2020-01-27 by christina

How do I locate one of them, I google and get audio engineers but they all seem to only do commercial building projects or audio tests for sound studios, ugh! I just want to love being home.

On 2020-01-25 by (mod) - Would sewer noise/vibration change with temperature?

I think it's time for an experienced onsite building expert armed with perhaps sound measuring equipment or in simplest form, a mechanic's stethoscope that you or she can use to try to pinpoint the noise source.

On 2020-01-25 by christina w

Sorry yes we have had utility companies shut us down from the source and noise/vibration continues.

Would sewer noise/vibration change with temperature? Sucks my Dad was a sewer repair man I wish he were still around to talk to about that.
Thanks for your help and response

On 2020-01-23 by (mod) -


I agree that guessing at the source of a mechanical noise that continues when you turn off utilities is baffling.

Have you tried turning off power in the home completely?

If the noise continues the I'd look at
- air drafts
- plumbing drains and vents

and if your onsite inspector (try some of the home inspectors in the page top EXPERTS DIRECTORIES) is still unable to find the noise source she may look for noises transmitted into the building from outside; for example I've found noise brought into a building as vibration from a public sewer

On 2020-01-23 by christina w

We bought a house a little over a yr ago, when we bought it it was still relatively warm above 60 most of the time.

Toward the end of our 2nd month temps dropped to below 50 on average and I started to here this mechanical type noise(kind of like a dryer running down stairs, or a small truck running outside so it's not super loud).

The noise was intermittent with the temps at first but once it stayed below 40 it never stopped and if it was below freezing the volume of the noise is louder, although the frequency is low and only 3-4 other ppl have heard it.

We have had all utilities off seperately and all at the same time and the noise continues, I can physically feel it as well. I'm at a loss, last yr it got to the point when i was home it was all i could hear, I'm trying to not let it get the best of me this year but I need help figuring it out. Any suggestions?

On 2020-01-02 by (mod) - metal walkway railings make a bonging sound

Most likely that's thermal expansion movement between adjoining metal parts or between metal parts and they're mounting system. If you need to reduce the noise you might do so by painting with a lighter color.

On 2020-01-02 0 by Drina

metal walkway railings make a bonging sound when the sun gets on them

On 2019-12-28 by (mod) -


may help you track down the noise source

On 2019-12-25 by JamzM

Annoying knock comes and goes

On 2019-12-12 by (mod) - Easy methods to report sound or noise levels in dB (Decibels) and to make recordings of noises:


Easy methods to report sound or noise levels in dB (Decibels) and to make recordings of noises:

You can use your smartphone to make sound recordings, and there are also decibel recording apps for smartphones such as the Sound Analyzer App by Dominique Rodriguez ( that can give a graphic recording of dB levels.

You can also buy an actual dB meter such as this one from Risepro for under $50.

RisePro sound level meter cited & discussed at

On 2019-12-01 by Ron

I live in an apartment unit that is separated by two other units from the elevator. I am on the 12th floor of a 26 floor building. When the elevator moves,

it seems like I hear a rolling (motor or bearing) noise in my unit. I can hear it loudly at frequent travel times, and the noise has the same cadence as when I travel in the elevator. I heard this noise all day, but fortunately less at night. I have tried to record that noise (using my phone and a plugged external microphone), but no luck.

The property manager refuses to believe me about this noise until I can provide him with a recording. Any suggestions on the source, how to record the noise, or get him proof that the noise is happening. Help, please. Thanks, Ron.

On 2019-11-27 farzana mahar said:

Everyone should go for sound testing to avoid unwanted voice.

Moderator note: comment posted by a company who offers sound testing; link deleted.

On 2019-10-28 by (mod) -

That should be fairly easy to track down. That is most likely a rattling noise is caused by some mechanical equipment or device. Simply shutting things off and noting that the sound stops will be diagnostic.

On 2019-10-27 by Suzie

There is a rattling noise under the floor area in the master bedroom on the right that starts and continues for several minutes then shuts off. It’s not the people below me bathroom fan because I went down there to test it out. It’s also not their AC since they don’t use it. It is not my AC either. It goes on throughout the day and night and shuts off every few minutes.

On 2019-10-28 by (mod) - rattling noise under the floor

That should be fairly easy to track down. That is most likely a rattling noise is caused by some mechanical equipment or device. Simply shutting things off and noting that the sound stops will be diagnostic.

On 2019-10-27 by Suzie

There is a rattling noise under the floor area in the master bedroom on the right that starts and continues for several minutes then shuts off. It’s not the people below me bathroom fan because I went down there to test it out. It’s also not their AC since they don’t use it. It is not my AC either. It goes on throughout the day and night and shuts off every few minutes.

On 2019-10-22 by (mod) - low huming noise it seems to be coming through the wall


At HUMMING NOISES we list common sources of hum sounds found in or around buildings

On 2019-10-22 by Mick

Hi I have to listen to a low huming noise it seems to be coming through the wall cavities and up from the ground it drives me crazy can anyone help

On 2019-10-14 by (mod) - conversation from somewhere amplified when I have my fan on

I don't think a fan would amplify voices or sound but I suppose it's possible that voices your sound could travel through air ducts. You need some help from someone to look around to find the source of conversation or noise. Keep in mind that sometimes mechanical noises can sound like speech.

On 2019-10-12 1 by Si

i hear conversation from somewhere amplified when I have my fan in I can almost make out the words sometimes it sounds like it’s coming from outside the fan pulls air directly from a space between it and a sliding glass door but when I look outside there is no one there I’m not crazy others hear it two but tell me sound cant be amplified by a fan vacuums

On 2019-08-28 by (mod) - pipes bang when toilet flushed

I suspect that you're hearing a low-frequency vibration that is a form of water hammer caused by a combination of water velocity in building water pipes and pressure and pipe materials, fastening, security, etc.


and let me know how things progress

On 2019-08-28 1 by r williams

The issue I have with the cistern is that when flushed, there is an immediate noise resembling a "foghorn" which lasts 15/20 seconds. This can be reduced by running cold water immediately. Have another cistern in the property which is NOT affected., neither are any other parts of the system affected.

On 2019-02-24 by (mod) - more steps to reduce noise transmission

Since you have already added insulation it sounds to me as if you need to look for sound transmission and flanking Pathways such as solid wood framing between the interior and exterior wall surfaces. You may also need to look at sound resistant windows.

On 2019-02-24 by Eileen Sonenthal

New neighbor seems to be using a spice grinding machine often, even late in the evening. Their kitchen is right next to our bedroom.

We suspect they might have a restaurant and are preparing the spices they cook with in the very late evening hours. We have three layers of sound absorbing batt, seams staggered, sound absorbing caulk; hung with all the other bells and whistles on de-coupling clips.

Lived here 25 years, no loud or other sounds usually have ever gotten through to our bedroom. This grinder seems to be the exception. They just moved in. English is not their first language. Besides from past experiences other neighbors have had with noisy neighbors, we rather invest in fixing the problem from our side. HELP

On 2019-02-16 by HC

I live in a pre war building. I hear a mechanical hum for about 10 seconds once per minute all day and night in every room. Any ideas? Thanks.

On 2018-11-21 by (mod) - Constant loud mechanical noise


That sounds frustrating and annoying, I agree.

Sounds as if you need to ask some of your neighbors to corroborate the noise complaint.

On 2018-10-16 by JudithOlsen

Constant loud mechanical noise (motor running) above ceiling of bathroom, condo, top floor. HOA refuses to acknowledge there is a problem.

On 2019-01-06 by (mod) - roof turbine vent noise - howling at the ceiling

I am guessing that by whirlybird you refer to a turbine type roof exhaust vent that is spun by wind. If yours is howling enough to dryve you mad or keep you awake it's time for a different (and better) attic ventilation system such as continuous soffit intake vents and ridge exhaust vent. Those are rather silent.

On 2019-01-05 by 007flight

I installed a whirybird in November 2018 and now have this howling wind in my ceiling on the RHS only. It is with the N or NW winds only. It is so loud I cannot sleep in my house.

On 2018-11-05 by (mod) - follow sound transmission pathways


It's worth thinking about the probable sound transmission pathways throughout the home. Just adding insulation may not stop sound transmission through other means such as piping, solid wood between floors, open stairways, etc.

On 2018-11-05 by Dev - high interior noise transmission

My newly renovated 100 year old balloon frame house has foam insulation in all exterior walls, and fiberglass batting in some walls and under the floors (radiant heat)

When people are in the house, you can hear every pin drop, even with doors closed.

Things in the basement sound loud even on the second floor. I thought insulation would keep it at bay! Any remarks?

On 2018-09-24 by (mod) - general approach to tracking down the source of strange noises

Anon in our article series on noise troubleshooting we give suggestions for tracking down strange sounds by noting
things like

- time of day

- weather

- operation of mechanical equipment

- keeping a detailed log

that can be helpful. With apologies, there are many things that can make fog horn mournful sounds in buildings so any speculation would be too wild to be useful. That's why I suggest taking steps to narrow down the sound source and time.

On 2018-09-20 by Anonymous - fog horn noise

I looked at the page. The sound would almost put you in mind of a fog horn. Mournful. I have contacted the building for help.

On 2018-09-20 by (mod) - cycling hum in NYC building

I agree that annoys could be coming from vent turbines or mechanical equipment on a nearby rooftop. You might want to look at the sources of humming and other noises found at this starting page


On 2018-09-20 by Jessica

I live in a NYC apartment building. My windows face the top of the roof next door and a courtyard of perhaps 15 buildings over about a city block.

Suddenly I began hearing a cycling hum that once started has not ended. It occurs 24/7. There are wind turbines on the nearby roof.

Could one of them be making that noise? It sounds almost like a whine. It’s higher pitched rather than lower. If not a turbine, do you have any insight into what could have suddenly started to make that kind of noise?

On 2018-08-20 by (mod) - flexing sheet metal sound of hitting a metal pipe

I suspect you're heating noise generated by flexing sheet metal or at the connections of metal to framing as temperatures change. You might look first at the first panels to get sunlight.

On 2018-08-20 y Lydia

Hi. We built a metal building that we have converted to a home. It’s large, has a heat pump, sprayed insulation. I have read through your site about noises and haven’t seen this one. In the morning until about 1 or 2,

I occasionally hear a loud noise that sounds like someone is hitting a metal pipe. It happens every day. I’m not sure about in cool weather, because we have only lived here a couple months. It has been warm since moving in. The entire outside of this structure is metal. Appreciate any ideas!

On 2018-04-22 by (mod) - wind noises around buildings


Sources of wind noise around buildings are described at WIND NOISES at BUILDINGS

On 2018-04-19 2 by Howard Maxwell

When it's windy and that's almost every day the house makes horrible wind noise other homes in the area dont have the have that problem.

When it gets windy but noise becomes horrible and you think it must be a gigantic wind storm and you walk outside and it's not.

What can we do?

On 2017-07-01 by (mod) - vibration issues


As there is a specific time that the problem vibration starts, a survey of the building and all of its mechanical systems is where I'd start: ask what is running at that time of night.

On 2017-07-01 by Jenny

I' m having vibration problems.The noise starts approx 11pmgoes all nite...Its like a motor which auto goes on & off..Fairly strong vibrations.Its seems to beJennifer coming from one outer wall in my bedrm..? I'm concerned re health issues.



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